This bimonthly journal has a 30-year history of publishing, first as the Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences, and later as the Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology. It publishes original research articles, reviews, and commentaries, focussing on the application of physiology, nutrition, and metabolism to the study of human health, physical activity, and fitness. The published research, reviews, and symposia will be of interest to exercise physiologists, physical fitness and exercise rehabilitation specialists, public health and health care professionals, as well as basic and applied physiologists, nutritionists, and biochemists.
Published since 1929, this bimonthly journal explores every aspect of general biochemistry and includes up-to-date coverage of experimental research into cellular and molecular biology, as well as review articles on topics of current interest and notes contributed by recognized international experts. Special issues each year are dedicated to expanding new areas of research in biochemistry and cell biology.
Published since 1963, this monthly journal features articles, notes, and discussions related to new developments in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, and applied sciences. The topics of papers written by researchers and engineers/scientists active in industry include soil and rock mechanics, material properties and fundamental behaviour, site characterization, foundations, excavations, tunnels, dams and embankments, slopes, landslides, geological and rock engineering, ground improvement, hydrogeology and contaminant hydrogeology, geochemistry, waste management, geosynthetics, offshore engineering, ice, frozen ground and northern engineering, risk and reliability applications, and physical and numerical modelling. Contributions that have practical relevance are preferred, including case records. Purely theoretical contributions are not generally published unless they are on a topic of special interest (like unsaturated soil mechanics or cold regions geotechnics) or they have direct practical value.
The Canadian Journal of Animal Science is an international peer-reviewed journal edited by the Canadian Society of Animal Science.The Journal publishes original research on all aspects of domestic livestock and their by-products. It includes sections on: breeding and genetics; cellular and molecular biology; growth and development; meat science; modelling animal systems; physiology and endocrinology; ruminant nutrition; non-ruminant nutrition; and welfare, behaviour and management.Reviews, letters to the editor, abstracts of technical papers presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Animal Science and conference proceedings may also be published, subject to the approval of the Editor. Contributions are published in English or French with abstracts in both languages. A page charge is payable on publication.Other AIC publications: Canadian Journal of Plant Science, Canadian Journal of Soil Science.
Published since 1929, this monthly journal reports current research findings in all branches of chemistry. It includes the traditional areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical-theoretical chemistry and newer interdisciplinary areas such as materials science, spectroscopy, chemical physics, and biological, medicinal and environmental chemistry. Articles describing original research are welcomed
Published since 1974, this monthly publication is the official journal of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. It contains articles on environmental engineering, hydrotechnical engineering, structure engineering, construction engineering, engineering mechanics, and engineering materials, and a history of civil engineering. Contributors include recognized researchers and practitioners in industry, government, and academe. New developments in engineering design and construction are also featured.
Published since 1964, this monthly journal reports current research in climate and environmental geoscience; geoarchaeology and forensic geoscience; geochronology and geochemistry; geophysics; GIS and geomatics; hydrology; mineralogy and petrology; mining and engineering geology; ore deposits and economic geology; paleontology, petroleum geology and basin analysis; physical geography and Quaternary geoscience; planetary geoscience; sedimentology and stratigraphy; soil sciences; and structural geology and tectonics. It also publishes special issues that focus on information and studies about a particular segment of earth sciences.
Published since 1901 (under various titles), this monthly journal is the primary publishing vehicle for the multidisciplinary field of aquatic sciences. It publishes perspectives (syntheses, critiques, and re-evaluations), discussions (comments and replies), articles, and rapid communications, relating to current research on cells, organisms, populations, ecosystems, or processes that affect aquatic systems. The journal seeks to amplify, modify, question, or redirect accumulated knowledge in the field of fisheries and aquatic science. For primary biodiversity data authors are strongly encouraged to place all species distribution records in a publicly accessible database such as the national Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) nodes ( or data centres endorsed by GBIF, including BioFresh ( for freshwater data.
Published since 1971, this monthly journal features articles, reviews, notes and concept papers on a broad spectrum of forest sciences, including biometrics, conservation, disturbances, ecology, economics, entomology, genetics, hydrology, management, nutrient cycling, pathology, physiology, remote sensing, silviculture, social sciences, soils, stand dynamics, and wood science, all in relation to the understanding or management of ecosystem services. It also publishes special issues dedicated to a topic of current interest.
Published since 1954, this monthly journal contains new research in the field of microbiology, including applied microbiology and biotechnology; microbial structure and function; fungi and other eucaryotic protists; infection and immunity; microbial ecology; physiology, metabolism and enzymology; and virology, genetics, and molecular biology. It also publishes review articles and notes on an occasional basis, contributed by recognized scientists worldwide.
Published since 1951, this monthly journal reports significant advances in research in physics, including atomic and molecular physics; condensed matter; elementary particles and fields; nuclear physics; gases, fluid dynamics, and plasmas; electromagnetism and optics; mathematical physics; interdisciplinary, classical, and applied physics; relativity and cosmology; physics education research; statistical mechanics and thermodynamics; quantum physics and quantum computing; gravitation and string theory; biophysics; aeronomy and space physics; and astrophysics. It publishes research articles, rapid communications, and review articles contributed by recognized experts in Canada and abroad. It also publishes special issues dedicated to current research in a particular area of physics.
Published since 1929, this monthly journal reports current research in all aspects of physiology, nutrition, pharmacology, and toxicology, contributed by recognized experts and scientists. It publishes symposium reviews and award lectures and occasionally dedicates entire issues or portions of issues to subjects of special interest to its international readership. The journal periodically publishes a “Made In Canada” special section that features invited review articles from internationally recognized scientists who have received some of their training in Canada.
This bimonthly publication reports peer-reviewed research in all aspects of plant science, including agronomy (grains, forages, industrial and alternative crops), horticulture (fruits, vegetables, ornamentals), and pest management (entomology, plant pathology, weed science).Cross-disciplinary papers in the application of technology, plant breeding and genetics, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, management, economics, and plant production systems are also published.Many contributions reflect aspects of plant growth and reproduction, such as winter-hardiness and cold and drought tolerance, unique to cooler latitudes.Reviews, letters to the Editor, the abstracts of technical papers presented at the meetings of the sponsoring societies and conference proceedings may also be published, subject to the approval of the Editor. Contributions are published in English or French with abstracts in both languages. A page charge is payable on publication.
The Canadian Journal of Soil Science is an international peer-reviewed journal published in cooperation with the Canadian Society of Soil Science. The journal publishes original research on the use, management, structure and development of soils and draws from the disciplines of soil science, agrometeorology, ecology, agricultural engineering, environmental science, hydrology, forestry, geology, geography and climatology.Research is published in a number of topic sections including: agrometeorology; ecology, biological processes and plant interactions; composition and chemical processes; physical processes and interfaces; genesis, landscape processes and relationships; contamination and environmental stewardship; and management for agricultural, forestry and urban uses.Reviews, letters to the Editor, and conference proceedings may also be published, subject to the approval of the Editor. Special issues, or special sections within regular issues dealing with specific topics, are published with the approval of the Special Issues Editor. Contributions are published in English or French with abstracts in both languages. A page charge is payable on publication.
Published since 1929, this monthly journal reports on primary research contributed by respected international scientists in the broad field of zoology, including behaviour, biochemistry and physiology, developmental biology, ecology, genetics, morphology and ultrastructure, parasitology and pathology, and systematics and evolution. It also invites experts to submit review articles on topics of current interest.