This companion journal to Technical Physics offers rapid publication of developments in theoretical and experimental physics with potential technological applications. Recent emphasis has included many papers on gas lasers and on lasing in semiconductors, as well as many reports on high Tc superconductivity. The excellent coverage of plasma physics seen in the parent journal, Technical Physics, is also present here with quick communication of developments in theoretical and experimental work in all fields with probable technical applications.
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The Astronomical Journal publishes original astronomical research, with an emphasis on significant scientific results derived from observations. Publications in AJ include descriptions of data capture, surveys, analysis techniques, astronomical interpretation, instrumentation, and software and computing.
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review publishes invited reviews by leading experts from around the world. The range of topics covered includes all areas of astronomy and astrophysics; cosmic ray physics; studies in the solar system; astrobiology; developments in laboratory or particle physics directly relevant to astronomy; instrumentation; computational or statistical methods with specific astronomical applications; and other subjects relevant to astronomy and astrophysics.All important fields are reviewed from time to time, with the frequency of review depending on the amount of research activity.
The editors choose articles for both their scientific quality, and for their readability. They thereby provide an excellent starting point for scientists or students seeking access to a new or unfamiliar field as well as for researchers and lecturers in need of authoritative material in fields with which they are less familiar.Commonly used title abbreviations: Astron Astrophys Rev, A&AR, A&ARvAre you a membe
The Astrophysical Journal is devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in astronomy and astrophysics. ApJ publications constitute significant new research that is directly relevant to astrophysical applications, whether based on observational results or on theoretical insights or modeling.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters is the premier journal for rapid publication of high-impact astronomical research. ApJL publishes brief reports on the most influential developments across astronomy and astrophysics. The journal specializes in articles that are timely, containing new discoveries and results that have a significant immediate impact on other researchers. Articles published in ApJL are self-contained, including context that is generally understandable by scientists who are not specialists in the particular fields.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement specializes in extensive papers presenting significant new research in astronomy and astrophysics. ApJS publishes catalogs and large compilations of data that can be used as reference by the astronomical community. The journal also supports Special Issues, collections of thematically related papers published simultaneously in a single volume. ApJS contains many of the most frequently cited papers in the astronomy and astrophysics literature.
The European Physical Journal A (EPJ A) presents new and original research results in Hadron physics and Nuclear physics, in a variety of formats, including Regular Articles, Reviews, Tools for Experiment and Theory/Scientific Notes and Letters. The range of topics is extensive:Hadron Physics:
Structure and Dynamics of Hadrons
Baryon and Meson Spectroscopy
Hadronic and Electroweak Interactions of Hadrons
Nonperturbative Approaches to QCD
Phenomenological Approaches to Hadron Physics
Nuclear Physics:
Nuclear Structure and Reactions
Few-Body and Many-Body Systems
Heavy-Ion Physics
Radioactive Beams
Nuclear AstrophysicsCommonly used title abbreviations: Eur. Phys. J. A, Eur.Phys.J.A, EPJA, EPJ A
EPJ AP an international journal devoted to the promotion of the recent progresses in all fields of applied physics.The articles published in EPJ AP span the whole spectrum of applied physics research.Sections covered:* Semiconductors and devices*Physics of organic materials and devices*Thin films*Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies*Photonics*Spintronics, magnetism and superconductivity*Imaging, microscopy and spectroscopy*Plasma, discharges and processes*Physics of energy transfer, conversion and storage*Instrumentation and metrology*Physics and mechanics of fluids, microfluidics*Biophysics and biosensors*Surfaces and interfaces.
The European Physical Journal B (EPJ B) publishes regular articles and colloquia in Condensed Matter and Complex Systems. The range of topics includes: Solid State and MaterialsMesoscopic and Nanoscale SystemsComputational MethodsStatistical and Nonlinear Physicsand Interdisciplinary PhysicsFor a complete list, please check the Aims and Scope (via the link in the righthand column).
Commonly used title abbreviations: Eur. Phys. J. B, Eur.Phys.J.B, EPJB, EPJ B
The European Physical Journal C (EPJ C) presents new and original research results in theoretical physics and experimental physics, in a variety of formats, including Regular Articles, Reviews, Tools for Experiment and Theory, Scientific Notes and Letters. The range of topics is extensive:Experimental Physics
Hadron and lepton collider physics
Lepton nucleon scattering
High energy nuclear reactions
Standard model precision tests
Search for new physics beyond the standard model
Heavy flavourphysics
Neutrino physics
High energy cosmic rays
Dark matter searches
Particle detector developments
Accelerator physics
Computational methods and analysis toolsTheoretical Physics I: Phenomenology of the Standard Model and Beyond
Electroweak interactions
Quantum chromo dynamics
Heavy quark physics and quark flavour mixing
Neutrino physics
Meson spectroscopy and non-perturbative Q
The European Physical Journal D (EPJ D) presents new and original research results in: Atomic PhysicsMolecular Physics and Chemical PhysicsAtomic and Molecular CollisionsClusters and NanostructuresPlasma PhysicsLaser Cooling and Quantum GasNonlinear DynamicsOptical PhysicsQuantum Optics and Quantum InformationUltraintense and Ultrashort Laser Fields.
The range of topics covered in these areas is extensive, from Molecular Interaction and Reactivity to Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics of Clusters, from Atomic Optics to Bose-Einstein Condensation to Femtochemistry. For a complete list click on 'Aims and scope' in the righthand column of this page.
Commonly used title abbreviations: Eur. Phys. J. D, Eur.Phys.J.D, EPJD, EPJ D
EPJ E publishes papers describing advances in the understanding of physical aspects of Soft Matter and Biological Systems. This includes reports of experimental, computational and theoretical studies and appeals to the broad interdisciplinary communities including physics, chemistry, biology and materials science.The range of topics is extensive: Polymers and PolyelectrolytesLiquid Crystals, Liquids and Complex FluidsSelf-organisation and Supramolecular AssembliesColloids, Nanoparticles and Granular MatterFunctional Materials and NanodevicesInterfacial Phenomena and Nanostructured SurfacesStructure and Function of Biological MatterBiomimetic SystemsCellular ProcessesMulticellular SystemsBiological NetworksFor a complete list click 'Aims and scope' in the right column of this page.Unique features of EPJ E:
- Colloquia - papers describing new research directions and techniques
- International Editorial Board
- Global contributions and global readership
- Appeals to the broad interdisciplinary co
The purpose of this journal is to catalyse, foster, and disseminate an awareness and understanding of the historical development of ideas in contemporary physics, and more generally, ideas about how Nature works.  The scope explicitly includes:Contributions addressing the history of physics and of physical ideas and concepts, the interplay of physics and mathematics as well as the natural sciences, and the history and philosophy of sciences, together with discussions of experimental ideas and designs - inasmuch as they clearly relate, and preferably add, to the understanding of modern physics.Annotated and/or contextual translations of relevant foreign-language texts.Careful characterisations of old and/or abandoned ideas including past mistakes and false leads, thereby helping working physicists to assess how compelling contemporary ideas may turn out to be in future, i.e. with hindsight.
 The scope explicitly excludes:The publication of new results at the forefront of physics research. <This journal is of very broad interest to the large technical community concerned with the development of an understanding of the phenomenon of adhesion and its practical applications. The art of adhesion is maturing into a science which requires a broad, coordinated interdisciplinary effort to provide an understanding of its complex nature and numerous manifestations. The Journal of Adhesion provides a forum for discussion of the basic and applied problems in adhesion. Papers are considered relevant if they contribute to the understanding of the response of systems of joined materials to mechanical or other disruptive influences. Experimental papers are required to incorporate theoretical background and theoretical papers must relate to practice. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of Chemical Physics publishes concise and definitive reports of significant research in methods and applications of chemical physics. Innovative research in traditional areas of chemical physics such as spectroscopy, kinetics, statistical mechanics, and quantum mechanics continue to be areas of interest to readers of JCP. In addition, newer areas such as polymers, materials, surfaces/interfaces, information theory, and systems of biological relevance are of increasing importance. Routine applications of chemical physics techniques may not be appropriate for JCP. Content is published online daily, collected into four monthly online and printed issues (48 issues per year); the journal is published by the American Institute of Physics.