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IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje

eISSN: 1932-8540

IEEE-RITA covers technological applications and research in education including design and research in new learning tools that focus on teaching and learning. The scope includes learning applications, methods, materials and new experiences as they relate to engineering learning. The journal maintains a consistent focus on the IEEE environment inside Electrical Engineering, Electronic Technology, Telecommunications and Computer Science. Main areas include technological applications and research in Education covering the design and research in new learning tools, techniques and materials that focus on teaching and learning as well as learning applications, methods and materials and new experiences of engineering learning, always focusing on the teaching/learning of the IEEE fields inside Electrical Engineering, Electronic Technology, Telecommunications and Computer Science and Engineering.

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IEEE Transactions on Education

ISSN: 0018-9359eISSN: 1557-9638

The IEEE Transactions on Education (ToE) publishes significant and original scholarly contributions to education in electrical and electronics engineering, computer engineering, computer science, and other fields within the scope of interest of IEEE. Contributions must address discovery, integration, and/or application of knowledge in education in these fields. Articles must support contributions and assertions with compelling evidence and provide explicit, transparent descriptions of the processes through which the evidence is collected, analyzed, and interpreted. While characteristics of compelling evidence cannot be described to address every conceivable situation, generally assessment of the work being reported must go beyond student self-report and attitudinal data.

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IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

eISSN: 1939-1382

The IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies covers all advances in learning technologies and their applications, including but not limited to the following topics: innovative online learning systems; intelligent tutors; educational games; simulation systems for education and training; collaborative learning tools; learning with mobile devices; wearable devices and interfaces for learning; personalized and adaptive learning systems; tools for formative and summative assessment; tools for learning analytics and educational data mining; ontologies for learning systems; standards and web services that support learning; authoring tools for learning materials; computer support for peer tutoring; learning via computer-mediated inquiry, field, and lab work; social learning techniques; social networks and infrastructures for learning and knowledge sharing; and creation and management of learning objects.

Additional Information

TLT was published online using a delayed, open-access policy under which paying subscribers and per-article purchasers had access to newly published content, and then 12 months after the publication of each issue, all readers had access to the content, free of charge. Due to financial problems, this policy cannot continue in the future. So, since February 1, 2018, the delayed open access policy is suspended: all the manuscripts submitted until January 31, 2018 will be published (when accepted) under the old delayed open access policy (12 months), but all new manuscripts submitted since February 1, 2018 will be published (when accepted) only to subscribers and per-article purchasers. The future policy will maintain the delayed open access policy after N years. The number N of years will be decided in the future according to the financial evolution of the IEEE-TLT, and will be applied to all the papers published until that date, not only to papers submitted from that date. That is, all the papers published since N or more years would be put in open access.

Alternatively, immediate open access is available at acceptance with payment. For further details, see the IEEE's Open Access Publishing Options.

TLT publishes archival research papers and critical survey papers. A paper must either describe original research or offer a critical review of the state of the art in a particular area. Papers concerned with evaluation of technology are only appropriate if the technology itself is novel or if significant technical insights are provided. Please be sure to visit the TLT taxonomy list.

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IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine

ISSN: 1942-065XeISSN: 1942-0668

IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine is the first magazine to focus on issues facing women who study or work in IEEE's fields of interest. The premiere issue, published in 2008, featured articles covering the political and international issues surrounding technology, including cultural differences in the workplace.

IEEE WIE strives to:

  • recognize women's outstanding achievements in electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards nominations;
  • organize receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIE;
  • advocate women in leadership roles in IEEE governance and career advancement for women in the profession;
  • provide assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups and support ongoing activities;
  • promote IEEE member grade advancement for women to the membership grades of Senior Member and Fellow;
  • facilitate the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of women in engineering programs;
  • administer the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program to mentor young women in junior and high schools.

Future issues are planned to include profiles of women with successful careers in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, as well as coverage of educational programs that attract young women to those disciplines.

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ISSN: 2147-611XeISSN: 2147-611X

Improving Schools

ISSN: 1365-4802eISSN: 1475-7583

Improving Schools is a peer reviewed journal for all those engaged in school development, whether improving schools in difficulty or making successful schools even better. The journal includes contributions from across the world with an international readership including teachers, heads, academics, education authority staff, inspectors and consultants.

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Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

ISSN: 0019-5464

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (IJPER) is the official journal of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) and is being published since 1967. IJPER, a quarterly publication devoted to publish reviews and research articles in pharmacy and the related disciplines of Pharmaceutical education. It mainly covers the articles of special interest, covering the areas of Pharmaceutical research, teaching and learning, laboratory innovations, education technology, curriculum design, examination reforms, training and other related issues. It encourages debates and discussions on the issues of vital importance to Pharmaceutical education and research. The goal of the journal is to provide the quality publications and publish most important research and review articles in the field of drug development and pharmaceutical education. It is circulated and referred by more than 6000 teachers, 40,000 students and over 1000 professionals working in Pharmaceutical industries, Regulatory departments, hospitals etc.

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Industrial and Commercial Training

ISSN: 0019-7858eISSN: 1758-5767

ICT aims to provide those involved in training and development, organization development and human resource development access to evidence-based studies for the purpose of improving practice that benefits individuals, organizations, communities and society.

Industry and Higher Education

ISSN: 0950-4222eISSN: 2043-6858
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Infants & Young Children

ISSN: 0896-3746eISSN: 1550-5081

Infants and Young Children is a comprehensive interdisciplinary journal devoted to early intervention and clinical management of infants to young children (birth to 5 years of age) with, or at risk for, developmental disabilities. This journal keeps you current on the latest findings on specific disorders, diagnostic methods, and therapies that are improving outcomes for these special needs children and their families.Members of ISEI (International Society for Early Intervention) receive a discount on subscription rates. Call customer service at 1-800-638-3030 or 1-301-223-2300 outside the US and Canada to verify discount.VISIT:

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Informatics in Education

ISSN: 1648-5831eISSN: 2335-8971
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Information and Learning Science

ISSN: 2398-5348

Informati.on and Learning Science advances inter-disciplinary research that explores scholarly intersections shared within 2 key fields: information science and the learning sciences / education sciences.

Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching

ISSN: 1750-1229eISSN: 1750-1237

Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching is an international refereed journal devoted to innovative approaches to methodologies and pedagogies in language learning and teaching. It publishes research articles, review articles and book/materials reviews. It draws on a range of disciplines that share a focus on exploring new approaches to language learning and teaching from a learner-centred perspective. It will appeal to anyone interested in the development of, research into or practical application of new methodologies in language teaching and learning. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching also includes an 'Innovative Practice' section, giving authors an opportunity to showcase the latest in innovative practice in language learning and teaching. Papers need to be of a similarly high standard to papers in the main section of the journal and will be subject to review. Papers in this section, which will include a maximum of one paper per journal issue, do not need to report on research. Papers should be between 3,000-4,000 words. Peer Review PolicyAll papers are anonymously peer reviewed by a minimum of two experts.

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Innovations in Education and Teaching International

ISSN: 1470-3297eISSN: 1470-3300

Access to selected top articles from Educational Media & Technology Journals2009 Impact Factor: 0.900Ranking: 50/139 (Education & Educational Research)169; Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports 2010Innovations in Education and Teaching International (IETI), is the journal of the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) As such, contributions to the Journal should reflect SEDA's aim to promote innovation and good practice in higher education through staff and educational development and subject-related practices. Contributions are welcomed on any aspect of promoting and supporting educational change in higher and other post-school education, with an emphasis on research, experience, scholarship and evaluation, rather than mere description of practice. Educational development 8211; also described as academic, faculty, staff or instructional development in some contexts 8211; is taken to mean the activities engaged in by staff in specialist units, academic staff in departments, academic leaders and managers, those involved with quality enhancement initiatives, and others with an interest in educational change, to bring about improvements in, and a better understanding of, policy and practices of learning, teaching, assessment and curriculum development. Contributors should remember the international nature of the Journal's readership and both contextualise and consider the transferability of the practices and theories being examined.Innovations in Education & Teaching International (IETI) is essential reading for all practitioners and decision makers who want to stay informed about the developments in education, teaching and learning.Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications:Taylor & Francis and SEDA make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and SEDA and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis and SEDA.

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Innovative Higher Education

ISSN: 0742-5627eISSN: 1573-1758

Innovative Higher Education is a refereed scholarly journal that strives to package fresh ideas in higher education in a straightforward and readable fashion. The four main purposes of Innovative Higher Education are: (1) to present descriptions and evaluations of current innovations and provocative new ideas with relevance for action beyond the immediate context in higher education: (2) to focus on the effect of such innovations on teaching and students: (3) to be open to diverse forms of scholarship and research methods by maintaining flexibility in the selection of topics deemed appropriate for the journal: and (4) to strike a balance between practice and theory by presenting manuscripts in a readable and scholarly manner to both faculty and administrators in the academic community.

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Instructional Science

ISSN: 0020-4277eISSN: 1573-1952

Instructional Science promotes a deeper understanding of the nature, theory, and practice of the instructional process and resultant learning. Published papers represent a variety of perspectives from the learning sciences and cover learning by people of all ages, in all areas of the curriculum, and in informal and formal learning contexts. Emphasizing reports of original empirical research, the journal stands out by providing space for full and detailed reporting of major studies. These include studies addressing learning processes, learning technology, learner characteristics, and learning outcomes. Regardless of the topic, all papers published in the journal make a contribution to the science of instruction by drawing out the instructional implications of new research on learning. Most years, Instructional Science publishes a guest-edited thematic special issue. Recent issues have explored cognitive load theory, networked learning, and web-based instruction.

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Integration of Education

ISSN: 1991-9468eISSN: 2308-1058
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Interactive Learning Environments

ISSN: 1049-4820eISSN: 1744-5191

Access to selected top articles from Educational Media & Technology Journals2009 Impact Factor: 0.973Ranking: 46/139 (Education & Educational Research)169; Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports 2010 Founded in 1990, Interactive Learning Environments publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of the design and use of interactive learning environments in the broadest sense, encompassing environments that support individual learners through to environments that support collaboration amongst groups of learners or co-workers. Relevant domains of application include education and training at all levels, life-long learning and knowledge sharing. Relevant topics for articles include: adaptive systems, learning theory, pedagogy and learning design, the electronically-enhanced classroom, computer mediated communications of all kinds, computer aided assessment, the design and use of virtual learning environments and learning management systems, facilitating organisational change, applying standards for courseware reuse, tracking, record keeping and system interoperability, the use of learning content management systems, including workflow design and publication to a range of media, and issues associated with scaling up delivery to large cohorts of students and trainees within the corporate, educational and other public sectors.Review and survey articles that show scholarly depth, breadth and richness are particularly welcome. The field of interactive learning environments is developing and evolving rapidly. As well as tracking changes and emerging trends, it is also important to draw lessons from the recent and not so recent past.Specific themes the journal covers include the following:Individual learning Innovative learning situations, including adaptive systems, intelligent tutoring, conversational and advisory systems Tools to aid learning and tools for studying and modelling learners Cognitive, social, developmental and motivational aspects of how learning comes about Principles of course design for effective learning, authoring tools Self-organised learning and learning to learn Group Activity Informal knowledge exchange networks Participation in on-line discussion Computer supported teamwork projects Collaborative learning processes Peer tutoring and mentoring in computer mediated learning Self assessment and peer assessment in virtual classrooms Interactive video and audio technologies Social and organisational issues Facilitating and managing organisational change Integrating e-learning with other business processes The interface between e-learning and knowledge management Courseware Production processes The use of digital repositories Courseware sharing and reuse Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications:Taylor and Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor and Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever of the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor and Francis.

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ISSN: 0826-4805eISSN: 1573-1790

Interchange, an externally refereed educational quarterly, embraces educational theory, research, analysis, history, philosophy, policy and practices. The journal seeks to foster exchanges among practitioners, policy-makers, and scholars and to provide a forum for comment on issues and trends in education. The journal specializes in frank argumentative articles on the fundamental purposes of education. Its articles typically challenge conventional assumptions about education and higher education and do so from perspectives in philosophy or the social sciences. A special feature is the publishing of responses, and frequently response to responses, in the same issue as the article which provoked them. Its authors are scattered throught the world. All contributions to this journal are peer reviewed.

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Intercultural Education

ISSN: 1467-5986eISSN: 1469-8439

Intercultural Education is published by Taylor & Francis Ltd for the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE).Intercultural Education is a global forum for the analysis of issues dealing with education in plural societies. It provides educational professionals with the knowledge and information that can assist them in contributing to the critical analysis and the implementation of intercultural education. Topics covered include: terminological issues, education and multicultural society today, intercultural communication, human rights and anti-racist education, pluralism and diversity in a democratic frame work, pluralism in post-communist and in post-colonial countries, migration and indigenous minority issues, refugee issues, language policy issues, curriculum and classroom organisation, and school development.Annual membership fee of the IAIE is US$ 70, or EURO 60. Inquiries about IAIE membership should be directed to Barry Van Driel, c/o IAIE, Weidevogellaan 67, 2496 HN Den Haag, the Netherlands. Email: Please visit for further information.Peer Review Statement:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review. All submissions go through initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least one expert in the field. In all cases where there is no clear judgment to publish or reject, a second expert also reviews the article.Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications:Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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