EEC is the only periodical dealing with countryside change in Central and Eastern Europe (countries which underwent a fundamental system transformation after 1989, abandoning socialism for a democratic system based on the free market economy). It presents the process of change in the legislative, organizational, economic, social areas, predicted consequences of these changes. Most of texts are about socio-economic, political, cultural phenomena in the lives rural communities undergoing change.
Economic Geography is an internationally peer-reviewed journal, committed to publishing cutting-edge research that makes theoretical advances to the discipline. Our long-standing specialization is to publish the best theoretically-based empirical articles that deepen the understanding of significant economic geography issues around the world. Owned by Clark University since 1925, Economic Geography actively supports scholarly activities of economic geographers. Economic Geography is published quarterly in January, April, July, and October.
Casopis "Ekonomska istraživanja" izrastao je iz casopisa "Gospodarstvo Istre, uslijed njegovog preoblikovanja i proširivanja tematskih podrucja obuhvata. "Gospodarstvo Istre" svojom je tematikom pokrivalo niz znacajnih gospodarskih problema i aktualnosti svojstvenih istarskog regiji u razdoblju od 1988. do 1997. godine.Uslijed sve zapaženije uloge te istaknutijih potreba za proširivanjem tematskih podrucja, casopis "Gospodarstvo Istre" mijenja naziv u "Ekonomska istraživanja" u okviru kojeg sve znacajnije mjesto pocinju zauzimati radovi koji svojom tematikom pokrivaju znanstvene aktualnosti iz šireg okruženja jugoistocne Europe.Prateci rastuci udio stranih autora, casopis proširuje uredništvo i tim recenzenata kojeg danas sacinjava niz strucnjaka iz relevantnih znanstvenih institucija u zemlji i inozemstvu osiguravajuci na taj nacin održanje kvalitete i prepoznatljivosti casopisa u široj znanstvenoj, gospodarskoj te cjelokupnoj društvenoj javnosti.
Ecosystem Services, associated with the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), is an international, interdisciplinary journal that deals with the science, policy and practice of Ecosystem Services in the following disciplines: ecology and economics, institutions, planning and decision making, economic sectors such as agriculture, forestry and outdoor recreation, and all types of ecosystems.The aims of the journal are:(1) To improve our understanding of the dynamics, benefits and social and economic values of ecosystem services, (2) To provide insight in the consequences of policies and management for ecosystem services with special attention to sustainability issues, (3) To create a scientific interface to policymakers in the field of ecosystem services assessment and practice, and(4) To integrate the fragmented knowledge about ecosystem services, synergies and trade-offs, currently found in a wide field of specialist disciplines and journals.Manuscripts should always address ecosystem services and deal with at least one of the following themes:(a) The link between ecosystem services and social and economic benefits and associated values, including monetary values; i.e. what is the role of ecosystem services in providing and sustaining benefits for humans and how are these benefits and values perceived by public and policy makers? (b) The link between the levels of ecosystem services and economic, environmental and land use policies and practices; i.e. how is (the sustainability of) ecosystem services in natural, agricultural and urban systems affected by these policies and what are the trade-offs in service provision, and subsequent benefits and economic values, between different policy schemes?(c) The link between government and business strategies and the sustainability of ecosystem services, i.e. the use of ecosystem services in PES arrangements, biodiversity-offset programs and multiple service land use planning.Articles may address these topics from different (paradigmatic) perspectives, including basic research, integrated assessment approaches and (ex ante and ex post) policy evaluations. They may be inter-disciplinary or draw from specialized fields within economic, ecological, social and political sciences. Systems addressed may range from natural and semi-natural ecosystems to cultivated systems and urban areas and from local to global scales.Article types:• Original Research Articles (including policy assessments) • Short communications• Review Articles (including policy reviews) • Views and Commentaries• Letters to the Editor• Special issue PapersAudience: academia, governments, non-governmental organisations, business community.
The Empirica publishes empirical and theoretical work on all economic aspects of European Integration. The topics may range from all challenges concerning the deepening of the European Union (Single Market, Lisbon Agenda, EMU) to enlargement and the external relations of the EU (globalisation). This implies studies on the present status of as well as the future trends of the Single Market (competition policy, innovation systems, growth policy aspects addressed by the Lisbon Agenda, labour market and product market reforms, exploring the advancement towards a common social model) and the further development of the EU’s economic order and economic system as well as all problems of economic and social policy. The still incomplete EMU offers many areas of research in particular connected with the asymmetric architecture of its policy (central monetary, de-central – but co-ordinated - economic policy) and with the relationship (and its economic impact) between the 'Euro-ins' and the 'Euro-outs'.
The growingPublished on behalf of the International Energy Initiative, Energy for Sustainable Development is the journal for decision makers, managers, consultants, policy makers, planners and researchers in both government and non-government organizations. It publishes original research and reviews about energy in developing countries, sustainable development, energy resources, technologies, policies and interactions.Energy for Sustainable Development content is also available through HINARI, AGORA AND OARE.The board also wants to promote the publication of articles on, or that are relevant to, energy issues in developing countries and on North-South and South-South cooperation in energy technology development and application. The Board considers the publication of highly specialized work more appropriate to other professional journals. The criteria for acceptance of the papers in Energy for Sustainable Development are therefore quality of the work and its presentation and breadth of interest, irrespective of whether the paper reports research or development, theory or experiment, original work or review.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Environment and History is an interdisciplinary journal which aims to bring scholars in the humanities and biological sciences closer together, with the deliberate intention of constructing long and well-founded perspectives on present day environmental problems.A regular feature of the journal is a section on current activities in environmental history, including the ‘Notepad’ of the European Society for Environmental History. ESEH members also enjoy reduced subscription rates.Articles appearing in Environment and History are abstracted and indexed in America: History and Life, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, British Humanities Index, CAB Abstracts, Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Environment Abstracts, Environmental Policy Abstracts, Forestry Abstracts, Geo Abstracts, Historical Abstracts, History Journals Guide, International Bibliography of Social Sciences, Landscape Research Extra, Referativnyi Zhurnal, Rural Sociology Abstracts, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Sciences in Forestry and World Agricultural Economics.
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design has one of the fastest growing readerships of any journal in the field of urban planning and design.Its goal is the publication of high-quality articles which report leading edge research in the application of formal methods, methods models, and theories to spatial problems which involve the built environment and the spatial structure of cities and regions. The journal also specialises in new approaches to planning and design methods which explore ways of generating and evaluating optimal plans and policies.With recent dramatic developments in computing and networking, the journal has become a forum for major research in the application of computers to planning and design, in particular the use of shape grammars, artificial intelligence, and morphological methods to buildings and towns, the use of multimedia and GIS in urban and regional planning, and the development of ideas concerning the virtual city. These are areas of research that the journal is especially interested in promoting at present but within the general frame work of promoting any new approaches to planning and design which reflect formal methods of inquiry and analysis.The journal also publishes longer length reviews pertaining to topical issues in planning and design, as well as book reviews, comments and letters on articles, together with state-of-the-art reviews of the field.
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science is the leading journal for the publication of high-quality articles that present cutting-edge research in analytical methods for urban planning and design. The journal focuses on smart cities, urban analytics, GIS, and urban simulation models. It also deals with visualisation, computation, and formal design-based methods applicable to morphological processes and structures in cities and regions.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy is a fully refereed journal committed to interdisciplinary research on issues of Government and Policy with an international perspective. The journal is interested in theoretical papers and empirical assessment. It also considers case studies provided that they have a broader international relevance. It is committed to a broad range of policy questions, not just those related to government and public policy. It has had many path-breaking papers on nonstate agents, private-public collaboration, and NGOs (nongovernmental organisations). All areas of economic, social and environmental institutions, and policy are included, as reflected in the broad Editorial Board. Disciplines from which papers are derived are broad and include political science, planning, geography, economics, law, sociology, and public administration. There is a strong presence of papers from North America, Britain, and Europe, but papers from all countries are encouraged. The editors want to keep the journal at the forefront of debate about innovations in public policy backed up by theoretically based or empirical assessment. Occasionally the journal will devote all or part of an issue to a specific theme. Recent themes have covered "Restructuring in central Europe" and "Geography and public administration". The editors are pleased to respond to proposals for papers or themes, subject to the normal standards of independent refereeing.
Environment and Planning D is an interdisciplinary journal that leads internationally in discussions of the relations between Society and Space. Space is broadly conceived: from landscapes of the body to global geographies; from cyberspace to old growth forests; as metaphorical and material; as theoretical construct and empirical fact. Interpretations move across theoretical spectrums, from psychoanalysis to political economy. The journal editors are equally committed to the nitty gritty of practical politics and the abstractions of social theory. We believe that this commitment is best achieved by keeping a balance between, and placing into creative tension, economic, political, and cultural analyses, as well as theoretical discussions and a range of empirical research. The journal is interdisciplinary; in recent years it has drawn papers from the disciplines of geography, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, politics, international relations, english, architecture, planning, history, women's studies, art history, and philosophy. It is international in content, a feature that is actively pursued by an international Editorial Advisory Board. Debate is timely and lively. Recent issues include an exchange between David Harvey and Donna Haraway, as well as collections of essays focused around the themes of Animals and Geography, and Deleuze and Dwelling. A good number of papers published in the journal have had a lasting impact; two recent edited volumes of reprinted articles in Social Geography, and Philosophy and Geography are comprised of papers drawn primarily from Society and Space. Apart from papers and debate, there are editorials and commentaries, many of which are highly cited and a good number later reprinted elsewhere, as well as book reviews and extended review essays.
Aims and scope Environment, Development and Sustainability is an international and multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the environmental impacts of socio-economic development. It is also concerned with the complex interactions which occur between development and environment, and its purpose is to seek ways and means for achieving sustainability in all human activities aimed at such development. The subject matter of the journal includes the following and related issues: -mutual interactions among society, development and environment, and their implications for sustainable development -technical, economic, ethical and philosophical aspects of sustainable development -global sustainability - the obstacles and ways in which they could be overcome -local and regional sustainability initiatives, their practical implementation, and relevance for use in a wider context -development and application of indicators of sustainability -development, verification, implementation and monitoring of policies for sustainable development -sustainable use of land, water, energy and biological resources in development -impacts of agriculture and forestry activities on soil and aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity -effects of energy use and global climate change on development and sustainability -impacts of population growth and human activities on food and other essential resources for development -role of national and international agencies, and of international aid and trade arrangements in sustainable development -social and cultural contexts of sustainable development -role of education and public awareness in sustainable development -role of political and economic instruments in sustainable development -shortcomings of sustainable development and its alternatives. The journal welcomes scientific research papers, , review papers and discussion papers dealing with environmental sustainability issues from such fields as the biological sciences, agriculture, geology, meteorology, energy, food sciences, soil and water sciences, geography, nutrition, physical sciences, politics, economics, law, etc. The journal particularly welcomes papers that highlight more than one dimension of sustainable development.