Stahlbau bundelt in einer Fachzeitschrift alles uber Stahl-, Verbund- und Leichtmetallkonstruktionen im gesamten Bauwesen. Seit 1928 begleitet sie maßgeblich den gesamten Stahlbau. In Stahlbau finden sich praxisorientierte Berichte uber samtliche Themen des Stahlbaus. Die in Stahlbau publizierten Fachaufsatze sind Erstveroffentlichungen. Themenuberblick: .
Structural Concrete, the official journal of the fib, provides conceptual and procedural guidance in the field of concrete construction, and features peer-reviewed papers, keynote research and industry news covering all aspects of the design, construction, performance in service and demolition of concrete structures.
The Journal Structural Control and Health Monitoring provides a forum in which survey articles and original research in the field of structural control can be communicated rapidly toward a cross-fertilization of information and ideas. An important aim is not only to achieve a balance between academic material and practical applications, but also to establish an interface between the many topics which characterise the interdisciplinary nature of structural control. The Journal encompasses all aspects of structural control theory and technology. Special attention will be devoted to civil and infrastructure engineering applications, but related fields, such as aerospace and ocean systems, will also be covered. Review articles and original contributions based on analytical, computational and experimental methods are solicited in three main areas: monitoring, control and smart materials and structures. Each area consists of several viewpoints, and it is from a mutual understanding of these that innovations arise, and this Journal pursues those innovations. Health monitoring, health diagnostics and sensor technology are the core of the first area. Passive, active and semiactive control schemes and implementations represent the second and central field. Shape memory alloys, piezoelectrics and mechatronics in general complete the picture. However, actuator design, dynamic systems, dynamic stability, artificial intelligence tools, data acquisition, wireless communications, measurements, MEMs sensors for local damage detection, optical fibre sensors for health monitoring, remote control of monitoring systems, sensor-logger combinations for mobile applications, corrosion sensors, scour indicators and experimental techniques span across the three areas and represent the backbone of the journal. Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials - Review Articles now incorporatedProviding access to key developments across all areas of structural engineering and related construction materials issues, Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials provides the reader with up-to-the minute, authoritative, comprehensive summaries of the most important and significant advances in the field.
Bautechnik ist seit mehr als 85 Jahren eine der fuhrenden technisch-wissenschaftlichen Fachpublikationen fur den gesamten Ingenieurbau. Sie tragt zur Forderung der Kommunikation zwischen Forschung und Praxis sowohl innerhalb des Bauwesens als auch interdisziplinar bei; daruber hinaus hilft sie, die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Bautechnik und Umwelt im weitesten Sinne zu bewerten. Themenuberblick:.
Structural Safety is an international journal devoted to integrated risk assessment for a wide range of constructed facilities such as buildings, bridges, earth structures, offshore facilities, dams, lifelines and nuclear structural systems. Its purpose is to foster communication about risk and reliability among technical disciplines involved in design and construction, and to enhance the use of risk management in the constructed environment. All aspects of quantitative safety assessment are of interest:• Loads and environmental effects;• Material properties;• Prediction of response and performance;• Treatment of human error and engineering judgment;• Quality assurance/control; and• Techniques of decision analysis and risk management.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Structure & Infrastructure Engineering- Maintenance, Management and Life-Cycle Design & Performance is an international journal dedicated to recent advances in maintenance, management and life-cycle performance of a wide range of infrastructures, such as: buildings, bridges, dams, underground constructions, offshore platforms, pipelines, naval vessels, ocean structures, nuclear power plants, airplanes and other types of structures including aerospace and automotive structures. The aim of this journal is to present research and developments on the most advanced technologies for analyzing, predicting and optimizing infrastructure performance. The main gaps to be filled are those between researchers and practitioners in maintenance, management and life-cycle performance of infrastructure systems, and those between professionals working on different types of infrastructures. To this end, the journal will provide a forum for a broad blend of scientific, technical and practical papers. Papers considered for publication are original, high-quality papers that form a significant contribution to the theory or practice of infrastructure engineering, present state-of-the-art work on a topic related to infrastructure, or describe a case study in which theory is applied to a significant infrastructure problem. The scope of the journal encompasses, but is not restricted to, mathematical modelling, computer and experimental methods, practical infrastructure applications in the areas of assessment and evaluation, construction and design for durability, decision making, deterioration modelling and aging, failure analysis, field testing, financial planning, inspection and diagnostics, life-cycle analysis and prediction, loads, maintenance strategies, management systems, non-destructive testing, optimization of maintenance and management, specifications and codes, time- dependent performance, rehabilitation, repair, replacement, reliability and risk management, service life prediction, strengthening and whole life costing. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering is intended for an audience of researchers and practitioners world-wide with a background in civil, aerospace, mechanical, marine and automotive engineering, as well as people working in infrastructure maintenance, management and cost analysis. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Keywords Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
The Institution of Structural Engineers is the world's largest membership organisation dedicated to the art and science of structural engineering. The Institution has over 27,000 members working in 105 countries around the world. The Institution is an internationally recognised source of expertise and information concerning all issues that involve structural engineering and public safety within the built environment. The core work of the Institution is supporting and protecting the profession of structural engineering by upholding professional standards and acting as an international voice on behalf of structural engineers.
For specific enquiries relating to a manuscript that has not yet been accepted for publication, please contact the Editorial Office at
Structures and Buildings covers a wide range of topics focusing on civil engineering structures and buildings.It features papers on the design and construction of civil engineering structures and the applied research associated with such activities. Topics include the design, strength, durability and behaviour of structural components and systems. Specific areas include energy conservation, people movement within and around buildings, strength and durability of steel and concrete structural components, and the behaviour of building and bridge components and systems.
Thin-walled structures comprises an important and growing proportion of engineering construction with areas of application becoming increasingly diverse, ranging from aircraft, bridges, ships and oil rigs to storage vessels, industrial buildings and warehouses.Many factors, including cost and weight economy, new materials and processes and the growth of powerful methods of analysis have contributed to this growth, and led to the need for a journal which concentrates specifically on structures in which problems arise due to the thinness of the walls. This field includes cold– formed sections, plate and shell structures, reinforced plastics structures and aluminium structures, and is of importance in many branches of engineering.The primary criterion for consideration of papers in Thin–Walled Structures is that they must be concerned with thin–walled structures or the basic problems inherent in thin–walled structures. Provided this criterion is satisfied no restriction is placed on the type of construction, material or field of application. Papers on theory, experiment, design, etc., are published and it is expected that many papers will contain aspects of all three.
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology is an international journal which publishes authoritative articles encompassing the development of innovative uses of underground space and the results of high quality research into improved, more cost-effective techniques for the planning, geo-investigation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of underground and earth-sheltered structures.The journal provides an effective vehicle for the improved worldwide exchange of information on developments in underground technology - and the experience gained from its use - and is strongly committed to publishing papers on the interdisciplinary aspects of creating, planning, and regulating underground space. Towards this end, up-to-date reports of the International Tunnelling Association (ITA) working groups and important papers from major conferences sponsored by the ITA and other bodies are a regular feature of the journal.Incorporation of Trenchless Technology Research, which provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest research and developments in all areas pertaining to trenchless technology, widened the scope of TUST to cover the installation, repair, and renewal of underground pipelines, ducts, and cables while eliminating the need for continuous surface excavation. The techniques include pipe jacking, microtunnelling, auger boring, pipe bursting, pipe splitting, pipe ramming, directional drilling and steerable and non-steerable moling, together with all methods of relining and rehabilitation. The performance of newly installed and rehabilitated pipes equally lies within the scope of the journal, while the influence of trenchless technology on the surrounding environment is central to the debate on the subject. Publication of research dealing with the relative direct and social costs of traditional and trenchless pipe laying, with novel geotechnical applications of trenchless technology, and with locating and mapping of the existing buried utility service infrastructure is equally encouraged.