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eISSN: 2014-7910


ISSN: 0259-0069eISSN: 0259-0069


ISSN: 2057-0473eISSN: 2057-0481


ISSN: 2200-6796eISSN: 2200-6796


ISSN: 1023-0556eISSN: 2415-0525

Canadian Journal of Communication

ISSN: 0705-3657eISSN: 1499-6642
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Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies

ISSN: 1757-1898eISSN: 1757-1901
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Central European Journal of Communication

ISSN: 1899-5101

Chinese Journal of Communication

ISSN: 1754-4750eISSN: 1754-4769

The Chinese Journal of Communication (CJoC) is a scholarly publication aimed at elevating Chinese communication studies along theoretical, empirical, and methodological dimensions, while contributing to the understanding of media, information, and communication phenomena around the world. This fully refereed journal is an important international platform for students and scholars in Chinese communication studies to exchange ideas and research results, both with each other and globally. Interdisciplinary in scope, it examines subjects in all Chinese societies in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore, and the global Chinese diaspora, which, in total, account for a quarter of humanity. The CJoC welcomes scholarly works using social scientific or humanistic approaches on such topics as mass communication, journalism studies, telecommunications, rhetoric, cultural studies, media effects, new communication technologies, organizational communication, interpersonal communication, advertising and public relations, political communication, communications law and policy, and so on. Articles employing historical and comparative analysis focused on traditional Chinese culture as well as contemporary processes such as globalization, deregulation, and democratization are also welcome. In addition to research articles, CJoC includes reviews of the field and subfields in Chinese communication studies as well as key issues in the Chinese media industry including film, Internet, mobile communication, creative industry, to mention just a few. A particular section is devoted to book reviews on various communication processes in Chinese societies. Peer Review Policy: All research articles published in the Chinese Journal of Communication (CJoC) have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis. Interview with D. Ray Heisey Authors: Jack Lunchuan Qiu and Saskia Witteborn Volume 1, 2008, Issue 2.

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ISSN: 0718-8285eISSN: 0719-9430

Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research

ISSN: 0250-0167eISSN: 1753-5379

Communicatio focuses on and seeks to publish original research articles of the highest standard and of special interest on South African and African communication contexts in the fields of8226; communication theory and philosophy 8226; media and cultural studies 8226; organisational and management communication 8226; visual communication8226; intercultural communication8226; advertising and marketing 8226; developmental communication8226; political communication 8226; new media (policy and social implications)8226; international communication.The journal adheres to a strict policy of publishing only peer-reviewed recommended articles. This journal is accredited with the South African Department of Education. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis and Unisa Press make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and Unisa Press and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, Unisa Press, or Taylor & Francis.

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Communication & Society

eISSN: 2386-7876
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Communication Booknotes Quarterly

ISSN: 1094-8007eISSN: 1532-6896

Communication Booknotes Quarterly is a review service for books, reports, documents, and electronic publications on all aspects of mass communication, telecommunication, and the information industry. This journal enjoys the talents of some two dozen members who make up an active board of contributors. These topical and regional authorities share the quarterly production of hundreds of descriptive reviews designed for an audience of librarians and researchers in the United States and overseas. Subject areas of interest include: advertising/public relations, cable television, economic studies, the information industry, mass communication, popular and critical studies, reference/online resources, television, books and publishing, cartoons and comic art, electronic media history/policy, journalism (all aspects), motion pictures, radio, telecommunication, and computer industry and history. The contributors cover English-, French-, German-, and Spanish-language publications from the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan and Asia, and the Third World.Each issue varies in content, depending on publications appearing over the previous several months. Issues often begin with a review essay concerning publications about a specific topic. Individual reviews will be assigned, and readers and publishers can determine the journal contributors' areas of expertise by consulting the masthead list. The final issue of each year includes an author index and a cumulative index to the year's reviews.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Communication Education

ISSN: 0363-4523eISSN: 1479-5795

Communication Education invites original, social science research on communication in instructional contexts. These should be methodologically rigorous studies that advance practice and theory in instruction generally, and in communication education specifically. I encourage submissions from well-designed, systematic and programmatic research, theoretically-grounded projects, rigorous literature reviews and meta-analyses. Importantly, these studies must be data-based and have a substantive impact on educational processes. Sound studies that examine constructs that are important to teaching/learning processes will be emphasized; e.g., teacher/student interaction, classroom management, information processing, mediated or technology education, educational communication constructs, development and assessment, and learning outcomes will be considered. Both new and experienced scholars are encouraged to submit their works, and will receive feedback that is both expedient and helpful. All authors must submit articles that meet the highest standards of writing, grammar, and mechanics.Given the distinctive missions of each of the NCA journals, book reviews should be submitted to the more appropriate NCA journal, The Review of Communication, and articles focusing on teaching practices should be submitted to Communication Teacher.About the National Communication Association (NCA)The National Communication Association is the world's largest professional association of scholars, educators, students and practitioners dedicated to studying and promoting effective and ethical communication. With more than 7,000 members representing every state in the U.S. and 25 other countries, NCA provides a wide variety of professional development opportunities, publishes and disseminates significant communication scholarship and advances the communication discipline through meaningful research, teaching, and service.NCA provides:- forums for professional interaction among members - publishing outlets in NCA journals and special publications - recognition of outstanding member achievements - submit memberships based on common interests and concerns - special projects to enhance effective and ethical communication in diverse communities and society at large - opportunities for professional development and service - a voice for the profession on timely issues affecting member and societal interests - cooperative relationships with other disciplinary and interdisciplinary associations - visibility for communication studies to a wide range of academic and public audience. - NCA members receive one NCA journal, a monthly newsletter and access to a variety of other services and resources with their membership. For more information about NCA or to join the association, visit or call +1 202-464-4622. Disclaimer The Society (National Communication Association) and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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Communication Law and Policy

ISSN: 1081-1680eISSN: 1532-6926

The societal, cultural, economic and political dimensions of communication, including the freedoms of speech and press, are undergoing dramatic global changes. The convergence of the mass media, telecommunications, and computers has raised important questions reflected in analyses of modern communication law, policy, and regulation. Serving as a forum for discussions of these continuing and emerging questions, Communication Law and Policy considers traditional and contemporary problems of freedom of expression and dissemination, including theoretical, conceptual and methodological issues inherent in the special conditions presented by new media and information technologies.The journal seeks research that is informed theoretically by First Amendment constitutional analyses, historical approaches to communication law and policy issues, contemporary social theory literatures that treat the law as cultural forms, the sociology and philosophy of law, systems approaches, critical theory and other appropriate theoretical bases. The journal publishes rigorously reasoned and thoroughly researched studies based on traditional legal research, social science techniques, or ethnographic, international, or comparative analyses. Communication Law and Policy also publishes articles using other appropriate approaches to pertinent topics. Manuscripts are sought from those in the academic fields of journalism and mass communication, communication, telecommunications, law, business, sociology, political science and cognate disciplines, as well as practicing attorneys, policymakers, and policy analysts.Peer Review PolicyAs general policy, articles and essays in this journal undergo editorial review by the editor and double-blind peer review by at least two members of the editorial board and one additional referee. Occasionally the journal publishes invited articles or essays. In such cases, the pieces are always identified by an editor' note.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Communication Methods and Measures

ISSN: 1931-2458eISSN: 1931-2466

Read about the 1st annual Article of the Year award here.View the new submission guidelines here. The aims of Communication Methods and Measures are to bring developments in methodology, both qualitative and quantitative, to the attention of communication scholars, to provide an outlet for discussion and dissemination of methodological tools and approaches to researchers across the field, to comment on practices with suggestions for improvement in both research design and analysis, and to introduce new methods of measurement useful to communication scientists or improvements on existing methods. Submissions focusing on methods for improving research design and theory testing using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are encouraged. Articles devoted to epistemological issues of relevance to communication research methodologies are also appropriate. This journal welcomes well-written manuscripts on the use of methods as well as articles illustrating the advantages of newer or less widely known methods over those traditionally used in communication.Peer Review Policy: All articles in Communication Methods and Measures have undergone rigorous editor and peer review.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Communication Monographs

ISSN: 0363-7751eISSN: 1479-5787

Communication Monographs , published in March, June, September & December aims to provide a venue for excellent original scholarship that contributes to our understanding of human communication. The scholarship should endeavour to ask questions about the diverse and complex issues that interest communication scholars, including areas such as media studies, interpersonal and relational communication, organizational and group communication, health and family communication, rhetoric, language and social interaction, intercultural communication and cultural studies, and others. The journal especially welcomes questions that bridge boundaries that have traditionally separated scholars within the communication discipline. These questions should be grounded in existing understandings of communication processes, should be informed by relevant theory, and should address issues of clear theoretical, conceptual, methodological, and/or social importance. Diverse approaches to addressing and answering these questions, including theoretical argument, quantitative and qualitative empirical research, and rhetorical and textual analysis, and acknowledgement of the often tentative and partial nature of any answers are welcomed. Approaches to answering questions should be clearly relevant to the questions asked, rigorous in terms of both argument and method, cognizant of alternative interpretations, and contextualized within the wider body of communication scholarship. In considering the questions and answers posed in submissions to Communication Monographs, a premium will be placed on cogent arguments and on writing that is clear and understandable to readers across the varied areas of communication research. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, including screening by the editor and review by at least two anonymous referees.

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Communication Quarterly

ISSN: 0146-3373eISSN: 1746-4102

Communication Quarterly, a scholarly, academic journal sponsored by the Eastern Communication Association (ECA) publishes refereed manuscripts extending the understanding of human communication. Communication Quarterly is philosophically committed to an eclectic approach and to the publication of high quality articles.Manuscripts considered for publication may be research reports, critical studies, state of the art reviews, reports of topical interest, supported opinion papers, and other essays related to the interest groups of ECA and its affiliate organizations. Manuscripts may be philosophical, theoretical, methodological, critical, applied, pedagogical, or empirical in nature. While Communication Quarterly is supported by ECA, a regional communication association, it has a national and international readership. Hence, submissions from diverse geographic areas and cultures worldwide are encouraged.Individuals who have Regular or Exchange member subscriptions to the journals of the Eastern Communication Association, Central States Communication Association, Western States Communication Association, and the Southern States Communication Association may register for online access to the access to the journals herePeer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Communication Reports

ISSN: 0893-4215eISSN: 1745-1043

Communication Reports (CR), published biannually since 1988, is one of two scholarly journals of the Western States Communication Association (WSCA). The journal publishes original manuscripts that are short, data/text-based, and related to the broadly defined field of human communication. The mission of the journal is to showcase exemplary scholarship without censorship based on topics, methods, or analytical tools. Articles that are purely speculative or theoretical, and not data analytic, are not appropriate for this journal. Authors are expected to devote a substantial portion of the manuscript to analyzing and reporting research data.We gratefully acknowledge Vincent F. Follert, Jr. as the founder of Communication Reports. Publication of Communication Reports is supported, in part, by funds endowed by the late Dr. Follert.Individuals who have Regular or Exchange member subscriptions to the journals of the Eastern Communication Association, Central States Communication Association, Western States Communication Association, and the Southern States Communication Association may register for online access to the access to the journals hereWeb-first: Communication Reports is a 'web-first' journal: subscribers will have access to the two issues online during the year, and will receive a printed archive volume at the end of the year.The subscription rate includes subscription also to the WSCA publication, Western Journal of Communication.Peer Review Policy: All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous critique by at least two referees.

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Communication Research

ISSN: 0093-6502eISSN: 1552-3810

Communication Research (CR), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, has provided researchers and practitioners with the most up-to-date, comprehensive and important research on communication and its related fields. It publishes articles that explore the processes, antecedents, and consequences of communication in a broad range of societal systems.

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