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ISSN: 1078-2192

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

ISSN: 0000-0001

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. For first-time attendees, CHI is a place where researchers and practitioners gather from across the world to discuss the latest in interactive technology. We are a multicultural community from highly diverse backgrounds who together investigate new and creative ways for people to interact.

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ACM Communications in Computer Algebra

ISSN: 1932-2232
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ACM Computing Surveys

ISSN: 0360-0300eISSN: 1557-7341

The ACM Computing Surveys publishes surveys of and tutorials on areas of computing research or practice. See the Editorial Charter available at for further details. Contributions should conform to generally accepted practices for scientific papers with respect to organization and style.Types of PapersSubmissions must be of one of the following types.Survey paper A paper that summarizes and organizes recent research results in a novel way that integrates and add understanding to work in the field. A survey article assumes a general knowledge of the area; it emphasizes the classification of the existing literature, developing a perspective on the area, and evaluating trends. Tutorial paper A paper that organizes and introduces work in the field. A tutorial paper assumes its audience is inexpert; it emphasizes the basic concepts of the field and provides concrete examples that embody these concepts. Symposium Proposals Proposals for editing Symposium issues covering areas or topics of research, such as the Symposium on Artificial Intelligence appearing in Volume 27, Number 3 (September 1995). Paper LengthPapers should not normally exceed 35 pages when formatted using the Surveys style. When justified, additional material may be published in an electronic supplement. Manuscripts of excessive length may be rejected without review.

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ACM Inroads

ISSN: 2153-2184eISSN: 2153-2192
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ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems

eISSN: 2833-0528
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ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies

eISSN: 2834-5533
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Journal on Educational Resources in Computing

ISSN: 1531-4278
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ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems

ISSN: 1550-4832eISSN: 1550-4840

The ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems invites submissions of original technical papers describing research and development in emerging technologies in computing systems. Major economic and technical challenges are expected to impede the continued scaling of semiconductor devices. This has resulted in the search for alternate mechanical, biological/biochemical, nanoscale electronic, green and sustainable computing, asynchronous and quantum computing, and sensor technologies. As the underlying nanotechnologies continue to evolve in the labs of chemists, physicists, and biologists, it has become imperative for computer scientists and engineers to translate the potential of the basic building blocks (analogous to the transistor) emerging from these labs into information systems. Their design will face multiple challenges ranging from the inherent (un)reliability due to the self-assembly nature of the fabrication processes for nanotechnologies, from the complexity due to the sheer volume of nanodevices that will have to be integrated for complex functionality, and from the need to integrate these new nanotechnologies with silicon devices in the same system.

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ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithmics

eISSN: 1084-6654
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ACM Journal on Responsible Computing

eISSN: 2832-0565
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ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems

ISSN: 0164-0925eISSN: 1558-4593

language design for sequential and parallel programming programming language implementation programming language semantics compilers and interpreters runtime systems for program execution storage allocation and garbage collection languages and methods for writing program specifications languages and methods for secure and reliable programs testing and verification of programsPapers can be either theoretical or experimental in style, but in either case, they must contain innovative and novel content that advances the state of the art of programming languages and systems. We also invite strictly experimental papers that compare existing approaches, tutorial, and survey papers.

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ACM Queue

ISSN: 1542-7730eISSN: 1542-7749

ACM SIGACCESS accessibility and computing/Accessibility and computing

ISSN: 1558-1187

ACM SIGBIO newsletter/SIGBIO newsletter

ISSN: 0163-5697

ACM SIGCAS Computers & Society

ISSN: 0095-2737
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ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS)

ISSN: 2018-40380

The first annual ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS 2018) invites submissions of Full Papers and Notes for the conference to be hosted at Facebook (San Francisco, CA) from June 20th to June 22nd, 2018. ACM COMPASS is a re-creation of the ACM DEV conference, which was held annually between 2010 and 2016. The new conference expands the focus of the original conference to explicitly welcome work on underrepresented communities worldwide and to include work on sustainability. To ensure strong technical contributions, the conference will accept papers and notes based on tracks corresponding to the computing areas they draw upon. The tracks for the 2018 conference are Systems, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Data Science, and Applications.

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ACM SIGICE bulletin/SIGICE bulletin

ISSN: 1078-134X

ACM SIGMICRO newsletter/SIGMICRO newsletter/SIGMICRO, TCMICRO newsletter

ISSN: 0163-5751

ACM SIGPLAN LISP pointers/LISP pointers

ISSN: 1045-3563


ISSN: 1523-2867
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ACM SIGSAC review/SIG security, audit & control review

ISSN: 0277-920X

ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems

ISSN: 9876-5432

The CC-BY 4.0 license is only available for full and short research papers with selection of 1. the fee-based Open Access option and 2. the ACM Permission and Release Form (non-exclusive publishing license).

ACM brings together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges. As the world’s largest computing society, ACM strengthens the profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

Founded at the dawn of the computer age, ACM’s reach extends to every part of the globe, with more than half of its 100,000 members residing outside the U.S.  Its growing membership has led to Councils in Europe, India, and China, fostering networking opportunities that strengthen ties within and across countries and technical communities.  Their actions enhance ACM’s ability to raise awareness of computing’s important technical, educational, and social issues around the world.

ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics, UrbanGIS@SIGSPATIAL

ISSN: 8912-3456

The CC-BY 4.0 license is only available for full and short research papers with selection of 1. the fee-based Open Access option and 2. the ACM Permission and Release Form (non-exclusive publishing license).

ACM brings together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges. As the world’s largest computing society, ACM strengthens the profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

Founded at the dawn of the computer age, ACM’s reach extends to every part of the globe, with more than half of its 100,000 members residing outside the U.S.  Its growing membership has led to Councils in Europe, India, and China, fostering networking opportunities that strengthen ties within and across countries and technical communities.  Their actions enhance ACM’s ability to raise awareness of computing’s important technical, educational, and social issues around the world.

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ACM SIGUCCS plugged in

ISSN: 2168-8516

ACM SIGWEB newsletter/SIGWEB newsletter

ISSN: 1931-1435

ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing

ISSN: 1936-7228eISSN: 1936-7236
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ACM Transactions on Algorithms

ISSN: 1549-6325eISSN: 1549-6333

ACM Transactions on Algorithms welcomes submissions of original research of the highest quality dealing with algorithms that are inherently discrete and finite, and having mathematical content in a natural way, either in the objective or in the analysis. Most welcome are new algorithms and data structures, new and improved analyses, and complexity results. Specific areas of computation covered by the journal include * combinatorial searches and objects; * counting; * discrete optimization and approximation; * randomization; * parallel and distributed computation; * algorithms for * graphs, * geometry, * arithmetic, * number theory, * strings; * on-line analysis; * cryptography; * coding; * data compression; * learning algorithms; * methods of algorithmic analysis; * discrete algorithms for application areas such as * biology, * economics, * game theory, * communication, * computer systems and architecture, * hardware design, * scientific computing This area list will evolve as the research community explores new areas. In addition to original research articles TALG will include special features appearing from time to time such as invited columns and a problems section.

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ACM Transactions on Applied Perception

ISSN: 1544-3558eISSN: 1544-3965

Individual articles published in ACM Transactions on Applied Perception are available through the Article Express International FAX service. If you wish to search for specific articles, go to our Past Issues. Note that abstracts for many of the articles are available online, and ACM TAP subscribers may download electronic versions of the latest articles.

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ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization

ISSN: 1544-3566eISSN: 1544-3973

The ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization focuses on hardware, software, and system research spanning the fields of computer architecture and code optimization. Articles that appear in TACO present new techniques and concepts or report on experiences and experiments with actual systems. Insights useful to architects, hardware or software developers, designers, builders, and are emphasized.

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ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems

ISSN: 1556-4665eISSN: 1556-4703

ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) is a venue for high quality research contributions addressing foundational, engineering, and technological aspects of computing systems exhibiting emergent and adaptive behaviour. TAAS encourages contributions aimed at supporting the understanding, development, and control of such systems based on sound theoretical models, including but not limited to bio-inspired models. ACM TAAS spans complexity, self-adaptation, autonomic computing, and multi-agent systems. It addresses research being undertaken by an interdisciplinary research computing community -- and provide a common platform under which this work can be published and disseminated. Such a common view would consider macro-behavior of decentralized applications emerging from micro-behavior of its autonomous, possibly mobile components.

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ACM Transactions on Computation Theory

ISSN: 1942-3454eISSN: 1942-3462
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ACM Transactions on Computational Logic

ISSN: 1529-3785eISSN: 1557-945X

For the purposes of TOCL, the field of computational logic consists of all uses of logic in computer science. This area has a great tradition in computer science. Several researchers who earned the ACM Turing award have also contributed to this field, namely Edgar Codd (relational database systems), Stephen Cook (complexity of logical theories), Edsger W. Dijkstra, Robert W. Floyd, Tony Hoare, Amir Pnueli, and Dana Scott (program logics, program derivation and verification, programming languages semantics), Robin Milner (interactive theorem proving, concurrency calculi, and functional programming), and John McCarthy (functional programming and logics in AI).

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ACM Transactions on Computer Systems

ISSN: 0734-2071eISSN: 1557-7333

The purpose of ACM Transactions on Computer Systems is to present research and development results on the design, specification, realization, behavior, and use of computer systems. The term "computer systems" is interpreted broadly and includes systems architectures, operating systems, distributed systems, and computer networks. Articles that appear in TOCS will tend either to present new techniques and concepts or to report on experiences and experiments with actual systems. Insights useful to system designers, builders, and users will be emphasized. Among the topics within the scope of TOCS are the following: design of entire systemstechnology shiftsengineering trade-offsstorage managementsystem-user interfacecommunication managementreliabilityimplementation techniquessystem validationperformance models design of system componentsprocessor managementsecurityfile systemsprotocolsdata organizationfault toleranceinformation flowsystem verificationperformance analysisIt is possible that a TOCS paper of interest to a large segment of the computing community would be published in Communications in order to keep the general ACM membership apprised of developments in the systems area. TOCS publishes research and technical papers, both short and long. It includes technical correspondence to permit commentary on technical topics and on previously published papers.

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ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction

ISSN: 1073-0516eISSN: 1557-7325

This ACM Transaction seeks to be the premier archival journal in the multidisciplinary field of human-computer interaction. Since its first issue in March 1994, it has presented work of the highest scientific quality that contributes to the practice in the present and future. The primary emphasis is on results of broad application, but the journal considers original work focused on specific domains, on special requirements, on ethical issues -- the full range of design, development, and use of interactive systems.

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ACM Transactions on Computing Education

eISSN: 1946-6226
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ACM Transactions on Database Systems

ISSN: 0362-5915eISSN: 1557-4644

The ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) publishes original archival papers in the area of databases and closely related disciplines. The majority of the papers that have appeared in TODS address the logical and technical foundation of data management.The international Editorial Board is composed of recognized experts in the various subareas of this field, all with a commitment to maintain TODS as the premier publication in this active field. Papers can be submitted directly to any of the editors. The Editorial Board maintains contact with ACM's Special Interest Group on Management and Organization of Data (SIGMOD), as well as with other societies, to encourage submittal of advanced and original papers. When appropriate, concise results may be submitted as technical notes; technical comments on earlier publications are welcome as well.

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ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation

ISSN: 2167-8375eISSN: 2167-8383
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ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems

ISSN: 1539-9087eISSN: 1558-3465

A special issue serves several purposes: it provides a well-defined location for papers that relate to a common theme; it can serve as a catalyst for an emerging field by providing that highly-visible forum for the topic; and it encourages authors to submit high-quality work by providing them with a focused review process and publication schedule. TECS is committed to providing adequate space to regular submissions to the transactions, but TECS is also happy to provide room for special issues of interest to the embedded systems community.A special issue may be instigated by the TECS editorial staff or may be proposed by potential guest editor(s). The special issue associate editor works with the TECS editorial staff to refine the special issue's call for papers and set a timetable for submission and review. The call for papers is then publicized through a variety of mechanisms: notices in TECS and other publications, Web sites, flyers at conferences etc.Authors submit their special issue contributions to the TECS Web site. Authors must be sure to use the Web site's mechanism to mark the contribution as a special issue submission; as a safety measure, authors should also put the special issue name on the first page of the submission.Submissions to the special issue must be accepted on the first round of review; the special issue associate editor may request minor changes to the paper before publication. Since journal articles typically go through two rounds of review before publication, the special issue process offers quick archival publication for papers that meet the highest standards.

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ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization

ISSN: 2688-299XeISSN: 2688-3007
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ACM Transactions on Graphics

ISSN: 0730-0301eISSN: 1557-7368

As illustrated below, the TOG journal has a strong synergy with ACM SIGGRAPH, the premiere conference organization in graphics. Of the six issues published by TOG each year, two are special issues containing the papers presented at the annual SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia conferences. Conversely, authors of papers published in the regular issues of TOG can present their work at either of these two conferences. Also, several paths provide reviewer continuity between the conference and the journal.

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ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction

eISSN: 2573-9522
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ACM Transactions on Information Systems

ISSN: 1046-8188eISSN: 1558-2868

ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) is a scholarly journal that publishes the highest quality papers about the design and evaluation of computer software that helps people find, organize, analyze, and use information in a variety of media. TOIS is published quarterly.

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ACM Transactions on Information and System Security

ISSN: 1094-9224eISSN: 1557-7406

ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.

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ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology

ISSN: 2157-6904eISSN: 2157-6912
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ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems

ISSN: 2160-6455eISSN: 2160-6463
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ACM Transactions on Internet Technology

ISSN: 1533-5399eISSN: 1557-6051

The Association for Computing Machinery's Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) is a scholarly, scientific journal that publishes original research papers in all areas of network and web systems, digital public policy, and other technically oriented issues on the design, use, and services of the Internet. Established in the Summer of 2001, the journal has emerged as one of the premier venues in networking, web, security, and public policy research. TOIT is part of the family of journals produced by the ACM.

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ACM Transactions on Internet of Things

ISSN: 2691-1914eISSN: 2577-6207
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ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data

ISSN: 1556-4681eISSN: 1556-472X
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ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems

ISSN: 2158-656XeISSN: 2158-6578
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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

ISSN: 0098-3500eISSN: 1557-7295

The purpose of the ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) is to communicate important research results addressing the development, evaluation and use of mathematical software. In addition, TOMS publishes machine-readable computer software which is incorporated into the Collected Algorithms of the ACM; such software may be written in any programming language that is in widespread use, but the author must be able to make the case as to why the language chosen was the most appropriate given the goals of wide usability and applicability of research published in TOMS. In both research papers and software, TOMS seeks contributions of lasting value in which technical quality, relevance to significant computations, interest, and novelty are all high, and where presentation is effective.

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ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation

ISSN: 1049-3301eISSN: 1558-1195

ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.

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ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems

ISSN: 2376-3639eISSN: 2376-3647
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ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications

ISSN: 1551-6857eISSN: 1551-6865

The ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications is the flagship publication of the ACM Special Interest Group in Multimedia (SIGMM). It focuses on multimedia computing (I/O devices, OS, storage systems, streaming media middleware, continuous media representations, media coding, media processing, etc.), multimedia communications (real-time protocols, end-to-end streaming media, resource allocation, multicast protocols, etc.), and multimedia applications (databases, distributed collaboration, video conferencing, 3D virtual environments, etc.).

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ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems

ISSN: 0734-2047

ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing

ISSN: 2329-4949eISSN: 2329-4957
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ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security

ISSN: 2471-2566eISSN: 2471-2574
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ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems

eISSN: 2770-6699
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ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems

ISSN: 1936-7406eISSN: 1936-7414
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ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

ISSN: 1550-4859eISSN: 1550-4867

The ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) publishes high-quality papers reporting significant results in the research and applications of distributed, wireless or wireline sensor and actuator networks. As an interdisciplinary field, sensor networks draw upon many disciplines including signal processing, networking and protocols, embedded systems, information management, and distributed algorithms. Potential synergies among these fields are expected to open up new research directions.

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ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology

ISSN: 1049-331XeISSN: 1557-7392

Computing Reviews, the post-publication review and comment journal of ACM, is seeking a volunteer editor interested in serving as category editor for a segment of the software area. Please see the Category Editor search page for more information.

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ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems

ISSN: 2374-0353eISSN: 2374-0361
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ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing

ISSN: 1550-4875eISSN: 1550-4883

ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP) focuses on practical areas of the design, development, and evaluation of speech- and text-processing systems along with their associated theory. Topics within TSLP's scope include: natural language understanding, generation, and parsing; dialog management; machine translation; document summarization; question answering; detection and tracking of entities, relationships, topics, and novelty; language modeling for machine translation and speech; speech prosody; audio indexing; spoken document retrieval; and machine learning and pattern analysis applied to the above

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ACM Transactions on the Web

ISSN: 1559-1131eISSN: 1559-114X

ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) is a journal publishing refereed articles reporting the results of research on Web content, applications, use, and related enabling techologies.The scope of TWEB is described on the Call for Papers page. Authors are invited to submit original research papers for consideration by following the directions on the Information for Authors page.

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ACM journal of computer documentation

ISSN: 1527-6805

ACM journal of data and information quality

ISSN: 1936-1963

ACM journal on computing and cultural heritage/Journal on computing and cultural heritage

ISSN: 1556-4711

ACM transactions on computing for healthcare

ISSN: 2691-1957
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ACM transactions on cyber-physical systems

ISSN: 2378-962XeISSN: 2378-9638
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ACM transactions on quantum computing

ISSN: 2643-6809eISSN: 2643-6817
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ACM transactions on social computing

ISSN: 2469-7818eISSN: 2469-7826
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ACM/IMS transactions on data science/ACMIMS transactions on data science

ISSN: 2577-3224

APL quote quad

ISSN: 0163-6006

Ada letters

ISSN: 1094-3641


ISSN: 0731-1001

Communication design quarterly review

ISSN: 2166-1642

Communications of the ACM

ISSN: 0001-0782eISSN: 1557-7317

The composer still composes but also gets to take a programming-enabled journey of musical discovery.

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Computer Graphics (ACM)

ISSN: 0097-8930

Computer personnel/ACM SIGCPR computer personnel

ISSN: 0160-2497

Computers in Entertainment

ISSN: 1544-3574

Computing Reviews

ISSN: 0010-4884eISSN: 1530-6585
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Computing Surveys

ISSN: 0010-4892


ISSN: 2168-135X

Data Base for Advances in Information Systems

ISSN: 1532-0936
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Digital government

ISSN: 2639-0175

Digital threats

ISSN: 2576-5337

Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice

eISSN: 2769-6472
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Distributed ledger technologies

ISSN: 2769-6480

ELearn magazine

eISSN: 1535-394X
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Energy informatics review

ISSN: 2770-5331

Fortran forum

ISSN: 1061-7264

Games: Research and Practice

eISSN: 2832-5516
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GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications

ISSN: 2375-0529eISSN: 2375-0537

Installation management review

ISSN: 0163-5972

Journal of Data and Information Quality

ISSN: 1936-1955
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Journal of End User Computing

ISSN: 1063-2239
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Journal of the ACM

ISSN: 0004-5411eISSN: 1557-735X

The Journal of the ACM (JACM) provides coverage of the most significant work going on in computer science, broadly construed. It is a peer-reviewed journal, published six times a year by ACM.We publish original research papers of lasting value in computer science. To be accepted, a paper must be judged to be truly outstanding in its field and to be of interest to a wide audience. We are particularly interested in work at the boundaries, both the boundaries of subdisciplines of computer science and the boundaries between computer science and other fields.

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Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage

ISSN: 1556-4673
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NetWorker/NetWorker - Association for Computing Machinery

ISSN: 1091-3556

Ninth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development

ISSN: 0000-0000

The CC-BY 4.0 license is only available for full and short research papers with selection of 1. the fee-based Open Access option and 2. the ACM Permission and Release Form (non-exclusive publishing license).

ACM brings together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges. As the world’s largest computing society, ACM strengthens the profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

Founded at the dawn of the computer age, ACM’s reach extends to every part of the globe, with more than half of its 100,000 members residing outside the U.S.  Its growing membership has led to Councils in Europe, India, and China, fostering networking opportunities that strengthen ties within and across countries and technical communities.  Their actions enhance ACM’s ability to raise awareness of computing’s important technical, educational, and social issues around the world.

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OOPS messenger/ACM SIGPLAN OOPS messenger

ISSN: 1055-6400

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction

eISSN: 2573-0142

The Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a journal series for research relevant to multiple aspects of the intersection between human factors and computing systems. Characteristics of humans from individual cognition, to group effects, to societal impacts shape and are shaped by computing systems. Human and computer interactions affect multiple aspects of daily life, shape mass social changes, and guide novel computing experiences. These interactions are studied via multiple methods, including ethnography, surveys, experiments, and system implementation among others. PACMHCI covers a broad range of topics and methods that help illuminate the intersection between humans and computing systems. The scope of this journal includes research contributions in new systems for input and output, studies of user experiences with computing systems, scholarship on the individual and group effects of computer mediation, and societal impacts of new human computer interactions. PACMHCI also welcomes contributions on new methodologies, tools, theories and models, as well as visionary and survey papers that help advance the field.

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Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies

eISSN: 2474-9567
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Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data

eISSN: 2836-6573
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Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems

eISSN: 2476-1249
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Proceedings of the ACM on Networking

eISSN: 2834-5509
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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages

eISSN: 2475-1421
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Proceedings of the ACM on computer graphics and interactive techniques

eISSN: 2577-6193
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development

ISSN: 978-1-4503-6122-4
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Research in IT

ISSN: 1944-0278


ISSN: 1551-9031eISSN: 1551-9031

SIG Forth

ISSN: 1047-4544

SIGART newsletter

ISSN: 0163-5719

SIGBio record

ISSN: 2331-9291

SIGCAPH newsletter

ISSN: 0163-5727

SIGCSE Bulletin Inroads

ISSN: 1096-3936eISSN: 1558-1179

SIGCUE bulletin

ISSN: 0163-5735

SIGDA newsletter/SIGDA newsletter.

ISSN: 0163-5743


ISSN: 1931-8499

SIGGROUP bulletin

ISSN: 2372-739X

SIGHIT record

ISSN: 2158-8813

SIGITE newsletter

ISSN: 2166-1685

SIGKDD explorations

ISSN: 1931-0145

SIGLASH newsletter/ACM SIGLASH newsletter

ISSN: 0036-147X


ISSN: 2372-3491

SIGMAP bulletin/ACM SIGMAP bulletin

ISSN: 0163-5786

SIGMINI newsletter

ISSN: 0163-576X

SIGMM records

ISSN: 1947-4598


ISSN: 0163-5808

SIGMOD investigates the development and application of database technology to support the full range of data management needs. The scope of interests and members is wide with an almost equal mix of people from industryand academia. SIGMOD sponsors an annual conference that is regarded as one of the most important in the field, particularly for practitioners.Areas of Special Interest:Active and temporal data management, data mining and models, database programming languages, databases on the WWW, distributed data management, engineering, federated multi-database and mobile management, query processing & optimization, rapid application development tools, spatial data management, user interfaces.

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SIGNUM newsletter/ACM Signum newsletter

ISSN: 0163-5778

SIGOA newsletter

ISSN: 0737-819X

SIGOIS bulletin

ISSN: 0894-0819

SIGPC notes/SigPC notes

ISSN: 0163-5816

SIGSAM bulletin/ACM SIGSAM bulletin

ISSN: 0163-5824

SIGSMALL newsletter

ISSN: 0272-720X


ISSN: 0893-2875

SIGSOC bulletin

ISSN: 0163-5794


ISSN: 1946-7729

SIGUCCS newsletter/ACM SIGUCCS newsletter

ISSN: 0736-6892


ISSN: 0163-6103


ISSN: 1067-9936

The Tenth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development

ISSN: 1919-1919

The international conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) is organized every 12-18 months, and brings together researchers and practitioners working across domains, sectors, and disciplines to study the role of ICT in social, political, and economic development.

The conference, held in cooperation with ACM SIGCAS, invites participation from a highly diverse and distinguished group of scholarly researchers working in domains such as education, global health, agriculture, gender equality, digital financial services, internet access, and many more. Most of them focus typically on technology design and deployments, human-centered aspects of data science, evaluation of programs implemented by state and national governments, and related areas, all in the realm of global development. This year, we are particularly focused on inviting practitioners who might be interested in connecting with research in their area at the conference. 

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Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems

ISSN: 1084-4309eISSN: 1557-7309

The ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) publishes recent significant results of research and development efforts in the area of design automation of electronic systems. The TODAES editorial board invites submission of technical papers describing recent results of research and development efforts in the area of design automation of electronic systems. The journal intends to provide a comprehensive coverage of innovative works concerning the specification, design, analysis, simulation, testing, and evaluation of very large scale integrated electronic systems, emphasizing a computer science/engineering orientation.

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Transactions on Storage

ISSN: 1553-3077eISSN: 1553-3093
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ISSN: 1530-2180
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