Acupuncture in Medicine aims to promote the scientific understanding of acupuncture and related treatments by publishing scientific investigations of their effectiveness and modes of action as well as articles on their use in health services and clinical practice.Acupuncture in Medicine is aimed at Western-trained physicians and other health professionals. The Western understanding of neurophysiology and anatomy is used to interpret the effects of acupuncture. The Journal uses the term 'Western medical acupuncture' and largely restricts its published articles to this Western approach. Evidence-based articles on traditional acupuncture (both clinical and theoretical) will, however, be considered. The editorial board welcomes scientific reports, systematic and general reviews, audits, case reports, descriptive and educational papers and other articles that may be of interest to readers.
The journal focuses on rigorous quantitative and qualitative research including systematic reviews, clinical trials and surveys, whilst also welcoming medical hypotheses and clinically-relevant articles and case studies disclosing practical learning tools for the consulting practitioner.
By promoting research and practice excellence in the field, and cross collaboration between relevant practitioner groups and associations, the journal aims to advance the practice of IM, identify areas for future research, and improve patient health outcomes.
International networking is encouraged through clinical innovation, the establishment of best practice and by providing opportunities for cooperation between organisations and communities.
The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, which is defined in its broadest sense possible, publishes original articles and essays relating to traditional or ethnomedicine of all cultures. Areas of particular interest include:*Basic scientific and clinical research in indigenous medical techniques, therapeutic procedures, medicinal plants, and traditional medical theories and concepts;*Multidisciplinary study of medical practice and health care, especially from historical, cultural, public health, and socioeconomic perspectives;*International policy implications of comparative studies of medicine in all cultures, including such issues as health in developing countries, affordability and transferability of health-care techniques and concepts;*Translating scholarly ancient texts or modern publications on ethnomedicine.The American Journal of Chinese Medicine will consider for publication a broad range of scholarly contributions, including original scientific research papers, review articles, editorial comments, social policy statements, brief news items, bibliographies, research guides, letters to the editors, book reviews, and selected reprints.The Journal does not condone or support any form of research that makes use of endangered species or otherwise conducts experiments using animals in an inappropriate or unethical manner. The Journal will consider for publications only those papers which follow the guidelines presented in the WHO Helsinki Declaration and the "Guiding Principles and Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital on Human Studies, 1970." For more detailed specifications for material submitted for publication, see "Note to Authors" in the inside back cover.All articles published in this journal, including editorials, book reviews, news and comments, are signed and reflect the views of the authors. They are not official points of view held by the American Journal of Chinese Medicine or by the institutions with which the authors are affiliated.
The American Journal of Clinical Hysnosis (AJCH) is the official publication of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). The Journal publishes original scientific articles and clinical case reports on hypnosis, as well as books reviews and abstracts of the current hypnosis literature. The purview of AJCH articles includes multiple and single case studies, empirical research studies, models of treatment, theories of hypnosis, letters to the editor, and occasional special articles pertaining to hypnosis. The membership of ASCH and readership of AJCH includes licensed health care professionals and university faculty in the fields of medicine, psychiatry, clinical social work, clinical psychology, dentistry, counseling, and graduate students in these disciplines. AJCH is unique among other hypnosis journals because its primary emphasis on professional applications of hypnosis. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Asian Medicine -Tradition and Modernity is a multidisciplinary journal aimed at researchers and practitioners of Asian Medicine in Asia as well as in Western countries. It makes available in one single publication academic essays that explore the historical, anthropological, sociological and philological dimensions of Asian medicine as well as practice reports from clinicians based in Asia and in Western countries.
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in interventions and resources that complement or replace conventional therapies, with a specific emphasis on research that explores the biological mechanisms of action, as well as their efficacy, safety, costs, patterns of use and/or implementation.
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, originally entitled 'Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine' (English Edition), was founded in 1995, and changed formally its name in 2003. This journal is supervised by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, sponsored by Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine and China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. It is the first international peer-reviewed monthly journal on integrative medicine included in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E).
Topics covered by the journal are: Resources of Traditional Chinese Medicines; Interaction and complexity of prescription; Natural Products Chemistry (including structure modification, semi-and total synthesis, bio-transformation); Pharmacology of natural products and prescription (including pharmacokinetics and toxicology); Pharmaceutics and Analytical Methods of natural products.
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Chinese Medicine, the official journal of the International Society for Chinese Medicine, is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of research on Chinese medicine, provided the material, methods, results, and conclusions are evidence-based, scientifically justified, and ethical.
The official journal of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia (COCA) and the European Academy of Chiropractic (EAC) Chiropractic & Manual Therapies is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of evidence-based information that is clinically relevant to chiropractors, manual therapists and related health care professionals. COCA and EAC have agreed to cover the cost of article-processing charges for all manuscripts submitted before January 2013. This will enable Chiropractic & Manual Therapies to remain an international open access journal without charge to authors during this time. Journal title changed in January 2011: was previously Chiropractic & Osteopathy.
Medicine/Public Health general, Gynecology, Pneumology/Respiratory system, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics
Clinical Plasma Medicine understands plasma medicine as clinical use of physical plasma for therapeutic purposes. Plasma medicine is an innovative and emerging research field combining plasma physics, life science and clinical medicine. After significant efforts and success in basic research in this field as well as the realization of first clinical trials during the last years, clinical relevance of plasma medicine is becoming increasingly clear.To support the understanding of the huge potential of plasma medicine and to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation in this field is the major aim of this journal. Clinical Plasma Medicine will provide a platform for therapeutic, experimental and technical aspects of plasma application in medicine. It will connect medical researchers and clinicians as well as members of other medical professions and health care organisations, who seek objective and critical information on plasma medicine in order to deepen their understanding of therapeutic options, medical application fields, requirements concerning plasma-based medical devices as well as aspects of safety and applicability.To achieve these aims Clinical Plasma Medicine is designed as international and interdisciplinary forum for researchers and clinicians. It publishes peer-reviewed articles on therapeutic plasma applications for specific medical indications, general aspects of clinical plasma medicine, laboratory research with clear reference to clinical questions as well as technical aspects of applicability and safety of plasma use in clinical practise.Clinical Plasma Medicine focuses primarily on original research articles including (short) reviews, randomized controlled studies, other clinical, observational and epidemiological studies as well as experimental studies. In addition, the Journal will feature opinion articles as well as contributions relating to health policy, health economics and technical aspects of plasma-based medical devices.Cover designed by neoplas GmbH - Design meets Science,
Complementary Medicine Research is an international peer-reviewed journal. We aim to bridge the gap between conventional and complementary/alternative medicine on a sound scientific basis, promoting their mutual integration. Experts of both conventional medicine and complementary/alternative medicine cooperate on the journal’s editorial board, ensuring a high standard of scientific quality.
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, formerly Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery, is an internationally refereed journal published to meet the broad ranging needs of the healthcare profession in the effective and professional integration of complementary therapies within clinical practice.Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, aims to provide rigorous peer reviewed papers addressing research, implementation of CIM in the clinical setting, legal and ethical concerns, evaluative accounts of therapy in practice, philosophical analysis of emergent social trends in CIM, excellence in clinical judgement, best practice, problem management, therapy information, policy development and management of change in order to promote safe and efficacious clinical practice. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice welcomes and considers accounts of reflective practice.It will be of interest to all members of the healthcare profession including nurses, midwives, pharmacists, hospital doctors, general practitioners, physiotherapists, social scientists, psychologists, CIM researchers, practitioners of CIM, educationalists, managers, patients and individuals interested in CIM.The Editor of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice invites authors to submit articles on all aspects of individual therapies, international news, book reviews, multimedia reports and correspondence.AWARD
Complementary Therapies in Medicine is an international, peer-reviewed journal that has considerable appeal to anyone who seeks objective and critical information on complementary therapies or who wishes to deepen their understanding of these approaches. It will be of particular interest to healthcare practitioners including family practitioners, complementary therapists, nurses, and physiotherapists; to academics including social scientists and CAM researchers; to healthcare managers; and to patients.Complementary Therapies in Medicine aims to publish valid, relevant and rigorous research and serious discussion articles with the main purpose of improving healthcare. The journal believes that good healthcare needs to be based on clinical judgement and the available evidence on what is safe and effective, integrating conventional and complementary therapies as appropriate.Complementary Therapies in Medicine publishes a variety of articles including primary research, reviews and opinion pieces. Recognising that some forms of CAM present novel and complex interventions, the journal encourages the exploration of the methodology of research. It believes that researchers should always aim at employing high ethical and methodological standards, and also welcomes small or exploratory studies that make a contribution to the area. Well conducted studies with negative outcomes are also welcome if they inform patient care. The journal welcomes considered opinion pieces that reflect genuine disagreements but remain respectful of the views of others.Each issue features original, high quality research on complementary medicine, an abstracts sections with details of recently published research of high importance, as well as information and experiences on intregrating complementary medicine into mainstream care.
Current Traditional Medicine covers all the aspects of the modernization and standardization research on traditional medicine of the world, e.g. chemistry, pharmacology, molecular mechanism, systems biology, proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, safety, quality control, clinical studies of traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic, Unani, Arabic and other ethnomedicine. Each issue contains updated comprehensive in-depth reviews along with high quality original experimental research articles. Current Traditional Medicine is a leading and important international peer-reviewed journal reflecting the current outstanding scientific research progresses of the global traditional, indigenous, folk and ethnologic medicine. It provides a bridge connected the tradition medicine system to the modern life science with the efforts of top scientists, as well as a resource to pursuit the solutions for the existing common issues in the traditional medicine.