The IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS) addresses areas at the crossroads of Circuits and Systems and Life Sciences. The main emphasis is on microelectronic issues in a wide range of applications found in life sciences, physical sciences and engineering. The primary goal of the journal is to bridge the unique scientific and technical activities of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society to a wide variety of related areas.
General, theoretical, and application-oriented papers in the biomedical technical area with a Circuits and Systems perspective are encouraged for publication in TBioCAS. To be considered in scope, submissions to TBioCAS must demonstrate synergies between circuits and systems and medicine/biology.
Basic and applied papers dealing with biomedical engineering. Papers range from engineering development in methods and techniques with biomedical applications to experimental and clinical investigations with engineering contributions.
Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Library of Medicine
The IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience reports on original, innovative, and interdisciplinary research, both fundamental and applied, focusing on nano- to micro-scale biological systems. The journal invites contributions describing advances in bio-science, -technology, and -engineering, from biomolecular to multi-cellular domains, concerning their physics (e.g., mechanics, materials, electromagnetism); their chemistry (e.g., DNA, proteins, biochemical pathways); or their information storage and processing (e.g., biological signals, algorithms, and computation).
Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine
Rehabilitative and neural aspects of biomedical engineering, including functional electrical stimulation, acoustic dynamics, human performance measurement and analysis, nerve stimulation, electromyography, motor control and stimulation; and hardware and software applications for rehabilitation engineering and assistive devices.
Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine
IRBM News, complément News incontournable d'IRBM : l'essentiel de l'actualité et une analyse permanente sur le management des technologies biomédicales.IRBM News propose dans ses six numéros une interview, réflexion d'une personnalité du secteur des technologies biomédicales sur un thème d'actualité ; un cahier technique central (problématique générale, critères de différenciation, analyse du marché centrée sur une technologie) ; des points d'actualité et des réflexions sur la matériovigilance, la qualité, la maintenance, la vie des associations et sociétés impliquées dans le génie biomédical, et la vie des entreprises ; un recueil de normes et textes réglementaires récents ; un éclairage sur des produits innovants.
IRBM is the journal of the AGBM (Alliance for engineering in Biology an Medicine / Alliance pour le génie biologique et médical) and the SFGBM (BioMedical Engineering French Society / Société française de génie biologique médical) and the AFIB (French Association of Biomedical Engineers / Association française des ingénieurs biomédicaux). As a vehicle of information and knowledge in the field of biomedical technologies, IRBM is devoted to fundamental as well as clinical research. Biomedical engineering and use of new technologies are the cornerstones of IRBM, providing authors and users with the latest information. Its six issues per year propose reviews (state-of-the-art and current knowledge), original articles directed at fundamental research and articles focusing on biomedical engineering. All articles are submitted to peer reviewers acting as guarantors for IRBM's scientific and medical content. The field covered by IRBM includes all the discipline of Biomedical engineering. Thereby, the type of papers published include those that cover the technological and methodological development in: - Physiological and Biological Signal processing (EEG, MEG, ECG…)- Medical Image processing- Biomechanics- Biomaterials- Medical Physics- Biophysics- Physiological and Biological Sensors- Information technologies in healthcare- Disability research- Computational physiology- …
Each issue of Interface Focus is devoted to a specific topic at the interface of the physical and life sciences. This area will define a research frontier that is advancing rapidly and will, by its very nature, bridge traditional disciplines. The journal is essential reading for scientists working across the physical / life sciences divide. Topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to: biocomplexity, biocomputation, bioengineering, bioinformatics, biomaterials, biomechanics, bionanoscience, biophysics, chemical biology, medical physics, synthetic biology, systems biology, theoretical biology, tissue engineering.
International Biomechanics provides a high-quality platform for researchers working on biomechanics topics to publish their work globally under a fully Open Access model. The Journal ensures that every article undergoes a rigorous and rapid peer review process by a team of experts who share the cross-disciplinary scope of the publication. The intent is to foster innovation, debate and collaboration across the field whilst maintaining a defined and relevant audience for the topics and findings reported.
Please note that the journal's title from January 2010 onwards will be The International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. The new Aims and Scope is effective immediately. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering is an international journal which publishes both full length and short refereed papers describing significant developments in numerical methods and their application to biomedical engineering problems. Contributions are encouraged in all areas of biomedical engineering, such as patient-specific modelling, biofluid and biosolid mechanics, tissue engineering, cardiovascular and respiratory mechanics, tumour modelling, medical imaging and image processing, visualisation, meshing, numerical modelling of organs, drug delivery, surgical simulation, micro- and nano- mechanics, multiscale problems, human body electromagnetics, molecular biology, medical device design, health care models and numerical methods specially designed for biomedical problems. Authors are reminded that application of a standard numerical procedure to a standard problem is not within the scope of this journal. Manuscripts that present solutions to realistic and new biomedical problems using standard numerical procedures should provide evidence of mesh convergence.
Bioinformatics is a new scientific discipline that combines biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics into a broad-based field that will have profound impacts on all fields of biology. It is the comprehensive application of mathematics (e.g., probability and graph theory), statistics, science (e.g., biochemistry), and computer science (e.g., computer algorithms and machine learning) to the understanding of living systems. IJBRA addresses the most innovative developments, research issues and solutions in bioinformatics and computational biology and their applications.
International Journal of Biodiversity is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of biodiversity.
NOW ACCEPTED BY ISI The International Journal for Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for closing the gap between medical and technical disciplines, and encourages interdisciplinary research and development activities in an international environment. The focus of the journal is on Research and Development of digital imaging methods and computer-assisted diagnostic and therapeutic workflows that match and enhance the skill levels of health care professionals. One goal of IJCARS is to provide information on new diagnostic and therapeutic processes which are facilitated by computer assisted radiology and surgery. This includes providers' experiences, patient outcomes, economic and ethical considerations, and scientific/medical validation results. It is expected that the resulting awareness by users and providers will accelerate the acceptance of CARS-supported procedures in clinical practice.
The International Journal of Green Nanotechnology is a unique open access journal addressing important challenges and latest advances in the chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, and other scientific aspects of green nanotechnology as well as on their societal impact and the policies that have been or should be developed to address them. It has three primary foci: biomedicine, materials science and engineering, and physics and chemistry. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
IJMEI promotes an understanding of the structural/functional aspects of disease mechanisms and the application of technology towards the treatment/management of such diseases. It seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaboration between those interested in the theoretical and clinical aspects of medicine and to foster the application of computers and mathematics to problems arising from medical sciences. IJMEI includes authoritative review papers, the reporting of original research, and evaluation reports of new/existing techniques and devices. Each issue also contains a comprehensive information service.
In recent years, frontiers of research in engineering, science and technology have been driven by developments in nanomaterials, encompassing a diverse range of disciplines such as materials science, biomedical engineering, nanomedicine and biology, manufacturing technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and nanoelectronics. IJNBM provides an interdisciplinary vehicle covering these fields. Advanced materials inspired by biological systems and processes are likely to influence the development of novel technologies for a wide variety of applications from vaccines to artificial tissues and organs to quantum computers.
The International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control aims to encourage the development of analysis and design techniques for uncertain linear and nonlinear systems. Papers will be particularly welcome that demonstrate the potential for nonlinear or robust controllers in applications through either design studies or real applications experience. The physical modelling, simulation and identification of systems that may be uncertain, or include significant nonlinearities, is of interest. Suitable topics include the use of hybrid or LPV models, multivariable systems and the simplification of models for control design. Papers on the control of large scale or distributed parameter systems are welcome, particularly concentrating on robustness and/or nonlinear issues. Papers are also welcome in the area of feedback design for asymptotic model following and, in general, for coordinated control of multi-agent systems, including consensus and synchronization. The main focus of the journal is on the theory and design of regulating and tracking control systems, but related areas such as linear and nonlinear filtering, condition monitoring and fault estimation are included. The Journal provides a natural forum for papers on the theory and application of robust control design and estimation techniques, including H8 or H2 design, multi-objective optimization and variable structure, or sliding mode control design methods. Papers will also be welcome on methods of improving the robustness of uncertain, or parameter varying systems, using QFT design methods. Papers on linear model based predictive control and algorithms for constrained optimization are encouraged. All aspects of the theory and techniques used in nonlinear control and estimation are also included ranging from gain scheduling to nonlinear predictive control. The development of nonlinear compensation and design methods, such as those using feedback linearization, adaptive back-stepping, exploitation and/or re-design of zero dynamics, Lyapunov based techniques, nonlinear H8 design and iterative learning control, are all of interest. Contributions on numerical algorithms for robust control, using for example linear matrix inequalities, and the problems of real time implementation are also included. Cooperative control, agent based systems, controller tuning and problems of implementation are covered. Modelling and control techniques using neural networks will also be considered. Model based design approaches are encouraged rather than heuristic or rule based design methods, such as fuzzy control.