View a list of the latest free articles available from European Journal of Sport Science The European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS) is the official journal of the European College of Sport Science and is published 6 times per year by Taylor & Francis. The editorial policy of the Journal pursues the multi-disciplinary aims of the College: to promote the highest standards of scientific study and scholarship in respect of the following fields: (a) natural sciences of sport; (b) social and behavioural sciences and humanities (c) sports medicine; and (d) sport itself. The Journal also aims to facilitate and enhance communication across all sub-disciplines of the sport sciences. The Journal publishes original research as well as review articles of topics of contemporary importance or interest. The College is not exclusively committed to any particular schools of thought or methods of research. For the purposes of the EJSS, 'sport' is defined inclusively to refer to all forms of human movement that aim to maintain or improve physical and mental well-being, create or improve social relationships, or obtain results in competition at all levels. Defined thus, the Journal publishes articles from across the disciplinary spectrum concerning inter alia the motivation, attitudes, values, responses, adaptations, performance and health-related aspects of persons engaged in sport. EJSS invites the submission of original research articles and reviews of the sport science literature from sport scientists and scholars throughout the world. The Journal follows a rigorous peer-review process for the submission of all articles. EJSS also publishes editorials, rapid communications, abstracts, and open forum discussions on significant issues in the sport sciences. The Journal is published in simultaneous print and electronic editions. Peer Review Statement All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two referees. All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review. Disclaimer The European College of Sport Science (ECSS) and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, ECSS and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.
This international English-language journal offers an interdisciplinary forum for the scientific exchange between research and hospital. Coverage includes surveys and original papers on diagnostics and therapy. In addition to classic orthopedic traumatology all related fields are considered: critical care medicine, neurotraumatology, new materials, tissue engineering, and more. The European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery is the official publication of the European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES).Incorporating the International Journal of Disaster Medicine.
European Physical Education Review is journal that stimulates and presents scholarly enquiry in the broad field of physical education, including sport and leisure issues and research. Bringing together contributions from a wide range of disciplines across the natural and social sciences and humanities and occasionally devotes Special Issues to major topics and themes within the field. Contributions are published from all regions of the world, promoting international communication among scholars and professionals.
'European Spine Journal' is a publication founded in response to the increasing trend toward specialization in spinal surgery. The Journal is devoted to spine surgery and all related disciplines, including functional and surgical anatomy of the spine, biomechanics and pathophysiology, diagnostic procedures, and neurology. The aim of 'European Spine Journal' is to support the further development of highly innovative European spine surgery and to provide an integrated and balanced view of diagnostic, research and treatment procedures that will enhance effective collaboration among specialists worldwide.  Affiliated societies:
Austrian Spine Society
Brazilian Spine Society
Cervical Spine Research Society (European Section)
Czech Spine Surgery SocietyÂ
Deutsche WirbelsäulengesellschaftÂ
Dutch Spine Society
EuroSpine, The Spine Society of Europe
French Society of Spine Surgery
GEER (Grupo de Estudio de Enfermedades del Raquis)
G.I.S. (Italian Spine Society)
Evidence & Policy is the first peer-reviewed journal dedicated to comprehensive and critical assessment of the relationship between research evidence and the concerns of policy makers and practitioners, as well as researchers.
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews: the Official Review Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, consists of brief reviews for readers with a broad interest in scientific issues related to exercise, movement, physical activity and/or sports. Continuously highly ranked in Sport Sciences (2008 Journal Citation Reports174;, Thomson Reuters, 2009), this publication emphasizes interdisciplinary topics that highlight the integrative nature of contemporary research in exercise and sports sciences. For more information, visit and In-Training subscribers receive fully searchable online access to articles from Volume 1 to the present8212;now available on a powerful new website! This best-in-class website platform uses Web 2.0 functionality to provide an enhanced online experience through such features as: saved searches, personal article collections, easy image downloads to PowerPoint, and more.ACSM members receive Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews as one of their core member benefit publications. For membership information, please visit
physiological stress, intergrative human physiology, extreme environments, intense or endurance exercise, high altitude and hypoxia
Foot & Ankle International, the official publication of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society® (AOFAS®), is a monthly medical journal that emphasizes surgical and medical management as well as basic clinical research related to foot and ankle problems. In circulation since 1980, FAI offers peer-reviewed articles emphasizing surgical and medical management as well as basic clinical research related to foot and ankle problems. The journal focuses on the following areas of interest: surgery, wound care, bone healing, pain management, in-office orthotic systems, diabetes and sports medicine.
Foot and Ankle Clinics updates you on the latest trends in orthopedic patient management, keeps you up to date on the newest surgical advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Published four times a year—in March, June, September, and December—each issue focuses on a single topic in foot and ankle surgery, from fractures, dislocations, sprains, and amputations, through arthritis, nerve disorders, and congenital deformities. Foot and Ankle Clinics has been edited by Mark S. Myerson, one of the world's foremost experts on foot and ankle reconstruction and injury, since 1995.
Foot & Ankle Specialist (FAS) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal offering clinical information for foot and ankle caregivers. Written and edited by podiatrists and orthopaedic surgeons, FAS offers the latest techniques and advancements in foot and ankle treatment through research reports and reviews, technical perspectives, case studies, and other evidence-based articles.
Foot and Ankle Surgery is essential reading for everyone interested in the foot and ankle and its disorders. The approach is broad and includes all aspects of the subject from basic science to clinical management. Problems of both children and adults are included, as is trauma and chronic disease. Foot and Ankle Surgery is the official journal of European Foot and Ankle Society.Austrian Foot Society, Belgian Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot, British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, Czech Society for Foot and Ankle Surgery, Danish Foot and Ankle Society, Dutch Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Association, Finnish Foot and Ankle Society, French Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot, German Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Hellenic Foot and Ankle Society, Irish Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, Italian Foot & Ankle Society, Lithuanian Foot and Ankle Society, Polish Foot and Ankle Society, Portugese Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot, Spanish Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot and Ankle, Swedish Foot and Ankle Society, Swiss Foot and Ankle Society and the Turkish Foot and Ankle Surgery.The aims of this journal are to promote the art and science of ankle and foot surgery, to publish peer-reviewed research articles, to provide regular reviews by acknowledged experts on common problems, and to provide a forum for discussion with letters to the Editors. Reviews of books are also published. Papers are invited for possible publication in Foot and Ankle Surgery on the understanding that the material has not been published elsewhere or accepted for publication in another journal and does not infringe prior copyright.The papers published in Foot and Ankle Surgery are indexed/abstracted in: the Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, EMBASE, EMCARE, Pascal, Scopus, MEDLINE and Mosby's Nursing Index.
Footwear Science publishes reports of original research in the disciplines of biomechanics, ergonomics, physiology, clinical science, kinanthropometry, physics, engineering and mathematics. The use of footwear or footwear components, or application of the results to footwear is a major component of the research published in this international, peer-reviewed Journal. Methodological as well as experimental papers may be submitted, and the journal accepts original articles, reviews and perspective articles (usually by editorial invitation only), book reviews and letters to the Editor. The criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: scientific excellence and rigor, novelty, significance, clarity, conciseness and interest to our broad readership. Papers published in the journal may cover a wide range of topics within the broad scope of footwear science, including, but not limited to: * Influence of footwear on kinematics and kinetics of human movement * Influence of footwear and footwear design on human performance * Applications of research to design of all types of functional and purpose-built footwear * Research applied to casual, dress, fashion, duty, athletic, and specialty footwear * Footwear in prevention and treatment of diseases of lower extremity * Role of footwear in the prevention and treatment of athletic injury * Shoe properties and human perceptions * Human factors applied to fit and function of footwear * Measurement of footwear biomechanical and physical properties Review Articles Footwear Science accepts submission of manuscripts that review the literature on a particular topic and present an analysis of the current status of that topic. These are not original research articles with new data but represent well-balanced summaries of timely subjects, with reference to the literature. Review articles are usually invited by the Editor-in-Chief, although they can be submitted unsolicited. All review articles, even if invited, are peer reviewed. To help to facilitate this process it is suggested that the author of the review contact the Editor-in-Chief in advance of submission to discuss the proposed topic. The required format for review articles is similar to that used for research articles, with the exception that headings such as 'Methodolgy,' 'Results and Discussion,' and 'Conclusions' should be replaced with more appropriate headings, consistent with the contents of the article. Review articles published by Footwear Science are intended primarily for informed scientists who works in the broad disciplines that encompass footwear science, for example: biomechanics, ergonomics, physiology, clinical science, kinanthropometry, physics, engineering, materials science, and mathematics.. Manuscripts should both present a summary and a critical evaluation of significant investigations and provide suggestions for further research. We also welcome reviews that discuss recent technical or theoretical advances, topics of unusual interest, or, core questions about the foundations of footwear science. Theoretical papers should clearly identify the focus of study, review the relevant literature, and develop approaches to new levels of understanding. We are always looking for a balanced approach in Footwear Science review articles. Whenever possible the author should include all relevant literature showing the broadest possible basis for the review and the author's perspectives. Although the main thrust of reviews should be to summarize what is known about a particular topic area based on a rigorous review of the scientific literature, we expect that review authors may wish to offer some opinion and give a perspective, or, perhaps even speculate, if such speculation has a basis in scientific evidence. An abstract of 200 to 250 words is required; for more information on format, see instructions for authors. We have no limit on the length of review articles, however, we are always looking for concise and lucid treatments of the topic under review. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.
Gait & Posture is a vehicle for the publication of up-to-date basic and clinical research on all aspects of locomotion and balance.The topics covered include: Techniques for the measurement of gait and posture, and the standardization of results presentation; Studies of normal and pathological gait; Treatment of gait and postural abnormalities; Biomechanical and theoretical approaches to gait and posture; Mathematical models of joint and muscle mechanics; Neurological and musculoskeletal function in gait and posture; The evolution of upright posture and bipedal locomotion; Adaptations of carrying loads, walking on uneven surfaces, climbing stairs etc; spinal biomechanics only if they are directly related to gait and/or posture and are of general interest to our readers; The effect of aging and development on gait and posture; Psychological and cultural aspects of gait; Patient education.Index bound in last issue of year.For details of the GCMAS, ESMAC, SIAMOC, ISPGR please visit their web sites throughthese links.
Die Fußchirurgie hat sich im deutschen Sprachraum zu einer hoch entwickelten und differenzierten Spezialdisziplin entwickelt. Mit wissenschaftlichen Original- und Üebersichtsarbeiten innerhalb und außerhalb von Themenblöcken, Berichten über moderne Operationstechniken, Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis sowie der Darstellung von medizinrechtlichen Aspekten stellt diese Zeitschrift den aktuellen Wissensstand der Fußchirurgie kompakt dar.Die Zeitschrift bietet besondere Rubriken für den praktisch interessierten Fußchirurgen:Hinweise zur BerufspolitikDas Niedergelassenen-ForumJournal Club mit einer Zusammenstellung der aktuellen internationalen Literatur zum Thema Fuß & SprunggelenkBuchbesprechungenVeranstaltungskalenderInformationen für die Mitglieder der D.A.F. (D.A.F.-Intern)For more information, go to the German-speaking world, foot surgery has developed into a sophisticated and differentiated specialist area. With scientific original articles, reviews inside and outside of special topics, reports on modern surgery techniques, clinical tips and tricks as well as information on legal issues, the journal represents the current scientific status of foot and ankle surgery.For the applied interested surgeon the journal offers different special categories:Advice on career politicsThe practitioners‘ forumJournal Club with an overview of current international foot and ankle publicationsBook reviewsForthcoming meetingsInformation for members of the D.A.F. (D.A.F.-Intern) society
Die 1971 gegründete Zeitschrift Sportwissenschaft (The German Journal of Sports Science) ist ein international angesehenes Publikationsorgan des Bundesinstituts für Sportwissenschaft (BISp), des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbunds (DOSB) und der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (dvs). Sie wird von einem renommierten Herausgebergremium betreut, das für die hohe wissenschaftliche Qualität der Beiträge Sorge trägt. Die Zeitschrift deckt das breite Spektrum sportwissenschaftlicher Themen ab. Dies sind Sportpädagogik, Sportpsychologie, Sportsoziologie, Sportphilosophie, Sportgeschichte, Sportökonomik, Sportmedizin, Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft, Sportrecht, Sporttechnologie u.a.. Neben Originalarbeiten erscheinen Forschungsberichte, Essays, Rezensionen sowie Tagungs- und Symposiumsberichte. Die institutionellen Herausgeber BISp, DOSB und dvs veröffentlichen regelmäßig einen Informationsteil in der Zeitschrift., .
The Global Spine Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published in cooperation with AOSpine. From 2013 it will be delivered along with its sister publication Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal (EBSJ).
Hip International, the Official Journal of the European Hip Society, is issued 6 times per year. The Journal considers the publication of peer-reviewed contributions, dealing with conservative hip surgery, traumatology of the hip, prosthetic surgery, biomechanics, and basic sciences relating to the hip. Original manuscripts, reviews and editorials are welcome, not only from members of the European Hip Society, but also from non-members in Europe and all parts of the world.