Archives of Virology publishes original contributions from all branches of research on viruses, virus-like agents, and virus infections of humans, animals, plants, insects, and bacteria. Coverage spans a broad spectrum of topics, from descriptions of newly discovered viruses, to studies of virus structure, composition, and genetics, to studies of virus interactions with host cells, organisms and populations. Studies employ molecular biologic, molecular genetics, and current immunologic and epidemiologic approaches. Contents include studies on the molecular pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and genetics of virus infections in individual hosts, and studies on the molecular epidemiology of virus infections in populations. Also included are studies involving applied research such as diagnostic technology development, monoclonal antibody panel development, vaccine development, and antiviral drug development.Archives of Virology wishes to publish obituaries of recently deceased well-known virologists and leading figur
Archives of Women’s Mental Health is the official journal of the Marce Society and the North American Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynecology (NASPOG). The exchange of knowledge between psychiatrists and obstetrician-gynecologists is one of the major aims of the journal. Its international scope includes psychodynamics, social and biological aspects of all psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders in women. The editors especially welcome interdisciplinary studies, focussing on the interface between psychiatry, psychosomatics, obstetrics and gynecology. Archives of Women’s Mental Health publishes rigorously reviewed research papers, short communications, case reports, review articles, invited editorials, historical perspectives, book reviews, letters to the editor, as well as conference abstracts. Only contributions written in English will be accepted. The journal assists clinicians, teachers and researchers to incorporate knowledge of all aspects of women’s mental health into current and future
Argumentation is an international and interdisciplinary journal that gathers academic contributions from a wide range of scholarly backgrounds and approaches to reasoning, natural inference and persuasion: communication, classical and modern rhetoric, linguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, psychology, philosophy, formal and informal logic, critical thinking, history and law. Its scope includes a diversity of interests, from philosophical, theoretical and analytical to empirical and practical topics. Argumentation publishes papers, book reviews, a yearly bibliography, and announcements of conferences and seminars.
Arthropod-Plant Interactions is dedicated to publishing high quality original papers and reviews with a broad fundamental or applied focus on ecological, biological, and evolutionary aspects of the interactions between insects and other arthropods with plants. Coverage extends to all aspects of such interactions including chemical, biochemical, genetic, and molecular analysis, as well reporting on multitrophic studies, ecophysiology, and mutualism. Arthropod-Plant Interactions encourages the submission of forum papers that challenge prevailing hypotheses. The journal encourages a diversity of opinion by presenting both invited and unsolicited review papers. The Editor-in-Chief is Heikki M.T. Hokkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift Arthroskopie bietet aktuelle Fortbildung für alle arthroskopisch tätigen Ärzte. Sie richtet sich sowohl an niedergelassene als auch in der Klinik tätige Ärzte. In jeder Ausgabe beschreibt ein umfassendes Leitthema den aktuellen Wissensstand zu unterschiedlichen arthroskopischen Fragestellungen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der endoskopischen Untersuchung und Chirurgie der Gelenke. Ergänzt wird das inhaltliche Spektrum durch diagnostische und therapeutische Möglichkeiten angrenzender Methoden wie beispielsweise der minimal-invasiven chirurgischen Verfahren. Aims & Scope Arthroskopie offers up-to-date review articles and original papers for all medical doctors and scientists working in the field of arthroscopy. The focus is on current developments regarding endoscopic examination and surgery of the joints, diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of related methods, e.g. minimal invasive surgery. Freely submitted original papers allow the presentation of important clinical studies and serve scientific exchange. Comprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue provide evidenced based information on diagnostics and therapy. Review All articles of Arthroskopie are reviewed. Declaration of Helsinki All manuscripts submitted for publication presenting results from studies on probands or patients must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki., .
Artificial Intelligence Review publishes state-of-the-art research reports and critical evaluations of applications, techniques and algorithms in artificial intelligence, cognitive science and related disciplines. It serves as a forum for the work of researchers and application developers from these fields. Artificial Intelligence Review also presents refereed survey and tutorial articles, as well as reviews and commentary on significant developments.
Artificial Intelligence and Law is an international forum for the dissemination of original interdisciplinary research in the following areas: Theoretical or empirical studies in artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive psychology, jurisprudence, linguistics, or philosophy which address the development of formal or computational models of legal knowledge, reasoning, and decision making. In-depth studies of innovative artificial intelligence systems that are being used in the legal domain. Studies which address the legal, ethical and social implications of the field of Artificial Intelligence and Law.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Computational models of legal reasoning and decision making: judgmental reasoning, adversarial reasoning, case-based reasoning, deontic reasoning, and normative reasoning. Formal representation of legal knowledge: deontic notions, normative modalities, rights, factors, values, rules. Jurisprudential theories of legal reasoning. Specialized logics for law. Psychological and linguistic studies concerning legal reasoning. Legal expert systems: statutory systems, legal practice systems, predictive systems, and normative systems. AI and law support for legislative drafting, judicial decision-making, andpublic administration. Intelligent processing of legal documents: conceptual retrieval of cases and statutes, automatic text understanding, intelligent document assembly systems, hypertext, and semantic markup of legal documents. Intelligent processing of legal information on the World Wide Web, legal ontologies, automated intelligent legal agents, electronic legal institutions, computational models of legal texts. Ramifications for AI and Law in e-Commerce, automatic contracting and negotiation, digital rights management, and automated dispute , resolution. Ramifications for AI and Law in e-governance, e-government, e-Democracy, and knowledge-based systems supporting public services, public dialogue and mediation. Intelligent computer-assisted instructional systems in law or ethics. Evaluation and auditing techniques for legal AI systems. Systemic problems in the construction and delivery of legal AI systems. Impact of AI on the law and legal institutions. Ethical issues concerning legal AI systems. In addition to original research contributions, the Journal will include a Book Review section, a series of Technology Reports describing existing and emerging products, applications and technologies, and a Research Notes section of occasional essays posing interesting and timely research challenges for the field of Artificial Intelligence and Law. Financial support for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law is provided by the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
Artificial Life and Robotics is an international journal publishing original technical papers and authoritative state-of-the-art reviews on the development of new technologies concerning artificial life and robotics, especially computer-based simulation and hardware for the twenty-first century. This journal covers a broad multidisciplinary field, including areas such as artificial brain research, artificial intelligence, artificial life, artificial living, artificial mind research, brain science, chaos, cognitive science, complexity, computer graphics, evolutionary computations, fuzzy control, genetic algorithms, innovative computations, intelligent control and modelling, micromachines, micro-robot world cup soccer tournament, mobile vehicles, neural networks, neurocomputers, neurocomputing technologies and applications, robotics, robus virtual engineering, and virtual reality. Hardware-oriented submissions are particularly welcome.
Publishing body: International Symposium on Artificial Life and RoboticsEditor-in-Chiei: Hiroshi Tanaka
Hatanaka R Apartment 101, Hatanaka 8-7A, Ooaza-Hatanaka, Oita city, Oita, Japan 870-0856 ©International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics
The Asia-Europe Journal is a quarterly journal dedicated to publishing quality academic papers and policy discussions on common challenges facing Asia and Europe that help to shape narratives on the common futures – including both risks and opportunities – of Asia and Europe. The Journal welcomes academically and intellectually rigorous research papers as well as topical policy briefs and thought pieces on issues of bi-regional interest, including management and political economy, innovation, security studies, regional and global governance, as well as on relevant socio-cultural developments and historical events.Officially cited as: Asia Eur J
The Asia Pacific Education Review (APER) covers all areas of educational research, with a focus on cross-cultural, comparative and other studies with a broad Asia-Pacific context. It aims to stimulate research, encourage academic exchange, and enhance the professional development of scholars and other researchers who are interested in educational and cultural issues in the Asia Pacific region. APER is a peer reviewed journal produced by the Education Research Institute at Seoul National University. It was founded by the Institute of Asia Pacific Education Development, Seoul National University in 2000, which is owned and operated by Education Research Institute at Seoul National University since 2003.
The Asia Pacific Journal of Management publishes original manuscripts on management and organizational research in the Asia Pacific region, encompassing Pacific Rim countries and mainland Asia. APJM focuses on the extent to which each manuscript addresses matters that pertain to the most fundamental question: 'What determines firm success?' We seek to publish empirical or conceptual research which improves a broad understanding of this issue. APJM endeavors to be the major vehicle for exchange of ideas and research among management scholars within or interested in the broadly defined Asia Pacific region.Key features include:
Rigor - maintained through strict review processes, high quality global reviewers, and Editorial Advisory and Review Boards comprising prominent researchers from many countries.
Relevance - maintained by its focus on key management and organizational trends in the region.
Uniqueness - being the first and most prominent management journal published in and about the fastest growing region in the world.
Official affiliation - Asia Academy of ManagementFor more information, visit the AAOM
Officially cited as: Asia Pac J Manag
The current remarkable growth in the Asia-Pacific financial markets is certain to continue. These markets are expected to play a further important role in the world capital markets for investment and risk management. In accordance with this development, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (formerly Financial Engineering and the Japanese Markets), the official journal of the Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering (JAFEE), is expected to provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners in academia, industry, and government, who engage in empirical and/or theoretical research into the financial markets. We invite submission of quality papers on all aspects of finance and financial engineering.Here we interpret the term 'financial engineering' broadly enough to cover such topics as financial time series, portfolio analysis, global asset allocation, trading strategy for investment, optimization methods, macro monetary economic analysis and pricing models for various financial assets including derivatives We stress that purely theoretical papers, as well as empirical studies that use Asia-Pacific market data, are welcome. Officially cited as: Asia-Pac Financ Markets
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (APJAS) is an international journal of the Korean Meteorological Society (KMS), published fully in English. It has started from 2008 by succeeding the KMS' former journal, the Journal of the Korean Meteorological Society (JKMS), which published total of 43 volumes and 129 issues in its time-honored tradition. Since 2008, the APJAS is included in the journal list of Thomson Reuters’ SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) and also in SCOPUS, the Elsevier Bibliographic Database, indicating the increased awareness and quality of the journal.
The APJAS publishes original scientific research into all the fields of atmospheric science, with emphasis on but not limited to theoretical/observational/numerical studies on meteorological, climatological, and atmospheric environmental issues in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition to original articles, the APJAS publishes comprehensive reviews on topical subjects, and brief research notes and communications of prelimin
Electronic submission now possible! Please see the Instructions for Authors. For general information about this new journal please contact the publisher at [] The Asian Journal of Criminology aims to advance the study of criminology and criminal justice in Asia, to promote evidence-based public policy in crime prevention, and to promote comparative studies about crime and criminal justice. The Journal provides a platform for criminologists, policymakers, and practitioners and welcomes manuscripts relating to crime, crime prevention, criminal law, medico-legal topics and the administration of criminal justice in Asian countries. The Journal especially encourages theoretical and methodological papers with an emphasis on evidence-based, empirical research addressing crime in Asian contexts. It seeks to publish research arising from a broad variety of methodological traditions, including quantitative, qualitative, historical, and comparative methods. The Journal fosters a multi-disciplinary focus and welcomes manuscripts from a variety of disciplines, including criminology, criminal justice, law, sociology, psychology, forensic science, social work, urban studies, history, and geography.