Energy related problems are part of the major challenges for humanity in this century worldwide. In most countries energy is the first national priority. Energy Systems aims for mathematical programming, control, and economic approaches towards energy systems related topics. The topics covered include power systems optimization, unit commitment, power generation, power trading, electricity risk management, competition in electricity markets, bidding strategies as well as market power issues. Mathematical theory and algorithms for stochastic optimization methods applied to energy problems are also included as well as modeling issues such as process optimization, synthesis, design and operation. The papers published in the journal deal with theoretical, computational, and applied aspects of 'energy systems' as well as state of the art review papers.
Topics covered include:
Energy & Fuels, founded in 1987, aspires to publish the most exciting fundamental and applied research in the fields of energy and fuels. The journal focuses on the science and application domains of energy and fuels, particularly those in the disciplines of chemical engineering and applied chemistry. It intends to serve the vital and growing community of scientists, engineers, and policy experts involved in energy-related fields by publishing fully vetted, reliable, and high-quality research results.
The scope of Energy & Fuels covers:
The submissions on catalysis (including bio-, photo- and electro-catalysis) must focus on new insights for energy conversion and not solely on catalyst characterization. Manuscripts on analytical and instrumental techniques used in investigations of the foregoing areas are also welcome. The analysis of the physical and chemical properties of raw fuels and refined products by novel methods is within the scope. Submitted manuscripts are expected to contain new fundamental knowledge and/or present advances in technologies. Manuscripts on process development, integration and modelling are welcome if they include sound physical-chemical fundamentals. Submissions dealing with nuclear, wind and hydraulic power, power grids, or solely with process economics will not be considered.
This journal is specifically dedicated to the dissemination of the latest developments of new engineering analysis techniques using boundary elements and other mesh reduction methods.Boundary element (BEM) and mesh reduction methods (MRM) are very active areas of research with the techniques being applied to solve increasingly complex problems. The journal stresses the importance of these applications as well as their computational aspects, reliability and robustness.The main criteria for publication will be the originality of the work being reported, its potential usefulness and applications of the methods to new fields.In addition to regular issues, the journal publishes a series of special issues dealing with specific areas of current research.The journal has, for many years, provided a channel of communication between academics and industrial researchers working in mesh reduction methodsFields Covered:• Boundary Element Methods (BEM)• Mesh Reduction Methods (MRM)• Meshless Methods• Integral Equations• Applications of BEM/MRM in Engineering• Numerical Methods related to BEM/MRM• Computational Techniques• Combination of Different Methods• Advanced FormulationsRelated Conferences:Conferences with links to websites, are listed under Related websites.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are now being used by the practicing engineer to solve a whole range of hitherto intractable problems. This journal provides an international forum for rapid publication of work describing the practical application of AI methods in all branches of engineering.Focal points of the journal include, but are not limited to innovative applications of:• Real-time intelligent automation, and their associated supporting methodologies and techniques, including control theory and industrial informatics,• Architectures, algorithms and techniques for distributed AI systems, including multi-agent based control and holonic control,• Decision-support systems,• Aspects of reasoning: abductive, case-based, model-based, non-monotonic, incomplete, progressive and approximate reasoning,• Applications of chaos theory and fractals,• Metaheuristics and their applications in intelligent automation: Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, etc.,• Knowledge processing, knowledge elicitation and acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge compaction, knowledge bases, expert systems,• Neural networks, fuzzy systems, neuro-fuzzy systems,• Perception, e.g. image processing, pattern recognition, vision systems, tactile systems, speech recognition and synthesis,• Aspects of software engineering, e.g. intelligent programming environments, verification and validation of AI-based software, software and hardware architectures for the real-time use of AI techniques, safety and reliability,• Intelligent fault detection, fault analysis, diagnostics and monitoring,• Self-organizing, emerging or bio-inspired system,• Industrial experiences in the application of the above techniques, e.g. case studies or benchmarking exercises.Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence publishes:• Survey papers/tutorials.• Contributed papers — detailed expositions of new research or applications.• Case studies or software reviews — evaluative and descriptive reviews of existing available AI software systems, discussing the experience gained and lessons learnt from using or developing AI systems for engineering applications.• IFAC EAAI Forum — problems arising from engineering practice, needing to be solved by somebody; solutions to problems discussed in this forum or elsewhere; critiques of a position or claim found in the literature.For more details on the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), visit their home page at
The aim of the Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics is a continuous and timely dissemination of innovative, practical and industrial applications of computational techniques to solve the whole range of hitherto intractable fluid mechanics problems. The journal is a truly interdisciplinary forum, and publishes original contributions on the latest advances in numerical methods in fluid mechanics and their applications to various engineering fields including aeronautic, civil, environmental, hydraulic and mechanical. The journal has a distinctive and balanced international contribution, with emphasis on papers addressing practical problem-solving by means of robust numerical techniques to generate precise flow prediction and optimum design, and those fostering the thorough understanding of the physics of fluid motion.
Engineering Computations provides a platform for research and discussion across the range of disciplines involved in computer-aided engineering and software.
Engineering Failure Analysis publishes research papers describing the analysis of engineering failures and related studies.Papers relating to the structure, properties and behaviour of engineering materials are encouraged, particularly those which also involve the detailed application of materials parameters to problems in engineering structures, components and design. In addition to the area of materials engineering, the interacting fields of mechanical, manufacturing, aeronautical, civil, chemical, corrosion and design engineering are considered relevant. Activity should be directed at analysing engineering failures and carrying out research to help reduce the incidences of failures and to extend the operating horizons of engineering materials.
EFM covers a broad range of topics in fracture mechanics to be of interest and use to both researchers and practitioners. Contributions are welcome which address the fracture behavior of conventional engineering material systems as well as newly emerging material systems. Contributions on developments in the areas of mechanics and materials science strongly related to fracture mechanics are also welcome. Papers on fatigue are welcome if they treat the fatigue process using the methods of fracture mechanics.The Editors especially solicit contributions which synthesize experimental and theoretical-computational studies yielding results with direct engineering significance.
Engineering Geology is an international interdisciplinary journal bridging the fields of engineering geology, geomorphology, structural geology, geophysics, geotechnics, geochemistry, and geology. Geological studies must show relevance to engineering, environmental concerns, and safety.Topics of interest include hot-waste storage, groundwater rehabilitation, landscape planning, natural hazards (seismicity, hydrology, geomorphology, subsidence, slope stability), pollution and contamination, and remote sensing techniques including LiDAR.Paper types considered shall be original research articles, case histories, and comprehensive reviews. Case studies, in particular, should emphasize why the paper is of interest to the international readership of this journal, and/or what new or novel research or analytical methods are being presented.The journal is intended for academic scientists, industry and applied researchers, and policy and decision makers.
EMJ is designed to provide practical, pertinent knowledge on the management of technology, technical professionals, and technical organizations. EMJ strives to provide value to the practice of engineering management and engineering managers. EMJ is an archival journal that facilitates both practitioners and university faculty in publishing useful articles. The primary focus is on articles that improve the practice of engineering management. To support the practice of engineering management, EMJ publishes papers within key engineering management content areas. EMJ Editors will continue to refine these areas to ensure they are aligned with the challenges faced by technical organizations and technical managers. Content areas are described below.
This journal continues to serve the large technical community concerned with quantitative and computational methods of optimization, and their application to engineering planning, design, manufacture and operational processes. The policy of the journal treats optimization as any formalized process for improvement. Algorithms for numerical optimization are therefore mainstream for the journal, but equally welcome are papers which use many of the methods of operations research, decision support, statistical decision theory, systems theory, logical inference, knowledge-based systems, artificial intelligence, information theory and processing, and all methods which can be used in the quantitative modelling of the decision-making process. The engineering dimension is vital. Engineering Optimization aims to serve all disciplines within the engineering community. Relevance to problems of engineering, planning, design, construction and operation is a key element in all published papers. Papers on both research aspects and practical industrial implementations are welcomed. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.
"Forschung im Ingenieurwesen" - "Engineering Research" erscheint im Einvernehmen mit dem Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Die Zeitschrift wendet sich an Leser, die einen Überblick über aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten auf grundlegenden Gebieten der Ingenieurwissenschaften suchen. Die Zeitschrift fördert damit den Austausch zwischen den Arbeitsgebieten Forschung und Entwicklung. "Forschung im Ingenieurwesen" - "Engineering Research" is published in agreement with Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. This journal is aimed at those who require an overview of current research in fundamental areas of engineering science. It, thereby, hopes to encourage an exchange of ideas between the areas of research and development.