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ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders

ISSN: 1866-6116eISSN: 1866-6647

ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders publishes the results of basic and clinical research contributing to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of all psychiatric syndromes in which attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be a feature.Regular features will include: original research reports: review papers: case studies: short communications: and letters to the Editor.

The Journal publishes novel papers that contribute to the understanding of ADHD. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders brings together biological, clinical and psychological research in order to stimulate the synthesis of findings from all disciplines involved in improving patient outcomes in all psychiatric syndromes in which ADHD may be a feature.

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Accounting, Organizations and Society

ISSN: 0361-3682

Accounting, Organizations & Society is a major international journal concerned with all aspects of the relationship between accounting and human behaviour, organizational structures and processes, and the changing social and political environment of the enterprise. Its unique focus covers such topics as: the social role of accounting, social accounting, social audit and accounting for scarce resources; the provision of accounting information to employees and trade unions and the development of participative information systems; processes influencing accounting innovations and the social and political aspects of accounting standard setting; behavioural studies of the users of accounting information; information processing views of organizations, and the relationship between accounting and other information systems and organizational structures and processes; organizational strategies for designing accounting and information systems; human resource accounting; cognitive aspects of accounting and decision-making processes, and the behavioural aspects of budgeting, planning and investment appraisal.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Acta Neuropsychologica

ISSN: 1730-7503

American Journal of Community Psychology

ISSN: 0091-0562eISSN: 1573-2770

The American Journal of Community Psychology publishes original quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research; theoretical papers; empirical reviews; reports of innovative community programs or policies; and first person accounts of stakeholders involved in research, programs, or policy. The journal encourages submissions of innovative multi-level research and interventions, and encourages international submissions. The journal also encourages the submission of manuscripts concerned with underrepresented populations and issues of human diversity. The American Journal of Community Psychology publishes research, theory, and descriptions of innovative interventions on a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to: individual, family, peer, and community mental health, physical health, and substance use; risk and protective factors for health and well being; educational, legal, and work environment processes, policies, and opportunities; social ecological approaches, including the interplay of in

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American Journal of Forensic Psychology

ISSN: 0733-1290

Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique

ISSN: 1769-6631

Bulletin officiel de la Société médico-psychologique, les Annales médico-psychologiques publient 10 fois par an, en langue française, des mémoires originaux intéressant la psychiatrie et tous les domaines de connaissance concernant la psychopathologie.
Elle fait également une place importante à des communications présentées devant la Société médico-psychologique, des analyses de livres, revues, films, etc., des comptes rendus de réunions de sociétés de psychiatrie, de colloques, de symposiums, ainsi que des informations se rapportant à cette discipline.

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Annals of Applied Sport Science

eISSN: 2322-4479

Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

ISSN: 2327-0608eISSN: 2327-0616
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Ansiedad y Estres

ISSN: 1134-7937

Anuario de Psicologia Juridica

ISSN: 1133-0740eISSN: 2174-0542
El Anuario de Psicología Jurídica es una revista científico-profesional, de carácter multidisciplinar, que acepta manuscritos originales inéditos en español e inglés, relacionados con temas del área de la Psicología Jurídica, en la cual se contempla la doble perspectiva psicológica y legal. Éstos deben ser contribuciones empíricas sobre investigación básica o aplicada dentro del ámbito de la psicología jurídica. Las actividades descritas en los trabajos publicados deberán ajustarse a las normas de ética y deontología profesional. Los potenciales autores deben ser conscientes de que el Anuario utiliza un proceso de revisión anónima por pares, pero que es posible que el director tome una decisión final sobre un manuscrito, sin enviarlo a los revisores, en aquellos casos en los que el contenido del manuscrito no se ajuste al ámbito de la revista o que la preparación del mismo no se adecue a las normas dadas a los contribuyentes. Se entiende que las opiniones y valoraciones expresadas por los autores de los manuscritos son de la responsabilidad exclusiva de los firmantes y no comprometen la opinión de la revista ni de la entidad editora.

The Annual Review of Legal Psychology is a multi-discipline scientific and professional journal which accepts original, unpublished articles in Spanish and English. These articles must be related with topics which fall within the area of legal psychology, and include both the legal and the psychological perspectives. Articles must be empirical contributions about basic or applied research within legal psychology. Activities described in the articles published must follow the professional code of ethics and responsibilities. Potential authors should also be aware that although the Annual Review of Legal Psychology makes use of an anonymous revision process, the director of the journal may make a final decision to reject a manuscript, without sending it for revision, in cases where the content of the paper does not fit the field of the journal, or it has not been prepared in accordance with the rules given to potential contributors. All opinions and comments expressed by the authors of articles are their own responsibility, and do not necessarily reflect those of the journal or its publishers.

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Applied Developmental Science

ISSN: 1088-8691eISSN: 1532-480X

The focus of this multidisciplinary journal is the synthesis of research and application to promote positive development across the life span and across the globe. The journal publishes research that generates descriptive and explanatory knowledge about dynamic and reciprocal person-environment interactions essential to informed public dialogue, social policy, and preventive and development optimizing interventions. This includes research relevant to the development of individuals and social systems across the life span -- including the wide range of familial, biological, societal, cultural, physical, ecological, political and historical settings of human development.The applied developmental science orientation is defined by three conjoint emphases. The applied aspect reflects its direct implication for what individuals, families, practitioners, and policymakers do. The developmental aspect emphasizes a focus on systematic and successive changes within individual and social systems that occur across the life span. This assumption stresses the importance of understanding normative and atypical processes as they emerge within different developmental periods and across diverse biological, physical, social, cultural and political settings. The science aspect underscores the need to utilize a range of research methods to collect reliable and objective information in a systematic manner to test the validity of theory and application. The convergence of these three aspects leads to a fostering of a reciprocal relationship between theory and application as a cornerstone of applied developmental science, one wherein empirically based, developmental theory not only guides intervention strategies and social policy, but is influenced by the outcome of these activities. Furthermore, the convergence calls for a multidisciplinary perspective aimed at integrating information and skills drawn from relevant biological, medical, social, and behavioral science disciplines. Given this multidisciplinary orientation, the journal publishes hypothesis-generating as well as hypothesis-testing research employing any of a diverse array of rigorous qualitative as well as quantitative methodologies - multivariate-longitudinal studies, demographic analyses, secondary analyses of large data sets, evaluation research, intensive measurement studies, ethnographic interpretations, laboratory experiments, analyses of policy and/or policy engagement studies, or animal comparative studies - when they have important implications for the application of developmental science across the human life span. Manuscripts pertinent to the diversity of development throughout the life span -- cross-national and cross-cultural studies, systematic studies of psychopathology, and studies pertinent to gender, ethnic, and racial diversity -- are particularly welcome. The journal does not typically publish pilot studies. Where appropriate, authors should be sure to include in their manuscript the power analysis or other analytic techniques that support the sample size and the nature of the sample selected for each study described in the article.Peer Review Policy: All research artilces in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review.

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Applied Psychology

ISSN: 0269-994XeISSN: 1464-0597

Applied Psychology: An International Review is the official journal of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), the oldest worldwide association of scholars and practitioners of the discipline of psychology (founded in 1920). Applied Psychology: An International Review is a peer-reviewed, truly international outlet for the scholarly dissemination of findings in applied psychology. Articles are encouraged from all areas of applied psychology including, but not limited to, organizational, cross-cultural, educational, health, counseling, sport and environmental psychology. Particularly invited are articles that advance understanding of psychological processes across a range of applied phenomena and studies that examine the effects of different national and cultural contexts. For example, topics such as personality traits and processes, self-regulation, self-efficacy, goals, emotions, values, attitudes, social identity, judgments and decisions, leadership, learning, or instructional design examined within applied domains or cross-culturally. Review papers that stimulate debate and discussion are also encouraged. Three types of freely submitted articles appear in Applied Psychology: Journal Articles describe important research or theoretical developments for specific issues; Lead Articles review and extend a body of research at a critical juncture and are supplemented with peer commentaries to create an international scientific discussion; and International Replication Notes provide replications of known phenomena in new cultural contexts. Special Issues are also published, with guest editors and invited contributions with a particular thematic focus.To subscribe to Applied Psychology: An International Review pleaseclick here. (Personal and Institutional subscriptions available). The Journal is also available to members of the International Assocation of Applied Psychology. For details of how to join the Association, please clickhere.

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Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being

ISSN: 1758-0846eISSN: 1758-0854
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Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

ISSN: 1090-0586eISSN: 1573-3270

Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback is an international, interdisciplinary journal which explores the interrelationship of physiological systems, cognition, social and environmental parameters, and health. Priority coverage is devoted to original research, basic and applied, which contributes to the theory, practice, and evaluation of applied psychophysiology and biofeedback. Additional sections include the Clinical Forum, offering separate categories for innovative case studies, clinical replication series, extended treatment protocols, and clinical notes and observations; the Discussion Forum, which includes papers centered on a topic of importance to the field; Innovations in Instrumentation; Letters to the Editor, commenting on issues raised in articles previously published in the journal; and select book reviews. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback is the official publication of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB).

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ISSN: 1073-1911eISSN: 1552-3489

Assessment (ASM) focuses on applied clinical assessment, with an emphasis on information relevant to the use of assessment measures, including test development, validation, and interpretation practices. Articles cover the assessment of cognitive and neuropsychological functioning, personality, and psychopathology, as well as empirical assessment of clinically relevant phenomena, such as behaviors, personality characteristics, and diagnoses.

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BPA Applied Psychology Bulletin

ISSN: 0006-6761

Basic and Applied Social Psychology

ISSN: 0197-3533eISSN: 1532-4834

Basic and Applied Social Psychology (BASP) emphasizes the publication of outstanding research articles, but also considers literature reviews, criticism, and methodological or theoretical statements spanning the entire range of social psychological issues. The journal will publish basic work in areas of social psychology that can be applied to societal problems, as well as direct application of social psychology to such problems. The journal provides a venue for a broad range of specialty areas, including research on legal and political issues, environmental influences on behavior, organizations, aging, medical and health-related outcomes, sexuality, education and learning, the effects of mass media, gender issues, and population problems. This research should have important implications for basic social processes and often is some of the most exciting work in the field of social psychology. BASP aims to provide a forum for a rich mixture of experiments, non-experimental methods, field studies, and welcomes innovative design and analysis strategies. The journal aims to serve both as a resource for investigators interested in the application of complex human experimentation to various problems of health, environment, and society and to social psychologists committed to the advancement of theory and the understanding of basic social and social-cognitive processes. Peer Review Policy: All papers published in this journal have undergone rigorous editorial screening and anonymous peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Behavioral Medicine

ISSN: 0896-4289eISSN: 1940-4026

Behavioral Medicine: Relating Behavior and Health is an interdisciplinary journal of research and practice that deals with psychosocial influences on heatlh and behavior. It publishes original research studies, both experimental and clinical; evaluation studies; review articles; case reports; and book reviews. In addition, the journal welcomes three-part, coordinated submissions on a theme topic that deals in depth with (1) a review of the literature on a health problem that can be treated through the use of psychological or behavioral intervention; (2) the evidence from research for the value of the behavioral intervention; (3) an analysis of the policy implications of the therapy and means of introducing it into mainstream training and health practice. The economic impact of new or evolving therapies may be included in the discussion.

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Body Image

ISSN: 1740-1445eISSN: 1873-6807

Body Image is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality, scientific articles on body image and human physical appearance. Body image is a multi-faceted concept that refers to persons' perceptions and attitudes about their own body, particularly but not exclusively its appearance. The journal invites contributions from a broad range of disciplines - psychological science, other social and behavioral sciences, and medical and health sciences. The journal publishes original research articles, brief research reports, theoretical and review papers, and science-based practitioner reports of interest. Dissertation abstracts are also published online, and the journal gives an annual award for the best doctoral dissertation in this field.Suitable topics for submission of manuscripts include:•The effects of body image and physical characteristics (e.g., body size, attractiveness, physical disfigurements or disorders) on psychological functioning, interpersonal processes, and quality of life;•Body image and physical appearance in the full range of medical and allied health contexts;•Body image and physical appearance in diverse cultural contexts;•Validation of assessments of the multidimensional body image construct;•Factors that influence positive and negative body image development;•Adaptive and maladaptive body image processes and their clinically relevant consequences on psychosocial functioning and quality of life;•Relationship of body image to behavioral variables (e.g., exercise and other physical activity, eating and weight-control behaviors, grooming and appearance-modifying behaviors, and social behaviors);•Scientific evaluation of interventions to promote positive body image or to prevent or treat body image difficulties and disorders.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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British Journal of Guidance and Counselling

ISSN: 0306-9885eISSN: 1469-3534

The British Journal of Guidance & Counselling exists to communicate theoretical and practical writing of high quality in the guidance and counselling field. It is addressed to an international, interdisciplinary audience and welcomes submissions dealing with diverse theoretical orientations from practitioners and researchers from around the world. It is concerned to promote the following areas: the theory and practice of guidance and counselling the provision of guidance and counselling services training and professional issues Theoretical and empirical studies relating to the practice of guidance and counselling are reported, drawing on a variety of disciplines, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and ranging in scope from large-scale surveys to individual case-studies. The journal also explores the links between various areas of guidance and counselling and their relationship to such cognate fields as education, psychotherapy and social work.In addition to regular papers, the journal features special articles under the headings 'A Personal View', 'Interview', 'In Practice' and 'Debate', along with book reviews and frequent Symposia focusing on areas of particular interest.A possible journal of interest: International Gambling StudiesBooks for review should be sent to:Leonie SugarmanSchool of BusinessSocial Science and SportUniversity of CumbriaBowerham RoadLancaster LA1 3JDPeer Review IntegrityAll research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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