* In five issues of 160 pages each per year, the Journal of Sociolinguistics is an international forum for multidisciplinary research on language and society.
The Journal of the History of Biology is devoted to the history of the biological sciences, with additional interest and concern in philosophical and social issues confronting biology. While all historical epochs are touched upon, the journal pays particular attention to developments during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The journal serves both the working biologist who needs a full understanding to the historical and philosophical bases of the field and the historian of biology interested in following developments in the biological sciences.
The Journal of the History of the Neurosciences assists the formation of a basis of historical background knowledge complementary to current understanding of the neurosciences. Contributions to the history of development in neurology over recent decades will be of assistance to neurologists working in the field. The Journal will cover all aspects of modern neurology as well as roots of the neurosciences in the more distant past. Where they contain original information or novel comment, historical and biographical accounts of individuals and institutions in the neurosciences will be accepted for publication. The history of ideas, the evolution of society and medicine, and the connection between neurosciences and the discipline of philosophy will also be open for discussion in the Journal. Peer Review Policy: All articles in JHN have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and refereeing by at least two anonymous reviewers. Double-blind reviewing is done if requested. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Philosophy of history is a rapidly expanding area. There is growing interest today in: what constitutes knowledge of the past, the ontology of past events, the relationship of language to the past, and the nature of representations of the past. These interests are distinct from – although connected with – contemporary epistemology, philosophy of science, metaphysics, philosophy of language, and aesthetics. Hence we need a distinct venue in which philosophers can explore these issues. Journal of the Philosophy of History provides such a venue.
Now in its third decade of publication, the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (KIEJ) is an interdisciplinary quarterly journal of the Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. It publishes philosophically rigorous and empirically informed articles in all areas of bioethics (broadly construed) and on related issues in practical ethics. The KIEJ has recently focused on publishing papers that explore ethical and social issues in science practice, as well as philosophical approaches to health, environmental, and science policy, especially those which situate philosophical and ethical issues in a global context.
First published in 1890, l'Anthropologie remains one of the most important journals devoted to prehistoric sciences and paleoanthropology. It regularly publishes thematic issues, originalsarticles and book reviews.
The Mathematical Intelligencer publishes articles about mathematics, about mathematicians, and about the history and culture of mathematics. Written in an engaging, informal style,* our pages inform and entertain a broad audience of mathematicians and the wider intellectual community. We welcome expository articles on all kinds of mathematics, and articles that portray the diversity of mathematical communities and mathematical thought, emergent mathematical communities around the world, new interdisciplinary trends, and relations between mathematics and other areas of culture. Humor is welcome, as are puzzles, poetry, fiction, and art. *Note: The traditional Definition/Theorem/Proof style of research articles is not appropriate here, nor are articles aimed only at specialists.
Metascience is a review journal which publishes high quality, comprehensive reviews of books in the fields of history and philosophy of science and science and technology studies.Metascience specialises in innovative styles of reviewing, including book symposia, essay reviews, survey reviews and standard reviews. It is the aim of Metascience to have the widest possible coverage. Thus, books which are not reviewed are presented in short descriptive notices.Metascience is non-specialist in that reviews are accessible to a wide cross-section of the science studies community.
Rationale Nanoscale technologies are currently surrounded by both hype and fear. Optimists suggest that these technologies are desperately needed to solve problems of terrorism, global warming, the shortage of clean water, land degradation and health. Pessimists fear the loss of privacy and loss of autonomy, 'grey goo' and weapons of mass destruction, and serious environmental and health risks. There is also concern about the fair distribution of the costs and benefits of the technology. The field needs a forum for informed discussion of ethical and social issues related to nanotechnology to counterbalance popular discussions and fragmented representation of opinions and findings. NanoEthics: Ethics for Technologies that Converge at the Nanoscale provides this forum. Nature of the journal This journal will be a multidisciplinary forum for exploration of issues presented by converging technology applications. While the central focus of the journal will be on the ethical issues, it is recognized that these discussions must be informed by, at least, the physical, biological and social sciences and the law. Focus NanoEthics: Ethics for Technologies that Converge at the Nanoscale will focus on the philosophically and scientifically rigorous examination of the ethical and societal considerations and the public and policy concerns inherent in nanotechnology research and development. These issues include both individual and societal problems, and include individual health, wellbeing and human enhancement, human integrity and autonomy, distribution of the costs and benefits, threats to culture and tradition and to political and economic stability. Additionally there are meta-issues including the neutrality or otherwise of technology, designing technology in a value-sensitive way, and the control of scientific research. Re, adership and Editorial Board This journal will be of interest to researchers, scholars and students in the various disciplines related to nanotechnology, and to scientific and technological policymakers. The composition of the editorial board reflects the multidisciplinary approach of the journal.
New Ideas in Psychology is a journal for theoretical psychology in its broadest sense. We are looking for new and seminal ideas, from within Psychology and from other fields that have something to bring to Psychology. We welcome presentations and criticisms of theory, of background metaphysics, and of fundamental issues of method, both empirical and conceptual. We put special emphasis on the need for informed discussion of psychological theories to be interdisciplinary. Empirical papers are accepted at New Ideas in Psychology, but only as long as they focus on conceptual issues and are theoretically creative. We are also open to comments or debate, interviews, and book reviews.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Notes and Records is an international journal which publishes original research in the history of science, technology and medicine up to and including the 21st century.In addition to publishing peer-reviewed research articles, Notes and Records welcomes recollections or autobiographical accounts written by Fellows and others recording important moments in science from the recent past. It also includes book reviews and news of research projects and online and other resources of interest to historians.
Oltre ad articoli di specialisti italiani e stranieri sull'intero arco tematico e cronologico della storia delle scienze e della tecnica, con i diversi approcci metodologici che la caratterizzano, «Nuncius» presta particolare attenzione alla documentazione primaria, bibliografica ed archivistica, offrendo così uno strumento indispensabile per l'approfondimento critico di un campo largamente interdisciplinare e in continua evoluzione.«Nuncius» provides an efficient mean of international communication and information for the historians of science. As well as articles on all aspects of the discipline, with the various methodological approaches which characterize it, «Nuncius» offers detailed bibliographical and archival documentation. It will thus constitute an indispensable instrument for the critical assessment of a constantly evolving discipline.