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RSC Chemical Biology

eISSN: 2633-0679

RSC Chemical Biology is a gold open access journal dedicated to publishing and disseminating exceptional, breakthrough research and high-quality reviews at the interface of chemistry and biology. We welcome contributions from across the breadth of the chemical biology field. This includes Sensing and Imaging, Bioorthogonal chemistry, Biosynthesis, Biomimetics and Bioengineering, Synthetic biology, Directed evolution, Drugs development and mechanism of action, Glycoscience, Natural products, Nucleic acids, Peptides, Phenotypic screening, Proteins (including protein-protein interactions, modifications, structure and function) We are particularly interested in reports on the application of chemical tools to probe, explore and visualize biological systems and processes to provide insights into molecular mechanisms in health and disease. We also encourage translational research that bridges chemistry and chemical biology to medicine.

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Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress

ISSN: 1025-3890eISSN: 1607-8888

The journal Stress aims to provide scientists involved in basic stress research with the possibility of reading a more integrated view of the field. Peer reviewed papers, invited reviews and short communications will deal with interdisciplinary aspects of stress in terms of: the mechanisms of stressful stimulation, including within and between individuals; the physiological and behavioural responses to stress, and their regulation, in both the short and long term; adaptive mechanisms, coping strategies and the pathological consequences of stress.Stress will publish the latest developments in physiology, neurobiology, molecular biology, genetics research, immunology, and behavioural studies as they impact on the understanding of stress and its adverse consequences and their amelioration.Specific approaches may include transgenic animals, developmental/programming studies, electrophysiology, histochemistry, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, neuroanatomy, endocrinology, autonomic physiology, immunology, chronic pain, ethological and other behavioural studies and clinical measures.

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Thyroid Research

eISSN: 1756-6614

Thyroid Research is devoted to all aspects of thyroid hormones and thyroid diseases and their interaction with the cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastroenterological, metabolic and nervous systems.

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