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BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care

ISSN: 2045-435XeISSN: 2045-4368

Published quarterly in print and continuously online, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care aims to connect many disciplines and specialties throughout the world by providing high quality, clinically relevant research, reviews, comment, information and news of international importance. We hold an inclusive view of supportive and palliative care research and we are able to call on expertise to critique the whole range of methodologies within the subject, including those working in transitional research, clinical trials, epidemiology, behavioural sciences, ethics and health service research. Articles with relevance to clinical practice and clinical service development will be considered for publication. In an international context, many different categories of clinician and healthcare workers do clinical work associated with palliative medicine, specialist or generalist palliative care, supportive care, psychosocial-oncology and end of life care. We wish to engage many specialties, not only those traditionally associated with supportive and palliative care. We hope to extend the readership to doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers and researchers in medical and surgical specialties, including but not limited to cardiology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, neurology, oncology, paediatrics, primary care, psychiatry, psychology, renal medicine, respiratory medicine. The content of the four print editions a year will feature a selection of the on-line journal, and will include original research of an international standard, focused editorial comment as well as important systematic reviews. A news section, updated regularly, with rapid publication of correspondence on newsworthy topics will appear online, alongside columns, short reports and opinion pieces. Critiques of current practice and examination of new guidelines will also be a regular feature of the journal as well as a digest of important publications on supportive and palliative care issues from other journals.

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Cancer Nursing

ISSN: 0162-220XeISSN: 1538-9804

Cancer Nursing is an international journal providing information on cancer nursing research and care. The primary market is clinical practitioners in cancer nursing who depend on the journal for the excellent research presented in its articles which address the spectrum of problems arising in the care and support of cancer patients.Each bimonthly issue of Cancer Nursing; addresses the whole spectrum of problems arising in the care and support of cancer patients;prevention and early detection, geriatric and pediatric cancer nursing, medical and surgical oncology, ambulatory care, nutritional support, psychosocial aspects of cancer, patient responses to all treatment modalities, and specific nursing interventions. The journal offers unparalleled coverage of cancer care delivery practices worldwide, as well as groundbreaking research findings and their practical applications. For more information, visit

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Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing

ISSN: 1092-1095eISSN: 1538-067X
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Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS

ISSN: 1746-630XeISSN: 1746-6318

Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS offers full and complete coverage enabling clinicians and researchers to keep up-to-date with the vast amount of information published in the field. Insightful editorials and on-the-mark invited reviews bring readers up-to-speed on key subjects such as the T-cell in HIV infection and disease, reservoirs, host factors, HIV vaccines, antiretroviral therapy and clinical trial design.Website:

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Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care

ISSN: 1751-4258eISSN: 1751-4266

This reader-friendly, broad-based resource empowers those working in the fields of supportive and palliative care to put to good use vital clinical and research advances from throughout the world. The journal provides easy access to the very best thinking of the best minds in this dynamic, burgeoning field. Each quarterly issue features distinguished guest editors who focus exclusively on topics in their specialty. The journal delivers unvarnished, expert assessments of developments from the previous year8212;overviews found nowhere else. Insightful editorials and on-the-mark invited reviews bring readers up to speed on key subjects such as pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, psychological and cognitive problems, respiratory problems, renal and urological problems, bone and haematological problems, end-of-life management, cardiac and circulatory problems, cachexia, nutrition and hydration, HIV and other infections, quality of life, economics and ethics.All reviews are supplemented with an indispensable section, References and Recommended Reading. At the back of each volume is Current World Literature, an exceptionally thorough bibliography culled from the top 100 journals in the field. Website:

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European Journal of Oncology Nursing

ISSN: 1462-3889

The European Journal of Oncology Nursing's 2012 Impact Factor is 1.685 (© Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2013).The European Journal of Oncology Nursing is an international journal which publishes research of direct relevance to patient care, nurse education, management and policy development. EJON is proud to be the official journal of the European Oncology Nursing Society.The journal publishes the following types of papers:• Original research articles• Review articles• Commentaries• Practice Notes• Book and media reviews• A scan of current literatureBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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European Journal of Palliative Care

ISSN: 1352-2779

Journal of Cancer Survivorship

ISSN: 1932-2259eISSN: 1932-2267

Cancer survivorship is a worldwide trend; currently there are 12 million cancer survivors in the US alone. More and more cancer survivors are searching for legitimate sources of health information and educating themselves via the internet. In addition, the research in this area is growing rapidly and requires a forum. The Journal of Cancer Survivorship publishes basic research, clinical investigations and policy-related research that can impact the quality of care and quality of life of cancer survivors.The journal presents peer reviewed papers relevant to improving the understanding, prevention, and management of the multiple areas related to cancer survivorship that can affect quality of care, longevity and quality of life.

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Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing

ISSN: 2752-7530eISSN: 2752-7549

Caring for children with cancer is one of the most technically and emotionally difficult areas in nursing. Not only are you dealing with children and adolescents who hurt, you must reassure and educate families, balance a multitude of other health care professionals, and keep up with ever-changing nursing practice and care. To help special nurses stay aware of the newest effective nursing practices, innovative therapeutic approaches, significant information trends, and most practical research in hematology and pediatric oncology nursing, you need the Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. The journal offers pediatric hematology, oncology, and immunology nurses in clinical practice and research, pediatric social workers, epidemiologists, clinical psychologists, child life specialists and nursing educators the latest peer-reviewed original research and definitive reviews on the whole spectrum of nursing care of childhood cancers, including leukemias, solid tumors and lymphomas, and hematologic disorders. JOPON covers the entire disease process--diagnosis, treatment, recovery, and survival, as well as end-of-life care.

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Médecine Palliative: Soins de Support - Accompagnement - Éthique

ISSN: 1636-6522

La revue des soins palliatifs, des soins de support, de l'accompagnement et de l'éthique et pratique médicalesUn lieu d'information et de réflexionOutil de transmission et d'échange des différents savoirs scientifiques, Médecine palliative vous permettra d'enrichir et d'élargir vos connaissances grâce à une approche globale, transversale et pluridisciplinaire.Un lieu d'échange et de rencontre entre les différents spécialistesLes différents acteurs, professionnels ou non, impliqués dans la prise en charge palliative et continue ainsi que dans l'accompagnement et dans la réflexion éthique rendent compte de leurs travaux, de leurs expériences, de leur vécu, de leur dynamisme et de leur complémentarité.Un contenu scientifique riche dans sa diversitéRetrouvez une information variée : synthèses sur des sujets médicaux, publications d'études originales, rapports de pratiques, informations professionnelles, expériences partagées, analyses de presse, agenda...

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Oncology Nursing Forum

ISSN: 0190-535XeISSN: 1538-0688
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ISSN: 1778-3798eISSN: 1778-381X

Psycho-Oncologie est une revue scientifique humaniste et multidisciplinaire qui aborde de façon innovante le malade et la maladie dans notre société. Elle a pour objectif de créer des liens entre tous les partenaires de la prise en charge des patients atteints de cancer, mais aussi de leur famille et de leurs soignants. La psycho-oncologie, carrefour entre la médecine et les sciences humaines, discipline unique en son genre, fait l'objet d'une revue qui s'adresse aussi bien aux oncologues, psychologues, psychiatres, infirmières, qu'à tout le personnel de soins. Psycho-oncologie s'intéresse à tous les aspects psychosociaux du cancer et publie des articles originaux, des méta-analyses, des revues de la littérature, des observations cliniques, des comptes rendus, des notes de lectures, des éditoriaux et des articles en anglais, dans les domaines de la médecine, la psychologie et autres sciences humaines (sociologie, anthropologie, économie). Psycho-oncologie est l'organe officiel de la SFPO (SociÃ

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Rehabilitation Oncology

ISSN: 2168-3808eISSN: 2381-2427

Seminars in Oncology Nursing

ISSN: 0749-2081eISSN: 1878-3449

Seminars in Oncology Nursing is a quarterly journal for the dissemination of knowledge in the complex field of cancer nursing. The Journal contains topical reviews carefully prepared by selected experts. Each issue focuses on a specific topic, with the aim of comprehensive coverage.2013 Forthcoming Issue - Volume 29, Issues 4November: Cognitive Changes Associated with Cancer and Cancer Treatment2014 Forthcoming Topics - Volume 30, Issues 1-4February: Advanced Nursing Science Within the Cooperative Group SettingMay: Personalizing Patient Care with Precision MedicineAugust: Targeted TherapiesNovember: TBABenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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