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International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

ISSN: 1567-9764eISSN: 1573-1553

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal that focuses on the theoretical, methodological and practical dimensions of cooperative solutions to international environmental problems. The journal explores both formal legal agreements such as multilateral treaties, and less formal cooperative mechanisms such as ministerial declarations and producer-consumer agreements. The journal's scope encompasses a wide range of environmental and natural resource issues, including biosafety, biodiversity loss, climate change, desertification, forest conservation, ozone depletion, transboundary pollutant flows, and the management of marine and fresh-water resources. The journal provides a forum on the role of political, economic, and legal considerations in the negotiation and implementation of effective governance strategies.

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International Human Rights Law Review

ISSN: 2213-1027eISSN: 2213-1035
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International Humanitarian Law Series

ISSN: 1389-6776
Publisher: BRILL

International Insolvency Review

ISSN: 1180-0518eISSN: 1099-1107

International Insolvency Review has a dual mission which is conveniently encapsulated in its title. Insolvency itself, as a subject of unquestioned - indeed, increasing - importance properly commands international interest as an area of study and critical comment. Practitioners and academics alike are aware of the global affinities that exist between the essential circumstances of insolvency, its functional aspects, and the impact of these elements upon the ways in which debtor-creditor relations are conducted. Solutions and innovations developed within one jurisdiction thus have immediate interest and relevance for those working elsewhere. The challenge is constantly experienced of finding appropriate ways of adapting new methods and processes into the different structures of other systems confronted by functionally similar problems. This Review exists in part to serve as a medium for the dissemination of information about recent or impending developments in insolvency law and practice which are likely to be of international interest or significance, and to serve as an archival source for the related documentation. The second connotation of our chosen title however is a direct reflection of the fact that many cases of insolvency actually contain an international - or cross-border - element, whether by virtue of the dispersal of creditors, or assets, between two or more different jurisdictions, or by virtue of the fact that the debtor's affairs and circumstances, or the legal structure of certain transactions, generate questions of a multi-jurisdictional character. In an age of increasing international activity at every level, instances of cross-border insolvency are also on the increase, and their specially complex problems are perforce coming to the attention of a steadily widening community of scholars and practitioners, and also legislators and regulators - indeed all who are in some way concerned with the phenomenon of insolvency and feel called to address its profound and abiding challenges in the most appropriate and resourceful ways currently conceivable. The cross-border aspects of insolvency therefore feature prominently in the pages of this Review. Our principal aims are therefore to provide authoritative information and comment about major issues and developments in the field of insolvency, viewed in an international perspective. The Review is a refereed journal, published thrice yearly, in which every item has been subjected to a rigorous evaluation by the Editor working in conjunction with the members of the Editorial Board. The Board consists of some twenty members, each of whom is a distinguished academic, judge or practitioner having an established international reputation in the field of insolvency, with particular emphasis on its cross-border and comparative dimensions. The contents of each Issue include scholarly articles providing an authoritative treatment of topics of current interest and concern to its international readership. Other features can include case comments, book reviews and notices, special communications and editorial intelligence regarding significant developments. English translations of important new legislation or conventions applicable to international insolvency are published in the Documentation section. Professor Ian F. Fletcher.

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International Journal for Court Administration

ISSN: 2156-7964
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International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy

ISSN: 2202-7998eISSN: 2202-8005
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International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique

ISSN: 0952-8059eISSN: 1572-8722

The International Journal for the Semiotics of Law is an independent entity and the leading international journal in legal semiotics The Journal was first published in 1987. The International Journal for the Semiotics of Law welcomes submissions, in English or in French, which include semiotic analyses of the law. Submissions to The International Journal for the Semiotics of Law should ideally critique, apply or otherwise engage with semiotics or related theory and models of analyses, or with rhetoric, history of political and legal discourses, philosophy of language, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, deconstruction and all types of semiotics analyses including visual semiotics. Submissions which reflect on legal philosophy or legal theory in general, hermeneutics, the relation between psychoanalysis and language, the relation between law and literature, as well as the relation between law and aesthetics, will also be considered. The journal has a long standing association with the International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law (IRSL) and publishes an annual special issue dedicated to the Roundtable. It will also consider proposals for one other special issue per annum. All inquiries relating to special issues should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief. Guidelines for Special Issue submissions are available on our website.

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International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations

ISSN: 0952-617X
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International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice

ISSN: 0192-4036eISSN: 2157-6475

The International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice (IJCACJ) publishes work on criminal justice using a range of theoretical methodologies and approaches, focuses on applied research, and adopts an explicitly comparative or international approach. Work published in IJCACJ draws on insights from Economics, Sociology, Criminology, Geography, and Organization and Management Studies, applied to a Criminal Justice context.  

IJCACJ publishes work about and from countries in all parts of the world, and has so far included contributions from over 80 countries and five continents, including comparative work theory testing models developed outside of Western democracies and criminal justice systems.

The Journal publishes research articles, country profiles (providing an overview of criminal justice administrative systems in individual countries), reviews and commentaries on significant books or current issues, as well as regular special issues to highlight important areas of new and emerging crimes and strategies for crime prevention approaches and projects. Past and forthcoming special issues include:
  • Environmental and Natural Resource Crime,
  • Product Counterfeiting and Crime Prevention,
  • Methodological Challenges in International and Comparative Criminology,
  • Crime and Justice – The Roma People,
  • Wildlife crime and Enforcement,
  • Human and Sex Trafficking,
  • Violence against Women,
  • Country specific coverage such as Japan, Taiwan, etc.,
  • Comparative Criminology in the Era of Neoliberal Globalization.

IJCACJ today is one of the best-known, most widely-read, international criminal justice journals. It is the official journal of the American Society for Criminology’s Division of International Criminology, and all members of the Division receive access to the Journal. IJCACJ is published quarterly from Michigan State University’s School of Criminal Justice.

All research articles published in this journal have been subject to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double-blind peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.


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International Journal of Conflict and Violence

ISSN: 1864-1385eISSN: 1864-1385

The IJCV is a forum for scientific exchange and public dissemination of up-to-date scientific knowledge on conflict and violence. The IJCV is peer reviewed, open access and included in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI).The subjects on which we concentrate—conflict and violence—have always been a concern in many areas of academic life. Consequently, the journal encompasses contributions from a wide range of disciplines including sociology, political science, education, social psychology, criminology, ethnology, history, political philosophy, urban studies, economics, and the study of religions.The IJCV is published twice a year, in spring and in autumn. In order to promote debate on questions that often tend to be unfairly marginalized, each issue begins with a focus section featuring contributions addressing a selected field of topical interest. Examples are given below. These subjects are announced in advance on our website and in calls for papers. Each issue of the journal also contains an open section to provide a platform for general contributions on conflict and violence. Identical criteria of scientific eligibility apply to both sections.The topics we address will include e. g.:*terrorism*anti-semitism*hate crimes*prejudice*discrimination*human rights*the exercise and experience of violence*inter-group violence*conflicts over religious symbols* women and violence*violence against the aged*youth violence*language conflicts*ethnic wars*conflict mediation*evaluation of anti-violence programsContributions should include empirical findings and/or advances in theory.While the findings published in the IJCV are mainly generated by researchers, the journal’s target readership also includes other interested members of civil society and state and government institutions.Dissemination of knowledge is undergoing rapid change, and the inadequacies of conventional printed media for communication within the scientific community and beyond its borders are rapidly becoming apparent. Conventional printing and distribution of a journal consumes scarce financial and human resources and restricts access to subscribers only. We believe that open access electronic publication is the best response to the demand for swift, open, and free dissemination of knowledge as a common good.Though originating from Europe, IJCV’s scope is global. In a polyglot world, language barriers are serious obstacles to communication. Until now, many non-English speaking authors in the field of conflict and violence research—despite closely following the international publications and often studying similar phenomena in different national settings—have been unable to convey their own findings to the international scientific community and have been confined to national readerships. We wish to give our forum the widest possible impact and accessibility so, recognizing that English has become the medium of international communication in almost all humanities and sciences, we publish articles in English only. We will—within our available means—provide editing and translation assistance for qualified contributions, in order to avoid putting at a disadvantage those who are not native speakers of English. Please contact the editors for details.

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International Journal of Constitutional Law

ISSN: 1474-2640eISSN: 1474-2659
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International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences

eISSN: 0973-5089
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International Journal of Cyber Criminology

ISSN: 0974-2891
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International Journal of Discrimination and the Law

ISSN: 1358-2291eISSN: 2047-9468

The International Journal of Discrimination and the Law encompasses wide range of areas of discrimination including racism and sex discrimination, the treatment of asylum-seekers and refugees, issues of immigration and nationality, discrimination on grounds disability, sexual or political orientation, age and ill-health, in relation to access to employment, housing, education and other services. The provisions and operation of anti-discrimination law and problems with existing provisions and procedures are critically examined. Reviews of recent literature and decisions from a number of jurisdictions and reports and advance information on major conferences are regularly published.

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International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics

ISSN: 1751-911XeISSN: 1751-9128
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International Journal of Intellectual Property Management

ISSN: 1478-9647eISSN: 1478-9655
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International Journal of Law and Information Technology

ISSN: 0967-0769eISSN: 1464-3693

The International Journal of Law and Information Technology provides cutting-edge and comprehensive analysis of Information Technology, Communications and Cyberspace law as well as the issues arising from applying Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to legal practice. International in scope, this journal has become essential for legal and computing professionals and legal scholars of the law related to IT.

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International Journal of Law and Management

ISSN: 1754-243XeISSN: 1754-2448

Seeking to present the latest research on policy, practice and theoretical perspectives and their impact on the development and leadership of organisations.

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry

ISSN: 0160-2527

The International Journal of Law and Psychiatry is intended to provide a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and information among professionals concerned with the interface of law and psychiatry. There is a growing awareness of the need for exploring the fundamental goals of both the legal and psychiatric systems and the social implications of their interaction. The journal seeks to enhance understanding and cooperation in the field through the varied approaches represented, not only by law and psychiatry, but also by the social sciences and related disciplines. The Editors and Publisher wish to encourage a dialogue among the experts from different countries whose diverse legal cultures afford interesting and challenging alternatives to existing theories and practices. Priority will therefore be given to articles which are oriented to a comparative or international perspective. The journal will publish significant conceptual contributions on contemporary issues as well as serve in the rapid dissemination of important and relevant research findings.The International Journal of Law and Psychiatry is published bimonthly in English; wherever possible, translated articles are accompanied by an abstract in the original language. The views expressed in this journal do not necessarily reflect those of the editors.Related Publications:Forensic Science International Medicine of Clinical Forensic Medicine Science/Medicine and Legal Medicine Package recently published books in this area please visit to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice

ISSN: 1756-0616eISSN: 1876-763X

The International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice is a refereed journal for high quality research and analysis in the areas of socio-legal studies and the psychology of law, criminology and social justice studies. The Journal invites papers based on empirical research, theoretical analysis and debate, and policy analysis and critique. Papers should be between 7000-10,000 words in length, although shorter papers relating to policy analysis and debate will be considered. The peer review process and decision on publication will normally be completed within 90 days of receipt of submissions. The Editors also welcome proposals for Special Issues and Guest Editorships.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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