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Herpetological Bulletin

ISSN: 1473-0928

Herpetological Journal

ISSN: 0268-0130

Herpetological Monographs

ISSN: 0733-1347eISSN: 1938-5137

The Herpetologists' League, established in 1946, is an international organization of people devoted to studying herpetology -- the biology of amphibians and reptiles. HL publishes two scholarly journals -- the quarterly Herpetologica, which contains original research papers and essays, and the annual supplement Herpetological Monographs, which contains lengthy research articles, syntheses, and special symposia.

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Herpetological Review

ISSN: 0018-084X


ISSN: 0073-3407

Human Biology: The Official Publication of the American Association of Anthropological Genetics

ISSN: 0018-7143eISSN: 1534-6617

A worldwide forum for state-of-the-art ideas, methods, and techniques in the field, Human Biology focuses on genetics in the broadest sense. Included under this rubric are population genetics, evolutionary and genetic demography, quantitative genetics, genetic epidemiology, behavioral genetics, molecular genetics, and growth physiology parameters focusing on genetic/environmental interactions.

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Human Nature

ISSN: 1045-6767eISSN: 1936-4776

Human Nature is dedicated to advancing the interdisciplinary investigation of the biological, social, and environmental factors that underlie human behavior. It focuses primarily on the functional unity in which these factors are continuously and mutually interactive. These include the evolutionary, biological, and sociological processes as they interact with human social behavior; the biological and demographic consequences of human history; the cross-cultural, cross-species, and historical perspectives on human behavior; and the relevance of a biosocial perspective to scientific, social, and policy issues.
 2-Year Impact Factor: 1.814 (2012)
5-Year Impact Factor: 2.365 (2012)

Section 'Anthropology': Rank 15 out of 83
Section 'Social Sciences, Biomedical': Rank 10 out of 36Thomson-Reuters ScienceWatch Top Journals in Anthropology from 2001-2011
Citation Impact: 8.71 (8/20). SCImago Journal and Country Rank (SJR) 2011Social Science (miscellaneous) 29 out of 438

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Hydroécologie Appliquée

ISSN: 1147-9213eISSN: 1958-556X
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Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy

ISSN: 0394-1914eISSN: 1825-5272

Hystrix - The Italian Journal of Mammalogy accepts papers on original research in basic and applied mammalogy concerning living and fossil mammals.Hystrix - The Italian Journal of Mammalogy is indexed on ISI Journal Citation Reports (2009) with an Impact Factor of 0.513, and is also indexed on:* Science Citation Index Expanded* Zoological Record* BIOSIS Previews.

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ICES Journal of Marine Science

ISSN: 1054-3139eISSN: 1095-9289

The ICES Journal of Marine Science publishes articles, short communications, and critical reviews that contribute to our scientific understanding of marine systems and the impact of human activities. The Journal serves as a foundation for scientific advice across the broad spectrum of management and conservation issues related to the marine environment. Oceanography, marine habitats, living resources, and related management topics constitute the key elements of papers eligible for publication. Integrated studies that bridge gaps between traditional disciplines are particularly welcome. The scope of the Journal has been broadened to include economic, social, and public administration studies to the extent that they are directly related to management of the seas and are of general interest to marine scientists.

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IMA Fungus

ISSN: 2210-6340eISSN: 2210-6359

Ibis: International Journal of Avian Science

ISSN: 0019-1019eISSN: 1474-919X

Ibis publishes original papers, reviews and short communications reflecting the forefront of research activity in ornithological science, but with special emphasis on the conservation, ecology, ethology and systematics of birds. Ibis aims to publish as rapidly as is consistent with the requirements of peer-review and normal publishing constraints.

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Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters

ISSN: 0936-9902
Publisher: Verlag F. Pfeil

Ichthyological Research

ISSN: 1341-8998eISSN: 1616-3915

Ichthyological Research is an official journal of the Ichthyological Society of Japan and is published quarterly in January, April, July, and November. The journal primarily publishes research papers on original work, either descriptive or experimental, that advances the understanding of the diversity of fishes. Ichthyological Research strives to cover all aspects of fish biology, including taxonomy, systematics, evolution, biogeography, ecology, ethology, genetics, morphology, and physiology. Ichthyological Research also publishes timely reviews and commentary on recent progress in active areas of research on fish biology. The Editor-in-Chief is Kunio Sasaki, Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Kochi, Japan.

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Indian Journal of Ecology

ISSN: 0304-5250

Indian Journal of Nematology

ISSN: 0303-6960
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Infection, Genetics and Evolution

ISSN: 1567-1348

Infectious diseases constitute one of the main challenges to medical science in the coming century. The impressive development of molecular megatechnologies and of bioinformatics have greatly increased our knowledge of the evolution, transmission and pathogenicity of infectious diseases. Research has shown that host susceptibility to many infectious diseases has a genetic basis. Furthermore, much is now known on the molecular epidemiology, evolution and virulence of pathogenic agents, as well as their resistance to drugs, vaccines, and antibiotics. Equally, research on the genetics of disease vectors has greatly improved our understanding of their systematics, has increased our capacity to identify target populations for control or intervention, and has provided detailed information on the mechanisms of insecticide resistance.However, the genetics and evolutionary biology of hosts, pathogens and vectors have tended to develop as three separate fields of research. This artificial compartmentalisation is of concern due to our growing appreciation of the strong coevolutionary interactions among hosts, pathogens and vectors.Infection, Genetics and Evolution and its companion congress MEEGID (for Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases) are the main forum acting for the cross-fertilization between evolutionary science and biomedical research on infectious diseases.Infection, Genetics and Evolution is the only journal that welcomes articles dealing with the genetics and evolutionary biology of hosts, pathogens and vectors, and coevolution processes among them in relation to infection and disease manifestation. All infectious models enter the scope of the journal, including pathogens of humans, animals and plants, either parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses or prions. The journal welcomes articles dealing with genetics, population genetics, genomics, postgenomics, gene expression, evolutionary biology, population dynamics, mathematical modeling and bioinformatics.We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Inland Water Biology

ISSN: 1995-0829eISSN: 1995-0837

Inland Water Biology is the only journal covering fundamental research into all trophic levels of aquatic organisms: from viruses to fishes and aquatic mammals. These results are useful in comparative analysis of ecosystem function in different Earth regions. Contents include the appearance and development of a biota in newly created manmade water reservoirs; the impact of zoogenic factors on the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems; and the role of small rivers in forming hydrobiological characteristics of recipient water reservoirs, and faunogenesis. Inland Water Biology benefits researchers studying all life forms in lakes, dam ponds and reservoirs, ponds, inner seas and rivers. It will also interest environmental officials and regulators, and graduate and post-graduate students in biology, ecology and geography. The journal partners with academics conducting research in its topical areas, and managers designing and supervising protection and rational use of water resources.

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Insect Conservation and Diversity

ISSN: 1752-458XeISSN: 1752-4598

To publish papers of the highest scientific quality within the general area of insect (and other arthropods) conservation and diversity covering topics ranging from ecological theory to practical management.

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Insect Science

ISSN: 1672-9609eISSN: 1744-7917

Insect Science is an international journal, which publishes original peer-reviewed, research papers from any entomological discipline. The emphasis of the journal is on the adaptation and evolutionary biology of insects from their molecules to ecosystems including: ecology and IPM; behaviour and social biology; molecular biology; physiology, biochemistry and toxicology; genetics and development; and systematics and evolution. Reviews, special features, commentaries, book reviews, and proceedings of workshops and conferences are published in the journal.

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