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Geothermal Energy

eISSN: 2195-9706

environmental science, engineering, renewable and green energy, paleoenvironmental sciences

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ISSN: 0375-6505eISSN: 1879-3576

Geothermics is an international journal devoted to the research and development of geothermal energy. The International Board of Editors of Geothermics, which comprises specialists in the various aspects of geothermal resources, exploration and development, guarantees the balanced, comprehensive view of scientific and technological developments in this promising energy field.It promulgates the state of the art and science of geothermal energy, its exploration and exploitation through a regular exchange of information from all parts of the world. The journal publishes articles dealing with the theory, exploration techniques and all aspects of the utilization of geothermal resources. Geothermics serves as the scientific house, or exchange medium, through which the growing community of geothermal specialists can provide and receive information.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Global Environmental Politics

ISSN: 1526-3800eISSN: 1536-0091

Global Environmental Politics examines the relationship between global political forces and environmental change, with particular attention given to the implications of local-global interactions for environmental management as well as the implications of environmental change for world politics. Contributions to the journal come from across the disciplines including political science, international relations, sociology, history, human geography, public policy, science and technology studies, environmental ethics, law, economics, and environmental science.

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ISSN: 1869-876XeISSN: 1869-8778
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Green Chemistry

eISSN: 1463-9270

Green Chemistry provides a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Based on the, but not limited to, the twelve principles of green chemistry defined by Anastas and Warner (Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, P T Anastas and J C Warner, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998). Green chemistry is, by definition, a continuously-evolving frontier. Therefore, the inclusion of a particular material or technology does not, of itself, guarantee that a paper is suitable for the journal. To be suitable, the novel advance should have the potential for reduced environmental impact relative to the state of the art. Green Chemistry does not normally deal with research associated with 'end-of-pipe' or remediation issues.

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Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University

ISSN: 1006-7043

Hart's E and P

ISSN: 1527-4063

He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques

ISSN: 0253-3219
Publisher: Science Press

Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Engineering

ISSN: 0258-0926

Hejubian Yu Dengliziti Wuli/Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics

ISSN: 0254-6086

High Power Laser Science and Engineering

ISSN: 2095-4719eISSN: 2052-3289
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High Temperature Material Processes: An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes

ISSN: 1093-3611eISSN: 1940-4360

This important new journal is an international publication devoted to original papers on fundamental and applied research and new developments in materials processing at high temperatures. Processes of interest include surface treatments, coatings production, welding, cutting, melting, re-melting and purification of metals, extractive metallurgy, process and secondary metallurgy, powder densification, ultra-fine powder production, high temperature synthesis and waste destruction. There is a broad range of coverage of experimental, analytical and numerical studies. High Temperature Material Processes will serve the needs of those who develop high temperature processes to produce bulk materials, surface treatments or coatings with given specifications, and will also promote connections between laboratories and industry.

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Huozhayao Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Explosives and Propellants

ISSN: 1007-7812

Hydrocarbon Processing

ISSN: 0887-0284

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine

ISSN: 1077-2618eISSN: 1558-0598

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine publishes articles concerning technical subjects and professional activities that are within the Scope of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) and are of interest to society members. The information includes but is not limited to articles, product reviews, book reviews, new standards, education information, announcements of conferences, workshops, new publications, committee meetings, and reports of lAS activities. The Magazine communicates Executive Board actions to IAS members as required by the IAS Constitution and By-Laws.


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IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

ISSN: 2168-6777eISSN: 2168-6785

The aim of the journal is to enable the power electronics community to address the emerging and selected topics in power electronics in an agile fashion. It is a forum where multidisciplinary and discriminating technologies and applications are discussed by and for both practitioners and researchers on timely topics in power electronics from components to systems.

The scope of the journal encompasses selected topics and emerging technologies in power electronics, including components, systems, and processes used in solid-state energy conversion and applications in energy conservation and efficiency

-Solid-state energy conversion includes electronic power conversion systems for mobile, wireless, and other applications; and power conversion systems associated with energy conversion, storage, and interface between electric and non-electric energy conversion, including power converters and drives

-Applications in energy conservation and efficiency include industrial transformation of energy, manufacturing operations, local grid connections, use and management, local generation and co-generation

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IEEE Power Electronics Magazine

ISSN: 2329-9207eISSN: 2329-9215

IEEE Power Electronics magazine publishes peer-reviewed articles related to power electronics and its applications which encompass the effective use of electronic components, application of control theory and circuit design techniques, and the development of analytical tools used in efficient and effective energy conversion, control, utilization, and conditioning of electric power.

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine is limited to the field of interest of the IEEE Power Electronics Society. Topics also include publication of new trend technologies that are being pursued by industry, design practices and case studies, significant amount of state of the art surveys tutorials, and non-technical contributions: news about society activities, interviews, and historical articles.

Membership in IEEE's technical societies provides access to top-quality publications such as this one either as a member benefit or via discounted subscriptions. The electronic version of this publication is available for purchase by both members and customers.

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IEEE Power and Energy Magazine

ISSN: 1540-7977eISSN: 1558-4216

IEEE Power & Energy Magazine is dedicated to disseminating information on all matters of interest to electric power engineers and other professionals involved in the electric power industry with a focus on advanced concepts, technologies, and practices associated with all aspects of electric power from a technical perspective in synergy with nontechnical areas such as business, environmental, and social concerns. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine keeps its readers up-to-date on the latest technological advancements, industry news, business trends and strategies, products, and publications. Important newsworthy items concerning the worldwide activities and achievements of IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), its organizational units, and its individual members are also included.

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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

ISSN: 0885-8969eISSN: 1558-0059

The IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion publishes both research and application-oriented articles dealing with the development, design, operation, modeling, analysis, diagnostics and control of electrical equipment used to convert any kind of energy (such as mechanical, chemical and solar) into electrical energy and vice versa. Any electric power generating apparatus based on fossil, renewable, nuclear or unconventional sources and used for either centralized or distributed generation systems is of interest for the journal. The scope also includes any kind of equipment used to convert electric into mechanical power, such as electric drives, machinery and actuators. Electrical energy storage and electrical energy production from storage are covered. Power electronics and control should not be the primary research contribution of the papers. They are of interest only when they are part of the energy conversion process being described, such as power electronics converters treated as a part of electric drives, or grid interfaces for electric power generation or electric energy storage devices.

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IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

ISSN: 0018-9499eISSN: 1558-1578

The IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science is a publication of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.  It is viewed as the primary source of technical information in many of the areas it covers.  As judged by JCR impact factor, TNS consistently ranks in the top 12 journals in the category of Nuclear Science & Technology.  It has one of the higher immediacy indices, indicating that the information it publishes is viewed as timely, and has a relatively long citation half-life, indicating that the published information also is viewed as valuable for a number of years.

The IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science is published monthly. Its scope includes all aspects of the theory and application of nuclear science and engineering. It includes instrumentation for the detection and measurement of ionizing radiation; particle accelerators and their controls; radiation imaging not related to medical applications; effects of radiation on materials, components, and systems; reactor instrumentation and controls; and measurement of radiation in space.

Further information about this journal, information for authors, and manuscript submission procedures can be found at

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