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Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology

ISSN: 2162-0989
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Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health

ISSN: 1010-5395eISSN: 1941-2479

Published in association with the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (APJPH) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that focuses on health issues in the Asia-Pacific Region. APJPH publishes original articles on public health related issues, including implications for practical applications to professional education and services for public health and primary health care that are of concern and relevance to the Asia-Pacific region.The editor-in-chief welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of public health, as well as global challenges in public health, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, health security, disaster management, and chronic disease. For manuscript inquiries, please contact Wah-Yun Low, Ph.D at

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Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology

ISSN: 2214-6873eISSN: 2214-6873

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology (AP-SMART) is the official peer-reviewed, open access journal of the Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS) and the Japanese Orthopaedic Society of Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine (JOSKAS). It is published quarterly, in January, April, July and October, by Elsevier.

The mission of AP-SMART is to inspire clinicians, practitioners, scientists and engineers to work towards a common goal to improve quality of life in the international community. The Journal publishes original research, reviews, editorials, perspectives, and letters to the Editor.

Multidisciplinary research with collaboration amongst clinicians and scientists from different disciplines will be the trend in the coming decades. AP-SMART provides a platform for the exchange of new clinical and scientific information in the most precise and expeditious way to achieve timely dissemination of information and cross-fertilization of ideas.

The information presented aims to provide a scientific yet practical approach to these five areas:

  • Sports medicine—itself a field with cross-disciplinary dimensions, including sports traumatology, cardiology, endocrinology, accident and emergency medicine, physiology, biochemistry and biomechanics. Whilst each of these fields serves a specific domain, they all contribute importantly to the overall care of athletes.
  • Arthroscopy—recent advances in skills and technology have driven arthroscopy to the forefront of surgical development in minimally invasive interventions for sports traumatology.
  • Rehabilitation—an integral part of the overall management of sports trauma, comprising a comprehensive program of treatment with allied health professionals, performance optimization, preventive measures and outcome evaluation
  • Sports technology—of vital importance to biomechanical and biological research in arthroplasty and sports medicine, allowing new ideas to be tested, developed and applied in the field. We aim to establish strong links between engineers, scientists, biomechanists and administrators involved with sports and sports technology.
  • Reconstructive surgery of the knee, shoulder and ankle—including osteotomy, total joint replacement, minimally invasive and computer-assisted surgery. The Journal's section on upper limb is devoted to the advancement of the science and management of upper limb disorders, with particular relevance to sport-related conditions.

Indexed in: Embase, ScienceDirect

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Asia-Pacific Psychiatry

ISSN: 1758-5864eISSN: 1758-5872

Asia-Pacific Psychiatry is an international psychiatric journal focused on the Asia and Pacific Rim region, and is the official journal of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrics. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry enables psychiatric and other mental health professionals in the region to share their research, education programs and clinical experience with a larger international readership. The journal offers a venue for high quality research for and from the region in the face of minimal international publication availability for authors concerned with the region. This includes findings highlighting the diversity in psychiatric behaviour, treatment and outcome related to social, ethnic, cultural and economic differences of the region. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and reviews, as well as clinically and educationally focused papers on regional best practices. Images, videos, a young psychiatrist's corner, meeting reports, a journal club and contextual commentaries differentiate this journal from existing main stream psychiatry journals that are focused on other regions, or nationally focused within countries of Asia and the Pacific Rim. The Editors and the Publisher are particularly focused on helping authors develop ideas and improving the language of accepted submissions. Abstracting and Indexing Services: Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson ISI), Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®), National Library of Australia. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry accepts articles for Open Access publication. Please see and select author guidelines for further information about OnlineOpen.

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Asian Biomedicine

eISSN: 1875-855X

Asian Biomedicine (Research Reviews and News) is an international journal devoted to peer-reviewed contributions dealing with biomedical sciences from experimental to clinical aspects. The Journal publishes review articles, original articles, technical and clinical reports bimonthly.

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Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals

ISSN: 0218-4923eISSN: 1816-5370
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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology

ISSN: 2307-8553eISSN: 2307-8553

Asian Journal of Andrology

ISSN: 1008-682XeISSN: 1745-7262
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Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition

ISSN: 1992-1470eISSN: 2077-2033
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Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery

ISSN: 1758-5902eISSN: 1758-5910

Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery, a joint official journal of the Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia, and the Asia Endosurgery Task Force publishes significant studies in the fields of endoscopic surgery. The Journal welcomes Original Articles, Case Reports, Surgical Techniques, My Approach and Short Reports, which are peer-reviewed by the editorial board. Letters to the Editor commenting on articles published in the Journal or expressing views on topics concerning surgery are also welcomed. Special articles, including Review Articles are provided by the Editorial Board and invited authors. Meeting Reports include summaries of symposia or consensus achieved in the congresses of related associations.

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Asian Journal of Epidemiology

ISSN: 1992-1462eISSN: 2077-205X
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Asian Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics

eISSN: 1819-1576
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Asian Journal of Ophthalmology

ISSN: 1560-2133

Asian Journal of Psychiatry

ISSN: 1876-2018eISSN: 1876-2026

It is a general and comprehensive journal of psychiatry for psychiatrists, mental health clinicians, neurologists, physicians, students of mental health and those involved in mental health policy development.The journal aims to bridge a knowledge gap of the application and transfer of research findings and clinical practice through Asia to and from the rest of the world. It aims to focus on psychiatric research pertinent to Asia produced either within or from outside the continent. This may include preclinical, clinical, service system and policy development research relevant to psychiatry and will highlight the socio-cultural diversity of the region as it pertains to mental health.The Asian Journal of Psychiatry publishes peer reviewed original research articles; review articles; commentaries on significant articles; synopses of current research highlights from Asia; and letters to the editor.Submit your vital research today!Bibliographic & ordering informationISSN: 1876-2018Imprint: ELSEVIERCommences publication September 2008Subscriptions for the year 2014, Volumes 7-12, 6 issues

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Asian Journal of Sports Medicine

ISSN: 2008-000XeISSN: 2008-7209
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Asian Journal of Surgery

ISSN: 1015-9584eISSN: 0219-3108

The Asian Journal of Surgery, founded in1978, is an indexed, peer-reviewed journalthat is published quarterly. Today, the AsianJournal of Surgery is the official publicationof seven professional surgical associationsin the Asia-Pacific region, including:Asian Association of EndocrineSurgeonsAsian Association of PediatricSurgeonsAsian Surgical AssociationAsian Society for Vascular SurgeryAssociation of University Surgeonsof AsiaCollege of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine, MalaysiaEndoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of AsiaThe Asian Journal of Surgery enjoys agrowing reputation as an importantmedium for the dissemination of recentdevelopments in surgery and its relateddisciplines to the Asia-Pacific regionand beyond. The Asian Journal of Surgeryinvites original contributions as CurrentOpinions, Original Articles, Case Reports,and Reviews across the entire spectrumof clinical and experimental surgery.The Asian Journal of Surgery is indexed in SCI Expanded, MEDLINE, CAB ABSTRACTS, CAB HEALTH, EMBASE, SCOPUS and SIIC Data Bases.

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Asian Journal of Transfusion Science

ISSN: 0973-6247eISSN: 1998-3565
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Asian Journal of Urology

ISSN: 2214-3882eISSN: 2214-3882

Asian Journal of Urology (AJUR), launched in October 2014, is an international peer-reviewed Open Access journal jointly founded by Shanghai Medical Association (SMA) and Second Military Medical University (SMMU). AJURaims to build a communication platform for international researchers to effectively share scholarly achievements. It focuses on all specialties of urology both scientifically and clinically, with article types widely covering editorials, opinions, perspectives, reviews and mini-reviews, original articles, cases reports, rapid communications, and letters, etc.

Fields of particular interest to the journal including, but not limited to:
• Surgical oncology
• Endourology
• Calculi
• Female urology
• Erectile dysfunction
• Infertility
• Pediatric urology
• Renal transplantation
• Reconstructive surgery
• Radiology
• Pathology
• Neurourology

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Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy

ISSN: 1819-5164

Asian Medicine: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine

ISSN: 1573-420XeISSN: 1573-4218

Asian Medicine -Tradition and Modernity is a multidisciplinary journal aimed at researchers and practitioners of Asian Medicine in Asia as well as in Western countries. It makes available in one single publication academic essays that explore the historical, anthropological, sociological and philological dimensions of Asian medicine as well as practice reports from clinicians based in Asia and in Western countries.

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