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ISSN: 0031-5850

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics

ISSN: 1433-8319

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (PPEES) publishes outstanding and thought-provoking articles of general interest to an international readership in the fields of plant ecology, evolution and systematics. Of particular interest are longer, in-depth articles that provide a broad understanding of key topics in the field. There are six issues per year.The following types of article will be considered:Full length reviewsEssay reviewsLonger research articlesMeta-analysesFoundational methodological or empirical papers from large consortia or long-term ecological research sites (LTER)To maintain high scientific standards, manuscripts are submitted to two or more reviewers for evaluation of their scientific soundness and significance. Authors will be generally notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of their manuscripts within three months.Biological flora series (monographs of model species)PPEES is particularly interested in contributions to the knowledge of species that are flagship species for conservation, invasive species of particular concern, or species that are frequently used as models in ecological research. Prospective authors should contact the editorial office of PPEES before starting to write a contribution and enquire whether their planned manuscript would be of interest to PPEES.For more information on the aims and scope of PPEES please read the recent editorial published in Volume 14, Issue 1, 2012. in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics is included in the Research4Life program. Research4Life ( is a partnership of United Nations agencies, universities, and publishers that makes journal articles available for free or at very low cost to institutions in developing countries. For more details go to:

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Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology

ISSN: 1908-6865eISSN: 2508-0342

Phycological Research

ISSN: 1322-0829eISSN: 1440-1835

Phycological Research is published by the Japanese Society of Phycology and complements the Japanese Journal of Phycology. The Journal publishes international, basic or applied, peer-reviewed research dealing with all aspects of phycology including ecology, taxonomy and phylogeny, evolution, genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, morphology, physiology, new techniques to facilitate the international exchange of results. All articles are peer-reviewed by at least two researchers expert in the filed of the submitted paper. Phycological Research has been credited by the International Association for Plant Taxonomy for the purpose of registration of new non-vascular plant names (including fossils). For further information see

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Physiological Entomology

ISSN: 0307-6962eISSN: 1365-3032

Physiological Entomology is designed primarily to serve the interests of experimentalists who work on insects and other arthropods. It thus has a bias towards physiological and experimental approaches to understanding behaviour, but it also retains the Royal Entomological Society's interest in the general physiology of arthropods. The broad subject coverage of the Journal includes:

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ISSN: 1314-2011eISSN: 1314-2003

PhytoKeys is a peer-reviewed, open access, rapidly published journal, launched to accelerate research and free information exchange in taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography and evolution of plants. The journal applies cutting-edge technologies in publishing and preservation of digital materials to meet the highest possible standards of the cybertaxonomy era.

PhytoKeys publishes papers in systematic Botany containing taxonomic/floristic data on any taxon of any geological age from any part of the world on the following topics: descriptions of new taxa, taxonomic revisions of extant and fossil plant groups, checklists and catalogues, phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses, papers in descriptive and/or historical biogeography, methodology papers, monographs, etc. Extensive floristic overviews on a group in a country or larger region are welcome. Short floristic contributions may be considered if they are based on significant or unexpected discovery.

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ISSN: 1179-3155eISSN: 1179-3163
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ISSN: 0373-2568eISSN: 1988-4281

Pirineos. Revista de Ecología de Montaña publica trabajos relacionados con la dinámica de los ecosistemas de montaña, es decir, con los procesos y las relaciones que se establecen entre los seres vivos y entre estos últimos y el medio ambiente, en un espacio tan peculiar como el de las regiones más elevadas del planeta. Trata, por lo tanto, de contribuir a explicar el funcionamiento global de las regiones de montaña y la organización espacial de recursos y procesos, con una perspectiva integradora en la que el hombre ejerce también un papel destacado.Pirineos acepta trabajos originales con datos científicos nuevos e importantes para el conjunto de la Ecología de Montaña, especialmente aquellos que aportan información sobre los flujos existentes entre subsistemas, la influencia del hombre en la tranformación del medio ambiente montano, las relaciones tróficas entre los seres vivos y el funcionamiento de los diferentes aspectos que constituyen la base de los ecosistemas de montaña.

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Plankton and Benthos Research

ISSN: 1880-8247

Plant Biology

ISSN: 1435-8603eISSN: 1438-8677

Plant Biology is an international journal of broad scope bringing together the different subdisciplines, such as physiology, molecular biology, cell biology, development, genetics, systematics, ecology, evolution, ecophysiology, plant-microbe interactions, and mycology.

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Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology

ISSN: 1126-3504eISSN: 1724-5575

Plant Biosystems is the research journal edited by the Societa Botanica Italiana. Published three times a year, the journal is open to papers dealing with all aspects of plant biology, systematics, and ecology. Research studies containing novel and significant findings, from the molecular level to ecosystems and from micro-organisms to flowering plants, are welcome. Plant Biosystems succeeded 'Giornale Botanico Italiano', the historical journal of the Societa Botanica Italiana, from the year 1997. Plant Biosystems has been conceived in consideration of the recent progress in botanical research. An editorial board has been devised to ensure that all the main trends of contemporary plant science are represented. Manuscripts are classified as 'Full Paper', 'Rapid Report' or 'Short Communication'. A Rapid Report is intended for publication, in a concise form, of new and relevant findings. The classification as Rapid Report is determined by the Editor. A Short Communication (no more than two printed pages) is for a concise but independent report. It is not intended for publication of preliminary results. Review articles are also published, but only upon invitation by the Editor. An international panel of highly qualified referees warrants the highest scientific standard. Disclaimer The Societa Botanica Italiana and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, The Societa Botanica Italiana andTaylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the Societa and Taylor & Francis.

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Plant Ecology and Diversity

ISSN: 1755-0874eISSN: 1755-1668

Plant Ecology and Diversity is an international journal and the new forum of the Botanical Society of Scotland for communicating results and ideas in plant science. All areas of plant biology relating to ecology, evolution and diversity are of interest, including those which explicitly deal with today's highly topical themes, such as biodiversity, conservation and global change. Submissions concerning cold environments world-wide are particularly welcome. Plant Ecology and Diversity considers for publication original research articles, short communications, reviews, and scientific correspondence that explore thought provoking ideas. Unique to Plant Ecology and Diversity is its Scottish section, publishing contributions on aspects of botany and plant ecology particular to Scotland. The journal is open to reporting 'negative results' and 'repeat experiments' that test ecological theories experimentally, in theoretically flawless and methodologically sound papers. Call for Papers The Editor welcomes original research papers on all aspects of plant biological science. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor at Contributions are accepted from around the world and will be directed at a highly international audience. Disclaimer The Botanical Society of Scotland and Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Botanical Society of Scotland and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the Society and Taylor & Francis.

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Plant Sociology

ISSN: 2280-1855eISSN: 2704-6192

Plant Sociology is an international open-access, peer-reviewed journal edited by the "Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione" (SISV).

It publishes original research articles dealing with all aspects of vegetation, from plant community to landscape level, including dynamic processes and community ecology. It favours papers focusing on plant sociology and vegetation survey for developing ecological models, vegetation interpretation, classification and mapping, environmental quality assessment, plant biodiversity management and conservation, EU Annex I habitats interpretation and monitoring, on the ground of rigorous and quantitative measures of physical and biological components.

The journal is open to territorial studies at different geographic scale and accepts contributes dealing with applied research, provided they offer new methodological perspectives and a robust, updated vegetation analysis.

Plant Sociology supports the Italian Vegetation Data Base VegItaly (member of the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases - GIVD) and urges the contributing Authors to store their vegetation data in it.

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Plant Species Biology

ISSN: 0913-557XeISSN: 1442-1984

Plant Species Biology is published three times a year by The Society for the Study of Species Biology. Plant Species Biology publishes research manuscripts in the fields of population biology, pollination biology, evolutionary ecology, biosystematics, co-evolution, and any other related fields in biology. In addition to full length papers, the journal also includes short research papers as notes and comments. Invited articles may be accepted or occasion at the request of the Editorial Board. Manuscripts should contain new results of empirical and/or theoretical investigations concerning facts, processes, mechanisms or concepts of evolutionary as well as biological phenomena. Papers that are purely descriptive are not suitable for this journal. The journal is introducing 'Life history monographs of Japanese plant species'. The journal is dedicated to minimizing the time between submission, review and publication and to providing a high quality forum for original research in Plant Species Biology.

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Plant Systematics and Evolution

ISSN: 0378-2697eISSN: 1615-6110

Plant Systematics and Evolution is an international journal dedicated to publication of original papers and reviews on plant systematics in the broadest sense. The journal aims to bridge the specific subject areas in plant systematics and evolution, encompassing evolutionary, phylogenetic and biogeographical studies at the populational, specific and higher taxonomic levels. Taxonomic emphasis is on green plants.
Fields of interest: plant systematics, plant evolution, biodiversity, phytochemistry, ultrastructure, cytology, anatomy, palynology, plant development, genetics, reproductive biology, ecology, biogeography, palaeobotany, population genetics.
Plant Systematics and Evolution publishes original articles, review articles, short communications and contributions on controversial topics. The journal does not levy page charges and provides free color in print.

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eISSN: 2223-7747

Plants (ISSN 2223-7747), is an international and multidisciplinary scientific open access journal that covers all key areas of plant science. It publishes review articles, regular research articles, communications, and short notes in the fields of structural, functional and experimental botany. In addition to fundamental disciplines such as morphology, systematics, physiology and ecology of plants, the journal welcomes all types of articles in the field of applied plant science.

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Polar Science

ISSN: 1873-9652eISSN: 1876-4428

Polar Science is an international, peer-reviewed and quarterly journal. It is dedicated to provide original research articles for sciences related to the polar regions of the Earth and other planets. Polar Science has basically 12 disciplines listed below; they cover most aspects of space, earth, and life sciences. Those articles should attract interests of broad polar science communities, not limiting to interests of those who work under specific research subjects.- Space and upper atmosphere physics- Atmospheric science/climatology- Glaciology- Oceanography/sea ice studies- Geology/petrology- Solid earth geophysics/seismology- Marine earth science- Geomorphology/Cenozoic-Quaternary geology- Meteoritics- Terrestrial biology- Marine biology- Animal ecologyBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Polish Journal of Ecology

ISSN: 1505-2249eISSN: 2450-1395

Population Ecology

ISSN: 1438-3896eISSN: 1438-390X

Population Ecology publishes refereed original research articles and reviews on various aspects of population ecology, from the individual to the community level. Coverage includes population dynamics and distribution, evolutionary ecology, ecological genetics, theoretical models, conservation biology, agroecosystem studies, and bioresource management. Notes and Comments articles (limited to 6 pages in print) offer brief items on both empirical and theoretical investigations, as well as comments on previously published papers. New concepts, analyses, and data are discussed in Forum articles. Special Features, collections of research articles and reviews organized by the editors, are published periodically and focus on specific research topics.The Chief Editor is Dr. Kazunori Sato, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan.

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Primate Conservation

ISSN: 0898-6207