Stability helps to connect policymakers, practitioners, academics and others with timely, peer-reviewed research on a wide range of issues related to stabilization, peacekeeping, state building, crime and violence prevention, development cooperation and humanitarian action. All articles, commentaries and practice notes published by Stability are freely accessible and widely disseminated in academic, policy and practitioner networks. Stability is dedicated to providing a vehicle for academics and researchers based in fragile, failed and conflict-affected states (FFCAS) to publish their work.
Stability is the flagship publication of the Centre for Security Governance (CSG), a non-profit think tank dedicated to the study of security and governance transitions in FFCAS. Based in Canada, the CSG maintains a global, multi-disciplinary network of researchers, practitioners and academics engaged in international security and development issues. The CSG’s core mission is to enhance the efficacy of donor assistance and support to FFCAS through world-class research.
Stability not only features evidence-based research and analysis but also promotes a more timely and responsive model of publishing – one which ensures that individuals in violence-affected and transitional contexts have an opportunity not only to read our content but also to submit articles for consideration by our expert pool of peer reviewers. For more information regarding Stability, visit the ABOUT page.
The principal objectives of the Review are to provide a vehicle for the consideration of the legislative process, the use of legislation as an instrument of public policy and of the drafting and interpretation of legislation. The Review, which was first established in 1980, is the only journal of its kind within the Commonwealth. It is of particular value to lawyers in both private practice and in public service, and to academics, both lawyers and political scientists, who write and teach within the field of legislation.
Studia Islamica offers to the learned public, and not to Islamic scholars only, papers written by qualified specialists on subjects from all sections of the vast field of Islamic studies. Special attention is paid to discussions of method to comprehensive views, and to new conclusions.
Studies in East European Thought provides a forum for Western-language writings on philosophy and philosophers who identify with the history and cultures of East and Central Europe, including Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic States. The contents include descriptive, critical, comparative, and historical studies of individuals, schools, currents, and institutions whose work and influence are widely regarded in their own environments to be philosophical or provide insight into the socio-cultural conditions of philosophical life in Eastern Europe. Coverage includes concepts of the social, the cultural and the political, following the demise of Marxism-Leninism; foundational questions in metaphysics and epistemology; the standing of ‘culture theory’ (e.g., Russian ‘kul’turologija’); the reception of Western theories and methods as well as intellectual traditions; the reassessment of ‘local’ intellectual traditions; ethics, moral theory, theology and religious studies, and much more.
Telematics and Informatics is an interdisciplinary journal examining the social, economic, political and cultural impacts and challenges of information and communication technologies. Current technologies and issues of interest include — but are not limited to — e-commerce and e–governance, the WWW, the 2.0 paradigm, regulation of digital technologies, social networking, special user groups, mobile and wireless communications, peer-to-peer learning, green computing, alternative community networks, ICT for sustainable development, globalization and security, management and policymaking, advertising and the internet, use of ICT in healthcare and education. In addition to full Research Papers, the journal publishes Topic Discussion papers, Ongoing Research papers, dealing with work in progress, and Review essays.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com