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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture provides international coverage of advances in the development and application of computer hardware, software and electronic instrumentation and control systems for solving problems in agriculture and related industries. These include agronomy, horticulture (in both its food and amenity aspects), forestry, aquaculture, animal/livestock science, veterinary medicine, and food processing.The journal publishes original papers, reviews, applications notes and book reviews on topics including computerized decision-support aids (e.g., expert systems and simulation models) pertaining to any aspect of the aforementioned industries; electronic monitoring or control of any aspect of livestock/crop production (e.g. soil and water, environment, growth, health, waste products) and post-harvest operations (such as drying, storage, production assessment, trimming and dissection of plant and animal material). Relevant areas of technology include artificial intelligence, sensors, machine vision, robotics and simulation modelling.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Editors of Crop Protection especially welcome papers describing an interdisciplinary approach showing how different control strategies can be integrated into practical pest management programs, covering high and low input agricultural systems worldwide. Crop Protection particularly emphasizes the practical aspects of control in the field and for protected crops, and includes work which may lead in the near future to more effective control. The journal does not duplicate the many existing excellent biological science journals, which deal mainly with the more fundamental aspects of plant pathology, applied zoology and weed science. Crop Protection covers all practical aspects of pest, disease and weed control, including the following topics:Abiotic damageAgronomic control methodsAssessment of pest and disease damageBiological control Biorational pesticidesControl of animal pests of world cropsControl of diseases of crop plants caused by microorganismsControl of weeds and integrated management Economic and social considerationsEffects of plant growth regulatorsEnvironmental benefits of reduced pesticide useEnvironmental effects of pesticidesEpidemiology of pests and diseases in relation to controlFood safetyGM Crops, and genetic engineering applicationsImportance and control of postharvest crop lossesIntegrated controlInterrelationships and compatibility among different control strategiesInvasive species as they relate to implications for crop protectionPesticide application methodsPest managementResistance managementSampling and monitoring schemes for diseases, nematodes, pests and weeds.The editors of Crop Protection invite workers concerned with pest, disease and weed control to submit suitable contributions on any topic falling within the aims and scope of the journal.
Crop Science reports on recent developments in crop breeding, genetics, and cytology; crop physiology and metabolism; crop ecology, production, and management; seed physiology, production, and technology; turfgrass science; crop quality and utilization; genomics, molecular genetics, and biotechnology; and plant genetic resources. The journal is available in online, print, and year-end CD-ROM format.
Crop & Pasture Science (continuing Australian Journal of Agricultural Research) is an international journal publishing outcomes of strategic research in crop and pasture sciences and the sustainability of farming systems. The primary focus is broad-scale cereals, grain legumes, oilseeds and pastures. Papers are encouraged that advance understanding in plant-based agricultural systems through the use of well-defined and original aims designed to test a hypothesis, innovative and rigorous experimental design, and strong interpretation. The journal embraces experimental approaches from molecular level to whole systems, and the research must present novel findings and progress the science of agriculture.Crop & Pasture Science is read by agricultural scientists and plant biologists, industry, administrators, policy-makers, and others with an interest in the challenges and opportunities facing world agricultural production. To facilitate accessibility and clarity, research papers should address a clearly enunciated hypothesis, and the Abstract should define the novel outcomes.Specific areas of interest include:* Centres of origin and diversity of crop and pasture species and associating these centres with traits of agronomic interest, including quality and disease resistance*Plant genetic improvement using molecular or traditional approaches. Papers which map QTLs for metric traits and which can validate the utility of the markers in breeding will be particularly relevant. Genetic maps are not published unless they incorporate traits of agronomic value or concern comparative mapping among species of agricultural relevance* Transgenic research should show a direct relevance to agriculture. Papers demonstrating improvement for traits not readily amenable to traditional breeding are important* Genotype X environment research and innovative statistical approaches to understanding G X E*Plant soil relations* Plant water relations* Crop and pasture agronomy research, the findings of which advance the science of agriculture* Plant pathology and entomology which increase our understanding of the biology of the interaction and lead to improved management. Research on the genetics of host parasite interactions is relevant* Novel cropping options and systems to improve productivity and which attempt to present the findings in a broad context* Integrated land and water resources management in agricultural systems* Impacts of changing climate on crops, pastures and agricultural systems.
They are pleased to share with you the indexing of the journal Journal of Rural Development in ISI Web of Knowledge from Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index-Expanded - SCIE-, which appears from the Issue No. 58, first half of 2007. The first issue of Journal of Rural Development was published in February 1979. At first this publication called Journal of Agro and Rural Economy, but from the No. 30 of 1993 changed the name to Journal of Rural Development. These have been thirty-one years of uninterrupted publication of issues related to agricultural policy, agricultural economics, rural issues, environmental management, innovation and technological change and, in general, all aspects of rural development in Colombia and Latin American context. The magazine has logged more than 28 databases that certified as an issue of great scientific and editorial quality in the global landscape. Entering the ISI indexing system, the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals, is an example the excellent quality standards of the magazine, its position as one of the most important publications in your area and the relevance it has on rural issues around the world. Sincerely Editorial, Journal of Rural Development web page: http : / / Email:
As the official publication of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization, the EPPO Bulletin publishes research findings on all aspects of plant protection, but particularly those of immediate concern to government plant protection services. Papers are published in English and French, with summaries also in Russian.
Environmental Science: Advances caters to all disciplines working towards environmental sustainability, publishing research that enhances our comprehension of the environment and proposes solutions for a cleaner, safer and more equitable world. Environmental Science: Advances invites fundamental research, modelling, fieldwork, applied studies and policy work from across the environmental sciences. The journal welcomes research from any environmental or sustainability field, including biosciences, engineering, ecology, hydrology, soil science, geoscience, atmospheric science, agricultural science and climate science. Studies that advance our understanding of the physical environment, environmental health and environmental sustainability, or provide solutions to challenges in these areas are particularly welcome, as are studies falling at the environmental and social science interface. Manuscripts will be judged on their quality, interest and potential impact to ensure the publication of novel and significant contributions.
Environmental Science: Nano is a comprehensive, high-impact source of peer-reviewed information on the design and demonstration of engineered nanomaterials for environment-based applications and on the interactions of engineered, natural, and incidental nanomaterials with biological and environmental systems. This scope includes, but is not limited to, the following topic areas: • Novel nanomaterial-based applications for water, air, soil, food, and energy sustainability • Nanomaterial interactions with biological systems and nanotoxicology • Environmental fate, reactivity, and transformations of nanoscale materials • Nanoscale processes in the environment • Sustainable nanotechnology including rational nanomaterial design, life cycle assessment, risk/benefit analysis
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts publishes high quality papers in all areas of the environmental chemical sciences, including chemistry of the air, water, soil and sediment. We welcome studies on the environmental fate and effects of anthropogenic and naturally occurring contaminants, both chemical and microbiological, as well as related natural element cycling processes. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts strongly prefers significant contributions whose results can be generalised to other systems, especially studies that characterise chemical processes (e.g. chemical and (micro)biological transformations and transport) as well as those that address contaminant impacts on ecosystems and human health. We also welcome high impact field studies, particularly those that are broad enough to define occurrence baselines or long term trends, identify new contaminants, or those that enrich our molecular-level understanding of environmental systems. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts also invites papers that bridge between environmental chemistry and sustainability topics, such as life cycle assessment, materials flow analysis, and environmental decision making.
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology seeks to showcase high quality research about fundamental science, innovative technologies, and management practices that promote sustainable water. The journal aims to provide a comprehensive and relevant forum that unites the diverse communities and disciplines conducting water research relevant to engineered systems and the built environment. This includes fundamental science geared toward understanding physical, chemical, and biological phenomena in these systems as well as applied research focused on the development and optimisation of engineered treatment, management, and supply strategies. Papers must report a significant advance in the theory, fundamental understanding, practice or application of water research, management, engineering or technology.
Aims and Scope of the Journal Environmental and Experimental Botany:Environmental and Experimental Botany (EEB) publishes research papers on the physical, chemical, biological, molecular mechanisms and processes involved in the responses of plants to their environment.In addition to research papers, the journal includes review articles. Submission is in agreement with the Editors-in-Chief.The Journal also publishes special issues which are built by invited guest editors and are related to the main themes of EEB.The areas covered by the Journal include:(1) Responses of plants to heavy metals and pollutants(2) Plant/water interactions (salinity, drought, flooding)(3) Responses of plants to radiations ranging from UV-B to infrared(4) Plant/atmosphere relations (ozone, CO2 , temperature)(5) Ecophysiology of Northern plants under global change and environmental stress(6) Biotic interactions involving environmental factors.Each submitted manuscript related to these areas should be preferably based on an explicitly elaborated mechanistic hypothesis.The following types of manuscripts are not suitable for EEB: field monitoring surveys, pure mathematical modeling without experimentations, pure correlative works, applied papers on agriculture and phytopathology, studies of plant biology, gene expression and molecular works without considering environmental aspects.
Euphytica is an international journal covering the theoretical and applied aspects of plant breeding, and publishing critical reviews and papers on original research.The journal reports on the growing field of research associated with the integration of modern and traditional plant breeding using transgenic crop plants and/or marker assisted breeding in combination with traditional breeding tools. The content addresses the interests of researchers involved in plant breeding at universities, breeding institutes, seed industries, plant biotech companies and industries using plant raw materials, and promoting stability, adaptability and sustainability in agriculture and agro-industries. The Editor-in-Chief of Euphytica is R.G.F. Visser, Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.