ATS CME Mission Statement*CME Purpose: The purpose of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) CME Program is to support the ATS mission of: decreasing morbidity and mortality from respiratory disorders on both national and international levels, providing a high quality CME program that addresses the professional practice gaps of our learners and by facilitating change in learner competence and performance. As stated in our motto, “We help the world breathe.”*Content Areas: The content of the ATS CME program focuses on research, clinical, and administrative aspects of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine.*Target Audience: The target audience consists of researchers, clinicians, and other health professionals practicing in Pulmonary, Critical Care or Sleep Medicine. The ATS believes that optimal patient care is achieved through an interdisciplinary team approach.*Types of Activities: The ATS coordinates live courses, manuscript review, enduring materials (e g. internet, print), journal CME and activities separately and jointly-sponsored with our Thoracic Society Chapters and other national organizations with missions congruent with our own.*Expected Results: The ATS CME program is expected to lead to improvement in learner competence or performance. Results are measured with self-report and objective assessments.
Amino Acids publishes contributions from all fields of amino acid and protein research: analysis, separation, synthesis, biosynthesis, cross linking amino acids, racemization/enantiomers, modification of amino acids as phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, glycosylation and nonenzymatic glycosylation, new roles for amino acids in physiology and pathophysiology, biology, amino acid analogues and derivatives, polyamines, radiated amino acids, peptides, stable isotopes and isotopes of amino acids. Applications in medicine, food chemistry, nutrition, gastroenterology, nephrology, neurochemistry, pharmacology, excitatory amino acids are just some of the topics covered. Fields of interest include: Biochemistry, food chemistry, nutrition, neurology, psychiatry, pharmacology, nephrology, gastroenterology, microbiology
Analytical Letters is an international medium for the rapid publication of original research papers, accelerated articles, or mini-reviews on important developments in all areas of analytical chemistry, including electrochemistry, mass spectrometry, separations, and spectroscopy. Papers are welcomed that consider fundamental developments, new or improved instrumentation and sensors, and applications of analytical chemistry in all areas that include biological and clinical science, engineering and instrumentation science, environmental chemistry and analysis, geochemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, and physics.
Angiogenesis is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of top quality original articles and reviews on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate angiogenesis in physiological and pathological conditions. As a central source for rapid communications representing the full spectrum of angiogenesis research, this multidisciplinary journal publishes innovative experimental studies using molecular, in vitro, animal model systems and clinical investigations of angiogenic diseases. Angiogenesis also reports on novel therapeutic approaches for promoting or inhibiting angiogenesis as well as new markers and techniques for disease diagnosis and prognosis.
One of the world's foremost in its field, Annals publishes fully refereed papers of international authorship that contribute to existing knowledge in all fields of clinical biochemistry, especially that pertaining to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human disease. It also publishes papers on immunology, genetics, biotechnology, haematology, computing and management where they have both biochemical and clinical relevance.
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling is the leading journal dedicated to the understanding of reactive species as messenger molecules regulating signal transduction and gene expression. New research reveals that radicals, which have been known as damaging agents, can have the potential to be used for therapeutic purposes. This journal uncovers the expanding world of redox-based therapeutics—genetic, pharmacological, and nutritional.
Apoptosis is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the rapid publication of innovative basic and clinically-oriented investigations into programmed cell death. It aims to stimulate research on the basis of mechanisms of apoptosis and on its role in various human disease processes including: cancer, autoimmune disease, viral infection, AIDS, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, osteoporosis and ageing. The editors intend to encourage the development of clinical therapies against apoptosis-related diseases.
Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology provides a comprehensive review of current clinical practice and thinking within the specialty of haematology.All chapters are commissioned and written by an international team of practising clinicians with the Guest Editors for each issue drawn from a pool of renowned experts and opinion leaders. Reference is made to:• The latest original research• Cochrane Reviews• Audits and confidential enquiries• National and international conferences• National and international guidelines• Personal communicationsAll chapters take the form of practical, evidence-based reviews that seek to address key clinical issues of diagnosis, treatment and patient management.Each issue follows a problem-orientated approach that focuses on the key questions to be addressed, clearly defining what is known and not known. Management will be described in practical terms so that it can be applied to the individual patient.Boxed and bulleted Learning Objectives and Practice Points are features within each chapter and will highlight the core and essential knowledge that will help the physician to provide the best care to their patients.The series' objective is to provide a continuous update for the busy clinician and researcher.
BioFactors is an international journal aimed at identifying and increasing our understanding of the precise biochemical effects and roles of the large number of trace substances that are required by living organisms. These include vitamins and trace elements, as well as growth factors and regulatory substances made by cells themselves. The elucidation, in a particular organism or cell line, of the roles of substances active in trace quantities, is frequently applicable directly to many other forms of life.
Bioanalysis delivers essential information in concise, at-a-glance article formats. Key advances in the field are reported and analyzed by international experts, providing an authoritative but accessible forum for the modern bioanalyst. The content is uniquely targeted to those working on the analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological matrices. The articles have wide appeal to analytical chemists, mass spectroscopists, chromatographers, pharmacologists, clinical chemists, analytical toxicologists, and those involved with studies of drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, toxicity, bioequivalence and metabolomics.
Hrcak is the central portal of Croatian scientific journals. Hrcak offers the access to the journals following the Open Access Initiative (more about Hrcak in Croatian only). About Hrcak (in Croatian only) • for end users. Hrcak stat: Journals: 259 Issues: 4911 Articles without full text: 4469 Articles with full text: 64518This portal is supported by the Ministry of Science Education and Sports, developed and mainteined by the University Computing Centre and was initiated by the Croatian Information and Documentation Society. The Hrcak project team is responsible for the portal's overall design and functionality as well as data security. Responsibility for the journals' content and the accuracy of data therein lies with the respective journal editors.For all technical questions concerning the Hrcak portal please contact the hrcak team . Questions concerning a journal or its editors should be directed to the journal directly. For contact information, please refer to the respective journal's web page.
This Journal covers all major aspects of Biomedical chemistry and related areas, including proteomics and molecular biology of (patho) physiological processes, biochemistry, neurochemistry, immunochemistry and clinical chemistry, bioinformatics, gene therapy, drug design and delivery, biochemical pharmacology, introduction and advertisement of new (biochemical) methods into experimental and clinical medicine. The Journal also publish review articles. All issues of journal usually contain invited reviews.
Biological Chemistry keeps you up-to-date with all new developments in the molecular life sciences. Areas covered include: general biochemistry, pathobiochemistry, evolutionary biotechnology, structural biology, molecular and cellular biology, molecular medicine, cancer research, virology, immunology, plant molecular biology and biochemistry, and experimental methodologies.Reviews and MinireviewsIn addition to original research reports, authoritative reviews written by leading researchers in the field keep you informed about the latest advances in the molecular life sciences.Rapid PublicationRapid, yet rigorous reviewing ensures fast access to recent research results of exceptional significance in the biological sciences. Papers are published, on the average, within five months of submission.The Journal is associated with the Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM).
Biological Trace Element Research provides a much-needed central forum for the emergent, interdisciplinary field of research on the biological, environmental, and biomedical roles of trace elements. Rather than confine itself to biochemistry, the journal emphasizes the integrative aspects of trace metal research in all appropriate fields, publishing human and animal nutritional studies devoted to the fundamental chemistry and biochemistry at issue as well as to the elucidation of the relevant aspects of preventive medicine, epidemiology, clinical chemistry, agriculture, endocrinology, animal science, pharmacology, microbiology, toxicology, virology, marine biology, sensory physiology, developmental biology, and related fields.