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Peer-reviewed articles that meet the standards of quality set by the Editors and Referees of our sister journals, but which were considered unsuitable for publication in those journals, will be automatically accepted for publication in
*provided that the manuscript is amended according to the comments of the reviewers, and as judged by the managing editor.
Materials and Manufacturing Processes deals with issues that result in better utilization of raw materials and energy, integration of design and manufacturing activities requiring the invention of suitable new manufacturing processes and techniques, unmanned production dependent on efficient and reliable control of various processes including intelligent processing, introduction of new materials in industrial production necessitating new manufacturing process technology, and more. Information is offered in various formats, including research articles, letter reports, review articles, conference papers, applied research, book and conference reviews, patent reports, and entire issues devoted to symposia. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Materials and Structures, the flagship publication of the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM), provides a unique international and interdisciplinary forum for new research findings on the performance of construction materials. A leader in cutting-edge research, the journal is dedicated to the publication of high quality papers examining the fundamental properties of building materials, their characterization and processing techniques, modeling, standardization of test methods, and the application of research results in building and civil engineering. Materials and Structures also publishes comprehensive reports prepared by the RILEM’s technical committees.
Materials at High Temperatures publishes peer reviewed contributions relating to high temperature applications in the power, chemical, engine, processing and furnace industries.
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original innovative research in solid mechanics and materials science.The central aim of MMS is to publish original, well-written and self-contained research that elucidates the mechanical behaviour of solids with particular emphasis on mathematical principles.
Meccanica focuses on the methodological framework shared by mechanical scientists when addressing theoretical or applied problems. Original papers address various aspects of mechanical and mathematical modeling, of solution, as well as of analysis of system behavior. The journal explores fundamental and applications issues in established areas of mechanics research as well as in emerging fields; contemporary research on general mechanics, solid and structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics of machines; interdisciplinary fields between mechanics and other mathematical and engineering sciences; interaction of mechanics with dynamical systems, advanced materials, control and computation; electromechanics; biomechanics.Articles include full length papers; topical overviews; brief notes; discussions and comments on published papers; book reviews; and an international calendar of conferences. Meccanica, the official journal of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, was established
Other technical areas of interest include high-speed computing, numerical methods, structural optimization, variational methods, stability, fatigue and fracture mechanics, plasticity, and related basic applied mechanics and mechanics-based design. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Mechanics Research Communications publishes as rapidly as possible manuscripts of high standards but restricted length. It aims at providing a fast means of communication and of exchange of ideas among workers in Mechanics, at offering an effective method of bringing new results quickly to the public and at establishing an informal vehicle for the discussion of ideas that may still be in the formative stages.Mechanics Research Communications will publish both scientific and applied contributions. In either category, papers may be one of three types:1. Complete: Self-contained, normally no more than about twelve manuscript pages long. The essence and motivation of the communication must be made clear in a first section, called Introduction, of length appropriate to that of the entire article and written so as to be understandable to the majority of workers in Mechanics. No further abstract is required. The remainder of the contribution may, of course, be addressed to specialists.2. Work in Progress and Preliminary Results: Accounts of current research and of tentative results even if of a conjectural but well documented nature, about three or four manuscript pages in length.3. Letters: Not over two manuscript pages long usually dealing with previously printed contributions or with matters of general interest to the Mechanics community, to be written in non-aggressive language. After acceptance of letters referring to previous communications, the authors of the original articles will be informed and allowed four weeks time to submit a written reply. The letter and the reply will be printed simultaneously.In addition, special features may be added from time to time.The field of Mechanics will be understood in a broad sense, no attempt being made to limit it or to provide it with a precise definition. It will encompass the behavior of fluids, solids, particles, continua, rigid bodies, mechanisms, systems and so forth. It will include theoretical as well as applied and experimental researches, whether aimed at fundamental scientific advances or at practical engineering results.
The central aim of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures is to promote the dissemination of significant developments and publish state-of-the-art reviews and technical discussions of previously published papers dealing with mechanics aspects of advanced materials and structures. Refereed contributions describing analytical, numerical and experimental methods and hybrid approaches that combine theoretical and experimental techniques in the study of advanced materials and structures will be published along with critical surveys of the literature and discussions of papers in the field. Contributions will range from new theories and formulations to analyses and novel applications. Emphasis will be placed on mechanics aspects and aspects at the interface of materials and mechanics issues. The journal will publish manuscripts dealing with the mechanics aspects (for example, the mechanical characterization, mathematical modeling, novel applications, and numerical simulation) of advanced materials and structures. Contributions may range from new methods to novel applications of existing methods to gain understanding of the material and/or structural behavior of new and advanced. Typical topic areas are: * Materials: Adhesives, ceramics, metal-matrix composites, and polymer-based composites; processing and manufacturing of composite; actuator/sensor (smart) materials and electromagnetic materials; and damage and failure mechanisms in material. * Structures: Basic structural elements such as beams, plates, and shells; structures with actuators/sensors (smart structures); active and passive control of structures; aerospace, automotive, and underwater structures; and adhesively bonded structures. * Methodologies: Mathematical formulation of the kinematic, constitutive, and structural behavior of materials and structures; experimental methods directed toward mechanical characterization, damage evolution, and failures in materials and structures; computational methods for the solution of micro-, meso-, macro-mechanics mathematical models; methods dealing with the determination of local effects; and novel computational approaches for material and structural modeling of new and advanced materials. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Mechanics of Composite Materials publishes original experimental and theoretical research on the mechanical properties and behavior of composite materials as well as matrices and fibers. Coverage includes: strength and fracture; damage mechanics and fatigue; numerical methods and optimal design of structures; prediction of long-term properties, effect of environment, ageing; nondestructive testing; mechanical aspects of technology, rheology of polymer melts and biocomposites. This bimonthly journal is a translation of the peer reviewed Russian language journal, Mekhanika Kompozitnykh Materialov.
Mechanics of Materials is a forum for original scientific research on the flow, fracture, and general constitutive behavior of geophysical, geotechnical and technological materials, with balanced coverage of advanced technological and natural materials, with balanced coverage of theoretical, experimental, and field investigations. Of special concern are macroscopic predictions based on microscopic models, identification of microscopic structures from limited overall macroscopic data, experimental and field results that lead to fundamental understanding of the behavior of materials, and coordinated experimental and analytical investigations that culminate in theories with predictive quality.Original contributions are published on the thermomechanical behavior of technological materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics, various advanced composites, wood, etc., geotechnical materials such as rock and soil, and on thermomechanical processes pertaining to solid earth geophysics. The journal contains research papers, invited review articles, brief notes, letters to the editor, book reviews and news items.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The journal Mechanics of Solids publishes articles in the general areas of dynamics of particles and rigid bodies and the mechanics of deformable solids. At approximately a thousand pages a year, the journal is a comprehensive record of up-to-the-minute research results. Coverage includes Vibration of discrete and continuous systems; Stability and optimization of mechanical systems; Automatic control theory; Dynamics of multiple body systems; Elasticity, viscoelasticity and plasticity; Mechanics of composite materials; Theory of structures and structural stability; Wave propagation and impact of solids; Fracture mechanics; Micromechanics of solids; Mechanics of granular and geological materials; Structure–fluid interaction; Mechanical behavior of materials; Gyroscopes and navigation systems; and Nanomechanics. Articles in the journal are primarily theoretical and analytical in nature and present a satisfying blend of basic mechanics theory with analysis of contemporary technological problems.
This international journal provides a medium of communication between engineers and scientists engaged in research and development within the fields of knowledge embraced by IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science.The main topics are: • Design Theory and Methodology; • Haptics and Human-Machine-Interfaces; • Robotics, Mechatronics and Micro-Machines; • Mechanisms, Mechanical Transmissions and Machines; • Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control of Mechanical Systems;• Applications to Bioengineering and Molecular Chemistry.Methodologically, this includes theoretical, experimental, and/or historical approaches, along with their practical application, including education. Substantially, the journal aims at covering all subjects related to mechanisms and machines in general, such as: design theory and methodology, kinematics of mechanisms, rotor dynamics, computational kinematics, multibody dynamics, dynamics of machinery, nonlinear vibrations, linkages and cams, gearing and transmissions, transportation machinery, control and reliability of mechanical systems, including hydraulic and pneumatic systems, experimental test techniques, robots and robotic technologies, mechatronics, micromachines, human-machine interfaces, haptics, among others. Prospective fields of application of mechanism and machine science to other scientific areas such as bioengineering and molecular chemistry are also welcome.For more information on IFToMM, visit their home page on the Internet at
Metal Powder Report covers the powder metallurgy industry worldwide. Each issue carries news and features on technical trends in the manufacture, research and use of metal powders.Metal Powder Report is recognised by parts manufacturers and end-users worldwide for authoritative and high quality reporting and analysis of the international powder metallurgy industry.Included in your Metal Powder Report subscription will be the PM World Directory. This extensive directory will provide you with a valuable comprehensive guide to suppliers of materials, equipment and services to the PM industry.
Metal Science and Heat Treatment discusses fundamental, practical issues of physical metallurgy, new achievements in heat treatment of alloys, surface engineering, and heat treatment equipment. Review papers are published as well as special issues on state-of the-art and future development of heat treatment, the history of physical metallurgy, and its outstanding researchers. Metal Science and Heat Treatment is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian journal Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov.