The Legal History Review, inspired by E.M. Meijers, is a peer-reviewed journal and was founded in 1918 by a number of Dutch jurists, who set out to stimulate scholarly interest in legal history in their own country and also to provide a centre for international cooperation in the subject. This has gradually through the years been achieved. The Review had already become one of the leading internationally known periodicals in the field before 1940. Since 1950 when it emerged under Belgo-Dutch editorship its position strengthened. Much attention is paid not only to the common foundations of the western legal tradition but also to the special, frequently divergent development of national law in the various countries belonging to, or influenced by it. Modern and contemporary, as well as ancient and medieval history is considered. Roman law and its later development, as well as canon law, have always been particularly important; in addition the history of the English Common Law has been extensively studied.
The Washington Quarterly is an essential source of incisive, independent thinking about our changing world. Each quarterly issue addresses topics such as: the future of international security; trade, finance, and economics; political-military problems; arms control; foreign policy challenges and processes; regional issues and flashpoints. Contributors are drawn from around the globe and reflect diverse political and professional perspectives. Essays are authoritative yet written for the nonspecialist.
Theoretical Criminology is a major interdisciplinary, international, peer reviewed journal for the advancement of the theoretical aspects of criminological knowledge. Theoretical Criminology is concerned with theories, concepts, narratives and myths of crime, criminal behaviour, social deviance, criminal law, morality, justice, social regulation and governance. The journal is committed to renewing general theoretical debate, exploring the interrelation of theory and data in empirical research and advancing the links between criminological analysis and general social, political and cultural theory.
Transnational Environmental Law (TEL) is a peer-reviewed journal for the study of environmental law and governance beyond the state. It approaches legal and regulatory developments with an interest in the contribution of non-state actors and an awareness of the multi-level governance context in which contemporary environmental law unfolds.
TEL has a broad disciplinary focus open to scholarly contributions covering a wide range of environmental issues and the evolving dynamics between environmental law and other legal disciplines.
TEL strives for a new generation of environmental scholarship that will bridge geographical boundaries, scholarly styles and generations.
The objective of Transnational Legal Theory is to publish high-quality theoretical scholarship that addresses transnational dimensions of law and legal dimensions of transnational fields and activity.
Central to Transnational Legal Theory's mandate is publication of work that explores whether and how transnational contexts, forces and ideations affect debates within existing traditions or schools of legal thought. Similarly, the journal aspires to encourage scholars debating general theories about law to consider the relevance of transnational contexts and dimensions for their work. With respect to particular jurisprudence, the journal welcomes not only submissions that involve theoretical explorations of fields commonly constructed as transnational in nature (such as commercial law, maritime law, or cyberlaw) but also explorations of transnational aspects of fields less commonly understood in this way (for example, criminal law, family law, company law, tort law, evidence law, and so on). Submissions of work exploring process-oriented approaches to law as transnational (from transjurisdictional litigation to delocalized arbitration to multi-level governance) are also encouraged.
Equally central to Transnational Legal Theory's mandate is theoretical work that explores fresh (or revived) understandings of international law and comparative law 'beyond the state' (and the interstate). The journal has a special interest in submissions that explore the interfaces, intersections, and mutual embeddedness of public international law, private international law, and comparative law, notably in terms of whether such inter-relationships are reshaping these sub-disciplines in directions that are, in important respects, transnational in nature.
Other areas of interest for the journal include the interaction of systems or orders along such axes as the following examples: constitutional law theory on the reception of various forms of external law by states' legal orders; jurisdictional theory on the external projection of states' legal orders; public law theory on the evolution of regional legal orders; panstate religious normativity; and the theorization of law as "global" in preference or contradistinction to law as either international or transnational.
Legal theory is understood broadly to encompass a variety of inter- and subdisciplinary theoretical approaches to law or to law-like normativity, including, to name only some, philosophy of law, legal sociology, legal history, law and economics, and international relations theory.
The journal covers the entire transport sector including all modes: land, sea and air; public and private; motorised and non-motorised; passenger and freight, including transport in the context of related sectors such as energy, housing, industry and planning. Policy concerns in transport are wide and cover safety, efficiency, economic development, local and global environmental impacts, energy, land-use, equity and access.
Papers are welcome which advance the methods informing policy as well as those which provide an analysis of policies themselves, but papers are expected to have clear policy relevance. Papers are also welcomed which focus on understanding the nature and influences affecting policy change, including technical, attitudinal, institutional, structural and political constraints, including those which provide a comparative analysis. Papers that focus entirely on individual case studies are more appropriate for our sister journal
Types of paper:
Full articles: Articles should normally be no longer that 8000 words. Authors are responsible for ensuring that all manuscripts (whether original or revised) are accurate before final submission. Manuscripts must be submitted on-line through Elsevier Editorial System (EES). Initial submissions may be submitted through the "My Paper My Way" approach, but final acceptances will require completion to the Elsevier standard.
Shorter Items: Shorter items of between 1500 and 2500 words are also welcomed. These can take the form of a Topical Issues paper which allows for the expression of reasoned opinion which may stimulate debate. Such articles should clearly signal how the debate relates to the literature and why it is topical for a significant part of the global readership. This section also welcomes reports on noteworthy developments from conferences and seminars. The editors may invite responses to such papers from other commentators. The shorter form article is not well suited to describing research projects.
Special Issues: Proposals for Special Issues are welcome. Proposals should contain a clear set of objectives, and indication of the number of papers and likely authors. All papers in Special Issues are refereed to the same standard as normal submitted papers.
Trends in Organized Crime offers a composite of analyses and syntheses from a variety of information sources to serve the interests of both practitioners and policy makers, as well as the academic community. It is both a stimulus to and a forum for more rigorous empirical research on organized crime. Trends in Organized Crime publishes peer-reviewed, original research articles and excerpts from significant governmental reports. It also offers reviews of major new books and presents analyses and commentary on current issues in organized crime. Trends in Organized Crime is published in association with the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime (IASOC). For more information on IASOC please visit