Plasma Sources Science and Technology (PSST) reports on low-temperature plasmas and ionized gases operating over all ranges of gas pressure and plasma density, with varying degrees of ionization. The emphasis of PSST is on the fundamental science of these plasmas, their sources and the processes initiated or sustained by them, as elucidated through theoretical, computational or experimental techniques. Reports that relate to the technology and applications of these plasmas should be closely linked to the science and fundamental processes occurring in the plasma state.
Polymer Bulletin publishes significant advances in polymer science, including chemistry, physical chemistry, physics and material science. It aims to provide a meeting ground for researchers who daily encounter problems related to polymers and who welcome opportunities to share their discoveries in a most expeditious manner.Polymer Bulletin considers Original Papers (8 pages), Reviews (16 pages) and Featured Articles (12 pages) for publication.
Polymer Degradation and Stability deals with the degradation reactions and their control which are a major preoccupation of practitioners of the many and diverse aspects of modern polymer technology.Deteriorative reactions occur during processing, when polymers are subjected to heat, oxygen and mechanical stress, and during the useful life of the materials when oxygen and sunlight are the most important degradative agencies. In more specialised applications, degradation may be induced by high energy radiation, ozone, atmospheric pollutants, mechanical stress, biological action, hydrolysis and many other influences. The mechanisms of these reactions and stabilisation processes must be understood if the technology and application of polymers are to continue to advance. The reporting of investigations of this kind is therefore a major function of this journal.However there are also new developments in polymer technology in which degradation processes find positive applications. For example, photodegradable plastics are now available, the recycling of polymeric products will become increasingly important, degradation and combustion studies are involved in the definition of the fire hazards which are associated with polymeric materials and the microelectronics industry is vitally dependent upon polymer degradation in the manufacture of its circuitry. Polymer properties may also be improved by processes like curing and grafting, the chemistry of which can be closely related to that which causes physical deterioration in other circumstances.Radiation of various kinds is used to initiate many of these modern technological processes so that polymer photochemistry has come to a new prominence and finds a major place in this journal.The study of all these processes has made extensive use of modern instrumental analytical methods and the various spectrometric, chromatographic and thermal analysis techniques have been particularly prominent.There is clearly a strong common bond between investigations in various parts of the field. Polymer Degradation and Stability provides a forum for the publication of their work.
Powder Metallurgy is an international journal publishing peer reviewed original research on the science and practice of powder metallurgy; and news of technological and commercial developments in the industry and PM community. Coverage is broad, encompassing hard materials, ceramics, and composites in addition to metallic PM materials, and ranging from the production, handling, and characterisation of powders, through compaction and sintering and other consolidation routes, to the properties, secondary processing, and applications of PM components.
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics covers topics of the theory, manufacturing technology, and properties of powder; technology of forming processes; the technology of sintering, heat treatment, and thermo-chemical treatment; properties of sintered materials; and testing methods. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics is a translation of the peer-reviewed Ukrainian journal Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya.
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Pramana - Journal of Physics is a monthly research journal in English published by the Indian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Indian National Science Academy and Indian Physics Association. The journal presents refereed papers covering current research in Physics, both original contributions - research papers, brief reports or rapid communications - and invited reviews. Pramana also offers special issues devoted to advances in specific areas of Physics and proceedings of select high quality conferences.
This journal provides a forum for scholarly work dealing primarily with probabilistic and statistical approaches to contemporary solid/structural and fluid mechanics problems encountered in diverse technical disciplines such as aerospace, civil, marine, mechanical, and nuclear engineering. The journal aims to maintain a healthy balance between general solution techniques and problem-specific results, encouraging a fruitful exchange of ideas among disparate engineering specialities.From time to time, review papers will be published to provide research and development oriented readers with state-of-the-art analyses of various areas of current interest. In addition, occasional papers of tutorial nature help enhance practice oriented readers' knowledge of the basic probabilistic and statistical techniques that are essential in present-day engineering practice design.In consultation with the editors, distinguished members of the probabilistic mechanics community may serve as guest editors for a special issue dedicated to a particular theme.Fields Covered:Aerospace engineering:• Damage-tolerant and durability design of aircraft• Load spectra characterisation• Random vibration of aerospace structuresCivil engineering:• Geotechnical applications• Natural hazards such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and waves• Stochastic fluid mechanics/hydrology• Structural response/control under natural hazardsMarine engineering:• Offshore structures response to wind-induced waves• Ship motion in a random seaMechanical engineering:• Fatigue design• Mechanical systems response/control• Vehicle vibration• Vibration isolationNuclear engineering:• Probabilistic risk assessment• Structural and equipment response to accidental loadsCommon to all disciplines:• Composite materials• Damage mechanics• Monte Carlo simulation• Random fields• Stochastic finite elements• Stochastic optimization• System reliability.
The Journal of Engineering Tribology publishes high-quality papers from academia and industry worldwide on the engineering science associated with tribology and its application to machine elements.
The Journal of Multi-body Dynamics is a multi-disciplinary forum covering all aspects of mechanical design and dynamic analysis of multi-body systems. It is essential reading for academic and industrial research and development departments active in the mechanical design, monitoring and dynamic analysis of multi-body systems."The Journal is regarded as a leading publication in the very broad field of dynamics, not only by the leading lights and emerging individuals who regularly publish their latest findings, but also by practicing engineering professionals from a wide variety of industry. The Editorial Board has always comprised leading scientists and professional engineers, a mix that has inspired growing numbers of submissions of high quality science-based and application-oriented articles.".
The Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems is dedicated to the particular aspects of nanoscale engineering, science, and technology that involve the descriptions and characterizations of nanoscale systems and materials. This Journal reflects work on real devices, processes and materials, that arise from transitioning the scientific and engineering database.
MetaPress provides e-content management and end-user access Web sites for the world’s leading scholarly publishers. Since the migration of converting content from print to electronic has evolved, MetaPress has established an excellent reputation for disseminating scholarly information on the Web, and hosting highly ranked journals and e-books in many disciplines.
The ultimate goal of PCFD is to provide a platform for information exchange between model and software developers and users, by balanced international and interdisciplinary contributions from both areas. It aims to disseminate information relating to development and refinement of mathematical and numerical models, software tools and their innovative applications in the area of CFD.
Crystals lie at the root of much of today's advanced technology. Near-perfect crystals of silicon and III-V compounds are needed for microprocessors and optoelectronics, magnetic crystals provide some computer memories, and crystals of all kinds are required for scientific studies and new applications.This journal is the only review journal which provides a repository of articles and references on the growth and characterization of crystals and their applications. As the years go by it is building up into an invaluable source of information on a wide range of topics.Advances in the techniques of growing and assessing ever more perfect crystals of a wide range of materials lie at the roots of much of today's advanced technology. The literature of crystal growth is expanding faster than almost any comparable field of science. This journal is planned to fill the need for communication and act as a rapid publication medium for review articles and conference reports in order to keep abreast of developments in this field.Crystal growth and characterization (or assessment) is of vital interest to many scientists in industry and in universities. The journal covers all aspects of crystal growth and characterization including crystals of semiconductors and electronic materials, oxides, synthetic materials, magnetic and optical crystals, organic and biological crystals and metals. Topics in eutectics, thin film and theory of crystal growth are included and also methods of assessing crystal perfection and purity. The wide-ranging interdisciplinary nature of Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials means that it is of interest to physicists, chemists, materials scientists, electronic engineers and metallurgists as well as specialists in crystal growth. Emphasis on practical developments and problems ensures its importance for workers in industry.This journal carries full review articles, state-of-the-art reports, reviews of important new publications and lists of forthcoming meetings in the field of crystal growth and characterization.Invited Review Papers only.