Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra is an Open Access and online-only journal that focuses on informing the practice of stroke medicine and patient care in different world regions. This journal accepts original research papers, reviews, case series of particular interest, commentaries on clinical topics, case-based ethical issues, practice management tips, novel systems of care, and health policy discussions. Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra publishes content based on both independent submissions and submissions transferred from Cerebrovascular Diseases.
The goal of Clinical EEG and Neuroscience is to convey clinically relevant research and development in electroencephalography and neuroscience. Original articles on any aspect of clinical EEG or related work in allied fields are invited for publication. Views expressed in articles, editorials, and letters represent the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the institution with which the author is affiliated, or the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ECNS).
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology delivers the most recent and prominent developments in neurophysiologic investigations of the central and peripheral nervous system, and of the muscle of normal or ill human beings and animals. Regular sections include original research, general reviews, short communications and a correspondence section which increase knowledge, provide guidelines and stimulate research in the field. Articles are published in English or in French.
Readers are also kept informed of the latest events in neurophysiology through abstracts of the Society's conference meetings, analyses of scientific articles and book reviews, all of which are published in the journal.
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology addresses all researchers and clinicians in the field of the nervous system: classical and numerical, dipole source localisation, evoked potentials, sleep and neuromuscular electrophysiology. The journal is published under the auspices of the French speaking Society of Clinical Neurophysiology.
As of January 1999, The journal Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, and its two sections Electromyography and Motor Control and Evoked Potentials have amalgamated to become this journal - Clinical Neurophysiology.Clinical Neurophysiology is the official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, the Brazilian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, the Czech Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, the Italian Clinical Neurophysiology Society and the International Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiology.The journal is dedicated to fostering research and disseminating information on all aspects of both normal and abnormal functioning of the nervous system. The key aim of the publication is to disseminate scholarly reports on the pathophysiology underlying diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system of human patients. Clinical trials that use neurophysiological measures to document change are encouraged, as are manuscripts reporting data on integrated neuroimaging of central nervous function including, but not limited to, functional MRI, MEG, EEG, PET and other neuroimaging modalities.The Journal has special emphases on epilepsy and on studies of cognitive function and cognitive disorders. Motor neurone and neuromuscular diseases, vestibular disorders, motor control and somatosensory physiopathology are also covered by the Journal. Studies on animals and technical notes must have clear relevance and applicability to human disease, and studies reporting normative data for specific tests must have clear novelty. Case Reports are not generally accepted as full length submissions but may be considered as peer-reviewed Letters.
Current Alzheimer Research publishes peer-reviewed frontier review, research, drug clinical trial studies and letter articles on all areas of Alzheimer’s disease. This multidisciplinary journal will help in understanding the neurobiology, genetics, pathogenesis, and treatment strategies of Alzheimer’s disease. The journal publishes objective reviews written by experts and leaders actively engaged in research using cellular, molecular, and animal models. The journal also covers original articles on recent research in fast emerging areas of molecular diagnostics, brain imaging, drug development and discovery, and clinical aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. Manuscripts are encouraged that relate to the synergistic mechanism of Alzheimer's disease with other dementia and neurodegenerative disorders. Book reviews, meeting reports and letters-to-the-editor are also published. The journal is essential reading for researchers, educators and physicians with interest in age-related dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Current Alzheimer Research provides a comprehensive 'bird's-eye view' of the current state of Alzheimer's research for neuroscientists, clinicians, health science planners, granting, caregivers and families of this devastating disease.
Current Neuropharmacology aims to provide current, timely and comprehensive reviews and guest edited issues of all areas of neuropharmacology and related matters of neuroscience. The reviews cover the fields of molecular, cellular, and systems/behavioural aspects of neuropharmacology and neuroscience.
Current Neurovascular Research provides a cross platform for the publication of scientifically rigorous research that addresses disease mechanisms of both neuronal and vascular origins in neuroscience. The journal serves as an international forum publishing novel and original work as well as timely neuroscience research reviews in the disciplines of cell developmental disorders, plasticity, and degeneration that bridges the gap between basic science research and clinical discovery. Current Neurovascular Research emphasizes the elucidation of disease mechanisms, both cellular and molecular, which can impact the development of unique therapeutic strategies for neuronal and vascular disorders.
This reader-friendly, bimonthly resource provides a powerful, broad-based perspective on the most important advances from throughout the world literature. Featuring renowned guest editors and focusing exclusively on two or three topics, every issue of Current Opinion in Neurology delivers unvarnished, expert assessments of developments from the previous year. All reviews are supplemented with an indispensable section, References and Recommended Reading. At the back of each volume is Current World Literature, an exceptionally thorough bibliography garnered from the top 100 journals in the field.
Publishing research in cognitive and behavioral sciences, focusing on clinical epidemiology, basic and applied neurosciences, and cognitive tests devised or adapted for populations with heterogeneous cultural, educational and socioeconomic backgrounds. Dementia & Neuropsychologia is particularly involved in publishing research relevant to developing countries, and also seeks to disseminate reviews and case reports that are important contributions to neurological, psychiatric, geriatric, neuropsychological, speech therapy, occupational therapy and related fields.
Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Der Nervenarzt ist ein international angesehenes Publikationsorgan. Die Zeitschrift richtet sich an niedergelassene und in der Klinik tätige Ärzte für Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Nervenheilkunde. Grundlegende Erkenntnisse und aktuelle Informationen dieser Fachgebiete werden kompetent und praxisnah aufbereitet. Darüber hinaus werden Fragestellungen aus Teilbereichen wie Neuropathologie und Neurochirurgie bis hin zur Psychotherapie erörtert.
Ein umfassender Themenschwerpunkt mit aufeinander abgestimmten Beiträgen ist das Kernstück einer jeden Ausgabe. Neben der Vermittlung von relevantem Hintergrundwissen steht dabei die Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse unter Berücksichtigung praktischer Erfahrung im Vordergrund.Â
Frei eingereichte Originalien ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch.
Beiträge der Rubrik 'CME Zertifizierte Fortbildung' bieten gesicherte Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher For
Developmental Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary journal publishing papers covering all stages of invertebrate, vertebrate and human brain development. Emphasis is placed on publishing fundamental as well as translational studies that contribute to progress in understanding mechanisms of normal development as well as genetic and environmental causes of abnormal brain development. The journal provides valuable information for both physicians and biologists. The journal accepts original research reports, reports on technological advances, and long and short reviews.
Current topics of particular interest to the journal include:
-Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
-Stem Cell-derived Models of Neurological Disease
-Injury of the Developing Nervous System
-Pre-clinical models of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Epilepsia is the leading, most authoritative source for current clinical and research results on all aspects of epilepsy. As the journal of the International League Against Epilepsy, Epilepsia presents subscribers with scientific evidence and clinical methodology in:*clinical neurology,*neurophysiology,*molecular biology,*neuroimaging,*neurochemistry,*neurosurgery,*pharmacology,*neuroepidemiology,*therapeutic trials.Each monthly issue features original peer reviewed articles, brief communications, editorial commentaries, meeting reports, and announcements.
Epilepsy & Behavior is the fastest-growing international journal uniquely devoted to the rapid dissemination of the most current information available on the behavioral aspects of seizures and epilepsy.Epilepsy & Behavior presents original peer-reviewed articles based on laboratory and clinical research. Topics are drawn from a variety of fields, including clinical neurology, neurosurgery, neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, and neuroimaging.Epilepsy & Behavior publishes papers on the study of:• Localization of ictal and postictal behaviors• Neuroendocrine aspects of epilepsy• Psychiatric and psychosocial aspects of epilepsy• Behavioral aspects of epilepsy surgery• Cognitive and affective effects of seizure treatment• Functional imaging• Animal modelsFrom September 2012 Epilepsy & Behavior stopped accepting Case Reports for publication in the journal. From this date authors who submit to Epilepsy & Behavior will be offered a transfer or asked to resubmit their Case Reports to its new sister journal, Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports.IndexingCited in MEDLINE/PubMed and Index Medicus, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Science Citation Index-Expanded, NeuroScience Citation Index, PsychINFO, and EMBASE.
Epilepsy Research provides for publication of high quality articles in both experimental and clinical epilepsy research, with a special emphasis on translational research that ultimately relates to epilepsy as a human condition. The journal is intended to provide a forum for reporting the best and most rigorous epilepsy research from all disciplines ranging from biophysics and molecular biology to epidemiological and psychosocial research. As such the journal will publish original papers relevant to epilepsy from any scientific discipline and also studies of a multidisciplinary nature. Clinical and experimental research papers adopting fresh conceptual approaches to the study of epilepsy and its treatment are encouraged. The overriding criteria for publication are novelty, significant clinical or experimental relevance, and interest to a multidisciplinary audience in the broad arena of epilepsy. Review articles focused on any topic of epilepsy research will also be considered, but only if they present an exceptionally clear synthesis of current knowledge and future directions of a research area, based on a critical assessment of the available data or on hypotheses that are likely to stimulate more critical thinking and further advances in an area of epilepsy research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Topics are drawn from a variety of fields, including clinical neurology, neurosurgery, neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, and neuroimaging.
Epileptic Disorders publishes articles concerned with the clinical manifestations of epilepsy, but with all aspects of the diagnosis, natural history and management of seizure disorders including neurophysiological, imaging and other ancillary techniques. A major feature of the journal is the video-sequences available on a DVD supplement included with each print issue of the journal. Print and electronic version of the journal are available by John Libbey Eurotext. From volume 12 (2010), the electronic version of Epileptic Disorders is also available for institutions through SpringerLink, the Springer Online Journals Database: www.springerlink.com.