AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society publishes peer-reviewed scientific and technical papers suggesting new solutions to providing sustainable water supply. The journal covers research and development in both water technology and management. New opportunities are explored in the area of water supply such as reclaimed water supply, grey water supply, rainwater harvesting etc.
AJAR is an online Open Access peer-reviewed journal for all kinds of design research and scholarly research within the architectural field, and has been set up by the Architectural Research European Network Association (ARENA) network. It welcomes the submission of essays by doctoral students and younger researchers as well as by established architects and academics. Content for the journal is organised under 4 sections: Design, Technology, Practice, Humanities.
The Journal of Applied Psychology® emphasizes the publication of original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to fields of applied psychology (other than clinical and applied experimental or human factors, which are more appropriate for other American Psychological Association journals). The journal primarily considers empirical and theoretical investigations that enhance understanding of cognitive, motivational, affective, and behavioral psychological phenomena. Those psychological phenomena can be at one or multiple levels—individuals, groups, organizations, or cultures; in work settings such as business, education, training, health, service, government, or military institutions; and in the public or private sector, for-profit or nonprofit. The journal publishes several types of articles: Theoretically driven and rigorously conducted empirical investigations that extend conceptual understanding (original investigations or meta-analyses); Theory development that synthesizes literature and creates new theory of psychological phenomena that will stimulate novel research (not extended literature reviews that do not advance theory); Descriptive research on applied psychological phenomena lacking basic knowledge in the literature that will provide a foundation for building new knowledge and theory (such studies should be directed at providing novel data on important and unknown phenomena, e.g., time frames for team development or socialization; dynamics of affect, performance, or other behaviors; discovery and documentation of new, important, and meaningful phenomena); and Rigorously conducted qualitative research on phenomena that are difficult to capture with quantitative methods.
ARPHA Conference Abstracts (ACA) is an innovative open access, peer reviewed, human- and machine-readable journal-style platform designed to assist conference organisers and participants in submission, peer review, editorial management, production, publication and dissemination of conference abstracts in any field of science. The whole process takes place within a single online collaborative environment: ARPHA Writing Tool. Thus, ACA is recommended as a convenient abstract-submission portal to serve as such as soon as a conference’s call for abstracts is opened.
ARPHA Proceedings is a novel, open access, human- and machine-readable platform designed to assist conference organisers in authoring, submission, peer review, editorial management, publication and dissemination of conference proceedings in any field of science, published with DOI in semantic HTML, XML and PDF.
ARPHA Proceedings allows for innovative publication of extended proceedings that may include figures, citations and data. Video recordings, posters and presentations can be uploaded in bulk after the conference.
ARPHA Proceedings is supported by the ARPHA journal publishing platform, which is the first workflow to support the full life cycle of a manuscript, from writing through submission, peer review, publication, dissemination and archiving within a single online collaborative environment.
The Ars mission is: (1) To qualify Brazilian cultural and artistic production in general; (2) To provide a privileged arena for the debate and exchange of knowledge, to both beginners and distinguished artists, art teachers and researchers, working in Brazil or abroad; (3) To bring about a locus of mutual criticism and strenghtening for both the academic and the artistic and cultural milieu, thus stimulating the University towards an assertive role in Brazilian society; (4) To pursue the level of academic excellence in the artistic, cultural and cientific areas of research; (5) To stimulate the dialogue between the visual arts and other cultural and scientific areas and (6). To build a public interested in the specific areas of art and culture, a task still to be consolidated in the Brazilian context.
ARTMargins publishes scholarly articles and essays about contemporary art, media, architecture, and critical theory. ARTMargins studies art practices and visual culture in the emerging global margins, from North Africa and the Middle East to the Americas, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia and Australasia. The journal seeks a forum for scholars, theoreticians, and critics from a variety of disciplines who are interested in postmodernism and post-colonialism, and their critiques; art and politics in transitional countries and regions; post-socialism and neo-liberalism; and the problem of global art and global art history and its methodologies.
ASAIO Journal is the primary source for timely and authoritative updates in the field of bionic technologies research and development. In the forefront of the field, ASAIO Journal highlights state-of-the-art investigations in biological, tissue, and genetic engineering and other biometric substitutes, laboratory and clinical trials, as well as discussion and opinions from experts around the world. Cardiovascular surgeons, transplant physicians, nephrologists, and biomedical engineers look to the ASAIO Journal for the very latest research and upcoming developments in the field.Published BimonthlyWebsite:
ASCE OPEN is a gold open access, multidisciplinary civil engineering journal that presents an all-encompassing civil engineering perspective on the built and natural environment. ASCE OPEN accepts submissions from across all disciplines of civil engineering and is particularly interested in original interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, or convergence research. Authors are encouraged to submit research that advances practical solutions to global grand challenges, including resilient and sustainable infrastructure, alternative energy sources, clean water and water security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, interdependence between infrastructure sectors, cutting-edge technology applications, and cybersecurity.
System selection is crucial to the proper operation of chilled water plants. This article is the first in a series by Steve Taylor, P.E. The series is based on the research used to support a new ASHRAE Self-Directed Learning Course. A technology award winning article explains how a Hawaiian resort’s central plant heat rejection system remodel resulted in energy savings of $1.58 million. Also: selecting fans to save energy, high risk walls, and Equinox House performance.
The ASIANetwork Exchange is a peer-reviewed publication, catering primarily to faculty appointed in liberal arts institutions with programs in Asian Studies. The ASIANetwork Exchange seeks to publish current research, as well as high-quality pedagogical essays written by specialists and non-specialists alike. We are particularly interested in publishing articles, book and media reviews that address the needs of the undergraduate classroom.
ASM Case Reports, ASM's newest fully open-access journal, will serve as a dedicated platform for the highest quality case reports in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases and provide a home for research on emerging diseases. The journal will offer a glimpse into new diseases, intricate disease progressions, the nuanced actions and effects of pharmaceuticals and the uncharted territories of outbreaks. ASM Case Reports is launching in mid-2024 with the first papers publishing by early 2025.
ASN Neuro is an open access, peer-reviewed journal uniquely positioned to provide investigators with the most recent advances across the breadth of the cellular and molecular neurosciences. The official journal of the American Society for Neurochemistry, ASN Neuro is dedicated to the promotion, support, and facilitation of communication among cellular and molecular neuroscientists of all specializations. The open access platform and comprehensive scope of the journal allow for rapid dissemination of current research across disciplines to contribute to a complete approach to issues pertaining to the nervous system. High-quality research articles and reviews in such areas as neurochemistry and biology, neurogenetics, glial cells and function, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration and repair, neuroimmunity, signaling, and other neuro- or glial-related topics are encouraged for submission. There is no charge for submitting a paper to ASN Neuro. Upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will be charged a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC). This fee covers the cost of publication and ensures that your article will be freely available.
ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies is the only authoritative, peer-reviewed journal that provides early-stage screening techniques and tools that enable you to optimize and identify novel leads and targets for new drug development.Each issue includes: Assay design and target development High throughput technologies and chemistry Technology reviews Lab automation and sample management Data analysis and information management Bioinformatics, data mining, and virtual screening Biosensors and detection technologies Miniaturization, microfluidics, and nanotechnology Novel screening methods with high information content Metabolically engineered cells and organisms Imaging technologies for live cells, tissues, and small animals.
AStA - Advances in Statistical Analysis, a journal of the German Statistical Society, is published quarterly and presents original contributions on statistical methods and applications and review articles.AStA - Advances in Statistical Analysis has three designated sections: Statistical Applications:The Statistical Application section provides a forum for innovative use of statistical modeling and analysis techniques in a wide range of application areas. Traditionally, economic and social science are at home at AStA, but submissions with other fields of application such as technology, engineering or ecology are also strongly encouraged. Statistical Methodology:The Statistical Methodology section publishes original articles on statistical theory and methodological developments. The contributions should provide novel material. Articles on probability or formal methods are welcome if they take a statistical or practical problem as a starting point. Statistical Reviews:The Statistical Review section welcomes
Das Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistische Archiv ist eine Zeitschrift der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft. Sie versteht sich als zentrales deutschsprachiges Organ für die Publikation wirtschafts- und sozialstatistischer Arbeiten. Diese behandeln substantielle Fragestellungen der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften mit einer Methodik, die Konzepte der klassischen Wirtschaftsstatistik mit modernen mathematisch geprägten statistischen Ansätzen verbindet. Publiziert werden methodisch fundierte, problem-orientierte Arbeiten. Im Vordergrund stehen Themen, die für eine breitere wissenschaftliche und auch außerwissenschaftliche Öffentlichkeit von Interesse sind. Nicht das mathematische Niveau ist für die Qualität einer Arbeit ausschlaggebend, sondern Originalität, substanzwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinn sowie die ökonomische oder gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Relevanz. Dies setzt nicht zwingend einen hohen Grad mathematischer Abstraktion voraus. Andererseits kann eine konkrete praktische Fragestellung schnell auf ein vergleichsweise hohes mathematisches Niveau führen. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Lesbarkeit der publizierten Beiträge gelegt. Das Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistische Archiv will die Lücke schließen zwischen der Vielzahl rein methodisch orientierter meist englischsprachiger statistischer Fachzeitschriften und der allgemeinen deutschsprachigen Presse, insbesondere der Wirtschaftspresse. Publiziert werden Aufsätze,
• die statistische Probleme aus dem Bereich von Volks- und Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere der Finanzwirtschaft, sowie aus dem Bereich der Sozialwissenschaften behandeln, • die wissenschaftliche Analysen von wirtschafts-, sozial- und bevölkerungsstatistischen Problemen liefern, • in denen politische, institutionelle oder organisatorische Aspekte oder Qualitätsstandards der öffentlichen Statistik erörtert werden, • in denen, die Rolle der Statistik in der Gesellschaft thematisiert wird, • welche die Beziehungen zwischen Produzenten, Nutzern und Auskunft-gebenden einer Statistik untersuchen, • die ethische Fragen der Statistik sowie Probleme des Datenschutzes behandeln, • in denen Fragen diskutiert werden, welche den Berufsstand der Statistiker betreffen, insbesondere solche der statistischen Ausbildung, • die einen Überblick bieten über den Forschungsstand in Teilgebieten der Statistik, • die offene Fragen der statistisch-methodischen Forschung aufwerfen. Ziel des Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistischen Archivs ist es, ein wissenschaftliches Forum zu schaffen, das der gewachsenen gesellschaftlichen und politischen Bedeutung der Statistik angemessen Ausdruck verleiht.Offiziell zitiert als: AStA Wirtsch Sozialstat ArchSince 1965 Abacus has consistently provided a vehicle for the expression of independent and critical thought on matters of current academic and professional interest in accounting, finance and business. The journal reports current research; critically evaluates current developments in theory and practice; analyses the effects of the regulatory framework of accounting, finance and business; and explores alternatives to, and explanations of, past and current practices.
This journal offers authors an open access option called OnlineOpen, to have their article immediately freely available to everyone, including those who don’t subscribe. To cover the cost of publishing OnlineOpen, authors pay an article publication charge (APC). The APC for this journal can be found on Wiley’s OnlineOpen Pricing page.
Payment must be received for the article to be made open access. Some organizations pay APCs for their authors via a Wiley Open Access Account.