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Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science

ISSN: 2070-2620eISSN: 2070-2639

Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science is one of the leading forestry journals in the Southern Hemisphere. The journal publishes scientific articles in forest science and management of fast-growing, planted or natural forests in the Southern Hemisphere and the tropics. Papers are also encouraged on related disciplines such as environmental aspects of forestry, social forestry, agroforestry, forest engineering and management as well as the goods and services that are derived from forests as a whole. Articles published by the journal are of value to foresters, resource managers and society at large. The journal particularly encourages contributions from South America, Africa and tropical/subtropical Australasia and Asia. Publication of the journal is supported by the Southern African Institute of Forestry. For more information, visit the NISC website. Disclaimer NISC and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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Spatial Cognition & Computation

ISSN: 1387-5868eISSN: 1542-7633

This multidisciplinary journal is based on the assumption that the critical issues pertaining to spatial cognition and computation lie at the intersection of a number of disciplines--in particular, cognitive psychology, computer science, geography, neuropsychology, and artificial intelligence. Recent years have seen a growth in the desire of these communities to share insights and results. The aim of the journal is to concentrate the presentation of research into spatial cognition and computation, and to explicitly foster an interdisciplinary dialogue. Spatial Cognition and Computation encourages the submission of articles on any topic in the area of spatial cognition and spatial computation. Research articles, empirical studies, integrative reviews of the literature, and shorter opinion pieces will be considered for publication.Specific topics within the scope of the journal:cognitive and computational models of spatial cognition;navigation, environmental learning, and cognitive mapping; cognitive development and representation of large scale space;common sense and qualitative models of space;robot navigation and wayfinding;models and applications of spatial and diagrammatic reasoning;visual languages, sign language, or visualization and spatial cognition;cognitive theories of imageries and imaginal reasoning;integration of vision and natural language processing;representation and processing of spatial expressions and crosslinguistic issues in spatial language;gestural analysis and multimodal interfaces; andnavigation and orientation in virtual environments and hypermedia.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Spectroscopy Letters

ISSN: 0038-7010eISSN: 1532-2289

Spectroscopy Letters is an international journal that provides vital coverage of fundamental developments, new or improved instrumentation, spectroscopic diagnostics, and applications of spectroscopy across all disciplines disciplines (chemistry, physics, biology, environmental, geological) where spectroscopy is used. The journal offers communications about original experimental and theoretical work on such methods as NMR, ESR, microwave, NIR, Raman and UV spectroscopy, together with atomic emission, absorption, and fluorescence, X-ray spectroscopy, all forms of organic and inorganic mass spectrometry, laser spectroscopy, electron microscopy, molecular fluorescence and molecular phosphorescence. Manuscripts are welcome from all disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics and instrumentation science. Articles can be submitted as full papers, or as short papers of a preliminary nature (letters). Letters may include instrumental developments that may be useful for other spectroscopists. Applications of spectroscopy in pharmaceutical analysis are not covered, nor are spectroscopic techniques already well-established and well-represented in the literature. Also, one special sub-category of papers may be submitted: Spectroscopy Education Letters, which covers accounts of research done by undergraduates, new experiments for teaching, and other new pedagogical materials or approaches to the teaching of spectroscopy at any level. Reviews of topics in spectroscopy will be referred to our sister journal, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Speech, Language and Hearing

ISSN: 2050-5728
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ISSN: 2156-5554eISSN: 2156-5562

Aims & Scope: Spermatogenesis is a peer-reviewed journal that will publish high-quality articles covering all aspects of spermatogenesis.

Spermatogenesis will publish Original Research, Addenda and Reviews from experts in the field; Views, Commentaries and Opinion articles on specific research topics; Methods/Technologies used to study different aspects of spermatogenesis; Trends that deserve attention and Meeting Reports.

Many important molecules, signaling pathways and mechanisms crucial to mammalian spermatogenesis were initially identified in the worm ( C. elegans) and fly ( D. melanogaster).  The goal of Spermatogenesis is to bring these three realms of research together.  The diversity of the editorial board signifies the journal's aim to facilitate the flow of information in this rapidly growing field.

welcomes papers from investigators studying  C. elegansD. melanogaster or mammals to study: differentiation of gonocytes to spermatogonia; the biology of spermatogonial stem cells; mechanisms regulating self-renewal of spermatogonia via mitosis and the differentiation of type A spermatogonia into type B spermatogonia; regulation of germ cell cycle progression and meiosis; the role of cyclins, protein kinases (e.g., mitogen activated protein kinases) and other molecules in cell cycle progression and meiosis; cell biology and molecular biology of meiosis; the biology and regulation of spermiogenesis and spermiation; blood-testis barrier function; and Sertoli-germ cell interactions.
Additional topics/themes and how they affect or relate to spermatogenesis include but are not limited to: cell polarity, cell metabolism, transcription and post-transcriptional regulation, mouse genetic models, epigenetics, proteomics, genomics, bioinformatics, evolution, the effects of environmental toxicants and smoking, Sertoli cells and transplantation biology, hormones and the impact of puberty and diseases.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Group, 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
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Statistical Theory and Related Fields

ISSN: 2475-4269eISSN: 2475-4277
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ISSN: 0233-1888eISSN: 1029-4910

Statistics publishes theoretical and applied papers related to the different fields of statistics such as regression and variance analysis, design of experiments, foundations of statistical inference, statistical decision theory, testing hypotheses, parameter estimation, nonparametric methods, sequential procedures, time series and statistical problems for stochastic processes, and statistical data analysis. It is expected that the papers give interesting and novel contributions to statistical theory and its applications at a good mathematical level. The results should be presented in form of theorems together with their mathematical proofs, which should not be merely routine calculations. Additionally, the discussion of results and their value for the theory or for applications could be a valuable addition, as well as numerical results on the efficiency or examples for the application of the theoretical results. A special section is devoted to survey papers on theory and methods in interesting areas of statistics. The Journal may also publish proceedings of conferences and announcements on related topics. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Statistics and Public Policy

eISSN: 2330-443X

Aims & Scope:  Established in 2013 and produced electronically, the journal  Statistics and Public Policy (SPP)  publishes papers that apply strong statistical methodology to problems in the realm of public policy and /or relevant political science.  Articles may address international, national, or local policy questions, and the emphasis is upon the application rather than methodological novelty.


Article Publishing Charges (APCs).  Statistics in Public Policy  is open access, and the ASA, with Taylor & Francis, is committed to making open access publishing as accessible as possible for authors. Following is the APC schedule for SPP:

  • 2014:  No mandatory APC for articles submitted during 2014; authors will be given the opportunity to support the journal through voluntary charges.
  • 2015 submissions:  $500 charge for accepted articles.
  • 2016 submissions:  Sliding scale charge, as follows:
    • $800 for 8 pages or less
    • $1000 for 9-12 pages
    • $1500 for more than 12 pages

Please note that there is no charge to submit a paper to  SPP; only accepted papers will be charged the APC. If you would like an estimated page count for your article, please send the paper to

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Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research

ISSN: 1946-6315eISSN: 1946-6315
2014 Impact Factor: 0.618
Ranking: 42/56 in Mathematical & Computational Biology; 101/122 in Statistics & Probability
2014 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.684
©2014 Thomson Reuters, 2014 Journal Citation Reports®

Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research ( SBR), publishes articles that focus on the needs of researchers and applied statisticians in biopharmaceutical industries; academic biostatisticians from schools of medicine, veterinary medicine, public health, and pharmacy; statisticians and quantitative analysts working in regulatory agencies (e.g., U.S. Food and Drug Administration and its counterpart in other countries); statisticians with an interest in adopting methodology presented in this journal to their own fields; and nonstatisticians with an interest in applying statistical methods to biopharmaceutical problems.

Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research accepts papers that discuss appropriate statistical methodology and information regarding the use of statistics in all phases of research, development, and practice in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, device, and diagnostics industries. Articles should focus on the development of novel statistical methods, novel applications of current methods, or the innovative application of statistical principles that can be used by statistical practitioners in these disciplines. Areas of application may include statistical methods for drug discovery, including papers that address issues of multiplicity, sequential trials, adaptive designs, etc.; preclinical and clinical studies; genomics and proteomics; bioassay; biomarkers and surrogate markers; models and analyses of drug history, including pharmacoeconomics, product life cycle, detection of adverse events in clinical studies, and postmarketing risk assessment; regulatory guidelines, including issues of standardization of terminology (e.g., CDISC), tolerance and specification limits related to pharmaceutical practice, and novel methods of drug approval; and detection of adverse events in clinical and toxicological studies. Tutorial articles also are welcome. Articles should include demonstrable evidence of the usefulness of this methodology (presumably by means of an application).

The Editorial Board of SBR intends to ensure that the journal continually provides important, useful, and timely information. To accomplish this, the board strives to attract outstanding articles by seeing that each submission receives a careful, thorough, and prompt review.

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Stochastic Analysis and Applications

ISSN: 0736-2994eISSN: 1532-9356

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes

ISSN: 1744-2508eISSN: 1744-2516
Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes  is a world-leading journal publishing research concerned with stochastic processes and their applications in the modelling, analysis and optimization of stochastic systems, i.e. processes characterized both by temporal or spatial evolution and by the presence of random effects.

Articles are published dealing with all aspects of stochastic systems analysis, characterization problems, stochastic modelling and identification, optimization, filtering and control and with related questions in the theory of stochastic processes. The journal also solicits papers dealing with significant applications of stochastic process theory to problems in engineering systems, the physical and life sciences, economics and other areas. Proposals for special issues in cutting-edge areas are welcome and should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief who will review accordingly.

In recent years there has been a growing interaction between current research in probability theory and problems in stochastic systems. The objective of Stochastics is to encourage this trend, promoting an awareness of the latest theoretical developments on the one hand and of mathematical problems arising in applications on the other.

Peer Review Policy

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor.  If found suitable for further consideration, papers are subject to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single blind and submissions can be made online at

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ISSN: 0927-3972eISSN: 1744-5132

Strabismus publishes articles on all areas of the field including esotropia, exotropia, hypertropia, and Duane's Syndrome. The quarterly publication also discusses related disorders including amblyopia, infant visual development, binocular vision, stereopsis, suppression, amblyopia-related disorders of refraction, visual stimulus deprivation, and anisometropia. It aims to bridge the gap between neuroscientists and ophthalmologists and orthoptists treating strabismus and amblyopia patients. Strabismus includes the following sections: editorials, original papers, research reports, reviews, symposium proceedings, letters to the editor and selected abstracts.

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Strategic Dossiers

ISSN: 2837-7710eISSN: 2837-7729
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Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment

ISSN: 1048-5236eISSN: 1546-0126

Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment is a quarterly publication of the Association of Energy Engineers, Atlanta, GA. The journal invites original manuscripts involving strategic energy management issues such as management or energy policy.

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Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress

ISSN: 1025-3890eISSN: 1607-8888

The journal Stress aims to provide scientists involved in basic stress research with the possibility of reading a more integrated view of the field. Peer reviewed papers, invited reviews and short communications will deal with interdisciplinary aspects of stress in terms of: the mechanisms of stressful stimulation, including within and between individuals; the physiological and behavioural responses to stress, and their regulation, in both the short and long term; adaptive mechanisms, coping strategies and the pathological consequences of stress.Stress will publish the latest developments in physiology, neurobiology, molecular biology, genetics research, immunology, and behavioural studies as they impact on the understanding of stress and its adverse consequences and their amelioration.Specific approaches may include transgenic animals, developmental/programming studies, electrophysiology, histochemistry, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, neuroanatomy, endocrinology, autonomic physiology, immunology, chronic pain, ethological and other behavioural studies and clinical measures.

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Structural Engineering International

ISSN: 1016-8664eISSN: 1683-0350
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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering

ISSN: 1573-2479eISSN: 1744-8980

Structure & Infrastructure Engineering- Maintenance, Management and Life-Cycle Design & Performance is an international journal dedicated to recent advances in maintenance, management and life-cycle performance of a wide range of infrastructures, such as: buildings, bridges, dams, underground constructions, offshore platforms, pipelines, naval vessels, ocean structures, nuclear power plants, airplanes and other types of structures including aerospace and automotive structures. The aim of this journal is to present research and developments on the most advanced technologies for analyzing, predicting and optimizing infrastructure performance. The main gaps to be filled are those between researchers and practitioners in maintenance, management and life-cycle performance of infrastructure systems, and those between professionals working on different types of infrastructures. To this end, the journal will provide a forum for a broad blend of scientific, technical and practical papers. Papers considered for publication are original, high-quality papers that form a significant contribution to the theory or practice of infrastructure engineering, present state-of-the-art work on a topic related to infrastructure, or describe a case study in which theory is applied to a significant infrastructure problem. The scope of the journal encompasses, but is not restricted to, mathematical modelling, computer and experimental methods, practical infrastructure applications in the areas of assessment and evaluation, construction and design for durability, decision making, deterioration modelling and aging, failure analysis, field testing, financial planning, inspection and diagnostics, life-cycle analysis and prediction, loads, maintenance strategies, management systems, non-destructive testing, optimization of maintenance and management, specifications and codes, time- dependent performance, rehabilitation, repair, replacement, reliability and risk management, service life prediction, strengthening and whole life costing. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering is intended for an audience of researchers and practitioners world-wide with a background in civil, aerospace, mechanical, marine and automotive engineering, as well as people working in infrastructure maintenance, management and cost analysis. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Keywords Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment

ISSN: 0165-0521eISSN: 1744-5140

There is still a far from complete understanding of the complex ecosystems in the Neotropics, although they have been studied since the first expeditions of the old world naturalists Marcgrave, Humboldt, Spix, Darwin, Bates and Muller. The aims and scope of the Journal are, besides taxonomic and zoogeographic surveys, analyses of animal communities and their relationship with biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. This includes the fauna of both terrestrial and fresh water ecosystems in the Neotropics. Contributions that represent original research and mini-reviews are welcome. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Substance Use & Misuse

ISSN: 1082-6084eISSN: 1532-2491

For over 40 years, Substance Use & Misuse has provided a unique international multidisciplinary environment for the exchange of facts, theories, viewpoints, and unresolved issues concerning substance use, misuse (licit and illicit drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine), "abuse", and dependency, eating disorders, and gambling.Substance Use & Misuse features original, peer-reviewed articles, notes, and book reviews, as well as special issues devoted to single topics. The journal also publishes proceedings and symposia that describe and analyze the latest research; and information on clinical prevention, training, law enforcement, and policy efforts.Topics covered include:measurements, instruments, scales, and testsfailure and drug use interventionstudent substance usegender and substance useissues, credos, caveats, and unresolved issuessocial pharmacologyclassical-historical articles, reviews, and documentsprevention programsartificial sciences and substance use/misuse interventionethnicity and substance abusetopic-focused bibliographies.

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Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal

ISSN: 1625-8312eISSN: 1624-6039

Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal (SCFIJ) is a peer reviewed periodical providing a broad international coverage of subjects relating to the management of the supply chain. It focuses on the integration of supply, production, distribution and sales. It is concerned with the management of the global supply chain from primary supplier to final customer. It provides in-depth research articles and company case studies that enrich both the knowledge of the discipline and the practices of supply chain management.

SCFIJ is designed to appeal to managers and researchers concerned with supply chain management, inter-firm relationship and organization and new technologies. Its aims are:
·       to present the latest thinking, research and emerging
concepts of supply chain management
·        to explore the overall philosophy of supply chain
·        to further first class supply chain practices 

It includes original material concerned with all facets of supply chain management in the form of:
·        articles with a fundamental basis and research papers presenting results and practical applications
·        papers providing experiences and practical features of supply chain management
·        commented case studies illustrating international application problems

Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal welcomes research papers based on new and innovative supply chain management practices. Any appropriate research methods may be used and each paper should justify the method applied. Case studies are also welcome where they illustrate international application problems and generate discussion about supply chain policies, practices and methods. 2-3 managers or researchers, experts in the field, are invited to comment the case studies. Authors should relate their work to the existing knowledge in the field, and have impact on the SC operations in companies, setting the agenda for future research.

Contents of Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal are targeted to academics (professors, researchers), students and practitioners (supply chain managers, consultants). It is not the appropriate journal for theoretical papers without any managerial implications. 

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees. Reviewers are drawn from the Editorial Board and a list of occasional reviewers who have been nominated for their expertise. Reviewers’ comments are based on relevance to the field, particularly applicability in industry, besides originality and scientific rigor. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via ScholarOne.

Subjects covered by SCIJ include:

Supply chain management, Supply chain strategies, collaboration, logistics pooling, purchasing, outsourcing, risk analysis, innovations, logistics services, service provider, global supply chain, sustainable supply chain, reverse supply chain, healthcare supply chain, supply chain performance, supply chain finance, supply chain control, performance measurement, knowledge management, sourcing strategies, decision-making, e-commerce, traceability, process modelling, inventory planning, city supply chain, supply chain risk management, humanitarian supply chain, information systems, new technologies, service provider, networks, physical internet, big data.


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