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European Company and Financial Law Review

ISSN: 1613-2548eISSN: 1613-2556
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European Competition Journal

ISSN: 1744-1056eISSN: 1757-8396

The  European Competition Journal publishes outstanding scholarly articles relating to European competition law and economics. Its mission is to help foster learning and debate about how European competition law and policy can continue to develop in an economically rational way. Articles published in the Journal are subject to rigorous peer review by leading experts from around Europe. Topics include:

  • Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers
  • Enlargement of the Union - the ramifications for Competition Policy
  • Unilateral and Coordinated Effects in Merger Control
  • Modernisation of European Competition law
  • Cartels and Leniency
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European Constitutional Law Review

ISSN: 1574-0196eISSN: 1744-5515
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European Food and Feed Law Review

ISSN: 1862-2720eISSN: 2190-8214
Publisher: Lexxion

European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice

ISSN: 0928-9569eISSN: 1571-8174

Crime, criminal law and criminal justice are more than ever on the political agenda of the European institutions, above all the European Union and the Council of Europe. This is not only because of the increasingly vehement debate on transnational crime problems in the individual Member States, but also as a consequence of the widening of the European Union and the drafting of an European Constitution, and last but not least because of the threat of terrorism.

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European Journal of Criminology

ISSN: 1477-3708eISSN: 1741-2609

The European Journal of Criminology is a refereed journal published by SAGE publications and the European Society of Criminology. It provides a forum for research and scholarship on crime and criminal justice institutions. The journal published high quality articles using varied approaches, including discussion of theory, analysis of quantitative data, comparative studies, systematic evaluation of interventions, and study of institutions of political process.

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European Journal of Health Law

ISSN: 0929-0273eISSN: 1571-8093

The European Journal of Health Law focuses on the development of health law in Europe: national, comparative and international. The exchange of views between health lawyers in Europe is encouraged. The Journal publishes information on the activities of European and other international organizations in the field of health law. Discussions about ethical questions with legal implications are welcome. National legislation, court decisions and other relevant national material with international implications are also dealt with.

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European Journal of International Law

ISSN: 0938-5428eISSN: 1464-3596

The most lively and interesting journal in the field of general international law, certainly in Europe, possibly anywhere.'Professor James CrawfordUniversity of CambridgeThe European Journal of International Law is firmly established as one of the world's leading journals in its field. With its distinctive combination of theoretical and practical approaches to the issues of international law, the journal offers readers a unique opportunity to stay in touch with the latest developments in this rapidly evolving area.Each issue of the EJIL provides a forum for the exploration of the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of international law as well as for up-to-date analysis of topical issues.Additionally, it is the only journal to provide systematic coverage of the relationship between international law and the law of the European Union and its Member States.

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European Journal of Law and Economics

ISSN: 0929-1261eISSN: 1572-9990

European Journal of Law and Economics has been accepted for Social Sciences Citation Index and will first appear with an Impact Factor in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), published in June 2011. The European Journal of Law and Economics provides readers with high quality and empirical research in law and economics. The Journal publishes analytical studies on the impact of legal interventions into economic processes by legislators, courts and regulatory agencies. There is an emphasis on European Community law and the comparative analysis of legal structures and legal problem solutions in member states of the European Community. The editors are particularly interested in papers discussing the institutional (and) legal prerequisites for efficient market operation both in the European Community and in the new European market economies. Case studies are welcome, as are the analyses of proposed legislation and court cases. The Journal also publishes literature surveys, review articles, and book reviews and

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European Journal of Legal Studies

ISSN: 1973-2937eISSN: 1973-2937
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European Journal of Migration and Law

ISSN: 1388-364XeISSN: 1571-8166
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European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context

ISSN: 1889-1861eISSN: 1989-4007
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, the official journal of the Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense [Spanish Society of Forensic Psychology] and the Asociación Iberoamericana de Justicia Terapéutica [Latin-American Association of Therapeutic Jurisprudence], publishes empirical articles and meta-analytic reviews of topics dealing with psychology and law (e.g., legal decision making, eyewitness). Papers addressing both the inquisitorial and the adversarial legal systems will be welcome as well as papers based on concrete laws of a European or Latin-American country. Neither the Editors nor the Publishers will accept responsibility for the views or statements expressed by the authors. The journal is aimed at researchers, academics and professionals in Psychology, Law, Social Work, Forensic Sciences, Educators and, in general, people related with Social Sciences and the Law.

The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, Revista Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense y de la Asociación Iberoamericana de Justicia Terapéutica, publica artículos empíricos y revisiones meta-analíticas que abordan temáticas relacionadas con la psicología y la ley (por ejemplo, procesos de decisión judicial, testigos). Serán aceptados los trabajos que traten sobre ambos sistemas legales, el inquisitorial y el acusatorio, así como aquellos que versen sobre leyes concretas de un determinado país europeo o latinoamericano. Ni la publicación ni los editores se hacen responsables de las opiniones y manifestaciones expuestas por los autores. La Revista está dirigida a investigadores, académicos y profesionales de la Psicología, Derecho, Trabajo Social, Ciencias Forenses, Educadores y, en general, a aquellas personas relacionadas con las Ciencias Sociales.

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European Journal of Risk Regulation

ISSN: 1867-299XeISSN: 2190-8249
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European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research

ISSN: 0928-1371eISSN: 1572-9869

The European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research monitors crime trends in today’s enlarged Europe and beyond. The focus of its peer-reviewed coverage is on understanding crime in different geographical and socio-economic contexts, on presenting innovative crime prevention policies and practices, and on following legislative and institutional change. Discussion includes the trade-off between security and rights and ways to optimize the effectiveness of criminal justice systems with respect to human and civil rights. Recognizing that criminal justice systems are not the only method for dealing with crime, the journal also devotes attention to alternative policies and practices. Its four annual issues include two thematic issues and two that are open to various contributions.

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European Law Journal: Review of European Law in Context

ISSN: 1351-5993eISSN: 1468-0386

The European Law Journal represents an authoritative new approach to the study of European Law, developed specifically to express and develop the study and understanding of European law in its social, cultural, political and economic context. It has a highly reputed board of editors. The journal fills a major gap in the current literature on all issues of European law, and is essential reading for anyone studying or practising EU law and its diverse impact on the environment, national legal systems, local government, economic organizations, and European citizens. As well as focusing on the European Union, the journal also examines the national legal systems of countries in Western, The European Law Journal represents an authoritative new approach to the study of European Law, developed specifically to express and develop the study and understanding of European law in its social, cultural, political and economic context. It has a highly reputed board of editors. The journal fills a major gap in the current literature on all issues of European law, and is essential reading for anyone studying or practising EU law and its diverse impact on the environment, national legal systems, local government, economic organizations, and European citizens.As well as focusing on the European Union, the journal also examines the national legal systems of countries in Western, Central and Eastern Europe and relations between Europe and other parts of the world, particularly the United States, Japan, China, and developing countries.The journal is published in English but is dedicated to publishing native language articles and has a dedicated translation fund available for this purpose. It is a refereed journal.The future of the European Union is now on the agenda. European Union law is in a phase of transformation, affecting national legal systems, various levels of government, organisations, interest groups and men and women in a fundamental way. Substantial changes are bound to follow in teaching, research and practice. European Law Journal is a forum for the debate on these issues.Subscribe to European Law Journal for the latest research on: The evolving norms of constitutionalism The legal construction of a wider Europe Law, Civil Society and Transnational Economic Governance Open Method of Coordination European law in its social, cultural, political and economic contexts. The emerging legal framework and polity of the European Union. The relation between law, politics and legitimacy. The regulatory framework of the European economy. New types of social regulation concerning social law, consumer protection, gender, and the environment.

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European Law Review

ISSN: 0307-5400

European Public Law

ISSN: 1354-3725
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European Review of Private Law

ISSN: 0928-9801
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Family Court Review

ISSN: 1531-2445eISSN: 1744-1617
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Family Law Quarterly

ISSN: 0014-729X