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Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica

ISSN: 1000-3851

Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures

ISSN: 1536-383XeISSN: 1536-4046

A new international and interdisciplinary forum, Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures, aims at publishing peer-reviewed research of original work in all areas of fullerene research. Publishing high quality papers from all fields of scientific inquiry related to fullerenes, the journal intends to provide a means of communication between researchers who are interested in fundamental and applied fullerene science issues. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Future Medicinal Chemistry

ISSN: 1756-8919eISSN: 1756-8927

Medicinal chemistry has evolved rapidly into a highly interdisciplinary field, enriched by the collaborative efforts of experts from a wide spectrum of specialist areas, from chemoinformaticians and physical chemists to molecular biologists and pharmacologists. Future Medicinal Chemistry provides a monthly point of access to commentary and debate for this ever-expanding and diversifying community. The journal showcases milestones in pharmaceutical R&D and features expert analysis of emerging research, from the identification of targets, through to the discovery, design, synthesis and evaluation of bioactive agents.

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ISSN: 0367-4444eISSN: 2232-7266

Gold Bulletin

ISSN: 2364-821XeISSN: 2190-7579
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Grasas y Aceites

ISSN: 0017-3495eISSN: 1988-4214

Grasas y Aceites es una publicación dedicada a la información científica y técnica sobre grasas comestibles y sus derivados. Publica trabajos de investigación originales, artículos de información, notas de laboratorio, trabajos de revisión así como bibliografía sobre revistas, patentes o libros.La temática de Grasas y Aceites se refiere fundamentalmente a frutos y semillas oleaginosas, materias grasas, productos afines o derivados y aceitunas de mesa. Igualmente, incluye trabajos relacionados con subproductos de todas las materias anteriores y el tratamiento de las aguas residuales de las industrias correspondientes.

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Green Chemistry

eISSN: 1463-9270

Green Chemistry provides a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Based on the, but not limited to, the twelve principles of green chemistry defined by Anastas and Warner (Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, P T Anastas and J C Warner, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998). Green chemistry is, by definition, a continuously-evolving frontier. Therefore, the inclusion of a particular material or technology does not, of itself, guarantee that a paper is suitable for the journal. To be suitable, the novel advance should have the potential for reduced environmental impact relative to the state of the art. Green Chemistry does not normally deal with research associated with 'end-of-pipe' or remediation issues.

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Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews

ISSN: 1751-8253eISSN: 1751-7192

Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews is a peer reviewed journal that focuses on rapid publication of innovative new syntheses and procedures that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous materials. In addition, reviews of state of the art green chemistry technologies will be included.The journal includes the application of the 12 principles of green chemistry in: Synthetic Reaction Pathways Research and Process Analytical Techniques Separation and Purification Technologies Renewable Feedstocks Degradable Products DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis

ISSN: 1000-0593
Publisher: Science Press

Hanneng Cailiao/Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials

ISSN: 1006-9941

He huaxue yu fangshe huaxue

ISSN: 0253-9950eISSN: 0253-9950

Helvetica Chimica Acta

ISSN: 0018-019XeISSN: 1522-2675

Aims and Scope Download Flyer Founded by the Swiss Chemical Society in 1917.Helvetica Chimica Actais a monthly multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge in all areas of chemistry and to the timely publication of original full-paper contributions from all over the world. With emphasis on the multidisciplinary nature of the journal. progress in subdisciplines including but not limited to organic. inorganic. physical. technical. and analytical chemistry is reported. Outstanding professionals referee all contributions. and papers are published. on average. within 3 months of receipt. The journal publishes more than 250 papers per year. and each monthly issue contains an average of more than 200 pages. There is no restriction on the length of the papers or the scope of the chemistry presented. Preliminary communications and review papers are considered as well. If you would like to receive an e-mail as soon as a new issue has been published. simply click on “Get New Content Alerts” above. Registration is easy. fast and free. Volume 94. 12 Issues in 2011. How to cite:To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science). please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Helv. Chim.

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Hemijska Industrija

ISSN: 0367-598XeISSN: 2217-7426

Chemical Industry is publishing papers in the field of chemical engineering, chemical technologies and chemistry by authors from the country and abroad. The journal is published bimonthly by the Association of Chemical Engineers (a member of EFCE - European Federation of Chemical Engineering). In addition to professional articles of importance to industry, scientific research papers are published, not only from our country but from all over the world. It also contains topics such as business news, science and technology news, information on new apparatus and equipment, and articles on environmental protection. A special issue of the Journal of Plastic and Rubber is also published.

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Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences

ISSN: 1812-3368

Heritage Science

eISSN: 2050-7445

materials, history, artifacts, biofatcs

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Heteroatom Chemistry

ISSN: 1042-7163eISSN: 1098-1071

Heteroatom Chemistry is designed to bring together a broad, interdisciplinary group of chemists who work with compounds containing main-group elements of groups 13 through 17 of the Periodic Table and certain other related elements. The fundamental reactivity should, in all cases, be concentrated about the heteroatoms. It does not matter whether the compounds being studied are acyclic or cyclic; saturated or unsaturated; of a monomeric, polymeric or solid state nature; inorganic, organic or naturally occurring, so long as the heteroatom is playing an essential role. Also, both experimental articles and those based on computational chemistry are welcomed. In general, Heteratom Chemistry will not accept manuscripts based on classical heterocyclic chemistry (for which several special journals are available). It welcomes, however, interesting articles on heterocyclic systems beyond the scope of classical organic chemistry.

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Heterocyclic Communications

ISSN: 0793-0283eISSN: 2191-0197

The work of publishing houses like Freund Publishing house ltd, an Israel publishing house, is quite complicated. The editor chooses from the "manuscripts" submitted to the publishing house, previously published works, works published in other languages, or command works, works that fit the editorial line of its collections. After any corrections, it shall communicate the text to a printer in suitable technical characteristics of the book and the number of copies to print.

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High Energy Chemistry

ISSN: 0018-1439eISSN: 1608-3148

Founded in 1967, High Energy Chemistry (Khimiya Vysokikh Energii) publishes original papers on radiation chemistry, photochemistry, plasma chemistry, laser chemistry, and other aspects of high energy chemistry. It is the only scientific journal of its kind. It publishes theoretical papers and reports on experimental studies in all areas of high energy chemistry, such as the interaction of high-energy particles with matter, the nature and reactivity of short-lived species induced by the action of particle and electromagnetic radiation or hot atoms on substances in their gaseous and condensed states, and chemical processes initiated in organic and inorganic systems by high-energy radiation.

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High Performance Polymers

ISSN: 0954-0083eISSN: 1361-6412

"I consider High Performance Polymers to be a valued publication: one that I consult regularly to keep me abreast of research developments in the chemistry and technology of performance polymers and composites." Ian Hamerton, University of Surrey, UKThe Journal of High Performance Polymers is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research in high performance polymer science and technology.With a principal focus on molecular structure/processability/property relationships of high performance polymers such as liquid crystalline polymers, aromatic polymers, aramids, hetercyclic polymers, epoxy resin, fluoropolymers, siloxanes, functionalized polymers and inorganic polymers.Electronic access:High Performance Polymers is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at

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High Temperature Corrosion of Materials

ISSN: 2731-8397eISSN: 2731-8400

Oxidation of Metals is the premier source for the rapid dissemination of current research on all aspects of the science of gas-solid reactions at temperatures greater than about 400ËšC, with primary focus on the high-temperature corrosion of bulk and coated systems. This authoritative bi-monthly publishes original scientific papers on kinetics, mechanisms, studies of scales from structural and morphological viewpoints, transport properties in scales, phase-boundary reactions, and much more. Articles may discuss both theoretical and experimental work related to gas-solid reactions at the surface or near-surface of a material exposed to elevated temperatures, including reactions with oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, carbon and halogens. In addition, Oxidation of Metals publishes the results of frontier research concerned with deposit-induced attack. Review papers and short technical notes are encouraged.

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