Welcome to the website of the Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (APLM). APLM is the monthly, international, peer-reviewed journal of the College of American Pathologists. The results of the PERQ/HCI 2011 Custom Study show that APLM is the most highly read journal/periodical title among US practicing pathologists.Published since 1926, APLM was voted in 2009 the only pathology journal among the top 100 most influential journals of the past 100 years by the Bio Medical and Life Sciences Division of the Special Libraries Association. Online access to the full-text and PDF files of APLM articles is free.We appreciate your interest in APLM and welcome your input regarding the journal and website.
The Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences is the official publication of the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences and helps the Academy meet its Objects.The Academy invites submission of review articles, research papers, commentaries, book reviews and correspondence relevant to Objects of the Academy. The Editorial policy is to attempt to represent the law, medicine and science and to promote active discussions of the relevant issues of the time as they affect the professional practice of the forensic sciences. The Journal is not restricted to contributions only from Australian authors but it will attempt to represent issues of particular relevance to Australia and its region.The meetings of the Academy normally include a plenary presentation and the Journal will seek to publish these presentations where appropriate. Plenaries, commentaries and review articles will normally be subject to a single review. Research papers will normally be subject to a double blind review.The Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, (founded in 1967 by the late Dr Oscar R Schmalzbach OBE, aims to bring together learned individuals from the broad areas of the law, medicine and science who are interested in the forensic application of their disciplines.The Objects of the Academy are:*to encourage the study, improve the practice, and advance the knowledge of the forensic sciences;*to establish and maintain an Education and Research Fund for the purposes of the Objects;*to hold meetings;*to publish such material as is calculated to further the Objects; and*to generally do all things as may be calculated to widen, improve and develop the education and knowledge both of these actively concerned in the pursuit of the forensic sciences and the public.DisclaimerThe Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology is one of the world`s longest-running criminology journals, having been established in 1968. It is a leading international peer-reviewed journal for criminological research. The journal is dedicated to advancing research and debate on a range of criminological problems and embraces diverse, methodological approaches, being home to a wide range of criminological and, interdisciplinary work in the field of crime and criminal justice.
BMC Clinical Pathology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of histopathology, haematology, clinical biochemistry, and medical microbiology (including virology, parasitology, and infection control).
Created in 2011, as a spin-off from Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, this journal has an International Editorial Board of researchers and physicians working in oncology, cardiology, neurodegenerative diseases, nutritional pathologies and all aspects of disease pathologies affecting children and the ever-growing number of the elderly throughout the world. This included effects of nutritional and psychological conditions. The pathology of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease are reported, plus other diseases of children and elderly, such as diabetes. Original articles, review articles, thematic dossiers and clinical reports are published.
Brain Pathology is the journal of choice for biomedical scientists investigating diseases of the nervous system. The official journal of the International Society of Neuropathology, Brain Pathology is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication that includes original research, review articles and symposia focuses on the pathogenesis of neurological disease.
Le Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot.) et la société savante (SPE) dont il est la vitrine ont été créés en 1908 par Alphonse Laveran, lauréat du prix Nobel de médecine l'année précédente pour ses travaux sur les protozoaires et la découverte de l’agent du paludisme. Destiné, dans un premier temps, à servir de support à la publication des travaux des sociétaires présentés en séance sous forme de communication ou de mémoire, ce périodique est devenu, au fil du temps, une revue internationale francophone multidisciplinaire, ouverte à tous les médecins, vétérinaires, anthropologues et chercheurs travaillant dans le domaine de la médecine tropicale humaine et animale et de la santé publique dans les pays en voie de développement. Le Bulletin de la SPE leur offre la possibilité de faire connaître leurs travaux sous forme d'articles ou de courtes notes, après acceptation par un comité de rédaction rigoureux appuyé par un comité de lecture constitué de spécialistes reconnus sur le plan international. L'intégralité des analyses et des critiques des lecteurs étant renvoyée aux auteurs, le bulletin joue également un rôle dans la formation universitaire et post-universitaire. Lorsque les auteurs de l'article ne sont pas francophones, les textes en anglais sont acceptés. Le Bulletin de la SPE (5 numéros par an), organe de liaison des professionnels de santé tropicale francophones, publie régulièrement, sous forme de résumés, les communications présentées aux réunions décentralisées de la SPE et à celles d'autres sociétés savantes, nationales et internationales impliquées dans la recherche en médecine tropicale. Les rubriques proposées vont de la virologie à l’anthropologie médicale en passant, entre autres, par la bactériologie, la mycologie, la parasitologie, la clinique, l'épidémiologie, la santé publique, la thérapeutique, l'entomologie, médicale… Dix-huit mois après leur parution, tous les articles sont accessibles gratuitement sur le site Internet de la SPE.
Cardiovascular Pathology is a bimonthly journal that presents articles on topics covering the entire spectrum of cardiovascular disease. The Journal's primary objective is to publish papers on disease-oriented morphology and pathogenesis from clinicians and scientists in the cardiovascular field. Subjects covered include cardiovascular biology, prosthetic devices, molecular biology and experimental models of cardiovascular disease.Cardiovascular Pathology also publishes timely and informative reviews on scientific areas in cardiovascular pathology as well as case reports that represent significant or unique observations.For more information about the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology (SCVP), please visit their website at URL: http://scvp.net .Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
The journal’s scope includes systems at all scales8212;from molecules, pathways, cells, and tissues to whole organisms, populations, and ecosystems8212;and a diversity of traditional disciplines, including but not limited to microbiology, cancer, immunology, plant biology, computational biology, genomics, proteomics, translational medicine, digital healthcare, biological engineering, and systems and synthetic biology.
In addition to peer-reviewed research,
Cell and Tissue Research presents regular articles and reviews in the areas of molecular, cell, and supracellular biology. In particular, the journal provides a forum for publishing data that analyze the supracellular, integrative actions of gene products and their impact on the formation of tissue structure and function. Articles emphasize structure-function relationships as revealed by recombinant molecular technologies. Areas of research with a long-standing tradition of publishing in Cell & Tissue Research include: neurobiology, neuroendocrinology, endocrinology, reproductive biology, skeletal and immune systems, and development.
Clinical Dysmorphology publishes succinct case reports on the aetiology, clinical delineation, genetic mapping and molecular embryology of birth defects. This journal covers such topics as multiple congenital anomaly syndromes;with particular emphasis on previously undescribed conditions, rare findings, ethnic differences in existing syndromes, foetal abnormalities and cytogenetic aberrations that might give clues to the localization of developmental genes.Visit www.clindysmorphol.com for more information.
Comparative Clinical Pathology (previously Comparative Haematology International) provides a source for the publication of reviews, research reports, technical notes and case histories covering all aspects of haematology and clinical chemistry in any species. The journal addresses itself to all scientists with an interest in the field of comparative clinical pathology: research institutes, toxicology and pathology laboratories, medical and veterinary colleges and practises, zoological institutes, universities and teaching hospitals. Comparative Clinical Pathology publishes papers encompassing the total spectrum of comparative clinical pathology including: classical haematology and clinical chemistry, cellular and organ physiology and function, toxicology, immunology, cell kinetics, haemostasis, haematopoietic and other malignancies, immunodeficiency states, molecular biology, immunophenotyping, bone marrow transplantation, enzymology, endocrinology, cytokines, haematopoietic growth factors, evolutionary medicine, cellular lineage, rheology, functional identification and biomarkers. Articles can incorporate: normal values, abnormal reactions, human, veterinary and zoological data, diagnostic and toxicological changes, experimental studies (both in vivo and in vitro) and new technology and its impact on diagnosis and disease control.
Crime & Delinquency (CAD), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is a policy-oriented journal offering a wide range of research and analysis for the scholar and professional in criminology and criminal justice. CAD focuses on issues and concerns that impact the criminal justice system, including the social, political and economic contexts of criminal justice, as well as the victims, criminals, courts and sanctions.
Crime, Law and Social Change is a peer reviewed journal that publishes essays and reviews addressing the political economy of organized crime whether at the transnational, national, regional or local levels anywhere in the world. In addition, the Journal presents work on financial crime, political corruption, environmental crime, and the expropriation of resources from developing nations. The includes coverage of the broad area of Human Rights, including historical and contemporary studies of genocide; essays on compensation and justice for survivors of mass murder and state-sponsored terrorism; analyses of international human rights organizations (both governmental and NGOs); and historical as well as contemporary essays focused on gender, racial and ethnic equality.
Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health - CBMH - aims to publish original material on any aspect of the relationship between mental state and criminal behaviour. Thus, we are interested in mental mechanisms associated with offending, regardless of whether the individual concerned has a mental disorder or not. We are interested in factors that influence such relationships, and particularly welcome studies about pathways into and out of crime. These will include studies of normal and abnormal development, of mental disorder and how that may lead to offending for a subgroup of sufferers, together with information about factors which mediate such a relationship. We are particularly keen to attract treatment studies and studies evaluating the impact of a range of interventions and new services designed to increase public safety as well as the safety and well-being of the perpetrators of crime and their victims. CBMH welcomes a wide range of methodologies and formats. Both qualitative and quantitative research is welcomed, from both laboratory and field conditions, as are systematic reviews. Case histories are not excluded, but have to be presented with the same theoretical and methodological rigour as any other research considered acceptable for publication. Potential authors are referred to the guidance for authors for further information about requirements on length, style, format and ethical issues. CBMH should be of interest to clinical and non-clinical practitioners working with offenders with and without identified mental disorder. University students and researchers in clinical disciplines and in non-clinical disciplines such as criminology and law should find the material particularly useful. CBMH would also be useful for policy makers and government departments.
Criminal Justice and Behavior (CJB), peer-reviewed and published monthly, promotes scholarly evaluations of assessment, classification, prevention, intervention, and treatment programs to help the correctional professional develop successful programs based on sound and informative theoretical and research foundations.