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Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

ISSN: 1059-9495eISSN: 1544-1024

The Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP) offers articles that assist in solving day-to-day engineering challenges, especially those involving components for larger systems. Coverage includes all aspects of materials selection, design, processing characterization and evaluation. Topics include improvement of materials properties through processes and process control of casting, forming, heat treating, surface modification and coating, and fabrication. Testing and characterization are demonstrated through mechanical and physical tests, NDE, metallography, failure analysis, corrosion resistance, chemical analysis, surface characterization, and microanalysis of surfaces, features and fractures. The Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance publishes contributions on all aspects of materials selection, design, processing, characterization, and evaluation. The scope includes all materials used in engineering applications, especially those that typically result in components for larger syst

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology

ISSN: 0924-0136eISSN: 1873-4774

The Journal of Materials Processing Technology covers the processing techniques used in manufacturing components from metals and other materials. The journal aims to publish full research papers of original, significant and rigorous work and so to contribute to increased production efficiency and improved component performance.Areas of interest to the journal include:• Casting, forming and machining• Additive processing and joining technologies• The evolution of material properties under the specific conditions met in manufacturing processes• Surface engineering when it relates specifically to a manufacturing process• Design and behavior of equipment and toolsThe core interest of the journal is the processing of metals, but we also cover other materials, where the article is focused on the influence of the process on the materials, and where there are not other more appropriate dedicated journals. For example ductile forming of polymers if of interest, but the influence of polymer composition on properties is well covered in dedicated polymer journals.A typical article will examine the influence of process design, tool design, or process operating conditions on the properties of the material or the future performance of the equipment. Most articles combine appropriate quantitative analysis with well designed experiments. The sciences of materials, tribology and thermodynamics are well covered in other dedicated journals, so these topics are of interest to this journal only when applied specifically to give insight into the processing techniques used in manufacturing components. For example, processes for engineering surfaces are of interest, but the analysis of friction is well covered by specialised journals of wear or tribology.The journal's Editorial Policy defines our basis for considering submissions. Typical published articles will contribute significant new transferable knowledge in the form of (a) an innovation or (b) a new insight into material processing in the form of a transferable qualitative or quantitative explanation of a difference between experimental measurements and the predictions of existing theory. 'Transferable' knowledge applies to materials or processing conditions broader than those tested within the article.The Journal of Materials Processing Technology generally does not accept papers in the following areas:• Simulation with no experimental verification and/or which gives no new insight into the process• Experimental reports which do not provide a convincing analytical or physical explanation of observed behaviour• Topics that properly belong to the materials science literature. Examples include the synthesis of materials, chemical experiments and studies of material composition.• The analysis of material properties, surfaces or product performance without reference to the processing which caused them.• Statistical methods or techniques from Artificial Intelligence which treat the process as a black box.• The operation of equipment, without reference to materials (such as tool path design in CNC machining), or the management of factory systems.As stated in the journal's editorial policy, the Journal of Materials Processing Technology does not accept multiple-part papers, short communications or case studies.Papers submitted to the journal will only be considered if they have been prepared according to the journal's Guide for Authors.

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Journal of Materials Research

ISSN: 0884-2914eISSN: 2044-5326

Beginning with a vision of a "materials-blind" society in the late 1960s, a few forward-looking individuals, with an eye toward advancing the cause of interdisciplinary research, made that vision a reality--the Materials Research Society, officially founded in 1973. The Society's core principles were interdisciplinarity, focused symposia, and greater interaction among researchers. These principles make MRS different from single-discipline professional societies because they encourage communication and technical information exchange across the various fields of science affecting materials.

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Journal of Materials Science

ISSN: 0022-2461eISSN: 1573-4803

The Journal of Materials Science publishes reviews, full-length papers, and short Communications recording original research results on, or techniques for studying the relationship between structure, properties, and uses of materials. The subjects are seen from international and interdisciplinary perspectives covering areas including metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, electrical materials, composite materials, fibers, nanostructured materials, nanocomposites, and biological and biomedical materials. The Journal of Materials Science is now firmly established as the leading source of primary communication for scientists investigating the structure and properties of all engineering materials.

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Journal of Materials Science & Technology

ISSN: 1005-0302

Journal of Materials Science and Technology aims to enhance the international exchange of scientific activities in materials science and technology.The Journals reports principally the achievements of materials science and engineering all over the world, putting the stress on the original research papers, review articles invited by editor, letters, research notes with novelty as well as brief of scientific achievement, covering a broad spectrum of materials science and technology, encompassing:• metallic materials• inorganic nonmetallic materials• composite materialsJournal of Materials Science and Technology is indexed in ISI-web of science (SCI), EI Compendex, CA, SA, CSA, RJ, JST , Scopus and has an Impact Factor of 1.198

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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

ISSN: 0957-4522eISSN: 1573-482X

The Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics is an established refereed companion to the Journal of Materials Science. It publishes papers on materials and their applications in modern electronics, covering the ground between fundamental science, such as semiconductor physics, and work concerned specifically with applications. It explores the growth and preparation of new materials, as well as their processing, fabrication, bonding and encapsulation, together with the reliability, failure analysis, quality assurance and characterization related to the whole range of applications in electronics. The Journal presents papers in newly developing fields such as low dimensional structures and devices, optoelectronics including III-V compounds, glasses and linear/non-linear crystal materials and lasers, high Tc superconductors, conducting polymers, thick film materials and new contact technologies, as well as the established electronics device and circuit materials.

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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine

ISSN: 0957-4530eISSN: 1573-4838
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Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures

eISSN: 2170-127X
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Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering

ISSN: 0899-1561eISSN: 1943-5533
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Journal of Measurements in Engineering

ISSN: 2335-2124eISSN: 2424-4635
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Journal of Mechanical Design

ISSN: 1050-0472eISSN: 1528-9001

The Journal of Mechanical Design communicates original contributions of permanent interest on all aspects of the design of mechanical systems, primarily in the form of articles of considerable depth. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, design innovation papers, discussions of published papers with rebuttal, book reviews, and editorials.

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Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments

ISSN: 1024-1752eISSN: 1024-1752
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Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences

ISSN: 2289-4659eISSN: 2231-8380

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology

ISSN: 1738-494XeISSN: 1976-3824

The aim of the Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology is to provide an international forum for the publication and dissemination of original work that contributes to the understanding of the main and related disciplines of mechanical engineering, either empirical or theoretical. The Journal covers the whole spectrum of mechanical engineering, which includes, but is not limited to, Materials and Design Engineering, Production Engineering and Fusion Technology, Dynamics, Vibration and Control, Thermal Engineering and Fluids Engineering.    Manuscripts may fall into several categories including full articles, solicited reviews or commentary, and unsolicited reviews or commentary related to the core of mechanical engineering. It is also proposed to maintain an international diary of forthcoming events. Prospective guest editors for publishing the special issue should contact the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal.   

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Journal of Mechanics

ISSN: 1727-7191eISSN: 1811-8216

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Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology

ISSN: 0219-5194eISSN: 1793-6810

This journal has as its objective the publication and dissemination of original research (even for "revolutionary concepts that contrast with existing theories" & "hypothesis") in all fields of engineering-mechanics that includes mechanisms, processes, bio-sensors and bio-devices in medicine, biology and healthcare. The journal publishes original papers in English which contribute to an understanding of biomedical engineering and science at a nano- to macro-scale or an improvement of the methods and techniques of medical, biological and clinical treatment by the application of advanced high technology.Journal's Research Scopes/Topics Covered (but not limited to): * Artificial Organs, Biomechanics of Organs. * Biofluid Mechanics, Biorheology, Blood Flow Measurement Techniques, Microcirculation, Hemodynamics. * Bioheat Transfer and Mass Transport, Nano Heat Transfer. * Biomaterials. * Biomechanics & Modeling of Cell and Molecular. * Biomedical Instrumentation and Biosensors. * Biomedical Signal Processing Techniques. * Bio-Microelectromechanical Systems, Microfluidics. * Bio-Nanotechnology and Clinical Application. * Bird and Insect Aerodynamics. * Cardiovascular/Cardiac mechanics. * Cardiovascular Systems Physiology/Engineering. * Cellular and Tissue Mechanics/Engineering. * Computational Biomechanics/Physiological Modelling, Systems Physiology. * Clinical Biomechanics. * Hearing Mechanics. * Human Movement and Animal Locomotion. * Implant Design and Mechanics. * Mathematical modeling. * Mechanobiology of Diseases. * Mechanics of Medical Robotics. * Muscle/Neuromuscular/Musculoskeletal Mechanics and Engineering. * Neural- & Neuro-Behavioral Engineering. * Orthopedic Biomechanics. * Reproductive and Urogynecological Mechanics. * Respiratory System Engineering. * Sports Mechanics, Joint Mechanics, RSA, Motion Analysis. * Therapeutic Physics and Rehabilitation Engineering. * Other topics that implicate 'mechanics' in medicine, biology and healthcare. Papers may be theoretical (including computational), experimental or both. The journal will publish occasional Book Reviews, Letter to Editors, Technical Notes, Rapid Communications as well as Review Papers, of advance in a specific aspect of engineering-mechanics research in medicine, biology and healthcare. We welcome 'First paper's in answering the waiting expectation of our young colleagues/community. Special issues with cutting-edge, new frontiers, niche topics and in collaboration with international conferences/symposia are also welcome.

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Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures

eISSN: 1559-3959
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Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics

ISSN: 1942-4302eISSN: 1942-4310
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Journal of Medical Devices

ISSN: 1932-6181eISSN: 1932-619X

Focusing on applied research and the development of new medical devices or instrumentation, this new journal presents papers on devices that improve diagnostic interventional and therapeutic treatments. It provides special coverage of novel devices that allow new surgical strategies, new methods of drug delivery, or possible reductions in the complexity, cost, or adverse results of health care. The Design Innovation category features papers focusing on novel devices, including some with limited clinical or engineering results. The Medical Device News section provides coverage of advances, trends, and events.

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Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology

ISSN: 0309-1902eISSN: 1464-522X

The Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology is published eight times per year and is an international, independent, multidisciplinary, journal promoting an understanding of the physiological processes underlying disease processes and the appropriate application of technology. Features include authoritative review papers, the reporting of original research, and evaluation reports on new and existing techniques and devices. Each issue of the journal contains a comprehensive information service which provides news relevant to the world of medical technology, details of new products, book reviews, and selected contents of related journals.

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