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Breast Cancer

ISSN: 1340-6868eISSN: 1880-4233

The official journal of the Japanese Breast Cancer Society, Breast Cancer publishes articles that contribute to progress in the field, in basic or translational research and also in clinical research. It develops a new focus and new perspectives for all who are concerned with breast cancer. Breast Cancer presents original articles describing clinical, epidemiological studies and laboratory investigations regarding breast cancer and related diseases. It features editorials, review articles, original articles, case reports, and short papers. The journal provides the best of up-to-date information on breast cancer, presenting readers with high-impact, original work focusing on pivotal issues.

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Breast Cancer Management

ISSN: 1758-1923eISSN: 1758-1931
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Breast Cancer Research

ISSN: 1465-5411eISSN: 1465-542X

Breast Cancer Research is an international, peer-reviewed online journal, publishing original research, reviews, editorials and reports. Open access research articles of exceptional interest are published in all areas of biology and medicine relevant to breast cancer, including normal mammary gland biology, with special emphasis on the genetic, biochemical, and cellular basis of breast cancer. In addition to basic research, the journal publishes preclinical, translational and clinical studies with a biological basis, including Phase I and Phase II trials.

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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

ISSN: 0167-6806eISSN: 1573-7217

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment provides the surgeon, radiotherapist, medical oncologist, endocrinologist, epidemiologist, immunologist or cell biologist investigating problems in breast cancer a single forum for communication. The journal creates a `market place' for breast cancer topics which cuts across all the usual lines of disciplines, providing a site for presenting pertinent investigations and for discussing critical questions relevant to the entire field. It seeks to develop a new focus and new perspectives for all those concerned with breast cancer.

Oncology is undoubtedly the most rapidly growing subspecialty in the field of medicine, and breast cancer is one of the most serious problems of oncology. It is the leading cause of death of women in many countries and is truly a multidisciplinary problem without geographic restrictions. Yet this very multidisciplinary aspect accounts for breast cancer literature appearing in any of the dozens of existing medical journals. None of these jou

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Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research

eISSN: 1178-2234
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Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy

eISSN: 1179-1314
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Breast Care

ISSN: 1661-3791eISSN: 1661-3805

Breast Care is a scientific journal that encompasses all aspects of breast biology. As an interdisciplinary journal, it includes manuscripts describing research, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malignant and benign diseases of the breast. In addition to presenting current developments in clinical research, it addresses broader topics in clinical practice by including articles that address legal, financial, and economic issues of importance. Breast Care is addressed to clinicians and practitioners working and researching in the field of breast health, breast ailments, and breast cancer.

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Breast Disease

ISSN: 0888-6008eISSN: 1558-1551
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Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly

ISSN: 1043-321X

With more than 180,000 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed each year in the United States, specialists in many major medical disciplines-including surgery, obstetrics/gynecology, oncology, radiation therapy, diagnostic radiology, and medical management- will benefit from insightful and up-to-date information in Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly. Each issue of Breast Diseases includes more than 60 article abstracts with insightful commentary on the latest developments in the diagnosis, treatment, screening, and prevention of breast diseases. Breast Diseases provides the expertise and perspective of some of the top physician editors in the world on this important subject.

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Breast Journal

ISSN: 1075-122XeISSN: 1524-4741

The Breast Journal is the first comprehensive, multidisciplinary source devoted exclusively to all facets of research, diagnosis, and treatment of breast disease. The Breast Journal encompasses the latest news and technologies from the many medical specialties concerned with breast disease care in order to address the disease within the context of an integrated breast health care. This editorial philosophy recognizes the special social, sexual, and psychological considerations that distinguish cancer, and breast cancer in particular, from other serious diseases. Topics specifically within the scope of The Breast Journal include:

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Breastfeeding Medicine

ISSN: 1556-8253eISSN: 1556-8342

This academic, peer-reviewed journal created by physicians dedicated, to the advancement of breastfeeding worldwide, provides a scientific forum on breastfeeding and human lactation. With the growing demand for the best evidence-based research advances, this interdisciplinary journal explores the immediate and long-term outcomes of breastfeeding. The Journal focuses on all medical aspects pertaining to breastfeeding and addresses the wide spectrum of research and clinical applications that impact upon the optimal care of mother and infant.

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Breastfeeding Review

ISSN: 0729-2759


ISSN: 1810-6838eISSN: 2073-4735

Breathe is the clinical educational publication from the European Respiratory Society. Breathe publishes original review articles covering topics from basic science to up-to-date best practice, editorials covering forthcoming meetings and other events, case studies covering useful clinical situations that may arise, self-tutorial material, details of activities from the Early Career members of the ERS, literature summaries highlighting the hot topics among published material.

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Briefings in Functional Genomics

ISSN: 2041-2649eISSN: 2041-2657

Briefings in Functional Genomics is an international forum reviewing the use, development and exploitation of functional genomic approaches in all areas of biological research. The journal provides a centralised resource for researchers in the field of functional genomics as well as guidance to scientists new to the area. Subjects covered by BFG include but are not restricted to: the identification and functional characterisation of coding and non-coding features in genomes, microarray technologies, gene expression profiling, next generation sequencing, pharmacogenomics, phenomics, SNP technologies, transgenic systems, mutation screens and genotyping. Articles range in scope and depth from the introductory level to specific details of protocols and analyses, encompassing bacterial, fungal, plant, animal and human data.

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ISSN: 0068-113XeISSN: 1753-5352
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British Journal of Anaesthesia

ISSN: 0007-0912eISSN: 1471-6771

Founded in 1923, one year after the first anaesthetic journal was published by the International Anaesthesia Research Society, BJA remains the oldest and largest independent journal of anaesthesia. It became the journal of The College of Anaesthetists in 1990. The College was granted a Royal Charter in 1992. Although there are educational links between BJA and the College, the journal retains editorial independence.BJA publishes original articles in all branches of Anaesthesia. Submitted manuscripts are subject to stringent review to ensure that the journal only contains papers of the highest standard.

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British Journal of Biomedical Science

eISSN: 0967-4845

poisoning and infection control biomedical scientists are the foundation of modern healthcare. Biomedical scientists work in partnership with doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to perform many different roles in NHS laboratories. Without biomedical scientists the diagnosis of disease, the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, and research into the causes and cures of disease would not be possible.Doctors treat their patients based on results of the vital tests and investigations that diagnose often serious and life threatening illnesses such as cancer, AIDS or diabetes. Without biomedical scientists departments such as Accident & Emergency and operating theatres could not properly function. The many roles of support by biomedical scientists for A & E and theatre surgery includes tests for emergency blood transfusions and blood grouping as well as tests on samples from patients who have overdosed on unknown substances, or may have leukaemia or are suspected of having a heart attack.The work of a biomedical scientist must be accurate and efficient because patients' lives may depend on their skills. They are continually increasing their knowledge as laboratory techniques develop and research transforms the cutting edge of science and medicine. Scientists learn to work with computers, sophisticated automated equipment, microscopes and other hi-tech laboratory equipment. They employ a wide range of complex modern techniques to perform their.

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British Journal of Cancer

ISSN: 0007-0920eISSN: 1532-1827

Cancer is a complex problem. The international effort to understand and control it involves clinicians trained in many branches of medicine and scientists from most biological disciplines, chemistry, pharmaceutical and physical sciences. British Journal of Cancer (BJC) exists to serve the needs of this diverse community, providing a forum for prompt communication of original and innovative research findings that have relevance to understanding the etiology of cancer and to improving the treatment and survival of patients. BJC works with a distinguished team of international experts to ensure the highest standards of selection and review. All relevant papers are carefully considered. Once accepted, papers are published rapidly in print and online.Full research papers and short communications are published under five broad headings: * clinical studies * translational therapeutics * molecular diagnostics * genetics and genomics * epidemiologyBJC regularly invites minireviews on topics of current interest from international authorities. Some longer reviews, and book reviews are published, usually by editor's invitation. Editorials and letters to the editor on matters arising from published papers are also published at the editor's discretion.BJC is owned by Cancer Research UK, the world's leading independent charity dedicated to cancer research. Cancer Research UK carries out scientific research to find news ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer; ensuring findings are used to benefit the lives of cancer patients.BJC reflects this purpose. It was founded more than sixty years ago and, from the start, its far-sighted mission was to encourage communication of the very best cancer research from laboratories and clinics in all countries. Broad coverage, its editorial independence and consistent high standards have made British Journal of Cancer one of the world's premier general cancer journals.

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British Journal of Cardiology

ISSN: 0969-6113
Publisher: MediNews Ltd.

British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

ISSN: 0306-5251eISSN: 1365-2125

Reports on all aspects of drug action in humansOriginal papers. reviews. editorials. letters. book reviewsNorth American. European. Australasian EditorsSpecial supplements on new drugsOpen-access after 12 monthsOnline submission through ScholarOne Manuscripts Published on behalf of the British Pharmacological Society Aims and Scope Published on behalf of the British Pharmacological Society. theBritish Journal of Clinical Pharmacologycontains papers and reports on all aspects of drug action in humans: invited review articles. original papers. short communications and correspondence. The Journal enjoys a wide readership. bridging the gap between the medical profession. clinical research and the pharmaceutical industry. Proceedings of the meetings of the Clinical Section of the British Pharmacological Society are published in abstract form. and supplements containing information on new methods. new drugs and new approaches to treatment are supplied free of charge. All editorials now available to access free online. Clickhere to access now! Readership The journal contains research and review articles on all aspects of drug action in humans. together with abstracts of clinical proceedings of the Society. The journal is recognized as one of the leading publications in its field. The readership consists of clinical pharmacologists in academic and NHS posts. pharmacologists. pharmacists. physicians as well as scientists in the pharmaceutical industry. The readership reflects the journal"s role as a bridge between the medical professions. clinical research and the pharmaceutical industry.

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