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Health Care Management Science

ISSN: 1386-9620eISSN: 1572-9389

Health Care Management Science publishes important articles that promote systems thinking, offer rigorous scientific approaches for solving tough health care problems, and address policy implications. The journal uses an interdisciplinary approach, covering such topics as productivity and operations analysis, information systems, financial management, strategic management, managed care, and systems dynamics. Providing a single forum for researchers and practitioners of health care services and management, the journal fosters the development and exchange of new ideas and the discussion of important findings in the field. Moreover, it disseminates knowledge rapidly across traditional disciplinary boundaries.Officially cited as: Health Care Manag Sci

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Journal of Bioethical Inquiry

ISSN: 1176-7529eISSN: 1872-4353

The Journal of Bioethical Inquiry is a forum for discussing and debating ethical, cultural and social issues arising in medicine, the health sciences and health care in general. Coverage includes core areas of conventional bioethics, such as research, clinical practice and medical technology. The journal also addresses questions of pressing contemporary relevance, such as the implications of current world events for the health of populations, and critical analyses of specific social policies around the world and their likely impact on health and welfare and systems of power. In addition to original research, regular features include: New developments; Reader Response; and case scenarios with commentaries.

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Journal of Physical Activity and Health

ISSN: 1543-3080eISSN: 1543-5474

It is the mission of the Journal of Physical Activity & Health to be the primary global outlet for information relevant to the science and practice of physical activity as it relates to health and health outcomes. The Journal of Physical Activity & Health (JPAH) publishes original research and practice reports as well as review papers. Of interest is work studying the role of physical activity as it relates to health as well as reports of efforts to increase physical activity on individual and community levels. JPAH is an interdisciplinary journal published for researchers and practitioners in fields of disease and injury prevention and control where physical activity may play a vital role. JPAH also devotes attention to original research and reports on issues related to physical activity assessment, surveillance and practice.

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Machine Learning: Health

eISSN: 3049-477X

Machine Learning: Health is a multidisciplinary open access journal dedicated to the application of machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven computational methods across healthcare and the medical, biological, clinical, and health sciences. The journal also publishes research that presents methodological, theoretical, or conceptual advances in machine learning and AI with applications to medicine and health sciences.

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Preventive Medicine

ISSN: 0091-7435

Founded in 1972 by Ernst Wynder, Preventive Medicine is an international scholarly journal that provides prompt publication of original articles on the science and practice of disease prevention, health promotion, and public health policymaking. Preventive Medicine aims to reward innovation. It will favor insightful observational studies, thoughtful explorations of health data, unsuspected new angles for existing hypotheses, robust randomized controlled trials, and impartial systematic reviews. Preventive Medicine's ultimate goal is to publish research that will have an impact on the work of practitioners of disease prevention and health promotion, as well as of related disciplines.

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eISSN: 2589-5370

EClinicalMedicine is a new open access clinical journal that will publish original research to help frontline health professionals navigate the complex and rapid health transitions facing societies worldwide. EClinicalMedicine will help practitioners solve the problems and challenges of healthcare across all communities. From diagnosis to treatment, prevention to health promotion and protection, it will integrate disciplines across all specialties and across the life course with the ultimate goal of strengthening health systems as core institutions in our societies. It is a journal that has the courage and vision to rethink and reframe the future of health and healthcare.

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International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health

ISSN: 1232-1087eISSN: 1896-494X

International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health (IJOMEH) is an English-language quarterly founded in 1988, initiated by the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine and The Polish Association of Occupational Medicine. The journal has a distinguished Editorial Board of outstanding experts in the field of a wide-grasp occupational and environmental  health, ensuring that the journal maintains high academic standards and has a broad international coverage. The submitted scientific articles are subjected to a rigorous peer-review.

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Journal of Aquatic Animal Health

ISSN: 0899-7659eISSN: 1548-8667

Published under the guidance of the American Fisheries Society's Fish Health Section, the Journal of Aquatic Animal Health serves the international community of scientists and culturists concerned with the health of aquatic organisms. It carries research papers on the causes, effects, treatments, and prevention of diseases of marine and freshwater organisms, particularly fish and shellfish. In addition, it contains papers that describe biochemical and physiological investigations into fish health that relate to assessing the impacts of both environmental and pathogenic features.

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Indian Journal of Palliative Care

ISSN: 0973-1075eISSN: 1998-3735
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International Journal of Preventive Medicine

ISSN: 2008-7802eISSN: 2008-8213
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Journal of Evidence-Based Care

ISSN: 2008-2487eISSN: 2008-370X
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas

ISSN: 1729-519XeISSN: 1729-519X

Risk Management and Healthcare Policy

eISSN: 1179-1594
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Social Medicine

ISSN: 1557-7112eISSN: 1557-7112
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ISSN: 1778-3798eISSN: 1778-381X

Psycho-Oncologie est une revue scientifique humaniste et multidisciplinaire qui aborde de façon innovante le malade et la maladie dans notre société. Elle a pour objectif de créer des liens entre tous les partenaires de la prise en charge des patients atteints de cancer, mais aussi de leur famille et de leurs soignants. La psycho-oncologie, carrefour entre la médecine et les sciences humaines, discipline unique en son genre, fait l'objet d'une revue qui s'adresse aussi bien aux oncologues, psychologues, psychiatres, infirmières, qu'à tout le personnel de soins. Psycho-oncologie s'intéresse à tous les aspects psychosociaux du cancer et publie des articles originaux, des méta-analyses, des revues de la littérature, des observations cliniques, des comptes rendus, des notes de lectures, des éditoriaux et des articles en anglais, dans les domaines de la médecine, la psychologie et autres sciences humaines (sociologie, anthropologie, économie). Psycho-oncologie est l'organe officiel de la SFPO (SociÃ

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ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal

ISSN: 1091-5397eISSN: 1536-593X

As an Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal174; responds to the information needs of fitness instructors, personal trainers, exercise leaders, program managers, and other front line health and fitness professionals. The mission of the journal is to promote and distribute accurate, unbiased, and authoritative information on health and fitness. With a complete and compelling format, the journal covers all aspects of exercise science and nutrition research, with components of ACSM certification workshops, current topics of interest to the fitness industry, and continuing education credit opportunities. For more information, visit and In-Training subscribers receive fully searchable online access to articles from Volume 1 to the present8212;now available on a powerful new website! This best-in-class website platform uses Web 2.0 functionality to provide an enhanced online experience through such features as: saved searches, personal article collections, easy image downloads to PowerPoint, and more.Members of ACSM's Alliance of Health and Fitness Professionals receive ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal174; as a benefit of membership. Visit for membership information.

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Interface: Comunicação, Saúde, Educação

ISSN: 1414-3283eISSN: 1807-5762

It focuses on Education and Communication in health practices, education of health professionals (both university-based and inservice education) and Collective Health in its articulation with Philosophy, Arts and the Social and Human Sciences. Critical and innovative approaches are prioritized and qualitative research is emphasized.

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International Journal of Workplace Health Management

ISSN: 1753-8351eISSN: 1753-836X

IJWHM publishes high-quality research and practical insights concerned with the management of health, well-being, and performance in work settings.

Salud Pública de México

ISSN: 0036-3634eISSN: 0036-3634

To publish articles both in English and Spanish related to public health topics, in the form of full-length original research papers, brief communications, review articles, essays, updates, classics, indicators, health news, book reviews and letters to the editor.

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ISSN: 0267-6591eISSN: 1477-111X

Perfusion provides current information on all aspects of perfusion, oxygenation and biocompatibility and their use in modern cardiac surgery. The journal is at the forefront of international research and development and presents an appropriately multidisciplinary approach to perfusion science. Perfusion's reputation for the highest quality research is further enhanced by collaborative ventures.

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