Communication Disorders Quarterly (CDQ) presents cutting edge information on typical and atypical communication -- from oral language development to literacy. The journal also offers assessment of and interventions for communicative disorders across the lifespan. It includes research reports, a clinical forum that reports theoretical applications in clinical and educational settings, short tutorials on specific topics or clinical procedures, and media reviews.
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (FOCUS) offers practical educational and treatment suggestions for teachers, trainers, and parents of persons with autism or other pervasive developmental disabilities. FOCUS offers original research reports, position papers reflecting diverse philosophical and theoretical positions, effective intervention procedures, descriptions of successful programs, and media reviews.
Intervention in School and Clinic (ISC) equips teachers and clinicians with hands-on tips, techniques, methods, and ideas for improving assessment, instruction, and management for individuals with learning disabilities or behavior disorders. Articles focus on curricular, instructional, social, behavioral, assessment, and vocational strategies and techniques that have a direct application to the classroom settings.
Journal of Disability Policy Studies (DPS) addresses compelling variable issues in ethics, policy and law related to individuals with disabilities. Regular features include "From My Perspective," which discusses issues confronting a particular disability discipline or area, and "Point/Counterpoint" which addresses timely ethical issues affecting individuals with disabilities.
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBX) offers interdisciplinary research, practice, and commentary related to individuals with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Each issue explores critical and diverse topics such as youth violence, functional assessment, school-wide discipline, mental health services, positive behavior supports, and educational strategies.
Journal of Learning Disabilities (LDX) provides specials series (in-depth coverage of topics in the field, such as mathematics, sciences and the learning disabilities field as discursive practice), feature articles (extensive literature reviews, theoretical papers, and position papers), research articles (reports of qualitative and quantitative empirical research), and intervention articles (overviews of successful interventions).
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions (PBI) offers sound, research-based principles of positive behavior support for use in school, home and community settings with people with challenges in behavioral adaptation. Regular features include empirical research; discussion, literature reviews, and conceptual papers; programs, practices, and innovations; forum; and media reviews.
Learning Disability Quarterly (LDQ) publishes high-quality research and scholarship concerning children, youth, and adults with learning disabilities. Consistent with that purpose, the journal seeks to publish articles with the potential to impact and improve educational outcomes, opportunities, and services.
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin (RCB) features articles important to rehabilitation counseling practitioners in counseling, education, or research settings. Each issue includes original empirical research, theoretical essays, comprehensive literature reviews, intensive case studies, research critiques, and media reviews.
Remedial and Special Education (RSE) offers interdisciplinary articles that bridge the gap between theory and practice involving the education of individuals for whom typical instruction is not effective. Articles include topical reviews, syntheses of research, field evaluation studies, and recommendations for practice of remedial and special education.
The Journal of Special Education (SED) provides research articles and scholarly reviews on special education for individuals with mild to severe disabilities. The journal publishes traditional, ethnographic, and single-subject research; intervention studies, integrative reviews on timely issues, and critical commentaries; and special thematic issues.
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education (TEC) focuses on information that will improve the lives of young children with special needs and their families. The practical nature of this journal helps professionals improve service delivery systems for preschool children with special needs. Each issue features reports of original research, literature reviews, conceptual statements, position papers, and program descriptions.
Word of Mouth (WOM) helps frontline clinicians keep up with the latest trends in working with school-age children. Each 16-page issue of bare-bones, down-to-earth information includes reviews, resources, idea swap, and short bits.