This journal presents original research concerning the theory and applications of ordered sets. It covers all theoretical aspects of the subject, with emphasis on research in algebra and lattice theory, combinatorics and set systems, directed and undirected graphs, computational and discrete geometry, theoretical computer science, and the theory of sets and relational structures. In addition, Order presents applications of order-theoretic methods in these mathematical areas and in more algorithmically oriented research in computing and operations research. It offers coverage that is broadly representative of the best research on ordered structures and their applications. Given the wide scope of the journal, prospective authors are asked to identify a member [or members] of the editorial board whose research interests are closest to the contents of the submission. This helps to ensure both that submissions fit the journal's scope and that the review process begins efficiently.
The remarkable discoveries made by Srinivasa Ramanujan have made a great impact on several branches of mathematics, revealing deep and fundamental connections. This journal publishes papers of the highest quality in all areas of mathematics influenced by Ramanujan, including: Hyper-geometric and basic hyper-geometric series (q-series) * Partitions, compositions and combinatory analysis * Circle method and asymptotic formulae * Mock theta functions * Elliptic and theta functions * Modular forms and automorphic functions * Special functions and definite integrals * Continued fractions * Diophantine analysis including irrationality and transcendence * Number theory * Fourier analysis with applications to number theory * Connections between Lie algebras and q-series.
Published in English, the journal RACSAM presents research articles and short papers covering Algebra; Applied Mathematics; Computational Sciences; Geometry and Topology; Mathematical Analysis; Statistics and Operations Research. Each issue also includes short papers of no more than 6 pages, announcing results and containing sketches of the proofs. Also featured are surveys in every mathematical field.
This journal serves as a platform for the speedy and efficient transmission of information on current research in semigroup theory. Coverage in the journal includes: algebraic semigroups, topological semigroups, partially ordered semigroups, semigroups of measures and harmonic analysis on semigroups, transformation semigroups, semigroups of operators, and applications of semigroup theory to other disciplines such as ring theory, category theory, automata, and logic. Semigroup Forum features survey and research articles. It also contains research announcements, which describe new results, mostly without proofs, of full length papers appearing elsewhere as well as short notes, which detail such information as new proofs, significant generalizations of known facts, comments on unsolved problems, and historical remarks. In addition, the journal contains research problems; announcements of conferences, seminars, and symposia on semigroup theory; abstracts and bibliographical items; as well as listings of books, pa
he AMS, founded in 1888 to further the interests of mathematical research and scholarship, serves the national and international community through its publications, meetings, advocacy and other programs, which * promote mathematical research, its communication and uses, * encourage and promote the transmission of mathematical understanding and skills, * support mathematical education at all levels, * advance the status of the profession of mathematics, encouraging and facilitating full participation of all individuals, * foster an awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life.
The Journal of Mathematical Sociology is published in association with the International Network for Social Network Analysis, the Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, the Mathematical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association, the Methodology Section of the American Sociological Association, and with the generous support of the UCLA Division of Social Sciences . The Journal of Mathematical Sociology publishes articles in all areas of mathematical sociology. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology also welcomes papers of mutual interest to social scientists and other social and behavioral scientists, as well as papers by non-social scientists that may encourage fruitful connections between sociology and other disciplines. Reviews of new or developing areas of mathematics and mathematical modeling that may have significant applications in sociology will also be considered. Because Journal of Mathematical Sociology is addressed primarily to sociologists it is anticipated that most articles will be oriented toward a mathematical understanding of emergent complex social structures rather than to an analysis of individual behavior. These structures include, for example, informal groups, social networks, organizations, and global systems. Papers on sociological and statistical methods are also welcome. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based first on screening by the editor and then anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Transformation Groups will only accept research articles containing new results, complete proofs and an abstract. Topics include: Lie groups and Lie algebras; Lie transformation groups and holomorphic transformation groups; Algebraic groups; Invariant theory; Geometry and topology of homogeneous spaces; Discrete subgroups of Lie groups; Quantum groups and enveloping algebras; Group aspects of conformal field theory; Kac-Moody groups and algebras; Lie supergroups and superalgebras. Transformation Groups will also publish surveys, written by order of the Editorial Board