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Vascular Access

ISSN: 1913-6692

Voprosy Detskoi Dietologii

ISSN: 1727-5784eISSN: 2414-9519

Voprosy Pitaniia

ISSN: 0042-8833
Publisher: Nutritec


ISSN: 2640-5237eISSN: 2640-5245
Publisher: HMP

Western Journal of Nursing Research

ISSN: 0193-9459eISSN: 1552-8456

For the latest studies and theories on nursing research, turn to the Western Journal of Nursing Research, an international periodical that's ranked among the top nursing research journals. Since its inception more than two decades ago, the Western Journal of Nursing Research has risen to the challenges of the ever-changing nursing research field, providing an innovative forum for nurse researchers, students and clinical practitioners to participate in ongoing scholarly debate.Research, Commentary, and Response To give you a well-balanced perspective on the information presented, each issue of the Western Journal of Nursing Research offers clinical research reports broadened by commentaries and authors' responses. Your participation is invited through reviews, commentaries, and research papers as well as your submissions to the department editors and Letters to the Editor in the Information Exchange section.Valuable Information You'll refer to the information in the Western Journal of Nursing Research again and again - and you'll want to share it with your colleagues. The Western Journal of Nursing Research is a springboard for your own research as well as an effective classroom supplement. Here's just a sample of the regular features you'll find indispensable to you, your students and your career: Book reviews and reactions Calendar of upcoming events, conferences, developing research projects and grant availability Commentaries on all clinical articles with author rejoinders Methodologies, both practical and instructional New techniques Reports of completed and ongoing research Researcher dialogue with responses Special Departments Address Your Special Concerns To expand your knowledge of the nursing research field, special Western Journal of Nursing Research departments address specific topics of concern, including: Issues in Clinical Nursing Research Nursing Informatics Grantsmanship.

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Women and Birth

ISSN: 1871-5192

Women and Birth publishes on all matters that affect women and birth, from pre-conceptual counselling, through pregnancy, birth, and the first six weeks postnatal. All papers accepted will draw from and contribute to the relevant contemporary research, policy and/or theoretical literature. We seek research papers, quality assurances papers (with ethical approval) discussion papers, clinical practice papers, case studies and original literature reviews.Our women-centred focus is inclusive of the foetus and the newborn, both well and ill, and covers both normal and abnormal pregnancies and births. The journal seeks papers on midwifery practice, theory, research, education and leadership. Topics may include where appropriate neonatal nursing, child and family health, women's health and lactation consultancy. Papers from academics and health professionals from fields outside of midwifery are encouraged. We seek papers on reproductive physiology and neurophysiology where the links to the childbearing woman and her baby are made explicit. We also seek relevant papers on natural and complementary therapies, local, national and international policy, management, politics, economics, societal and cultural issues as they affect childbearing women and their families. Articles are double-blind peer-reviewed by experts in the field of the submitted work. The journal is indexed in PubMed, Index medicus (Medline), SCOPUS, and CINAHL.To purchase books on Midwifery or to browse our comprehensive range of Midwifery titles, please visit us at

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Women's Health Issues

ISSN: 1049-3867

Women's Health Issues (WHI) is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly, multidisciplinary journal that publishes research and review manuscripts related to women's health care and policy. As the official journal of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, it is dedicated to improving the health and health care of all women throughout the lifespan and in diverse communities. The journal seeks to inform health services researchers, health care and public health professionals, social scientists, policymakers, and others concerned with women's health.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Working with Older People

ISSN: 1366-3666eISSN: 2042-8790

Working with Older People (WWOP) has a unique practical focus and gives examples of how research or services are making health, wellbeing and social inclusion a reality for older people.

Workplace Health & Safety

ISSN: 2165-0799eISSN: 2165-0969

Workplace Health & Safety: Promoting Environments Conducive to Well-Being and Productivity, formerly AAOHN Journal, is the official publication of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc. This peer-reviewed Journal is published monthly and offers original articles of professional interest to the occupational and environmental health nurse for more than 60 years.

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World Journal of Pediatrics

ISSN: 1708-8569eISSN: 1867-0687

Published quarterly, the World Journal of Pediatrics offers peer-reviewed original papers, reviews and special reports focusing on clinical practice and research in pediatrics. The journal presents contributions on new developments in all areas of the discipline from pediatricians worldwide. Coverage includes the most current progress in pediatrics, pediatric surgery, preventive health care in pediatrics, pharmacology, stomatology and biomedicine. The journal also covers basic sciences and experimental work, and provides a broad academic platform for the international exchange of medical results.

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World Psychiatry

eISSN: 2051-5545
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Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing

ISSN: 1545-102XeISSN: 1741-6787

The leading nursing society that has brought you the Journal of Nursing Scholarship is pleased to bring you Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. Now publishing 6 issues per year, this peer-reviewed journal and top information resource from The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, uniquely bridges knowledge and application, taking a global approach in its presentation of research, policy and practice, education and management, and its link to action in real world settings.  

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ISSN: 1044-7946

Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie

ISSN: 0948-2393
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Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie

ISSN: 0948-6704eISSN: 1435-1269

Die Tatsache, dass immer mehr Menschen immer älter werden und unser Gesellschaftsbild entscheidend mitprägen, verdanken wir nicht zuletzt einer intensiven Altersforschung und -medizin in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Dem trägt die Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie schon seit vielen Jahren Rechnung, indem sie mit ihrem breiten Spektrum den interessierten Leser über alle Entwicklungen in der Altersforschung informiert.
Themenbezogene Hefte behandeln in ausführlicher Form alle Fragen der Gerontologie, der Biologie und Grundlagenforschung des Alterns, der geriatrischen Forschung, der Psychologie und Soziologie sowie der praktischen Altenpflege.

Zielgruppe: Geriater/innen, Alterssoziolog/innen, Gerontopsycholog/innen, Gerontopsychiater/innen, Altenpfleger/innen, Pflegewissenschaftler/innen, Altersbiolog/innen in geriatrischen Abteilungen/Kliniken, gerontologischen Instituten, sowie Einrichtungen der Lehre und Weiter- bzw. Fortbildungen.The fact that more and more people are becoming olde

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e-SPEN Journal

ISSN: 2212-8263
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Éthique & Santé

ISSN: 1765-4629

Une revue basée sur l'échange entre les disciplinesIssue de l'initiative de praticiens et d'enseignants-chercheurs, éthique & santé est basée sur l'échange des connaissances et savoirs des acteurs impliqués dans la question éthique. La revue publie des travaux de sciences sanitaires et sociales, de philosophie, d'ethnologie, de théologie et de droit écrits par des praticiens, médecins et acteurs du système de santé.Une revue pédagogique à vocation scientifiqueéthique & santé représente le lieu de publication d'expériences novatrices autour des questions éthiques, qu'elles soient réflexives, pratiques ou pédagogiques. Elle accueille aussi les travaux de recherche qui ne trouvent pas toujours leur place dans les revues à caractère strictement disciplinaire.Chaque numéro comporte un dossier thématique.Une revue pour tous ceux qui sont concernés par la problématique éthiqueéthique & santé vise à apporter des outils à l'ensemble des corps médicaux et paramédicaux, aux juristes, aux enseignants-chercheurs en sciences humaines, aux étudiants de médecine, en écoles d'infirmières, d'aides-soignants, en droit de la santé, en sciences sanitaires et sociales, en philosophie, aux acteurs sociaux et politiques, aux enseignants de l'éducation nationale en sciences biologiques et philosophie...

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