Es el Órgano de Expresión Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (SemFYC), y está incluida en los más reconocidos índices internacionales. Una publicación idónea para conocer el nuevo modelo de atención primaria de salud, tanto desde la curación como desde la prevención y la promoción de la salud.12 NÚMEROS/AÑO + ANUARIO + EXTRA CONGRESOPara más información, consulte
The Australian Journal of Rural Health publishes articles in the field of rural health. It facilitates the formation of interdisciplinary networks, so that rural health professionals can form a cohesive group and work together for the advancement of rural practice, in all health disciplines. The Journal aims to establish a national and international reputation for the quality of its scholarly discourse and its value to rural health professionals. All articles, unless otherwise identified, are peer reviewed by at least two researchers expert in the field of the submitted paper. The Journal is taken by subscribers in Canada, Japan, USA and the United Kingdom. Readership includes general practitioners, nurses, allied health professionals, pharmacists, health administrators, universities, rural health units and libraries. 'Rural health is an important and dynamic concern in Australia and around the world. The Australian Journal of Rural Health provides a wonderful mix of practical and academic medical, nursing and other health articles. This provides interesting and useful reading for those in rural practice and those involved in rural health care education, planning and development internationally. I look forward to each issue.'.
BMC Family Practice is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of primary health care, including clinical management of patients, professional training, shared decision making, and the organisation and evaluation of health care in the community.
The British Journal of General Practice is an international journal publishing research, editorials, debate and analysis, and clinical guidance for family practitioners and primary care researchers worldwide.
Mission: Canadian Family Physician (CFP), a peer-reviewed medical journal, is the official publication of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Our mission is to ensure that practitioners, researchers, educators and policy makers are informed on current issues and in touch with the latest thinking in the discipline of family medicine; to serve family physicians in all types of practice in every part of Canada in both official languages; to advance the continuing development of family medicine as a discipline; and to contribute to the ongoing improvement of patient care.Mission : Le Médecin de famille canadien (MFC), une revue médicale évaluée par des pairs, est la publication officielle du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada. Notre mission est d’informer les praticiens, les chercheurs, les enseignants et les décideurs au sujet des questions d’actualité et des courants de pensée les plus récents dans la discipline de la médecine familiale; d’être au service des médecins de famille dans les deux langues officielles, quel que soit leur genre de pratique, dans toutes les régions du Canada; de promouvoir le perfectionnement continu de la médecine familiale en tant que discipline; et de contribuer à l’amélioration constante des soins aux patients. .
Computer Assisted Surgery aims to improve patient care by advancing the utilization of computers during treatment; to evaluate the benefits and risks associated with the integration of advanced digital technologies into surgical practice; to disseminate clinical and basic research relevant to stereotactic surgery, minimal access surgery, endoscopy, and surgical robotics; to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration between engineers and physicians in developing new concepts and applications; to educate clinicians about the principles and techniques of computer assisted surgery and therapeutics; and to serve the international scientific community as a medium for the transfer of new information relating to theory, research, and practice in biomedical imaging and the surgical specialties.
The European Journal of General Practice (EJGP) is the official journal of WONCA Europe, the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine.
La Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria es una gran herramienta de formación médica continuada, que ofrece además originales y editoriales de alto valor científico. Además, permite obtener créditos formativos homologados y está indexada en Latindex, IBECS, IME y SCOPUS. Una garantía de su calidad científica.10 NÚMEROS AL AÑOPara más información, consulte
Family Practice is an international journal aimed at practitioners, teachers, and researchers in the fields of family medicine, general practice, and primary care in both developed and developing countries.Family Practice offers its readership an international view of the problems and preoccupations in the field, while providing a medium of instruction and exploration.The journal's range and content covers such areas as health care delivery, epidemiology, public health, medical education, and medical sociology. The journal aims to be interdisciplinary and contributions from other disciplines of medicine and social science are always welcomed.
The mission of the Journal of Family Nursing (JFN) is to extend knowledge about family response to health and illness and improve healthcare offered to families. JFN is a peer-reviewed journal publishing scholarly work on nursing research, practice, education, and policy issues related to families in health and illness. Appropriate articles of empirical and theoretical analysis on the subject of family health will also be considered for publication. Both family-as-context and family-as-unit are represented. The journal recognizes a strong mandate to represent cultural diversity and families across the life cycle and encourages interdisciplinary and collaborative perspectives as well as international contributions. Papers will be selected for their scientific merit and creative treatment of significant issues in the field. One of the objectives of the journal is to establish a forum in which practitioners, educators, and researchers in various clinical specialties and settings can extend the lively debate and begin a more critical dialogue about the family in health and illness.