International Journal of Emergency Medicine is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It is the only international, peer-reviewed, open access journal for emergency medicine.Many countries around the world are recognizing this relatively new specialty and increasing their focus on training and research. However, current journals concentrate mainly on the US, UK, and Australia: there are no adequate journals which address the needs of the global community. The International Journal of Emergency Medicine will shed light on how the specialty is being practiced in various countries, which will not only further education, but also stimulate evidence-based improvement in practice and further research.International Journal of Emergency Medicine is directed towards physicians and medical personnel undergoing training or working within the field of emergency medicine. It focuses on the practice of emergency medicine in a variety of settings, from urban emergency departments to rural clinics, including humanitarian and disaster situations. The content is diverse and features case reports with discussion on evidence-based practice, clinical images with spot diagnosis, systematic reviews, brief research reports, quality improvement and innovations. IJEM is an open access journal, which provides free access to its articles to anyone, anywhere, at any time, without the need for a subscription. For additional information, please visit the journal's website at:
Précédemment Journal Européen des Urgences, le Journal Européen des Urgences et de Réanimation s'adresse aux médecins urgentistes mais aussi à tous les professionnels de l'Urgence. Savocation : renforcer les liens entre unemédecine d'urgence, tous les jours plus avide de connaissances et de modernité, et denombreuses spécialités médicales et chirurgicales qui partagent avec elle la prise en charge des patients les plus graves, ou les plus complexes. Dans cette démarche, le JEUREA ouvre donc sa ligne éditoriale à desmédecins urgentistes mais aussi à d'autresspécialistes de renom pour faire profiter le lecteur desconnaissances indispensables et des mises à jour multidisciplinaire que requiert la prise en charge la plus avancée des urgences.Un outil de formation et une vitrine ouverte sur le monde des Urgences et du Samu.
The Journal of Burn Care & Research (preceded by Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation), official journal of the American Burn Association, fills a unique niche in health care literature as the only multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal specializing in the care of burn injury. In each bimonthly issue, the content documents the most current information on surgical procedures, acute care, rehabilitation, reconstruction, burn prevention, and research and education. Other topics include physical and occupational therapy, nutrition, current events in the evolving health care debate, and reports on the newest computer software for diagnostics and treatment.For more information, visit
The latest research, theory, and practical applications on helping to prevent and treat children suffering from traumatic symptoms and disordersThe Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma presents original research, and prevention and treatment strategies for dealing with symptoms and disorders related to the psychological effects of trauma. The journal examines intervention models directed toward the individual, family, and community; new theoretical models and approaches; and public policy proposals and innovations. With a multidisciplinary approach that draws input from the psychological, medical, social work, sociological, public health, and legal fields, the journal features research, intervention approaches and evidence-based programs, theoretical articles, specific review articles, brief reports and case studies, and commentaries on current and/or controversial topics.Edited by Dr. Robert A. Geffner, Founder and President of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute, and President of Alliant International University's Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma in San Diego, CA, and Dr. Joyanna Silberg, Coordinator of Trauma Disorder Services for Children at Baltimore's Sheppard Pratt Hospital, the Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma examines the effects of childhood maltreatment; loss; natural disasters; political conflict; exposure to or victimization from family or community violence; ethnic, gender, or class discrimination; and physical injury, diseases, and painful or debilitating medical treatments.Each issue of the Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma explores: empirical studies on any aspect of child and adolescent trauma community violence or trauma prevention programs intervention programs and techniques, especially evidence-based practice long term effects of child and adolescent trauma biopsychosocial or bioecological approaches to child and adolescent trauma assessment of child or adolescent trauma effects of war, family or other violence, natural disasters, abuse, etc. on children and adolescents The Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma is an important resource for practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and academics who work with children exposed to traumatic events. The Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, the Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, and the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse are all edited by Dr. Robert Geffner. If you are interested in submitting an article but are uncertain about which journal your article may be best suited for, please contact the editor at Peer Review Policy: All articles have undergone anonymous double-blind peer review.
The Journal of Emergency Nursing is highly acclaimed by emergency nurses, nurse managers and emergency departments. As the official peer-reviewed journal of the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), the Journal of Emergency Nursing reaches the greatest number of emergency nurses, emergency/trauma departments and emergency department managers of any journal. The journal is always expanding its coverage of the practice and professional issues, based on current evidence, that challenge emergency nurses every day. It features original research and updates from the field.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Conçu et élaboré pour la formation médicale continue des anesthésistes réanimateurs, Le Praticien en anesthésie réanimation répond à des objectifs clairement définis.- Être au plus près de votre quotidien : la revue vous apporte des réponses immédiatement opérationnelles aux problèmes rencontrés dans votre exercice.- Transmettre des informations riches et actualisées : vous trouverez des informations d'actualité scientifique ou de vie professionnelle qui font le point sur les derniers développements ou un rappel des connaissances sur un sujet spécifique.- Couvrir de manière précise tous les aspects de votre pratique : les membres du comité de rédaction représentent les différents aspects de la pratique de l'anesthésie et de la réanimation, pour des informations toujours proches des préoccupations de votre profession.Les articles sont rédigés de façon synthétique pour vous permettre d'aller à l'essentiel. - Apporter des informations scientifiques fiables : les articles retenus pour publication sont élaborés par des auteurs aux compétences reconnues et validées par un expert du sujet.Depuis 2006, à l'occasion de ses 10 ans, Le Praticien en anesthésie réanimation a adopté une nouvelle présentation, plus didactique et plus agréable à lire !
Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Medizinische Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin ist ein international angesehenes, interdisziplinäres Publikationsorgan. Die Zeitschrift richtet sich hauptsächlich an Ärzte auf Intensivstationen und in Notaufnahmen sowie an Internisten, Anästhesiologen, Chirurgen, Neurologen und Pädiater mit Interesse an intensivmedizinischen Fragestellungen.
Übersichtsarbeiten behandeln aktuelle Fragestellungen der Inneren Medizin mit intensiv- und notfallmedizinischem Schwerpunkt. Frei eingereichte Originalien präsentieren wichtige Studien des Fachgebietes und fördern den wissenschaftlichen Austausch. Kasuistiken zeigen interessante Fallbeispiele und ungewöhnliche Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufe. In der Rubrik Journal Club kommentieren Experten herausragende Publikationen aus der internationalen Fachliteratur. Ein weiteres Anliegen ist die Fort- und Weiterbildung: Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung und machen ärztliche Erfahrung für die tägliche Praxis nutzbar.
Alle Übersichtsarbeiten, Originalarbeiten und Kasuistiken durchlaufen einen Peer Review Prozess mit zwei externen Gutachtern gemäß der 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals'.Aims & Scope
Medizinische Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin is an internationally respected interdisciplinary journal. It is intended mainly for physicians active in intensive care and accident/emergency units, but also for internists, anesthesiologists, surgeons, neurologists, and pediatricians with special interest in intensive care medicine.
Comprehensive reviews describe the most recent advances in the field of internal medicine with special focus on intensive care problems. Freely submitted original articles present important studies in this discipline and promote scientific exchange, while case reports feature, interesting cases and aim at optimizing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. In the rubric journal club well-respected experts comment on outstanding international publications. Review articles under the rubric 'Continuing Medical Education' present verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice.
Review. All reviews, original articles and case reports of Medizinische Klinik – Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin undergo a peer review process with two external reviewers following the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals'.
Declaration of Helsinki: All Manuscripts submitted for publication presenting results from studies on test subjects or patients must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki.
MicroRNA publishes letters, full-length research, review articles, drug clinical trial studies and thematic issues on all aspects of microRNA (miRNA) research. The scope of the journal covers all experimental miRNA research and applied research in health and disease, including therapeutic, biomarkers, and diagnostic applications of MiRNA.
Wissen auf dem neuesten Stand:*Kasuistiken, Originalarbeiten und CME-Fortbildung vermitteln Ihnen die neuesten Entwicklungen der Notfallmedizin*Praxisorientierte Tipps zur optimalen Versorgung und zum Transport von Notfallpatienten *Darstellung von interdisziplinären Notfallsituationen und Grenzgebieten der Notfallmedizin.
The interdisciplinary journal Notfall + Rettungsmedizin is intended to meet the needs of emergency physicians (both experienced professionals and those in training), emergency medical staff, and all members of trauma teams. It places special emphasis on preclinical and clinical emergency medicine, quality management and research into emergency medical treatments. Unsolicited original articles present important clinical studies aimed at promoting scientific exchange of knowledge. For randomised controlled trials submitted for publication in Notfall + Rettungsmedizin the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) are recommended. Comprehensive reviews describe the most recent advances in the field of emergency medicine. Review articles under the rubric 'Continuing Medical Education' present the verified results of scientific research and their integration into daily practice.