Housing is more than houses-it is the foundation upon which the essentials of life are anchored. The quality of housing can enhance or diminish the well-being of individuals and families as well as that of the entire community. Before the Journal of Housing for the Elderly, housing for the elderly as a subject area has a relatively brief history. The Journal of Housing for the Elderly aims to serve the needs of gerontological professionals in the fields of architecture and housing, urban planning, and public policy who are responsible for the residential environments of the elderly in the community. The journal's goal is the rapid publication of new research in the housing and aging fields as well as the synthesis of cross-disciplinary efforts made to enhance the residences of the elderly. This journal is useful for scholars, policymakers, legislators, architects and urban planners, lending institutions, religious groups, developers, and the lay public in general who have an interest in the subject-personal, professional, or civic. The journal covers the latest efforts of housing researchers and policy experts-from research on energy conservation or privacy needs to policy implications of home equity conversion. It also examines management issues, housing related service delivery innovations, case histories of successful housing alternatives, and financing strategies.The journal covers such areas as: identification of salient housing issues that primarily involve the elderly case studies of successful practitioner experiences regarding the development of better housing facilities for the elderly refinement of existing methodologies and/or the development of new ones for evaluating the behavioral, programmatic, & adaptational consequences of differential residential environments translation of research data into more usable informational modes for researchers & practitioners articulation of the issues & problems in the development & implementation of housing policies for the elderly Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of Intergenerational Relationships is the forum for scholars, practitioners, policy makers, educators, and advocates to stay abreast of the latest intergenerational research, practice methods and policy initiatives. This is the only journal focusing on the intergenerational field integrating practical, theoretical, empirical, familial, and policy perspectives. Address manuscripts to the Editor: Sally Newman, PhD. Electronic submissions only, please. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts electronically. If submitting a disk, it should be prepared using MS Word or WordPerfect and should be clearly labeled with the authors' names, file name, and software program. Manuscripts should be no more than 5000 words. Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format only to: Sally Newman, PhD, University Center for Social and Urban Resarch, University of Pittsburgh, 121 University Place #407, Pittsburgh, PA 15260-5907 E-mail: newmans@pitt.edu Peer Review Policy: All scholarly articles in the Journal of Intergenerational Relationships have undergone a rigorous peer review based on an initial editorial screening followed by refereeing by two or more anonymous referees. All practice articles have received editorial screening and been anonymously reviewed by two Board committee members.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Through a variety of disciplines and a blend of scholarly and clinical articles, the Journal of Women & Aging provides practitioners, educators, researchers, and administrators with a comprehensive guide to the unique challenges facing women in their later years. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The primary goal of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society is to publish articles that are relevant in the broadest terms to the clinical care of older persons. Such articles may span a variety of disciplines and fields and may be of immediate, intermediate, or long-term potential benefit to clinical practice. Sections of JAGS include Clinical Investigations; Brief Reports; Brief Methodological Reports; Progress in Geriatrics; Geriatric Bioscience; Nursing; Education and Training; Drugs and Pharmacology; Ethics, Public Policy, and Medical Economics; International Health Affairs; Ethnogeriatrics and Special Populations; Models of Geriatric Care, Quality Improvement, and Program Dissemination; Special Articles; Editorials; Old Lives Tales; Clinical Trials and Tribulations; and Letters to the Editor.
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing (JEoA) is an international academic journal that publishes original theoretical and empirical research dealing with the interaction between demographic change and the economy. JEoA encompasses both microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives and offers a platform for the discussion of topics including labour, health, and family economics, social security, income distribution, social mobility, immigration, productivity, structural change, economic growth and development. JEoA also solicits papers that have a policy focus.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
This comprehensive journal is recognized for its useful balance of research and clinical practice articles. For more than twenty five years Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics has functioned as a forum for allied health professionals as well as others with a focus on rehabilitation of the geriatric client to share information, clinical experience, research, and therapeutic practice. Each issue focuses on current practice and emerging issues in the care of the older client, including rehabilitation and long-term care in institutional and community settings, and innovative programming; the entire range of problems experienced by the elderly; and the current skills needed for working with older clients. Contributors consider the current methods of managing older people at home, in assisted living, alone or with families. Contributors address policy issues that affect the styles of living of older people, and discuss projects relating to research and teaching as they may affect practice in the field of gerontology.
Psychogeriatrics is an international journal sponsored by the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society and publishes peer-reviewed original papers dealing with all aspects of psychogeriatrics and related fields The Journal encourages articles with gerontopsychiatric, neurobiological, genetic, diagnostic, social-psychiatric, health-political, psychological or psychotherapeutic content. Themes can be illuminated through basic science, clinical (human and animal) studies, case studies, epidemiological or humanistic research.
Psychology and Aging® publishes original articles on adult development and aging. Such original articles include reports of research that may be applied, biobehavioral, clinical, educational, experimental (laboratory, field, or naturalistic studies), methodological, or psychosocial.Although the emphasis is on original research investigations, occasional theoretical analyses of research issues, practical clinical problems, or policy may appear, as well as critical reviews of a content area in adult development and aging. Clinical case studies that have theoretical significance are also appropriate. Brief reports are acceptable with the author's agreement not to submit a full report to another journal.
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults (QAOA) publishes international, peer-reviewed content that makes sense of current research, policy and practice in working with older people at a key time of demographic change.
Research on Aging (ROA), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is an interdisciplinary journal designed to reflect the expanding role of research in the field of social gerontology. For over three decades, scholars, researchers and professionals like yourself have turned to ROA for the latest analyses on the critical issues facing today's elderly population. This outstanding journal serves as an international forum on the aged and the ageing process, providing you with the knowledge you need to help improve practices and policies concerning the elderly.
La revue Soins Gérontologie s'adresse à tous les acteurs du soin auprès des personnes âgées, quel que soit leur lieu de travail : hospitalisation traditionnelle, domicile, hôpital de jour, EHPAD, maison de retraite..., tissant ainsi un vaste réseau inter-institutions entre la ville et l'hôpital. Réunissant des professionnels aux larges compétences : infirmières, kinésithérapeutes, diététiciennes, psychologues, ergothérapeutes, assistantes sociales, médecins, directeurs d'établissement, cadres administratifs, la revue Soins Gérontologie a pour pôle fédérateur le patient dans sa globalité. Une revue en 4 parties - Actu géronto - Dossier - Savoirs & pratiques : une rubrique psychogériatrie, Ehpad et une rubrique sous l'égide de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie (SFGG) - Fiche médicament / Fiche situations de soins +agenda et les petites annonces
The Gerontologist, published since 1961, is a bimonthly journal (first issue in February) of The Gerontological Society of America that provides a multidisciplinary perspective on human aging through the publication of research and analysis in gerontology, including social policy, program development, and service delivery. It reflects and informs the broad community of disciplines and professions involved in understanding the aging process and providing service to older people. Articles, including those in applied research, should report concepts and research findings, with implications for policy or practice. Contributions from social and psychological sciences, biomedical and health sciences, political science and public policy, economics, education, law, and the humanities are welcome. Brief descriptions of innovative practices and programs are appropriate in the Practice Concepts section.
Under what conditions does "development" end? Under what conditions does "aging" begin? Can these conditions themselves be modified by intervention at the psychological, social, or biological levels? To what extent are patterns of development and aging attributable to biological factors? To psychological factors? How can the social and behavioral sciences contribute to the actualization of human potential throughout the entire life span? What are the implications of gerontological research for our understanding of the total development of human organism?These are some of the broad questions with which the International Journal of Aging and Human Development is concerned. Emphasis is upon psychological and social studies of aging and the aged. However, the Journal also publishes research that introduces observations from other fields that illuminate the "human" side of gerontology, or utilizes gerontological observations to illuminate in other fields.
The Journals of Gerontology were the first journals on aging published in the United States. The tradition of excellence in these peer-reviewed scientific journals, established in 1946, continues today. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A publishes within its covers the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences and the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences.JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Rafael de Cabo, PhD, EditorPublishes articles on the biological aspects of aging in areas such as biochemistry, biodemography, cellular and molecular biology, comparative and evolutionary biology, endocrinology, exercise sciences, genetics, immunology, morphology, neuroscience, nutrition, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, vertebrate and invertebrate genetics, and biological underpinnings of late life diseases.JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY: MEDICAL SCIENCES, Luigi Ferrucci, MD, PhD,Publishes articles representing the full range of medical sciences pertaining to aging. Appropriate areas include, but are not limited to, basic medical science, clinical epidemiology, clinical research, and health services research for professions such as medicine, dentistry, allied health sciences, and nursing. It publishes articles on research pertinent to human biology and disease. The following types of articles are published: 1) articles reporting original research; 2) rapid communications; 3) review articles; 4) guest editorials.
The Journals of Gerontology were the first journals on aging published in the United States. The tradition of excellence in these peer-reviewed scientific journals, established in 1946, continues today. The Journals of Gerontology Series B publishes within its covers the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Rosemary Blieszner, PhD, EditorPublishes articles on development in adulthood and old age that advance the psychological science of aging processes and outcomes. Articles in JG: PS have clear implications for theoretical or methodological innovation in the psychology of aging or contribute significantly to the empirical understanding of psychological processes and aging. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, attitudes, clinical applications, cognition, education, emotion, health, human factors, interpersonal relations, neuropsychology, perception, personality, physiological psychology, social psychology, and sensation. Applied research with theoretical significance is welcome. Manuscripts reporting work that relates behavioral aging to neighboring disciplines are also appropriate. The Journal publishes four types of articles: (a) reports of original research, (b) brief reports of original research, (c) invited reviews of cutting-edge work (New Directions in Aging Research), and (d) theoretical or methodological contributions. See word and page limitations below. All submissions are peer-reviewed, with final decisions made by the Editor.
Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie bestrijkt het brede wetenschapsgebied van de gerontologie en geriatrie in al zijn facetten, met bijdragen uit de biologische, medische, psychologische en sociale wetenschappen. De geriatrie omvat de geneeskunde die specifiek gericht is op kwetsbare ouderen, en ondersteunende sociaal-geneeskundige activiteiten.