Endocrinology, the Society's oldest journal, has defined the science of endocrinology for most of the twentieth century. One of the most authoritative biomedical research journals in the world, it publishes 6,000 pages annually of the highest quality original work ranging from subcellular mechanisms to whole animal physiology. Topics include bone and mineral; growth factors; reproductive/steroids; neuroendocrinology/signal transduction; thyroid; and physiology. The low manuscript acceptance rate of 30% reflects the degree to which it is committed to the highest scientific standard. In the 2009 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report, Endocrinology received a 5-Year Impact Factor of 5.103. Published monthly.
Endocrinology Insights is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal with a dedicated focus on advancing the understanding of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. It is the official journal of the Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (SPEDM). Tailored for Endocrinology professionals engaged in clinical practice or research, the journal publishes high-quality original basic, translational, and clinical research, reviews, meta-analyses, case reports presenting a novel insight, and commentaries. The journal particularly welcomes guidelines, consensus and position statements that impact clinical practice.
Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America updates you on the latest trends in patient management, keeps you abreast of the newest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Published quarterly—in March, June, September, and December—each issue features expert, state-of-the-art reviews on a single topic, including obesity, diabetes, thyroid disease, bone disorders, reproduction, hypertension, and much more.
Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Española, es la mejor revista para mantenerse al día sobre fisiopatología endocrina, tanto en el ámbito clínico como experimental. Presenta los mejores artículos originales de grandes centros de investigación así como prestigiosas revisiones.
"Endokrynologia Polska" to czasopismo Polskiego Towarzystwa Endokrynologicznego, ukazujace sie od 1949 roku. Dwumiesiecznik ten oglasza recenzowane prace w jezyku angielskim, dotyczace wszystkich dzialów endokrynologii, zarówno klinicznej jak i doswiadczalnej. Publikowane sa nastepujace rodzaje prac: prace oryginalne, pogladowe, opisy przypadków, szkolenie podyplomowe, listy do redakcji (forum czytelników) oraz informacje o zjazdach i konferencjach naukowych.
Energy & Environmental Science is an international journal dedicated to publishing exceptionally important and high quality, agenda-setting research tackling the key global and societal challenges of ensuring the provision of energy and protecting our environment for the future. The scope is intentionally broad and the journal recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. For work to be published it must be linked to the energy-environment nexus and be of significant general interest to our community-spanning readership. All scales of studies and analysis, from impactful fundamental advances, to interdisciplinary research across the (bio)chemical, (bio/geo)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines are welcomed.
Engineering in Life Sciences covers all technological aspects of Industrial, Environmental, Plant and Food Biotechnology, especially those related to the new, emerging fields of interest: White Biotechnology and Bioenergy.The journal reflects the modern and fast moving nature of engineering in life sciences and serves as a worldwide forum for the exchange of scientific information in this field, its interdisciplinary character supporting the transfer of scientific results of industrial biotechnology, as well as of environmental studies into technological processes. Concentrating on technology rather than on fundamental biological phenomena, it provides particularly useful insights into engineering applications.Rapid recent advances in genetic and metabolic engineering, systems biology, cell culture, tissue engineering and other biomedical applications have generated virtually unlimited potential for altering the capabilities of living systems expanding the scope of biotechnology, generating new applications for biological products and providing unprecedented ability to control life processes. A primary component of the mission of Engineering in Life Sciences is to facilitate the realization of this immense potential.All papers on microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, and applied environmental studies are technologically relevant, and there is a strong focus on bioprocess and biochemical engineering. Thus, the journal helps to drive advances in the covered fields, in terms of both research & development and the implementation of basic knowledge.
Environmental Research publishes original reports describing studies of the adverse effects of environmental agents on humans and animals. The principal aim of the journal is to assess the impact of chemicals and microbiological pollutants on human health. Both in vivo and in vitro studies, focused on defining the etiology of environmentally induced illness and to increase understanding of the mechanisms by which environmental agents cause disease, are especially welcome. Investigations on the effects of global warming/climate change on the environment and public health, as well as those focused on the effects of anthropogenic activities on climate change are also of particular interest.Although Environmental Research is opened to all subjects directly related with this field, areas of special interest include:• Air, soil, and water pollutants and health• Biomonitoring and adverse human health effects• Environmental and occupational medicine• Environmental epidemiology• Environmental microbiology• Environmental toxicology• Environmental transport and fate of pollutants• Global warming/climate change• Nanomaterials in the environment and nanotoxicology• Risk analysis, risk assessment and risk management, and public health• Waste treatment and disposal• Water and wastewater management, and sewage
Enzyme and Microbial Technology is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing original research and reviews, of biotechnological significance and novelty, on basic and applied aspects of the science and technology of processes involving the use of enzymes, micro-organisms, animal cells and plant cells.We especially encourage submissions on:Biocatalysis and the use of Directed Evolution in Synthetic Biology and BiotechnologyBiotechnological Production of New Bioactive Molecules, Biomaterials, Biopharmaceuticals, and BiofuelsNew Imaging Techniques and Biosensors, especially as applicable to Healthcare and Systems BiologyNew Biotechnological Approaches in Genomics, Proteomics and MetabolomicsMetabolic Engineering, Biomolecular Engineering and NanobiotechnologyManuscripts which report isolation, purification, immobilization or utilization of organisms or enzymes which are already well-described in the literature are not suitable for publication in EMT, unless their primary purpose is to report significant new findings or approaches which are of broad biotechnological importance. Similarly, manuscripts which report optimization studies on well-established processes are inappropriate. EMT does not accept papers dealing with mathematical modeling unless they report significant, new experimental data.
Epigenetics is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles covering the latest findings about epigenetic mechanisms and their role in diverse biological processes.Our goal is to establish Epigenetics as the lead journal in the field by providing a forum where epigenetic approaches to a variety of medical and biological issues can be discussed and the common basic principles of epigenetics spanning different systems can be revealed and shared.The field of epigenetics studies the changes in gene expression that are caused by mechanisms other than the modification of the DNA sequence. Epigenetics covers many different levels of biological control and relates to diverse biological systems, diseases and disciplines. Although in recent years cancer has been the main focus of epigenetic studies, recent data suggests that epigenetics also plays critical roles in psychology and psychopathology. It is being realized that normal behaviors, such as maternal care, and pathologies, such as Schizophrenia and Alzheimer disease, might have an epigenetic basis. It is also becoming clear that nutrition and life experiences have consequences that are mediated by epigenetic mechanisms. The increasing awareness of the potential role of epigenetic deregulation in disease has spawned the development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches using epigenetics. Although the questions asked are diverse, the unifying hypothesis is that epigenetics is involved. The journal provides a platform for developing unifying methodologies, hypotheses, experimental approaches and diagnostic agents and serves as a meeting place for researchers working in different systems such as general biology, plant biology, cancer biology, cancer therapeutics, epigenetic pharmacology, neurobiology and psychiatry, who are unraveling the epigenetic facets of their specific fields of interest.
Epigenetics & Chromatin welcomes all high-quality articles that provide novel insights into epigenetic inheritance and chromatin-based interactions. Topics include, but are not limited to, gene silencing and imprinting, cellular reprogramming, nucleosome modification assembly and remodeling, DNA methylation, chromatin structure and dynamics, chromosomal maintenance elements, dosage compensation, interchromosomal interactions and prion inheritance.
Epigenomics promises to elucidate the inner workings of the genome. The power of this new discipline lies in its promise to provide us with novel insights into the inner workings of our genomes through its potential to detect quantitative changes, multiple modifications and the regulatory sequences outside that of our gene sequences. The advent of numerous epigenomics strategies has emerged to detect large numbers of DNA methylation variations and chromatin modifications – two mechanisms that are at the core of epigenomic research. Epigenomics provides the forum to address the rapidly progressing research developments in this ever-expanding field; to report on the major challenges ahead and critical advances that are propelling the science forward. The journal delivers this information in concise, at-a-glance article formats – invaluable to a time-constrained community.
Essays in Biochemistry publishes short, digestible reviews from experts highlighting recent key topics in biochemistry and the molecular biosciences. Written to be accessible for those not yet immersed in the subject, each article is an up-to-date, self-contained summary of the topic.
Bridging the gap between the latest research and established textbooks, Essays in Biochemistry will tell you what you need to know to begin exploring the field, as each article includes the top take-home messages as summary points.
EuPA Open Proteomics is published by Elsevier on behalf of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA) and is aimed at both European and international protein scientists.Expanding and complementing the society affiliate Journal of Proteomics, EuPA Open Proteomics will publish on all aspects of proteomics and cover the complete spectrum from basic to translational proteomics. Particularly welcome are reports on novel methodological and technical developments, including bioinformatics and data processing, mass spectrometry imaging, pathway analysis, peptidomics, lipidomics and glycomics. It will also accept direct submissions from authors wishing to report on large data sets (submitted to raw data repositories) and descriptive studies. Manuscripts are welcome from plant, animal, microbial and human studies. All manuscripts are strictly peer reviewed and conform the highest ethical standards. EuPA Open Proteomics also publishes official EuPA reports and notes.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Euphytica is an international journal covering the theoretical and applied aspects of plant breeding, and publishing critical reviews and papers on original research.The journal reports on the growing field of research associated with the integration of modern and traditional plant breeding using transgenic crop plants and/or marker assisted breeding in combination with traditional breeding tools. The content addresses the interests of researchers involved in plant breeding at universities, breeding institutes, seed industries, plant biotech companies and industries using plant raw materials, and promoting stability, adaptability and sustainability in agriculture and agro-industries. The Editor-in-Chief of Euphytica is R.G.F. Visser, Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
The European Biophysics Journal publishes papers in the field of biophysics, defining biophysics as the study of biological phenomena using physical methods and concepts. The journal presents original papers, reviews and letters. The primary goal of this journal is to advance the understanding of biological structure and function by application of the principles of physical science, and by presenting the work in a biophysical context. Principal areas of interest include: structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules; membrane biophysics and ion channels; cell biophysics and organisation; macromolecular assemblies; biophysical methods and instrumentation; advanced microscopics; and system dynamics. The journal is published on behalf of the European Biophysical Societies Association.