Software and System Modeling (SoSyM) is a quarterly international journal that focuses on theoretical and practical issues in the development and application of software and system modeling languages, techniques, and methods, such as the Unified Modeling Language. The aim of SoSyM is to publish high-quality works that further understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of modeling languages and techniques, present rigorous analyses of modeling experiences, and present scalable modeling techniques and processes that facilitate rigorous and economical development of software. SoSyM is unique in its emphasis on theoretical foundations of modeling languages and techniques and on rigorous analysis of 'real-world' modeling experiences. The balance of theoretical and experience-based works provides insights that can lead to better modeling languages and techniques. In addition, modeling practitioners can gain a deeper understanding of languages and techniques that can lead to more effective applications.
This multidisciplinary journal is based on the assumption that the critical issues pertaining to spatial cognition and computation lie at the intersection of a number of disciplines--in particular, cognitive psychology, computer science, geography, neuropsychology, and artificial intelligence. Recent years have seen a growth in the desire of these communities to share insights and results. The aim of the journal is to concentrate the presentation of research into spatial cognition and computation, and to explicitly foster an interdisciplinary dialogue. Spatial Cognition and Computation encourages the submission of articles on any topic in the area of spatial cognition and spatial computation. Research articles, empirical studies, integrative reviews of the literature, and shorter opinion pieces will be considered for publication.Specific topics within the scope of the journal:cognitive and computational models of spatial cognition;navigation, environmental learning, and cognitive mapping; cognitive development and representation of large scale space;common sense and qualitative models of space;robot navigation and wayfinding;models and applications of spatial and diagrammatic reasoning;visual languages, sign language, or visualization and spatial cognition;cognitive theories of imageries and imaginal reasoning;integration of vision and natural language processing;representation and processing of spatial expressions and crosslinguistic issues in spatial language;gestural analysis and multimodal interfaces; andnavigation and orientation in virtual environments and hypermedia.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Speech Communication is a publication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), which can be located at and the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), which can be located at Communication is an interdisciplinary journal whose primary objective is to fulfil the need for the rapid dissemination and thorough discussion of basic and applied research results. In order to establish frameworks to inter-relate results from the various areas of the field, emphasis will be placed on viewpoints and topics of a transdisciplinary nature. The editorial policy and the technical content of the Journal are the responsibility of the Editors and the Institutional Representatives. The Institutional Representatives assist the Editors in the definition and the control of editorial policy as well as in maintaining connections with scientific associations, international congresses and regional events. The Editorial Board contributes towards the gathering of material for publication and assists the Editors in the editorial process.Editorial Policy:The journal's primary objectives are:• to present a forum for the advancement of human and human-machine speech communication science;• to stimulate cross-fertilization between different fields of this domain;• to contribute towards the rapid and wide diffusion of scientifically sound contributions in this domain.Subject Coverage:Subject areas covered in this journal include:• Basics of oral communication and dialogue: modelling of production and perception processes; phonetics and phonology; syntax; semantics and pragmatics of speech communication; cognitive aspects.• Models and tools for language learning: functional organisation and developmental models of human language capabilities; acquisition and rehabilitation of spoken language; speech & hearing defects and aids.• Speech signal processing: analysis, coding, transmission, enhancement, robustness to noise.• Models for automatic speech communication: speech recognition; language identification; speaker recognition; speech synthesis; oral dialogue.• Development and evaluation tools: monolingual and multilingual databases; assessment methodologies; specialised hardware and software packages; field experiments; market development.• Multimodal human computer interface: using speech I/O in combination with other modalities, e.g., gesture and handwriting.• Forensic speech science: forensic voice comparison; forensic analysis of disputed utterances; speaker identification by earwitnesses.
Sports Engineering is an international journal publishing original papers on the application of engineering and science to sport. The journal intends to fill the niche area which lies between classical engineering and sports science and aims to bridge the gap between the analysis of the equipment and of the athlete. Areas of interest include the mechanics and dynamics of sport, the analysis of movement, instrumentation, equipment design, surface interaction, materials and modelling. These topics may be applied to technology in almost any sport. The journal will be of particular interest to Engineering, Physics, Mathematics and Sports Science Departments and will act as a forum where research, industry and the sports sector can exchange knowledge and innovative ideas.
The primary aim of the journal is to publish original and high-quality articles that recognize statistical modelling as the general framework for the application of statistical ideas. Submissions must reflect important developments, extensions, and applications in statistical modelling. The journal also encourages submissions that describe scientifically interesting, complex or novel statistical modelling aspects from a wide diversity of disciplines, and submissions that embrace the diversity of applied statistical modelling.An important objective and exciting feature of the journal is that the reader should be able to reproduce the results presented in published articles, apply the published techniques to their own problems, and even develop their own extensions of the methodology. To achieve this authors are strongly encouraged to make data and software available over the internet through a website linked to the journal. The website address is journal aims to be the major resource for statistical modelling, covering both methodology and practice. Its goal is to be multidisciplinary in nature, promoting the cross-fertilization of ideas between substantive research areas, as well as providing a common forum for the comparison, unification and nurturing of modelling issues across different subjects.The journal will have three main themes:* New Methodology for papers on new statistical modelling ideas. These papers will be based upon a problem of real substantive interest with appropriate data.* Practical Applications for papers on interesting practical problems which are addressed using an existing or a novel adaptation of an existing modelling technique.* Tutorials & Reviews with papers on recent and cutting edge topics in statistical modelling.Since "Practical Applications" manuscripts are less common in statistics journals than the other two types, it is worth being more specific concerning the types of manuscripts that fall into this category. Manuscripts should describe statistical analyses of a subject area, where the proposed analyses have rarely (if ever) been done in the application field. This is not, however, sufficient for acceptance for publication. Manuscripts should also provide a thorough literature review of how data of this type are currently handled in the literature of the application area, a review of any applications of modern statistical methodology applied to data of its type in the area, and justification as to why the work is important to the subject area, and provides gains beyond current methodology applied to the field. The methodology used should be modern and reasonably sophisticated (although not necessarily innovative) and should have few or no applications so far in the subject area literature.The intention in publishing such manuscripts is to provide an opportunity for readers (including those from the application area) to see the potential to revolutionize data analysis in the field. It is also hoped that such publication would provide an outlet for statisticians who may get little recognition in the statistics field for excellent, non-routine, clever, state-of-the-art work in subject areas.It is expected that the author will submit several suggestions for possible reviewers who are in the application area when submitting the manuscript.
2008 Impact Factor: 0.642Ranking: 70/92 in Statistics & Probability2008 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.892 169;2009 Thomson Reuters, 2008 Journal Citation Reports174;Stochastic Models is devoted to the theory and applications of probability as they arise in the modeling of phenomena in the natural sciences and technology. It presents contributions on the mathematical methodology, from structural, analytical, and algorithmic to experimental approaches. It offers an interdisciplinary presentation on the uses of probability theory and discusses practical applications of stochastic models to diverse areas such as biology, computer science/telecommunications modeling, inventories and dams, reliability, storage, queuing theory, and operations research.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications publishes papers on the theory and applications of stochastic processes. It is concerned with concepts and techniques, and is oriented towards a broad spectrum of mathematical, scientific and engineering interests.Characterization, structural properties, inference and control of stochastic processes are covered. The journal is exacting and scholarly in its standards. Every effort is made to promote innovation, vitality, and communication between disciplines. All papers are refereed.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
This interdisciplinary journal is devoted to publishing high quality papers in modeling, analyzing, quantifying and predicting stochastic phenomena in science and engineering from a dynamical system's point of view.Papers can be about theory, experiments, algorithms, numerical simulation and applications. Papers studying the dynamics of stochastic phenomena by means of random or stochastic ordinary, partial or functional differential equations or random mappings are particularly welcome, and so are studies of stochasticity in deterministic systems.Occasionally, invited expository papers will also be published.
Articles are published dealing with all aspects of stochastic systems analysis, characterization problems, stochastic modelling and identification, optimization, filtering and control and with related questions in the theory of stochastic processes. The journal also solicits papers dealing with significant applications of stochastic process theory to problems in engineering systems, the physical and life sciences, economics and other areas. Proposals for special issues in cutting-edge areas are welcome and should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief who will review accordingly.
Structural Equation Modeling publishes manuscripts from all academic disciplines with an interest in structural equation modeling. These include, but are not limited to, psychology, sociology, educational research, political science, economics, management, and business/marketing. The journal contains theoretical and applied articles, a teachers' corner, book and software reviews, and advertising. Theoretical articles address new developments and examine current practices. Applied articles deal with both exploratory and confirmatory models. The teachers' corner provides instructional modules on aspects of structural equation modeling. The book and software reviews afford an opportunity to examine new modeling information and techniques. Advertising alerts readers to new products. RELATED LINKS * Research Methods books * Research Methods conferences * Join the Psychology Press Research Methods mailing list!Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous double-blind reviewing by three anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
TOP is the official journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research. International in focus, the journal publishes original findings in operations research and management sciences. Contributions investigate either mathematical issues or applications to real-world decision-making problems. The topics covered are continuous and discrete optimization, games, decision theory, logistics, production planning, stochastic models, simulation, and OR applications.Officially cited as: Top
Journal of Statistics for the Physical, Chemical, and Engineering SciencesPublished Quarterly by the American Society for Quality and the American Statistical AssociationSince its inception in 1959, the mission of Technometrics has been to contribute to the development and use of statistical methods in the physical, chemical, and engineering sciences.Technometrics publishes papers that describe new statistical techniques, illustrate innovative application of known statistical methods, or review methods, issues, or philosophy in a particular area of statistics or science, when such papers are consistent with the journal's objective. Since 1959, the methods presented in the journal have reflected changes in the discipline.In recent years, some of these changes have been associated with improved computer technology and availability, resulting in highly flexible and computer-intensive approaches to scientific data analysis. (See for example the lead article in the August 1998 issue by Richard A. Becker, Linda A. Clark, and Diane Lambert entitled "Events Defined By Duration and Severity, with an Application to Network Reliability," with discussion by Jeff Robinson and Josef Schmee.) With the emergence of massive computing and data storage capabilities, statistical approaches to screening, flexible modeling, pattern characterization, and change detection that were infeasible 20 years ago are now viable. There have also been shifts in basic attitudes about data analysis (e.g., less formal hypothesis testing, more fitted models via graphical analysis), and in how some of our important application areas are managed (e.g., quality assurance through robust design rather than detailed inspection).Many of the problems in industry today concern the analysis of huge data sets that lead to improved quality or better understanding of the manufacturing or development process. The journal would like to encourage submissions that address problems of this nature and that take advantage of modern resources.Technometrics is reviewed in Mathematical Reviews, abstracted in Applied Science & Technology Abstracts and abstracted and indexed in The Engineering Index, COMPENDEX, and Applied Science & Technology Index.
Statistical research spans an enormous range from direct subject-matter collaborations to pure mathematical theory. The Annals of Applied Statistics, the newest journal from the IMS, is aimed at papers in the applied half of this range. Published quarterly in both print and electronic form, our goal is to provide a timely and unified forum for all areas of applied statistics.
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology (JDMS) is a journal devoted to advancing the practice, science, and art of modeling and simulation as it relates to the military and defense. Topics include: warfighting, training, test and evaluation, command and control, aerospace, peacekeeping, non-traditional missions, and homeland security, simulation design techniques, and federation construction process, simulation techniques, synthetic natural environment modeling, multi-resolution techniques, and High Level Architecture.
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of biology and the conceptual modelling required to understand its complexity.