TAML aims at publishing novel, cutting edge researches in theoretical, computational, and experimental mechanics. The journal provides fast publication of letter-sized articles and invited reviews within 3 months. We emphasize highlighting advances in science, engineering, and technology with originality and rapidity. Contributions include, but are not limited to, a variety of topics such as:
• Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering
• Coastal and Ocean Engineering
• Environment and Energy Engineering
• Material and Structure Engineering
• Biomedical Engineering
• Mechanical and Transportation Engineering
• Civil and Hydraulic Engineering
Thin-walled structures comprises an important and growing proportion of engineering construction with areas of application becoming increasingly diverse, ranging from aircraft, bridges, ships and oil rigs to storage vessels, industrial buildings and warehouses.Many factors, including cost and weight economy, new materials and processes and the growth of powerful methods of analysis have contributed to this growth, and led to the need for a journal which concentrates specifically on structures in which problems arise due to the thinness of the walls. This field includes cold– formed sections, plate and shell structures, reinforced plastics structures and aluminium structures, and is of importance in many branches of engineering.The primary criterion for consideration of papers in Thin–Walled Structures is that they must be concerned with thin–walled structures or the basic problems inherent in thin–walled structures. Provided this criterion is satisfied no restriction is placed on the type of construction, material or field of application. Papers on theory, experiment, design, etc., are published and it is expected that many papers will contain aspects of all three.
The journal Transportation focuses on issues of relevance to the formulation of policy, the preparation and evaluation of plans, and the day-to-day operational management of transport systems. It concerns itself with the policies and systems themselves, as well as with their impacts on and relationships with other aspects of the social, economic and physical environment. Although the transportation needs of cities and nations around the world differ in detail, there is much benefit to be derived by sharing research findings and practical experience. Transportation lends itself to information exchange by publishing carefully selected papers which advance the international fund of knowledge. Transportation is relevant to all parts of the world: industrialized, newly industrialized or developing. Its mission is simply to help improve the transportation of people and goods by bringing an improved understanding of the subject to the theorists, practitioners and policy makers who study it.Officially cited as: Trans
Transportation Geotechnics aims to publish high quality, theoretical and applied papers on all aspects of geotechnics for roads, highways, railways, airfields and waterways.Topics to be covered will include: geotechnical properties of geomaterials (soils, rocks, soil and rock mixtures, and recycled and alternative materials) for rational and sustainable design and construction, behavior of compacted geomaterials, behavior of stabilized geomaterials (mixtures of soils with - cement, lime, fly ash, polymers and other kind of geomaterials), geosynthetics and reinforcement of constructed layers and interlayers, compaction technology, compaction management, maintenance technology, climatic effects such as freezing and thawing, embankments for highways and high-speed trains, transition zones, dredging, underwater geotechnics for infrastructure purposes, modeling of multi-layered structures and supporting ground under dynamic and repeated loads. A strong topic to be covered will be also case studies that describe original work applicable to sustainable transportation infrastructure construction.
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Transportation Research: Part B publishes papers on all methodological aspects of the subject, particularly those that require mathematical analysis. The general theme of the journal is the development and solution of problems that are adequately motivated to deal with important aspects of the design and/or analysis of transportation systems. Areas covered include: traffic flow; design and analysis of transportation networks; control and scheduling; optimization; queuing theory; logistics; supply chains; development and application of statistical, econometric and mathematical models to address transportation problems; cost models; pricing and/or investment; traveler or shipper behavior; cost-benefit methodologies.Part B's aims and scope are complementary to Transportation Research Part A:Policy and Practice, Part C: Emerging Technologies and Part D: Transport and Environment. The complete set forms the most cohesive and comprehensive reference of current research in transportation science.Audience: Operations researchers, Logisticians, Economists, Econometricians, Mathematical Modelers, and Transportation Engineers, Geographers and Planners.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
The focus of Transportation Research: Part C is high-quality, scholarly research that addresses development, applications, and implications, in the field of transportation, of emerging technologies from such fields as operations research, computer science, electronics, control systems, artificial intelligence, and telecommunications, among others. The interest is not in the individual technologies or methodologies per se, but in their ultimate implications for the planning, design, operation, control, management, maintenance and rehabilitation of transportation systems, services and components.Of particular interest are the impacts of emerging technologies on transportation system performance, in terms of level of service, capacity, safety, reliability, resource consumption and the environment, economics and finance, privacy, standards, and liability. Submissions in the following areas of transportation are encouraged by Part C: the impact of emerging technologies for all modes and for intermodal transportation; intelligent transportation systems; real-time operations; logistics; resource management; consumer/traveler adoption, acceptance and usage of new technologies; infrastructure applications of emerging technologies.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment publishes original research on the environmental impacts of transportation, policy responses to those impacts, and their implications for the design, planning, and management of transportation systems. It covers all aspects of the interaction between transportation and the environment. For example, it includes papers ranging in their coverage from the local and immediate effects of transportation networks on the environments of specific geographical areas, to the widest global implications of natural resource depletion and atmospheric pollution.The journal invites submissions of research papers on all modes of transportation, including maritime and air transportation as well as land transportation, and considers their impacts on the environment in the broad sense. Papers dealing with both mobile aspects and transportation infrastructure are considered. The emphasis of the journal is on empirical findings and policy responses of a regulatory, planning, technical or fiscal nature. Articles are primarily policy-driven and should be relevant and applied as well as being accessible to readers from a wide range of disciplines. There are no disciplinary boundaries to work considered and submissions of an interdisciplinary nature are welcomed. Equally, the journal is fully international in its orientation and invites contributions from economically developing, as well as more economically advanced, countries.Part D's aims and scope are complementary to Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Part B: Methodological and Part C: Emerging Technologies. The complete set forms the most cohesive and comprehensive reference of current research in transportation science.
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review publishes informative articles drawn from across the spectrum of logistics and transportation research. Subjects include, but are not limited to:• Transport economics including cost and production functions, capacity, demand, pricing, externalities, modal studies;• Transport infrastructure and investment appraisal;• Evaluation of public policies;• Empirical studies of management practices and performance;• Logistics and operations models, especially with application;• Logistics and supply-chain management topics.Part E's aims and scope are complementary to Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Part B: Methodological, Part C: Emerging Technologies, Part D: Transport and Environment and Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. The complete set forms the most cohesive and comprehensive reference of current research in transportation science.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour focuses on the behavioural and psychological aspects of traffic and transport.The aim of the journal is to enhance theory development, improve the quality of empirical studies and to stimulate the application of research findings in practice. TRF provides a focus and a means of communication for the considerable amount of research activities that are now being carried out in this field. The journal provides a forum for transportation researchers, psychologists, ergonomists, engineers and policy-makers with an interest in traffic and transport psychology.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
TRB is one of six major divisions of the National Research Council, which serves as an independent adviser to the federal government and others on scientific and technical questions of national importance, and which is jointly administered by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The mission of the Transportation Research Board is to provide leadership in transportation innovation and progress through research and information exchange, conducted within a setting that is objective, interdisciplinary, and multimodal. The Board is supported by state transportation departments, federal agencies including the component administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and individuals interested in the development of transportation.Each year, TRB’s varied activities engage more than 7,000 engineers, scientists, and other transportation researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of whom contribute their expertise in the public interest by participating on TRB committees, panels, and task forces. Others get involved and support TRB activities by becoming a TRB Affiliate; participating in TRB-sponsored conferences and workshops; authoring technical papers and contract research reports; and more.Here are links to additional information on how you can get involved in TRB.
Transportation Science is the foremost journal in the field of transportation analysis. Published quarterly by INFORMS, it features comprehensive, timely articles and surveys that cover all levels of planning and all modes of transportation. Topics covered include economic analysis of transportation systems; strategic, tactical, and operational transportation planning; and transporation systems design.Transportation Science is international in scope, with editors from nations around the globe.