Published quarterly, the purpose of Evidence-Based Nursing is to select from the health related literature research studies and reviews that report important advances relevant to best nursing practice. The clinical relevance and rigour of the studies is assessed to identify research that is relevant to nursing. A commentary on chosen articles identifies the key findings and implications for clinical practice. The specific purposes of Evidence-Based Nursing are: to identify, using predefined criteria, the best original quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods original research and review articles which explore the meaning, impact, cause, course, assessment, prevention, treatment and outcomes or economics of health problems relevant to nursing to provide brief, expert comment on the context of selected articles, including the methods and the clinical application of the findings to disseminate the commentaries in a timely fashion The RCN Publishing Company Limited and BMJ publish Evidence-Based Nursing under the editorship of Dr Alison Twycross from Kingston University and St Georges, University of London, London, UK.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being acknowledges the international and interdisciplinary nature of health-related issues. It intends to provide a meeting-point for studies using rigorous qualitative methodology of significance for issues related to human health and well-being. The aim of the International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being is to support and to shape the emerging field of qualitative studies and to encourage a better understanding of all aspects of human health and well-being. The journal emphasizes empirical research and theory in basic and applied health care, especially with an international focus, but will also welcome local and national contributions. At least one article out of the six to eight in each issue will be reserved for philosophical issues related to qualitative research in the health area.
Celebrating 25 years of publishing excellence, JNSD is the only peer-reviewed journal written by and for staff development specialists. Original articles focus on issues that impact staff development, as well as the latest innovations in education, research and technology: educating unlicensed assisting personnel; competence assessment; developing, implementing, and evaluating program effectiveness; computer-aided instruction; and organization-wide approaches to meeting JCAHO standards. JNSD is the complete and current staff development resource. Continuing education contact hours are available in each issue. Website:
Nurse Educator is the respected, peer-reviewed, resource that nursing faculty and in-service educators turn to for developments and innovations in nursing education. Coverage includes the practice and theory of nursing education, including curriculum and program development, educational philosophy, teaching methods, instructional materials, testing and measurement, and administration.Nurse Educator helps readers develop results-oriented approaches for educating students in our changing health-care system. Original articles outline the trends that shape nursing education and provide practical guidance on current issues, and practical applied teaching strategies. For more information, visit
Nursing made Incredibly Easy! is based on Lippincott Williams & Wilkins's popular and successful Incredibly Easy! book series for nurses. The emphasis of Nursing made Incredibly Easy! is on breaking down challenging clinical concepts-the ones that are often difficult or confusing to grasp-and presenting them in a refreshingly original, easily understood, and engaging format. The tone is lighthearted, but never simplistic, to make learning fun and effective. Clinical artwork mixed with humorous line drawings illustrate and reinforce key points. Articles are contributed by experienced clinicians, ensuring that content is based on sound clinical principles and hands-on expertise.
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JNP: The Journal for Nurse Practitioners offers high-quality, peer-reviewed clinical articles, original research, continuing education, and departments that help practitioners excel as providers of primary and acute care across the lifespan. Each issue meets their practice needs and encourages discussion and feedback with thought-provoking articles on controversial issues and topics. JNP supports advocacy by demonstrating the role that policy plays in shaping practice and delivering outcomes.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: