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Socio-Economic Planning Sciences

ISSN: 0038-0121eISSN: 1873-6041
During the last several years, there has been substantial and important growth in the application of quantitative analysis, i.e., operations research/management science, statistics, and related arenas, to interdisciplinary problems arising in the area of socio-economic planning and development.

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences is an international journal devoted exclusively to research in this important, but under-represented area. It provides a medium for research that might not appear in more specialized journals, either because of the interdisciplinary or applied character of the study, or the mathematical/quantitative nature of the research. The journal thus serves as a focus for investigations that have hitherto appeared in widely-scattered sources and/or less-than-appropriate sources.

Socio-Economic Planning Sciences strongly encourages contributions dealing with applications of quantitative models and techniques to important decision problems in the service and public sectors. Of particular interest are accounts of such studies carried out in developing countries and economically emerging regions of the world. Review articles in important methodological and substantive areas are also of interest.

The principal criterion used in evaluating a manuscript submitted to the journal is: uniqueness or innovation of the work in terms of the methodology being developed, and/or its application to a problem of particular importance in the public or service sector and/or the setting within which the effort is being made, e.g. an emerging region of the world. That is to say, of the model/methodology itself, the application, and the problem context, at least one of these must be unique and important.

Additional criteria considered in reviewing a submitted paper are its accuracy, the organization/presentation (i.e. logical flow), and writing quality.

Representative of the topic areas included in the journal are the following:

Studies directed toward the more effective utilization of existing resources, e.g. mathematical programming models of health care delivery systems with relevance to more effective program design; systems analysis of fire outbreaks and its relevance to the location of fire stations; statistical analysis of the efficiency of a developing country economy or industry.

Studies relating to the interaction of various segments of society and technology, e.g. the effects of government health policies on the utilization and design of hospital facilities; the relationship between housing density and the demands on public transportation or other service facilities: patterns and implications of urban development and air or water pollution.

Studies devoted to the anticipations of and response to future needs for social, health and other human services, e.g. the relationship between industrial growth and the development of educational resources in affected areas; investigation of future demands for material and child health resources in a developing country; design of effective recycling in an urban setting.

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South African Journal of Economics

ISSN: 0038-2280eISSN: 1813-6982

The South African Journal of Economics (SAJE) has a long and distinguished history, ranking amongst the oldest generalist journals in economics.

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South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance

ISSN: 2277-9787eISSN: 2321-0273
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Southern Economic Journal

ISSN: 0038-4038eISSN: 2325-8012

The SEJ is a publication of the Southern Economic Assocation. The SEJ began its publication in 1933 and it is the 8th oldest American academic journal in the economic profession. It is indexed in the Internet Index of Periodicals & Public Affairs Information Services, Journal of Economic Literature, and SSI. Impact Factor in 2011: 0.633.

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Sovremennaya Evropa

ISSN: 0201-7083

Space Policy

ISSN: 0265-9646eISSN: 1879-338X

Space Policy is an international, interdisciplinary journal which draws on the fields of international relations, economics, history, aerospace studies, security studies, development studies, political science and ethics to provide discussion and analysis of space activities in their political, economic, industrial, legal, cultural and social contexts.Alongside full-length papers, which are subject to a double-blind peer review system, the journal publishes opinion pieces, case studies and short reports and, in so doing, it aims to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions and a means by which authors can alert policy makers and international organizations to their views. Space Policy is also a journal of record, reproducing, in whole or part, official documents such as treaties, space agency plans or government reports relevant to the space community. Views expressed in the journal are not necessarily those of the editors or members of the editorial board.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Espaola de Financiacion y Contabilidad

ISSN: 0210-2412eISSN: 2332-0753

2014 Impact Factor: 0.220 
2014 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.297
© 2015 Thomson Reuters, 2015 Journal Citation Reports®
The Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting ( SJFA) is a quarterly academic journal founded in 1972. It aims to publish high quality research papers in accounting and finance. The scope of SJFA covers theoretical and empirical analysis relating to financial markets and institutions, corporate finance, market microstructure, corporate governance, internal and management accounting and a wide spectrum of financial performance and financial reporting, including auditing and public accounting.

The Journal welcomes both theoretical and empirical contributions, and in particular, theoretical papers that yield novel testable implications and empirical papers that are theoretically well motivated. The journal is not a suitable outlet for highly abstract mathematical papers or empirical papers with inadequate theoretical motivation. All manuscripts that meet these editorial guidelines are blind reviewed by external reviewers.

SJFA sponsors a periodic conference in which selected papers under review are presented and discussed by additional reviewers in order to increase the quality of the papers published in the journal. If accepted for publication, these selected articles are published in the Journal with a special distinction.

The Journal welcomes replies and discussions to both published and forthcoming articles. These contributions, if accepted by the editors, may eventually be published jointly with a reply or comment by the authors of the original paper.

La Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad ( REFC) es una publicación trimestral fundada en 1972 con el objetivo de apoyar el desarrollo científico de dichas materias, a través de la publicación en sus páginas de trabajos e investigaciones de calidad. La REFC considera para su divulgación análisis teóricos o empíricos relacionados con mercados financieros e instituciones, microestructura de mercado, gobierno corporativo, contabilidad interna y de gestión y un amplio espectro de temas relacionados con las finanzas y la información financiera, incluyendo la auditoría y la contabilidad pública

La revista admite originales con contribuciones tanto teóricas como empíricas, preferentemente investigaciones teóricas que aborden temas novedosos con implicaciones contrastables así como trabajos empíricos bien motivados desde un punto de vista teórico. La REFC no admite trabajos con matemática abstracta ni originales sin una motivación teórica adecuada. Todos los manuscritos que se adapten a la línea editorial son revisados anónimamente por revisores externos.

La REFC organiza periódicamente una jornada de investigación para la que el consejo editorial selecciona una serie de artículos que están en proceso de revisión y que son presentados públicamente por los autores y discutidos por contraponentes con el fin de incrementar la calidad de los trabajos publicados en la revista. Estos trabajos se publican con una mención especial en caso de ser finalmente aceptados.

La revista da la bienvenida a cualquier contribución relacionada con réplicas o contraponencias sobre artículos publicados o aceptados que podrán publicarse, bajo la consideración de los editores, incluyendo una contestación de los autores del artículo objeto de comentario.

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Statistical Journal of the IAOS

ISSN: 1874-7655
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Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

ISSN: 1932-4391eISSN: 1932-443X

The Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal is a research journal that publishes original work recommended by a developmental, double-blind review process conducted by peer scholars. Strategic entrepreneurship involves innovation and subsequent changes which add value to society and which change societal life in ways which have significant, sustainable, and durable consequences. The SEJ is international in scope and acknowledges theory- and evidence-based research conducted and/or applied in all regions of the world. It is devoted to content and quality standards based on scientific method, relevant theory, tested or testable propositions, and appropriate data and evidence, all replicable by others, and all representing original contributions. The SEJ values contributions which lead to improved practice of managing organizations as they deal with the entrepreneurial process involving imagination, insight, invention, and innovation and the inevitable changes and transformations that result and benefit society.

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Structural Change and Economic Dynamics

ISSN: 0954-349XeISSN: 1873-6017

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics publishes articles about theoretical, applied and methodological aspects of structural change in economic systems. The journal publishes work analysing dynamics and structural breaks in economic, technological, behavioural and institutional patterns. Articles might examine the effects of the incorporation of new technologies, aspects of international economic integration and development, the changing structure of employment and income distribution, the interdependence between environmental and economic change, and related issues. An important aim is to facilitate communication among researchers who are actively engaged in the study of the various aspects of structural change and the dynamics of economic systems. SCED encourages articles that apply econometric and statistical techniques to the above themes. The journal also publishes pure theoretical research on the structural dynamics of economic systems, particularly in the fields of multisectoral, complex and dynamical analysis.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Studies in Economics and Econometrics

ISSN: 0379-6205eISSN: 2693-5198
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Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics

ISSN: 1081-1826eISSN: 1558-3708
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Studies in Political Economy

ISSN: 0707-8552eISSN: 1918-7033

Studies in Political Economy is an interdisciplinary journal committed to the publication of original work in the various traditions of socialist political economy. Researchers and analysts within these traditions seek to understand how political, economic and cultural processes and struggles interact to shape and reshape the conditions of people's lives.

Established in 1979, SPE has, as a Political Economy Journal, become a major forum for people who identify with the struggles to overcome exploitation, exclusion and oppression in Canada and abroad. SPE is especially interested in work by, for and about Canadians, but it aims to be an international Political Economy journal. It welcomes contributions in every field of political economy and within all the traditions of socialist scholarship, including those which question established paradigms. Those who pursue progressive work within different frameworks will find SPE a venue for communicating with a wide and diversified audience. In addition to articles, Studies in Political Economy publishes interviews, short essays on contemporary political issues, review essays and comments on articles it has published.

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Studies on Russian Economic Development

ISSN: 1075-7007eISSN: 1531-8664

Studies on Russian Economic Development (Problemy prognozirovaniya) is a scientific journal published by the Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal publishes research works by leading Russian specialists dedicated to topical problems in Russia’s socioeconomic growth. The main feature of the journal is its large collection of papers examining short-term, mid-term, and longterm forecasts of not only the Russian economy as a whole, but also individual sectors of it. A significant portion is occupied by papers presenting the results of empirical applied scientific research into specific economic problems of enterprises, branches, and regions. The journal contains a model tool set that assists in obtaining numerical estimates in economic forecasts, as well as a large amount of factual and numerical information on the dynamic of socioeconomic processes in Russia.The journal represents a valuable resource for professional researchers and analysts: for specialists making decisions in working out socioeconomic policy: and for teachers and students at the university and graduate-school level.

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Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science

ISSN: 1876-7354eISSN: 1876-7362

Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science is published twice a year in journal format, following on from the renowned Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science series.The journal provides state-of-the-art surveys in operations research and management science. These surveys enable educators, researchers and students to obtain an overview of subjects of current interest as well as important recent developments in established areas.What makes a good survey?The following is a list of characteristics we feel that an ideal SORMSsubmission should satisfy.1. Choice of topic:A survey topic can be both on theory and applications of OR/MS and can be of several types. For example, a survey can focus on• Results that are considered standards by experts in the community but which not have been documented in textbooks. • Standard results which have been, in some way, streamlined; for example new proof techniques leading to more elegant derivations of known results. • New developments in methodology or new application areas (hot topics).Accepted SORMS submissions should be of significant interest to the OR/MS community. The associated literature should be of sufficient significance and, from an OR perspective, originality to warrant a survey in our journal. In particular, a topic should be sufficiently broad. Surveys focusing on the work of a single author or single group of authors may be possible, but will be considered with extra care.2. Choice of audience and writing: The readership of SORMS will be broad, ranging from graduate students to senior researchers, and from OR/MS professionals to applied mathematicians. An ideal SORMS survey should be appealing to a wide enough subset of this audience.A survey paper is not written in the same way as a research paper. Technical details that are not crucial should be addressed on a sufficiently high level, readers interested in these can be referred to particular papers. Examples of good survey papers can be found in the Handbook series. Other relevant guidelines are:• A good survey does not only focus on the work of the author but provides an appropriate broader context. • It takes more effort to write a short survey than a long survey. • A good survey should have intrinsic added value, in the sense that the sum should be stronger than its parts. For example, it may provide new structure, point out connections not noticed before, or a new context for old results. • It helps if a survey is written by an expert that masters the subject enough to provide newcomers a well guided tour through a new area.

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Tax Policy and the Economy

ISSN: 0892-8649eISSN: 1537-2650
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The American Journal of Economics and Sociology

ISSN: 0002-9246eISSN: 1536-7150

The American Journal of Economics and Sociology (AJES) was founded in 1941, with support from the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, to provide a forum for continuing discussion of issues raised and emphasized by the American political economist, social philosopher, and activist, Henry George (1839-1897). The peer-reviewed AJES welcomes any submission that critically investigates the social provisioning process utilizing different theoretical and methodological approaches; that engages in critical analysis and empirical studies of current social-economic micro and macro policies affecting the social provisioning process; and that evaluates past and current intellectual arguments and disciplinary developments primarily in economics and sociology (but also in the related disciplines of anthropology, political science, and law) which had or currently have an impact on understanding and investigating the social provisioning process. Articles that offer an interdisciplinary perspective are encouraged. For policy-oriented articles, it is appropriate and encouraged to discuss the public policy implications (if any) of the findings.The AJES also has a 'Comment and Analysis' feature that allows scholars to 'sound off' about events so long as the ideas are presented in a logical and coherent framework, references are provided, and the whole project amounts to an interesting essay in persuasion presented in a mature professional way.Each year AJES issues a special supplementary issue to all subscribers containing an important and interesting monograph in an ongoing series entitled Studies in Social Reform and Economic Justice. In addition, each year there may be one issue is entirely devoted to an important thematic topic and scholars are invited to contribute from all around the world.

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The Australian Economic Review

ISSN: 0004-9018eISSN: 1467-8462

The Australian Economic Review is an applied economics journal with a strong policy orientation. Produced by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne, it is the leading journal of its kind in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. The Australian Economic Review publishes high-quality articles applying economic analysis to a wide range of macroeconomic and microeconomic topics relevant to both economic and social policy issues. While it is of special interest to Australian academics, students, policy makers and others interested in the Australian economy, the journal also considers matters of international interest.

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The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy

eISSN: 1935-1682
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The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics

eISSN: 1935-1690
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