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Reviews in Anthropology

ISSN: 0093-8157eISSN: 1556-3014

Reviews in Anthropology is the only anthropological journal devoted to lengthy, in-depth review commentary on recently published books. Titles are largely drawn from the professional literature of anthropology, covering the entire range of work inclusive of all sub-disciplines, including biological, cultural, archaeological, and linguistic anthropology; a smaller number of books is selected from related disciplines. Articles evaluate the place of new books in their theoretical and topical literatures, assess their contributions to anthropology as a whole, and appraise the current state of knowledge in the field. The highly diverse subject matter sustains both specialized research and the generalist tradition of holistic anthropology.Peer Review Policy:All review articles in this journal are invited and have undergone editorial screening and peer review by two referees.

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Revista Colombiana de Antropología

ISSN: 0486-6525eISSN: 2539-472X
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Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana

ISSN: 0556-6533eISSN: 1988-2718

Revista Espanola de Antropologia Fisica

ISSN: 1887-2042eISSN: 2253-9921

Revista de Antropologia

ISSN: 0034-7701eISSN: 1678-9857
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Revista de Antropología Social

ISSN: 1131-558XeISSN: 1988-2831
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Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances

ISSN: 1760-5393

Ricerca Folklorica

ISSN: 0391-9099
Publisher: Grafo edizioni

Romani Studies

ISSN: 1528-0748eISSN: 1757-2274

Romani Studies is an international, interdisciplinary journal publishing modern scholarship in all branches of Romani/Gypsy studies. Founded in 1888, the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society was published in four series up to 1982. In 2000, the journal became Romani Studies. Under the sponsorship of the Gypsy Lore Society (formerly Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter), Romani Studies features articles on the cultures of groups traditionally known as Gypsies as well as Travellers and other peripatetic groups. These groups include, among others, those referring to themselves as Rom, Roma, Romanichels, Sinti and Travellers. The journal publishes articles in history, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, art, literature, folklore and music, as well as reviews of books and audiovisual materials.

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ISSN: 1857-2685

Science, Technology, & Human Values

ISSN: 0162-2439eISSN: 1552-8251

For more than thirty years Science, Technology, & Human Values (STHV) has provided the forum for cutting-edge research and debate in this dynamic and important field. STHV is a peer-reviewed, bi-monthly, international, interdisciplinary journal containing research, analyses and commentary on the development and dynamics of science and technology, including their relationship to politics, society and culture. The journal provides you with work from scholars in a diverse range of disciplines across the social sciences.

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Settler Colonial Studies

ISSN: 2201-473XeISSN: 1838-0743

Settler Colonial Studies is a peer reviewed academic journal, which is published four times a year.
It was established to respond to a growing demand for reflection and critical scholarship on settler colonialism as a distinct social and historical formation.
The journal aims to establish settler colonial studies as a distinct field of scholarly research. Scholars and students will find and contribute to historically-oriented research and analyses covering contemporary issues. We also aim to present multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, involving areas like history, law, genocide studies, indigenous, colonial and postcolonial studies, anthropology, historical geography, economics, politics, sociology, international relations, political science, literary criticism, cultural and gender studies and philosophy.

This journal will be considering original feature articles and proposals for thematic issues. Please contact the Editorial Collective: The journal will also consider book reviews, review articles and shorter reviews. Please contact Dr. Alex Trimble Young, Reviews Editor:

Peer review policy
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing by at least two referees.  

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ISSN: 1363-4607eISSN: 1461-7382

Sexualities (SEX) is a bimonthly journal, edited by Ken Plummer, now indexed in ISI - Impact Factor pending. It covers a vast array of interdisciplinary topics including the stratification of sexualities by class, race, gender and age and Queer theory and lesbian and gay studies. Its broad scope combines sexualized identities, globalization, pornography and mass media communication. Fully peer reviewed it is methodologically inclusive and genuinely international.

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ISSN: 1216-7827

Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies

ISSN: 1361-7362eISSN: 1476-6787
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Slavia Meridionalis

eISSN: 2392-2400
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ISSN: 0037-7333

Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice

ISSN: 0155-977XeISSN: 1558-5727
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Social Compass

ISSN: 0037-7686eISSN: 1461-7404

Social Compass is a fully peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research and review articles on the sociology of religion. It aims to reflect the wide variety of research being carried out by sociologists of religion in all countries. Part of each issue consists of invited articles on a particular theme; for the unthemed part of the journal, articles will be considered on any topic that bears upon religion in contemporary societies.

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Social Evolution and History

ISSN: 1681-4363