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Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology

ISSN: 2214-6873eISSN: 2214-6873

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology (AP-SMART) is the official peer-reviewed, open access journal of the Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS) and the Japanese Orthopaedic Society of Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine (JOSKAS). It is published quarterly, in January, April, July and October, by Elsevier.

The mission of AP-SMART is to inspire clinicians, practitioners, scientists and engineers to work towards a common goal to improve quality of life in the international community. The Journal publishes original research, reviews, editorials, perspectives, and letters to the Editor.

Multidisciplinary research with collaboration amongst clinicians and scientists from different disciplines will be the trend in the coming decades. AP-SMART provides a platform for the exchange of new clinical and scientific information in the most precise and expeditious way to achieve timely dissemination of information and cross-fertilization of ideas.

The information presented aims to provide a scientific yet practical approach to these five areas:

  • Sports medicine—itself a field with cross-disciplinary dimensions, including sports traumatology, cardiology, endocrinology, accident and emergency medicine, physiology, biochemistry and biomechanics. Whilst each of these fields serves a specific domain, they all contribute importantly to the overall care of athletes.
  • Arthroscopy—recent advances in skills and technology have driven arthroscopy to the forefront of surgical development in minimally invasive interventions for sports traumatology.
  • Rehabilitation—an integral part of the overall management of sports trauma, comprising a comprehensive program of treatment with allied health professionals, performance optimization, preventive measures and outcome evaluation
  • Sports technology—of vital importance to biomechanical and biological research in arthroplasty and sports medicine, allowing new ideas to be tested, developed and applied in the field. We aim to establish strong links between engineers, scientists, biomechanists and administrators involved with sports and sports technology.
  • Reconstructive surgery of the knee, shoulder and ankle—including osteotomy, total joint replacement, minimally invasive and computer-assisted surgery. The Journal's section on upper limb is devoted to the advancement of the science and management of upper limb disorders, with particular relevance to sport-related conditions.

Indexed in: Embase, ScienceDirect

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Assessment for Effective Intervention

ISSN: 1534-5084eISSN: 1938-7458

Assessment for Effective Intervention (AEI) provides critical analysis of practitioner-developed assessment procedures, as well as papers that focus on published tests. Features articles that describe the relationship between assessment and instruction, introduce innovative assessment strategies; outline diagnostic procedures; analyze relationships between existing instruments; and review assessment techniques, strategies, and instrumentation.

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Assistive Technology

ISSN: 1040-0435eISSN: 1949-3614

2009 Impact Factor: 0.659Ranking: 35/52 in Rehabilitation2009 5-Year impact Factor: 1.299169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Assistive Technology is an applied, scientific publication in the multi-disciplinary field of technology for people with disabilities. The journal's purpose is to foster communication among individuals working in all aspects of the assistive technology arena including researchers, developers, clinicians, educators and consumers. The journal will consider papers from all assistive technology applications. Only original papers will be accepted. Technical notes describing preliminary techniques, procedures, or findings of original scientific research may also be submitted. Letters to the Editor are welcome. Books for review may be sent to authors or publisher.

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Audiology and Neurotology

ISSN: 1420-3030eISSN: 1421-9700

Audiology and Neurotology provides a forum for the publication of the most advanced and rigorous scientific research related to the basic science and clinical aspects of the auditory and vestibular system and diseases of the ear. This journal seeks submission of cutting-edge research opening up new and innovative fields of study that may improve our understanding and treatment of patients with disorders of the auditory and vestibular systems, their central connections, and their perception in the central nervous system.

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Augmentative and Alternative Communication

ISSN: 0743-4618eISSN: 1477-3848

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is the official journal of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC). AAC publishes scientific articles related to the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) that report research concerning assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and education of people who use or have the potential to use AAC systems; or discuss theory, technology, and systems development relevant to AAC.The broad range of topics included in the Journal reflects the development of this field internationally. AAC publishes research and synthesis articles; forum notes; case studies; research, technical, and intervention notes; book reviews; and articles related to ISAAC governance. Read More:

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Australasian Journal of Paramedicine

ISSN: 2202-7270

Australian Journal of Pharmacy

ISSN: 0311-8002

Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling

ISSN: 1323-8922eISSN: 1838-6059
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Australian Occupational Therapy Journal

ISSN: 0045-0766eISSN: 1440-1630

The Australian Occupational Therapy Journal is the official journal of Occupational Therapy Australia, and welcomes manuscripts relevant to the theory, research, practice and education of occupational therapy. The Journal aims to promote research and interdisciplinary communication, and provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to occupational therapists. The Journal is dedicated to promoting occupational therapy internationally.

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BMC Obesity

eISSN: 2052-9538

Human obesity, lifestyle and community interventions, genetics, phenotyping and metabolism, basic science, treatment in clinical practice

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BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation

eISSN: 2052-1847

BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation is an open access, peer reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of sports medicine and the exercise sciences, including rehabilitation, traumatology, cardiology, physiology, and nutrition.It is journal policy to publish work deemed by peer reviewers to be a coherent and sound addition to scientific knowledge and to put less emphasis on interest levels, provided that the research constitutes a useful contribution to the field.

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BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine

ISSN: 2055-7647eISSN: 2055-7647

sport medicine, exercise medicine

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Behavioral Healthcare

ISSN: 1931-7093
Publisher: Vendome

BioMedical Engineering OnLine

eISSN: 1475-925X

BioMedical Engineering OnLine is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of biomedical engineering.

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ISSN: 1757-6180eISSN: 1757-6199

Bioanalysis delivers essential information in concise, at-a-glance article formats. Key advances in the field are reported and analyzed by international experts, providing an authoritative but accessible forum for the modern bioanalyst. The content is uniquely targeted to those working on the analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological matrices. The articles have wide appeal to analytical chemists, mass spectroscopists, chromatographers, pharmacologists, clinical chemists, analytical toxicologists, and those involved with studies of drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, toxicity, bioequivalence and metabolomics.

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Biochemia Medica

ISSN: 1330-0962eISSN: 1846-7482

Hrcak is the central portal of Croatian scientific journals. Hrcak offers the access to the journals following the Open Access Initiative (more about Hrcak in Croatian only). About Hrcak (in Croatian only) • for end users. Hrcak stat: Journals: 259 Issues: 4911 Articles without full text: 4469 Articles with full text: 64518This portal is supported by the Ministry of Science Education and Sports, developed and mainteined by the University Computing Centre and was initiated by the Croatian Information and Documentation Society. The Hrcak project team is responsible for the portal's overall design and functionality as well as data security. Responsibility for the journals' content and the accuracy of data therein lies with the respective journal editors.For all technical questions concerning the Hrcak portal please contact the hrcak team . Questions concerning a journal or its editors should be directed to the journal directly. For contact information, please refer to the respective journal's web page.

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Biochimica Clinica

ISSN: 0393-0564eISSN: 0392-7091

Biology of Sport

ISSN: 0860-021XeISSN: 2083-1862

BIOLOGY OF SPORT publishes reports of methodological and experimental work on science of sport, natural sciences, medicine and pharmacology, technical siences, biocybernetics and application of statistics and psychology, with priority for inter-discyplinary papers. Brief reviews of monographic papers on problems of sport, information on recent developments in research equipment and training aids, are also published. Papers are invided from researchers, coaches and all authors engaged in problems of trining effects, selection in sport as well as biological and social effects of athletic activity durning various periods of man's ontogenetic development.

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Biomedical Engineering

ISSN: 0006-3398eISSN: 1573-8256

Biomedical Engineering covers recent advances in the growing field of biomedical technology, instrumentation, and administration. Contributions focus on theoretical and practical problems associated with:the development of medical technology:the introduction of new engineering methods into public health:hospitals and patient care:the improvement of diagnosis and therapy:biomedical information storage and retrieval.

Biomedical Engineering is a translation of the Russian journal Meditsinskaya Tekhnika. The Russian volume-year is published in English beginning in July.
All articles are peer-reviewed.Russian language information on Meditsinskaya Tekhnika is available at the following link:

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Biomedical Human Kinetics

eISSN: 2080-2234
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