Gesture publishes articles reporting original research, as well as survey and review articles, on all aspects of gesture. The journal aims to stimulate and facilitate scholarly communication between the different disciplines within which work on gesture is conducted. For this reason papers written in the spirit of cooperation between disciplines are especially encouraged. Topics may include, but are by no means limited to: the relationship between gesture and speech; the role gesture may play in communication in all the circumstances of social interaction, including conversations, the work-place or instructional settings; gesture and cognition; the development of gesture in children; the place of gesture in first and second language acquisition; the processes by which spontaneously created gestures may become transformed into codified forms; the documentation and discussion of vocabularies of ’quotable’ or ’emblematic’ gestures; the relationship between gesture and sign; studies of gesture systems or sign languages such as those that have developed in factories, religious communities or in tribal societies; the role of gesture in ritual interactions of all kinds, such as greetings, religious, civic or legal rituals; gestures compared cross-culturally; gestures in primate social interaction; biological studies of gesture, including discussions of the place of gesture in language origins theory; gesture in multimodal human-machine interaction; historical studies of gesture; and studies in the history of gesture studies, including discussions of gesture in the theatre or as a part of rhetoric. Gesture provides a platform where contributions to this topic may be found from such disciplines as linguistics, archaeology, anthropology, biology, communication studies, neurology, ethology, theatre studies, literature and the visual arts, cognitive psychology and computer engineering. .
Gifted Child Quarterly (GCQ) publishes original research and new and creative insights about giftedness and talent development in the context of the school, the home, and the wider society. Each issue offers scholarly literature reviews and quantitative or qualitative research studies that explore the characteristics of gifted students, program models, curriculum and other important areas that maximize the development and education of gifted students.
Group Analysis is a peer reviewed journal that explores the theory, practice and experience of analytical group psychotherapy. It embraces concepts derived from psychoanalytic psychology, social psychology, group dynamics, sociology and anthropology. The journal is a meeting-point for these varied disciplines, providing an international interdisciplinary forum for dialogue among practitioners, theoreticians and researchers.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations (GPIR), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is a scientific social psychology journal dedicated to research on social psychological processes within and between groups. It provides a forum for and is aimed at researchers and students in social psychology and related disciples. The journal is edited by Dominic Abrams and Michael A. Hogg.
Group & Organization Management (GOM), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, publishes the work of scholars and professionals who extend management and organization theory and address the implications for practitioners. Innovation, conceptual sophistication, methodological rigor, and cutting-edge scholarship are the driving principles. From individual behavior to organizational strategy and functioning, GOM features both empirical and theoretical articles spanning various levels of analysis in organizations.
Themenschwerpunkte aus Sozialpsychologie, Psychologie, Soziologie und Erziehungswissenschaft sowie deren Umfeldern
Innovative Praxis ist auf den Input aus Wissenschaft und Forschung sowie auf die Erfahrungen und Ideen der Praktiker angewiesen. Die Zeitschrift Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung befasst sich mit Themen der Sozialpsychologie, Psychologie, Soziologie, Erziehungswissenschaften, Erwachsenenbildung, Arbeitsleben und Politik sowie den unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Gruppentherapie.
Gruppenprozesse finden oft in institutionellen Zusammenhängen statt. Organisationen sind in der heutigen Zeit dramatischen Veränderungen unterworfen, dass hier ein sozialwissenschaftlicher Klärungs- und Beratungsbedarf entstanden ist, der über Empfehlungen weit hinausgeht.
Wer gesellschaftliche und organisatorische Veränderungen verstehen will, wer schon heute wissen will, was die Forschung für die Lösung sozialer Probleme bereithält, für den ist Gruppendynamik und Organisation
Humor research draws upon a wide range of academic disciplines including anthropology, biology, computer science, education, family science, film studies, history, linguistics, literature, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physiology, psychology, and sociology. At the same time, humor research often sheds light on the basic concepts, ideas, and methods of many of these disciplines.HUMOR, the official publication of the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS), was established as an international interdisciplinary forum for the publication of high-quality research papers on humor as an important and universal human faculty. The journal publishes original contributions in areas such as interdisciplinary humor research, humor theory, and humor research methodologies. Contributions take the form of empirical observational studies, theoretical discussions, presentations of research, short notes, reactions/replies to recent articles, book reviews, and letters to the editors.
Health Psychology is a scholarly journal devoted to understanding the scientific relations among psychological factors, behavior and physical health and illness. The readership is broad with respect to discipline, background, interests, and specializations.The main emphasis of the journal is on original research, including integrative theoretical review papers, meta-analyses, treatment outcome trials, and brief scientific reports. Scholarly case studies, commentaries, and letters to the editor will also be considered.Papers should have significant theoretical or practical importance for understanding relations among behavior, psychosocial factors, and physical health, as well as their application. All papers should emphasize, whenever possible, the translation of scientific findings for practice and policy.Health Psychology publishes original scholarly articles on topics such as: * Contextual factors that may contribute to disease or its prevention * Prevention * Interfaces among biological, psychosocial, social and behavioral factors in health * Assessment approaches in health * Health risk and resilience behavior * Health promotion * Child and adolescent health * Couple and family relationships in health * Lifespan approaches to health, including those related to older adults * Evaluation and dissemination of treatment approaches that target the individual, family, group, multicenter, or community level * Ethnicity, social class, gender and sexual orientation in health * Health disparities * Research methodology, measurement, and statistics in health psychology * Implications of research findings for health-related policy * Advances in health-related theory * Innovations in technology * Professional issues in health psychology, including training and supervision.
public health, community health, health psychology
Health Psychology Review (HPR) is a landmark publication the first review journal in the important and growing discipline of health psychology. This new international forum, edited by a highly respected team, provides a leading environment for review, theory, and conceptual development. HPR contributes to the advancement of the discipline of health psychology and strengthens its relationship to the field of psychology as a whole, as well as to other related academic and professional arenas. It is essential reading for those engaged in the study, teaching, and practice of health psychology, behavioral medicine, and associated areas.HPR is dedicated to theoretical and conceptual work, as well as to evaluative, integrative, meta-analytic and systematic reviews and interpretations of substantive issues in the general domain of health psychology. The journal particularly favors theory-based reviews of empirical contributions that afford integrative theoretical formulations of work in a given area of health psychology and reviews of developments that develop connections between areas of research within the general domain of health psychology as well as with other disciplines (ranging from biology to policy-oriented research domains). Papers that consider the cross-cultural and cross-national relevance and appropriateness of theories and key concepts are also welcomed. Articles focusing on methodological issues and problems of design and measurement will be considered if they make a direct and substantial contribution to theory. Brief commentaries addressing progress in specific sub-fields of health psychology, comments that apply to existing theoretical models and approaches, and discussions about previously published articles, can also be considered.Peer Review IntegrityAll research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the Content ) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.